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An Innovation System in the Rangelands: Using Collective Action to Diversify Livelihoods Among Settled Pastoralists in Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, S. Tezera, and Getachew Gebru; Innovation Africa: Enriching Farmer’s Livelihoods
Can Pastoral Linkages to Livestock Markets Be Sustained in Southern Ethiopia?, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, Seyoum Tezera, and Zewdu Edea; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Intensifying Beef Production on Utah Private Land: Productivity, Profitability, and Risk, D. Layne Coppock, D. Snyder, L. Sainsbury, M. Amin, and T. McNiven; Rangeland Ecology and Management
Costs of Implementing Collective Action and Capacity Building Among Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, Seyoum Tezera, and Solomon Desta; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Climate Change as Environmental Mega-Crisis: Domesticated Problems, Patchwork Solutions, Inadequate Incentives, Joanna Endter-Wada and Helen Ingram; Magazine National Safety & Security and Crisis Management
Hydrologic Interdependencies and Human Cooperation: The Process of Adapting to Droughts, Joanna Endter-Wada, Theresa Selfa, and Lisa Welsh
Paradoxes in Adapting to Droughts: The Rationality of Locality (Part 2), Joanna Endter-Wada, Lisa Welsh, Rebekah Downward, and Karin M. Kettenring; Case Study Video selected for presentation at the Ecological Society of America's (ESA) First Emerging Issues on Ecology Conference, "Water Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice"
Paradoxes in Adapting to Droughts: The Rationality of Locality (Part I), Joanna Endter-Wada, Lisa Welsh, Rebekah Downward, and Karin M. Kettenring; Case Study Video selected for presentation at the Ecological Society of America's (ESA) First Emerging Issues on Ecology Conference, "Water Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice"
E-Value-mmercials: Sharing Student-Created Broadcasts of Evaluation Best Practices, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; The 55th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Stillwater, OK
Measuring "Good" Teaching: Student Developed Teaching Evaluation Rubrics, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; The 55th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Stillwater, OK
Partnering With Teachers to Evaluate Environmental Education Programs, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; The 38th Annual North American Association for Environmental Education Research Symposium, Portland, OR
Questionnaire Development and Photography: So Many Similarities!, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; The 2009 National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention, Nashville, Tennessee
Sustaining Pastoral Linkages to Markets: Updating a Case Study from Southern Ethiopia, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, S. Tezra, and Z. Edea; Sustaining pastoral linkages to markets: Updating a case study from southern Ethiopia.
The Western United States Rangelands: A Major Resource, K. Havstad, D. Peters, B. Allen-Diaz, J. Bartolome, B. Bestelmeyer, D. Briske, J. Brown, Mark W. Brunson, J. Herrick, and L. Huntsinger; Grassland: quietness and strength for a new American agriculture
Soil and Water Conservation in Kenya's River Njoro Watershed: Occurrence and Constraints of Adoption, S. Huckett and D. Layne Coppock; Soil and water conservation in Kenya’s River Njoro watershed: Occurrence and constraints of adoption.
Frames and Ways of Knowing: Key Considerations for Policy Responses to Climate Risk and Vulnerability, Helen Ingram and Joanna Endter-Wada; Proceedings of the Seventh International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Pastoral Livestock Facilitate Dispersal of Prosopis Juliflora in a Ethiopian Wildlife Reserve, A. Kebede and D. Layne Coppock; Pastoral livestock facilitate dispersal of Prosopis juliflora in an Ethiopian wildlife reserve.
Coastal Ecosystem Services Amongst Trophic Cascades, Sarah Klain; International Marine Conservation Congress
Ecosystem Services and Marine Planning in Gwaii Haanas, Haida Gwaii, Sarah Klain; Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference
Opportunities for Studying Cultural Ecosystem Services in Coastal British Columbia, Sarah Klain; NCEAS working group “Cultural ecosystem services from marine and coastal systems"
Ecologically Sustainable Use, Marine Fisheries and Marine Protected Areas, Sarah Klain and Kai M. A. Chan; Parks Canada
Ecological Economics and Water Resources Geography, Christopher L. Lant; Ecological Economics and Water Resources Geography
IGERT: Team-based interdisciplinary training in watershed science and policy, Christopher L. Lant
Natural Resource Sustainability from the Geographical Side of Ecological Economics, Christopher L. Lant; Tulsa Law Review
Annual Reports and Final Report to NSF on: Virtual Watershed: Agricultural Landscape Evolution in an Adaptive Management Framework, Christopher L. Lant, J. Beaulieu, S. E. Kraft, G. Malanson, J. Nicklow, and R. Sengupta
Indicators and Standards of Quality for Sustainable Recreation/Tourism: Research to Support Management of the Northern Forest, R. E. Manning and Christopher Monz; Project Completion Report to the Northeast States Research Cooperative
Assessing cumulative impacts within stateenvironmental review frameworks, Zhao Ma, D. R. Becker, and M. A. Kilgore; Environmental Impact Assessment Review
Characterizing the landscape of state environmentalreview policies: a national assessment, Zhao Ma, D. R. Becker, and M. A. Kilgore; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Biophysical vs. social availability of woody biomass: how much is really available on family forestlands in the northern U.S.?, Zhao Ma and B. J. Butler; Biophysical vs. social availability of woody biomass: how much is really available on family forestlands in the northern U.S.?
What affects family forest owner decision making, Zhao Ma, D. B. Kittredge, B. J. Butler, and P. Catanzaro; What affects family forest owner decision making
Climbers' Attitudes Toward Recreation Resource Impacts in the Adirondack Park's Giant Mountain Wilderness, Christopher Monz; International Journal of Wilderness
Nature / Environment: Natures, Gendered, Claudia Radel; International Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Migration and Gender: The Case of a Farming Ejido in Calakmul, Mexico, Claudia Radel and Birgit Schmook; The Yearbook of the Associatio of Pacific Coast Geographers
Don’t Miss the Invasions! A Note on Forest Health Monitoring in the Taita Hills, Kenya, Paul C. Rogers; Journal of East African Natural History
Aspen Succession and Nitrogen Loading: A Case for Epiphytic Lichens as Bioindicators in the Rocky Mountains, USA, Paul C. Rogers, Kori D. Moore, and Ronald J. Ryel; Journal of Vegetation Science
Best Research Practices: How to Gain Reliable Knowledge, Charles Romesburg
Best Research Practices: How to Gain Reliable Knowledge, H. Charles Romesburg; Best Research Practices: How to gain reliable knowledge
Disease, other risks not easily dismissed, Robert H. Schmidt; Honolulu Advertiser
Los Maridos en el 'Norte'; las Mujeres ¿Bien Gracias?, B. Schmook and Claudia Radel; Ecofronteras
Biophysical Economics: Collapse and Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Second Annual Biophysical Economics Conference, State University of New York, Syracuse, School of Environmental Science and Forestry
Energy Transitions and Financial Crises, Past and Future, Joseph A. Tainter; Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden
Human Resource Use: Timing and Implications for Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; "Human Macroecology: Understanding human-Environment Interactions Across Scales," at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecologival Society of America, Albuquerque
Kolapsy Složitých Spoleèností, Joseph A. Tainter; Nakladatel Dokoran, Prague
Sustainability: Values, Resources, and Problem Solving, Joseph A. Tainter; Institute for the History and Philosophy of Scence, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
The Logic of Collapse: Do Ethics Cause Catastrophes?, Joseph A. Tainter; "The Ethics of Catastrophe," Centre for Ethics, University of Toronto
Energy Gain and Organization, Joseph A. Tainter and T. F. H. Allen; "Archaeology Beyond Archaeology" at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaelology, Atlanta
Women's Health, Collective Action, and Risk Management in Southern Ethiopia, S. Tezera, Solomon Desta, and D. Layne Coppock; Women’s health, collective action, and risk management in southern Ethiopia
Forestry Camp at the Crossroads: Future Scenarios for Environmental Learning at an Historic University Site, D. Transtrum, G. Nelson, S. McArthur, D. Trauntvein, E. Andrus, A. Chadwick, D. Frazier, S. Hunt, K. Mitchell, C. Wirick, and Paul C. Rogers
Examination of Willingness to Pay for Improved Milk Quality in Northern Kenya Using Experimental Auctions, F. Wayua, M. Shibia, M. Mamo, DeeVon Bailey, and D. Layne Coppock; Examination of willingness to pay for improved milk quality in northern Kenya using experimental auctions
Willingness to Pay for Improved Milk Sensory Characteristics and Assurances in Northern Kenya Using Experimental Auctions, F. Wayua, M. Shibia, M. Mamo, DeeVon Bailey, and D. Layne Coppock; International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
Modeling watershed-scale sequestration of soil organic carbon for carbon credit programs, Vineet Yadav, George P. Malanson, Elias Bekele, and Christopher L. Lant; Applied Geography
Integrating the Intensive and Extensive Rangeland Management Systems: the Ideal Choice for the Marsabit Pastoralists, Kenya, A. A. Aboud, I. Tura, M. Mutinda, E. Lentoror, and D. Layne Coppock; Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, volume II
Growing Food, Not Houses: Thoughts About Conservation Easements, Roslynn Brain; Florida Agriculture: The Voice of Agriculture in Florida
Quick Tips for Reducing Your Nerves Before Presenting or Teaching, Roslynn Brain; The University of Florida's Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation: Gainesville, FL
Agricultural and Natural Resources Extension Outreach Efforts in a Changing World, Roslynn Brain and T. Irani; The 6th Annual Association of Natural Resources Extension Program Conference, Madison, WI
A Day in the Life of an Extension Agent: Revealing the "Best Kept Secret", Roslynn Brain and C. Sanders; The 24th Annual Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Conference, EARTH University, Costa Rica
Gauging the Acceptability of Fuels Management: A Matter of Trust, Mark W. Brunson; Western Rural Development Center Rural Connections
Ranching as a Conservation Strategy: Can Old Ranchers Save the New West?, Mark W. Brunson and L. Huntsinger; Rangeland Ecology and Management
Collective Action and Capacity Building Reduces Vulnerability Among Pastoralists, D. Layne Coppock, Solomon Desta, Getachew Gebru, and S. Tezerra; Collective action and capacity building reduces vulnerability among pastoralists.
Are Cattle Die-Offs Predictable on the Borana Plateau, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, Sintayehu Mesele, and Seyoum Tezerra; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Are Drought-Related Crashes in Pastoral Cattle Herds Predictable? More Evidence of Equilibrium Dynamics from Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, S. Mesele, and Solomon Desta; Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, volume II
Are Drought-Related Crashes in Pastoral Cattle Herds Predictable on the Borana Plateau?, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, S. Mesele, S. Tezera, and Solomon Desta; Research Brief 08-02-PARIMA. Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Preliminary Perspectives on the Health Needs of Pastoral Women on the Borana Plateau Using Participatory Approaches, D. Layne Coppock, Seyoum Tezera, and Solomon Desta; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Successful Implementation of Collective Action and Human-Capacity Building Among Pastoralists in Southern Ethiopia: Lessons Learned, 2001-2008, D. Layne Coppock, Seyoum Tezera, Solomon Desta, and Getachew Gebru; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
What are Consumers in Moyale, Kenya Willing to Pay for Improved Milk Quality?, D. Layne Coppock, Francis O. Wayua, Mohamed G. Shibia, and Moses S. Mamo; Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program
Sustaining Pastoral Linkages to High-Value Livestock Markets Through Collective Action and Public/Private Partnerships, Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, Getachew Gebru, S. Tezera, and L. Gizachew; Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, volume II
Assessing the US watershed management movement: national trends and an illinois case study, Leslie A. Duram, Timothy Loftus, Jane Adams, Christopher L. Lant, and S. Kraft; Water International
Situational Waste in Landscape Watering: Residential and Business Water Use in an Urban Utah Community, Joanna Endter-Wada, Judith Kurtzman, Sean P. Keenan, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher M. U. Neale; Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Defining the Best Teaching in Nonformal Settings: A Phenomenological Study, N. E. Fuhrman and Roslynn Brain; The 54th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Logan, UT
Engaging Stakeholders to Implement Community-Based Rangeland Rehabilitation Plans in Southern and Northern Ethiopia, Getachew Gebru, D. Amosha, Solomon Desta, L. Gizachew, A. Kebede, and D. Layne Coppock; Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, volume II
Linking Pastoral Producers to Markets: Innovative Experiences from the Southern Ethiopian Rangelands, Getachew Gebru, Solomon Desta, and D. Layne Coppock; Linking pastoral producers to markets: Innovative experiences from the southern Ethiopian rangelands.
Theory and Practice Related to Native Plants: A Case Study of Utah Landscape Professionals, Virginia H. Hooper, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Craig W. Johnson; Landscape Journal
Retaining the Best: Exploring the Influence of Communication Apprehension, E. K. Kaufman, E. B. Rhoades, Roslynn Brain, and D. W. Jones; The 54th Annual North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Logan, UT
Joshua Eberdong, A Resource User Working to Protect Reptiles in Palau, Sarah Klain; Rare Pride Leadership Development Program, Working with Resource Users
Hydrology, Christopher L. Lant; Encyclopedia of Rural America
Panel on Climate Change, Water Resources and Regional Impacts, Christopher L. Lant
Socially relevant research in Geography at SIU: Virtual Watershed, Christopher L. Lant, J. B. Ruhl, and S. E. Kraft
The Tragedy of Ecosystem Services, Christopher L. Lant, J. B. Ruhl, and Steven E. Kraft; BioScience
Bureau of Land Management - Las Vegas Field Office, Upper Las Vegas Wash Conservation Transfer Area, James A. MacMahon, Richard E. Toth, T. C. Edwards, Richard Krannich, and Janis Boettinger; Bureau of Land Management
The integration of cumulative environmental impact assessments and stateenvironmental review frameworks, Zhao Ma; Ph.D. dissertation
Assessing cumulative environmental impacts within state environmental review frameworks, Zhao Ma, D. R. Becker, and M. A. Kilgore; Assessing cumulative environmental impacts within state environmental review frameworks
Bridging the gap between policy and practice: assessing cumulative environmental impacts under state environmental review frameworks, Zhao Ma, D. R. Becker, and M. A. Kilgore; Bridging the gap between policy and practice: assessing cumulative environmental impacts under state environmental review frameworks
Water resource requirements of corn-based ethanol, Stanley Mubako and Christopher L. Lant; Water Resources Research
Community Perceptions Concerning Key Ecological Resources at Risk in Baringo District, Kenya, M. Mutinda, A. A. Aboud, and D. Layne Coppock; Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, volume II
Influence of Land, Water, and Wet- and Dry- Season Grazing of the Socioeconomic Well-Being of Communities in North-Central Kenya: A Case Study of Pastoralists and Agro-Pastoralist in Marigat Division, N. Olekaikai, A. A. Aboud, D. Nassiuma, and D. Layne Coppock; Influence of land, water, and wet- and dry- season grazing on the socioeconomic well-being of communities in north-central Kenya: A case study of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in Marigat Division.
Male Transnational Migration and its Linkages to Land Use Change in a Southern Campeche Ejido, Claudia Radel and Birgit Schmook; Journal of Latin American Geography
Summary and Abstracts from Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) Meeting, Paul C. Rogers
Forest Health Monitoring in the Ngangao Forest, Taita Hills, Kenya: A Five Year Assessment of Change, Paul C. Rogers, B. O'Connell, J. Mwang'ombe, S. Madoffe, and G. Hertel; Journal of East African Natural History
Complexities of urban coyote management: reaching theunreachable, teaching the unteachable, and touching the untouchable, Robert H. Schmidt; Urban Coyote Management
Death of Honey Girl should trouble all of us, Robert H. Schmidt; Honolulu Advertiser
International Labor Migration from a Tropical Development Frontier: Globalizing Households and an Incipient Forest Transition--the Southern Yucatán Case, Birgit Schmook and Claudia Radel; Human Ecology
The Politics of Community-Based Conservation in Natural Resource Management: A Focus for International Comparative Analysis, Theresa Selfa and Joanna Endter-Wada; Environment and Planning A
An agent-based model of multifunctional agricultural landscape using genetic algorithms., Sethuram Soman, G. Misgna, S. E. Kraft, Christopher L. Lant, and J. Beaulieu; The American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting
Collapse, Sustainability, and the Environment: How Authors Choose to Fail or Succeed, Joseph A. Tainter; Reviews in Anthropology
Complexity, Collapse, and Sustainability in Ancient and Modern Societies, Joseph A. Tainter; Department of Physics, University of Torino
Energy Gain, Organization, and Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Sustainable Energy Symposium, University of Rochester
Energy: Thinking Long Term, Joseph A. Tainter; Baraboo Growth LLC, Milwaukee
Foreward, Joseph A. Tainter; The Jevons Paradox and the Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements
Review of "The Recurring Dark Ages: Ecological Stress, Climate Changes, and System Transformation", by Sing C. Chew, Joseph A. Tainter; American Anthropologist
Review of "Untaming the Frontier in Anthropology, Archaeology, and History, Joseph A. Tainter; Agricultural History