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Patterns of meteorological and agricultural drought in the Sri Lankan Dry Zone, Emily Burchfield; Gordon Research Conference on Science, Technology and Policy


Practicing Environmental Etiquette in Utah's Deserts, Jordan Burningham and Roslynn Brain; USU Extension Publication: Sustainability

Multiplexity in food sharing and cooperative networks: Implications for household vulnerability in the Alaskan North, Shauna B. BurnSilver, Jacopo A. Baggio, M. DeDomenico, A. Arenas, and G. Kofinas; 2014 Resilience Conference


Improving the Resilience of Mixed-Farm Systems to Pending Climate Change in Far Western Nepal: Baseline Survey Report, D. Layne Coppock


Adapting Small-Farm Systems to Climate Change: Preliminary Results from Participatory Community Assessments in Bajura District, Nepal, D. Layne Coppock, Mahesh Shrestha, Nirmala Pandey, Arjun Basnet, Divakar Duwal, Dale Davis, and Robert Gillies; Research Brief


Sustainable Pastoralism in Ethiopia: Preliminary Results from Participatory Community Assessments on the North-central Borana Plateau, D. Layne Coppock, Seyoum Tezera, Bedasa Eba, Jaldessa Doyo, Demisachew Tadele, Derege Teshome, Nizam Husein, and Meiso Guru; Research Brief


Sustainable Pastoralism on the Borana Plateau: An Innovation Systems Approach, D. Layne Coppock, Seyoum Tezera, Bedasa Eba, Jaldessa Doyo, Demisachew Tadele, Derege Teshome, Nizam Husein, and Meiso Guru


Adaptive Wetland Management in an Uncertain and Changing Arid Environment, Rebekah Downward, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Karin M. Kettenring; Ecology & Society


Clean Water Scarcity (1950s-present), Joanna Endter-Wada


Can Bush-Clearing, Deferred Grazing, or Camels Help Mitigate Climate-Change and Population Effects for Borana Pastoralists? An Economic Analysis of Potential Interventions, Brigham Forrest, DeeVon Bailey, Ruby Ward, and D. Layne Coppock; Research Brief

Recreation Impact Monitoring Analysis and Protocol Development, Glacier Bay National Park, K. C. Goonan, Christopher Monz, B. Bruno, and T. Lewis; Natural Resource Technical Report, National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado


A Protocol for Eliciting Nonmaterial Values Through a Cultural Ecosystem Services Frame, Rachelle K. Gould, Sarah Klain, Nicole M. Ardoin, Terre Satterfield, Ulalia Woodside, Neil Hannahs, Gretchen C. Daily, and Kai M. Chan; Conservation Biology


Hunter-Gatherer Inter-Band Interaction Rates: Implications for Cumulative Culture, Kim R. Hill, Brian M. Wood, Jacopo A. Baggio, A. Magdalena Hurtado, and Robert T. Boyd; PLoS ONE

Bird Killer, Industrial Intruder or Essential Clean Energy Contributor? Local Perceptions of Offshore Wind Farms, Sarah Klain; North America Congress for Conservation Biology

Tracing Cultural Ecosystem Services from Data Collection to Decision Making, Sarah Klain; Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference


Ecologically Sustainable but Unjust? Negotiating Equity and Authority in Common-Pool Marine Resource Management, Sarah Klain, Rachelle Beveridge, and Nathan J. Bennett; Ecology and Society


What Matters and Why? Ecosystem Services and Their Bundled Qualities, Sarah Klain, Terre A. Satterfield, and Kai M. A. Chan; Ecological Economics


Justice and Immigrant Latino Recreation Geography in Cache Valley, Utah, Jodie Madsen, Claudia Radel, and Joanna Endter-Wada; Journal of Leisure Research

Principles of Sustainable Transportation in the National Parks, R. E. Manning, S. Lawson, P. Newman, J. Halo, and Christopher Monz; The George Wright Forum

Sustainable Transportation in the National Parks: From Acadia to Zion, R. E. Manning, S. Lawson, P. Newman, J. Halo, and Christopher Monz

AWE Outdoor Water Savings Research Initiative, Peter Mayer, Lander Paul, and Diana T. Glenn; Research Report for the Alliance for Water Efficiency


Backyard Beekeeping, Rachelle Messner, James Strange, and Roslynn Brain

Moose-Wilson Road use levels, types, patterns and impacts in Grand Teton National Park, Christopher Monz, Ashley D'Antonio, and K. Heaslip


Studying the complexity of change: toward an analytical framework for understanding deliberate social-ecological transformations, Michele-Lee Moore, Ola Tjornbo, Elin Enfors, Corrie Knapp, Jennifer Hodbod, Jacopo A. Baggio, Albert Norström, Per Olsson, and Duan Biggs; Ecology and Society


Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating a No-Child-Left-Inside Pilot Program, Claudia Radel, Jamie C. Brand, and Roslynn Brain; Applied Environmental Education & Communication


Exercises for Bringing the Hypothetico-Deductive Method to Life, H. Charles Romesburg; The American Biology Teacher

A social-ecological approach to estuary restoration planning: integrating social networks into landscapes, J. Sayles and Jacopo A. Baggio; 2014 Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference


Perceived damage and areas of needed research for wildlife pests of California agriculture, Robert H. Schmidt, Roger A. Baldwin, Terrell P. Salmon, and Robert M. Timm; Zoology


Insights for Managers from Modeling Species Interactions across Multiple Scales in an Idealized Landscape, Michael Schoon, Jacopo A. Baggio, Kehinde R. Salau, and Marco Janssen; Environmental Modelling and Software


Can smallholders engage in tree plantations? An entitlements analysis from Vietnam, Thomas Sikor and Jacopo A. Baggio; World Development


A More Social Science: Barriers and Incentives for Scientists Engaging in Policy, Gerald G. Singh, Jordan Tam, Thomas D. Sisk, Sarah Klain, Megan E. Mach, Rebecca G. Martone, and Kai M. A. Chan; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Geographic Determinants of Rural Land Covers and the Agricultural Margin in the Central United States, Timothy J. Stoebner and Christopher L. Lant; Applied Geography


Collapse and Sustainability: Rome, the Maya, and the Modern World, Joseph A. Tainter; The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology Through IHOPE

Complexity and Collapse: What is the Role of Climate?, Joseph A. Tainter; "Past Climate Change and Societal Disruption," Urbino, Italy

Complexity, Collapse, Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Alpen-Adria University, Vienna University of Business and Economics

Depletion and Innovation: The Sustainability Balancing Act, Joseph A. Tainter; "Center for Research in Sustainability, Collapse-Preparedness, and Information Technology," Department of Informatics, University of California, Irvine

Energy Gain and Complexity: Using the Human and Ecological Past to Understand our Future, Joseph A. Tainter; 2014 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Anthropology, Austin, TX

May 7, Joseph A. Tainter; Global Chorus: 365 Voices on the Future of the Planet

Resource Trends: The Fundamental Question of Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter; Center for Environment and Development Studies, Uppsala University

What is Transformation?, Joseph A. Tainter; "Social Transformations to Sustainability," oraginzed by the International Social Science Council and the Potsdam Institute for Advanced Sustainability Science, Potsdam, Germany


Complexity, Problem-Solving, Sustainability and Resilience, Joseph A. Tainter and Temis G. Taylor; Builiding Research & Information


Agent Based Modelling of lab experimental data: Cooperation in asymmetric commons dilemma, Jacopo A. Baggio

Synchronization of Management Strategies, Jacopo A. Baggio; 2013 Computational Social Science Society of America Annual Conference


A Social–Ecological Approach to Conservation Planning: Embedding Social Considerations, Natalie C. Ban, Morena Mills, Jordan Tam, Christina C. Hicks, Sarah Klain, Natalie Stoeckl, Madeleine C. Bottrill, Jordan Levine, Robert L. Pressey, Terre Satterfield, and Kai M. A. Chan; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


The Evolution and empirical estimation of ecological-economic production possibility frontiers, Elias G. Bekele, Christopher L. Lant, Sethuram Soman, and Girmay Misgna; Ecological Economics


Extension sustainability: Research, outreach, and communication techniques to foster positive change, Roslynn Brain


Researching and Communicating Environmental Issues Among Farmers and Ranchers: Implications for Extension Outreach, Roslynn Brain, T. Irani, and M. Monroe; The Journal of Extension

Transitioning Conservative Students Into Environmental Leaders Through Service Learning: A Step-By-Step Guide For Educators, Roslynn Brain and K. Ladd; The 9th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Hiroshima, Japan


Biking as an Alternative Mode of Transportation, Roslynn Brain and Jared Stapp; USU Extension Publication


Undergraduate students as sustainability consultants: Applying service-learning to enhance career skills and foster community environmental sustainability, Roslynn Brain and B. Thomas; Sustainability: The Journal of Record


Permaculture, Roslynn Brain and Blake Thomas; USU Extension Publication: Sustainability

Resettlement and coloniality in the Mahaweli Ganga Watershed, Emily Burchfield; Annual Dimensions of Political Ecology Conference on Nature/Society


Extending a Geographic Lens Towards Climate Justice, Part 1: Climate Change Characterization and Impacts, Morey Burnham, Claudia Radel, Zhao Ma, and Ann Laudati; Geography Compass


Extending a Geographic Lens Towards Climate Justice, Part 2: Climate Action, Morey Burnham, Claudia Radel, Zhao Ma, and Ann Laudati; Geography Compass


Home Gardening: Quick Tips to Efficient Watering, Jordan Burningham and Roslynn Brain


Designing Your Home For Maximum Natural Lighting, P. Bytheway and Roslynn Brain; USU Extension Publication


Rangeland Carbon Sequestration, Seth Cook, Zhao Ma, and Roslynn Brain


Improving Resilience in Mixed Farming Systems to Pending Climate Change in Far Western Nepal, D. Layne Coppock


Enhancing the Utility of Visitor Impact Assessment in Parks and Protected Areas: A Combined Social—Ecological Approach, Ashley D'Antonio, Christopher Monz, P. Newman, S. Lawson, and D. Taff; Journal of Environmental Management


Literature Searches With Google Scholar: Knowing What You Are and Are Not Getting, Jerome V. DeGraff, Nicholas DeGraff, and H. Charles Romesburg; Groundwork


Keeping Wetlands Wet in the Western United States: Adaptations to Drought in Agriculture-Dominated Human-Natural Systems, Rebekah Downward and Joanna Endter-Wada; Journal of Environmental Management


Freestores: What, Why, and How, T. Durr and Roslynn Brain; USU Extension Publication

Clean Water Scarcity, Joanna Endter-Wada; The Guide to U.S. Environmental Policy


Water Needs and Wants, Joanna Endter-Wada; TEDxUSU


RESEARCH REPORT: Water User Dimensions of Meter Implementation on Secondary Pressurized Irrigation Systems, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana Glenn, Clayton Lewis, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher Neale

Water User Dimensions of Meter Implementation on Secondary Pressurized Irrigation Systems, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana T. Glenn, Clayton S. Lewis, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher M. U. Neale; Research Report for Weber Basin Water Conservancy District and the US Bureau of Reclamation

Promoting Urban Water Use Accountability and Conservation through Providing Site-Specific Information Feedback on Appropriateness and Change in Landscape Irrigation, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana T. Glenn, Clayton S. Lewis, Christopher M. U. Neale, and Roger Kjelgren; 19th International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, Estes Park, Colorado, USA, June 4-8


A century of water supply expansion for ten U.S. cities, Chowdhury Farhat, Christopher L. Lant, and Benedykt Dziegielewski; Applied Geography


The effects of geographical distribution on the reliability of wind energy, Samual M. Fisher, Justin T. Schoof, Christopher L. Lant, and Matthew D. Therrell; Applied Geography

The New Social and Behavioral MCAT Requirements: Inspired Innovation, Missed Opportunity, or Both?, Nat B. Frazer and Michael P. Twohig; Peer Review

Visitor Experience and Social Science Indicators of NPS-Alaska Coastal Resources NPS NRTR Report, Kelly A. Goonan, Christopher Monz, and L. Philips; Visitor Experience and Social Science Indicators of NPS-‐‐Alaska Coastal Resources NPS NRTR Report

Energy educational programming in biomass: Research, outreach, and collaboration, D. Hanks, D. McAvoy, and Roslynn Brain; Extension program presented at the National Energy Extension Summit


Meat-Wise Eating Habits, J. Haycock, K. Anderson, and Roslynn Brain; USU Extension Publication

Communicating climate and sustainability issues through extension programming, C. Jones, M. Apel, Roslynn Brain, K. Cooper, C. Elliott, R. Kalenak, S. Kantor, C. Kruger, and J. McDonnell; Supersession Special Seminar presented to the Galaxy IV Conference – Bridging the Centuries: A New Era for Extension

Evolution and empirical estimation of ecological-economic production possibiliteis frontiers, Christopher L. Lant and E. Bekele

Annual Reports to NSF on: Climate Change, Hydrology, and Landscapes of America's Heartland: A coupled Natural-Human system, Christopher L. Lant, G. Misgna, J. Schoof, and S. Secchi


Factors Influencing Behavioral Intentions for Leave No Trace Behavior in National Parks, B. Lawhon, P. Newman, D. Taff, J. Vaske, W. Vagias, S. Lawson, and Christopher Monz; Journal of Interpretation Research


Beef Production & Consumption: Sustainable Alternatives, Jennifer W. MacAdam and Roslynn Brain


Recent Advances in Recreation Ecology and the Implications of Different Relationships Between Recreation Use and Ecological Impacts, Christopher Monz, C. M. Pickering, and W. Hadwen; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Input-output analysis of virtual water transfers: Case study of California and Illinois, Stanley T. Mubako, Sajal Lahiri, and Christopher L. Lant; Ecological Economics


Agricultural Virtual Water Trade and Water Footprint of U.S. States, Stanley T. Mubako and Christopher L. Lant; Annals of the Association of American Geographers


The elephant in the room: absentee landowner issues inconservation and land management, P. Petrzelka, Zhao Ma, and S. Malin; Land Use Policy


An "IGERT" model for interdisciplinary doctoral education in water-related science and policy, Nicholas Pinter, Lizette Chevalier, Rhonda Kowalchuk, and Christopher L. Lant


Humans and Nature: How Knowing and Experiencing Nature Affect Well-Being, Roly Russell, Anne D. Guerry, Patricia Balvanera, Rachelle K. Gould, Xavier Basurto, Kai M. A. Chan, Sarah Klain, Jordan Levine, and Jordan Tam; Annual Review of Environment and Resources


Culture, Intangibles and Metrics in Environmental Management, Terre Satterfield, Robin Gregory, Sarah Klain, Mere Roberts, and Kai M. A. Chan; Journal of Environmental Management


The Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment, Debra Satz, Rachelle K. Gould, Kai M. A. Chan, Anne Guerry, Bryan Norton, Terre Satterfield, Benjamin S. Halpern, Jordan Levine, Ulalia Woodside, Neil Hannahs, Xavier Basurto, and Sarah Klain; AMBIO


Wildlife pests of California agriculture: Regional variability and subsequent impacts on management, Robert H. Schmidt, Roger A. Baldwin, Terell P. Salmon, and Robert M. Timm; Crop Protection

Life Literacy: Education for a Sustainable Future, L. Shirley and Roslynn Brain; 2013 Family and Consumer Sciences Education Summer Conference

Discovering sustainable resources in Utah through Cooperative Extension, M. Stuver and Roslynn Brain; 2013 USU Extension Annual Conference


Energy and Existential Sustainability: The Role of Reserve Capacity, Joseph A. Tainter; Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management

Energy, Complexity, and Innovation, Joseph A. Tainter; "Getting Inside the Black Box: Technological Evolution and Economic Growth," at the Santa Fe Institute

Energy Gain and the Evolution of Complexity, Joseph A. Tainter

L'Effondrement des Societes Complexes, Joseph A. Tainter; Le Retour aux Sources, La Fenderie, Aube

Ons Energiedilemma, Oftewel: Wat Weet Een Vis Van Water?, Joseph A. Tainter; Méér!

The Fundamental Question, Joseph A. Tainter; "Science and the Future." Politecnico di Torino

Complexity and Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter and Temis G. Taylor; "Resilience and the Built Environment," at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich


Campus-wide participatory planning: Moving quickly from thought to action, B. Thomas and Roslynn Brain; 2013 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Conference


Using participatory action research to foster successful large-scale campus sustainability events, B. Thomas and Roslynn Brain; Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) annual conference


Easy Steps to Reduce Your Energy Bill, B. Thomas, Brett Tingey, and Roslynn Brain; USU Extension Publication


Uintah Basin Revisited - 2012-2013 Bioregional Planning Studio Project, Richard E. Toth, Matthew Coombs, C Michael Gottfredson, and Tyler Allen