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Inter-agency collaboration in natural resource governance: the case for exponential random graphs, G. Meredith, Jacopo A. Baggio, and Mark W. Brunson; 2017 Resilience Conference

Inter-agency management of rangelands: success biased learning effects on innovation adoption rates, G. Meredith, Jacopo A. Baggio, and Mark W. Brunson; 2017 Resilience Conference

Cognitive abilities and group adaptability in a common pool resource game, Samantha Nabity, Jacopo A. Baggio, Jacob Freeman, Tam Nguyen, T. Hancock, K. Elpers, Thomas R. Coyle, and D. Pillow; 2017 International Association for the Study of the Commons Conference

Cognitive abilities and the resilience of common pool resource systems to ecological change, Samantha Nabity, Tam Nguyen, Jacopo A. Baggio, Jacob Freeman, Thomas R. Coyle, and K. Elpers; 2017 Resilience Conference


Effects of the Structure of Water Rights on Agricultural Production During Drought: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of California's Central Valley, Katherine S. Nelson and Emily Burchfield; Water Resources Research


Spatial Temporal Dynamics of Vehicle Stopping Behavior Along a Rustic Park Road, Jennifer N. Newton, Peter Newman, B. Derrick Taff, Ashley D'Antonio, and Christopher Monz; Applied Geography


Social-Ecological network analysis of scale- mismatches in estuary watershed restoration, Jesse S. Sayles and Jacopo A. Baggio; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Who collaborates and why: Assessment and diagnostic of governance network integration for salmon restoration in Whidbey Basin, Puget Sound, WA, Jesse S. Sayles and Jacopo A. Baggio; Journal of Environmental Management


The Emergence of an environmental governance network: the case of the Arizona Borderlands, Michael L. Schoon, Abigail York, Abigail Sullivan, and Jacopo A. Baggio; Regional Environmental Change


Developing a translational ecology workforce, Mark W. Schwarts, J. Kevin Hiers, Frank W. Davis, Gregg M. Garfin, Stephen T. Jackson, Adam J. Terando, Connie A. Woodhouse, Toni Lyn Morelli, Matthew A. Williamson, and Mark W. Brunson; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Payments for Carbon Sequestration to Alleviate Development Pressure in a Rapidly Urbanizing Region, Jordan Smith, Monica A. Dorning, Douglas A. Shoemaker, Andréanne Méley, Lauren Nicole Dupéy, and Ross K. Meentemeyer; Forest Science


Piping Water from Rural Counties to Fuel Growth in Las Vegas, Nevada: Water Transfer Risks in the Arid USA West, Lisa Welsh and Joanna Endter-Wada; Water Alternatives



The Importance of Motivation, Weapons, and Foul Odors in Driving Encounter Competition in Carnivores, Maximilian L. Allen, Christopher C. Wilmers, L. Mark Elbroch, Julie M. Golla, and Heiko U. Wittmer; Ecology

Conservation on private landscapes: social learning and social networks, Jacopo A. Baggio; North American Congress for Conservation Biology

Striving for a Successful Management of Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Disturbances, Jacopo A. Baggio; UDWR-USU Brown Bag Luncheon Seminar Series


Explaining Success and Failure in the Commons: The Configural Nature of Ostrom’s Institutional Design Principles, Jacopo A. Baggio, Allain J. Barnett, Irene Perez-Ibarra, Ute Brady, Elicia Ratajczyk, Nathan Rollins, Cathy Rubiños, Hoon C. Shin, David J. Yu, Rimjhim Aggarwal, John M. Anderies, and Marco A. Janssen; International Journal of the Commons


Multiplex Social Ecological Network Analysis Reveals How Social Changes Affect Community Robustness More Than Resource Depletion, Jacopo A. Baggio, Shauna B. BurnSilver, Alex Arenas, James S. Magdanz, Gary P. Kofinas, and Manlio De Domenico; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Success bias imitation increases the probability of effctively dealing with ecological disturbances, Jacopo A. Baggio and Vicken Hillis; Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference


An iterative approach to Large-N case studies: insights from qualitative analysis of quantitative inconsistencies, Allain J. Barnett, Jacopo A. Baggio, Hoon C. Shin, David J. Yu, Irene Perez-Ibarra, Cathy Rubiños, Ute Brady, Elicia Ratajczyk, Nathan Rollins, Rimjhim Aggarwal, John M. Anderies, and Marco A. Janssen; International Journal of the Commons


Conservation Social Science: Understanding and Integrating Human Dimensions to Improve Conservation, Nathan J. Bennett, Robin Roth, Sarah Klain, Kai M. A. Chan, Douglas A. Clark, Georgina Cullman, Deborah Curran, Trevor J. Durbin, Graham Epstein, Alison Greenberg, Michael P. Nelson, John Sandlos, Richard Stedman, Tara L. Teel, Rebecca Thomas, and et al.; Biological Conservation


Mainstreaming the Social Sciences in Conservation, Nathan J. Bennett, Robin Roth, Sarah Klain, Kai M. A. Chan, Douglas A. Clark, Georgina Cullman, Graham Epstein, Michael Paul Nelson, Richard Stedman, Tara L. Teel, Rebecca E. W. Thomas, Carina Wyborn, Deborah Curran, Alison Greenberg, John Sandlos, and Diogo Veríssimo; Conservation Biology

Agricultural adaptation in the Sri Lankan Dry Zone, Emily Burchfield; IPWSD Workshop

Application of machine learning to big environmental datasets to predict vegetation health, Emily Burchfield; Association for American Geographers Annual Meeting

Application of machine learning to the prediction of vegetation health, Emily Burchfield

Dynamics of collective and individual agricultural adaptation to water scarcity, Emily Burchfield; American Geophysical Union Conference

Leverage machine learning to predict vegetation health, Emily Burchfield; INFORMS Conference


Agricultural adaptation to drought in the Sri Lankan dry zone, Emily Burchfield and Jonathan Gilligan; Applied Geography


Dynamics of individual and collective agricultural adaptation to water scarcity, Emily Burchfield and Jonathan Gilligan; Winter Simulation Conference 2016 Proceedings


Application of machine learning to prediction of vegetation health, Emily Burchfield, John J. Nay, and Jonathan Gilligan; The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences


Water Management Decision Making in the Face of Multiple Forms of Uncertainty and Risk, Morey Burnham, Zhao Ma, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Tim Bardsley; Journal of the American Water Resources Association


Opinion: Why Protect Nature? Rethinking Values and the Environment, Kai M. A. Chan, Patricia Balvanera, Karina Benessaiah, Mollie Chapman, Sandra Díaz, Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Rachelle Gould, Neil Hannahs, Kurt Jax, Sarah Klain, Gary W. Luck, Berta Martin-Lopez, Barbara Muraca, Bryan Norton, Konrad Ott, and et al.; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


The Influence of Visitor Use Levels on Visitor Spatial Behavior in Off-Trail Areas of Dispersed Recreation Use, Ashley D'Antonio and Christopher Monz; Journal of Environmental Management


An Application of Recreation Resource Assessment Techniques to Inform Management Action in an Urban-Proximate Natural Area, Ashley D'Antonio, Christopher Monz, Nell Larson, and Amy Rohman; Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism


The Functional Intelligence Proposition, Jacob Freeman, Thomas R. Coyle, and Jacopo A. Baggio; Personality and Individual Differences

Quantifying Public Support for Ecologically Regenerative Renewable Energy: Substantive Willingness to Pay for Offshore Wind Farms That Boost Biodiversity, Sarah Klain; International Marine Conservation Congress

Relational Values and Green Infrastructure, Sarah Klain; North American Congress for Conservation Biology


A Systems-Based Approach to Address Unintended Consequences of Demand-Driven Transportation Planning in National Parks and Public Lands, Steven R. Larson, Peter Newman, and Christopher Monz; International Journal of Sustainable Transportation


Water-smart growth planning: linking water and land in the arid urbanizing American West, Enjie Li, Shujuan Li, and Joanna Endter-Wada; Journal of Environmental Planning and Management


The Distribution of Climate Change Public Opinion in Canada, Matto Mildenberger, Peter Howe, Erik Lachapelle, Leah Stokes, Jennifer Marlon, and Timothy Gravelle; PLoS One


Challenges and Opportunities in Coding the Commons: Problems, Procedures, and Potential Solutions in Large-N Comparative Case Studies, Elicia Ratajczyk, Ute Brady, Jacopo A. Baggio, Allain J. Barnett, Irene Perez-Ibarra, Nathan Rollins, Cathy Rubiños, Hoon C. Shin, David J. Yu, Rimjhim Aggarwal, John M. Anderies, and Marco A. Janssen; International Journal of the Commons


Continental-scale quantification of landscape values using social media data, Boris T. van Zanten, Derek B. Van Berkel, Ross K. Meentemeyer, Jordan Smith, Koen F. Tieskens, and Peter H. Verburg; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Cache Water District: Risks and Opportunities: Research and Policy Analysis Report on Formation of a Water Conservancy District in Cache County, Utah, Lisa Welsh and Joanna Endter-Wada


"In Every Rancher's Mind": Effects of Drought on Ranch Planning and Practice, Hailey Wilmer, Elisabeth York, Windy K. Kelley, and Mark W. Brunson; Rangelands


The role of diverse strategies in the sustainability of online communities, Lingfei Wu, Jacopo A. Baggio, and Marco A. Janssen; PLoS ONE


Analyzing Design Principles to diagnose Common Pool Resources: methodological challenges and possible solutions, Jacopo A. Baggio; 2015 Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons

Elementos de Socio-Ecosistemas., Jacopo A. Baggio; 2015 Taller de Elaboracion de Seminarios Virtuales de la Red de Socio-Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad


Boundary Object or Bridging Concept? A Citation Network Analysis of Resilience, Jacopo A. Baggio, Katriana Brown, and Denis Hellebrandt; Ecology and Society

Que es un Ecosistema, Jacopo A. Baggio and R. Calderon; 2015 Taller de Elaboracion de Seminarios Virtuales de la Red de Socio-Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad


Irrigation experiments in the lab: trust, environmental variability, and collective action, Jacopo A. Baggio, Nathan D. Rollins, Irene Perez, and Marco A. Janssen; Ecology and Society


Extension Sustainability Camp: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation, Roslynn Brain, Sally Upton, and Brett Tingey; Journal of Extension

ADAPT-SL: Agricultural Decision Making and Adaptation to Precipitation Trends in Sri Lanka, Emily Burchfield; National Science Foundation Water, Sustainability and Climate PI meeting

Agricultural adaptation to water scarcity in the Sri Lankan dry zone: A comparison of two water management regimes, Emily Burchfield; National Science Foundation Water, Sustainability and Climate PI meeting

Institutions and imagery: Mapping water management in rural Sri Lanka, Emily Burchfield; Association for American Geographers Annual Meeting

The application of PCA for the identification of adaptive agricultural systems in the tropics, Emily Burchfield; Workshop on the Use of Remote Sensing for Decision-Making in Agricultural and Water Management

The Values of Place: Recreation and Cultural Ecosystem Services in Puget Sound, Kai M. A. Chan, Mollie Chapman, Cheryl Chen, Noah Enelow, Taylor Nesslegrave, and Sarah Klain; Encyclopedia of Puget Sound


Improving the Resilience of Mixed-Farm Systems to Pending Climate Change in Far Western Nepal: Endline Survey Report, D. Layne Coppock


Investment Patterns of Wealthy Pastoralists on the Borana Plateau of Southern Ethiopia, D. Layne Coppock, DeeVon Bailey, Medhat Ibrahim, and Seyoum Tereza


Enclosures for Rehabilitating Pond Catchments and Implications for Grazing Management on the Borana Plateau, D. Layne Coppock, Brien E. Norton, Bedasa Eba, Jaldesa Doyo, Demisachew Tadele, Dereje Teshome, Ajebush Defar, and Seyoum Tezera


Sieve Structures to Control Gully Erosion on the Borana Plateau, D. Layne Coppock, Brien E. Norton, Demisachew Tadele, Jaldesa Doyo, Bedasa Eba, and Dereje Teshome


Methods and Costs for Pond-Catchment Rehabilitation on the Borana Plateau, D. Layne Coppock, Brien E. Norton, Demisachew Tadele, Dereje Teshome, Bedasa Eba, Jaldesa Doyo, and Seyoum Tezera


Targeted Informal Education Promotes Improved Well-Being, Innovation, and Climate-Change Adaptation among Residents in Bajura District, Nepal, D. Layne Coppock, Nirmala Pandey, Sanoj Tulachan, Divakar Duwal, Maghana Dhungana, Bishnu Prasad Dulal, and Dale Davis


Bu’aalee Marii Horsiisee-bultootaa Itti-fufiinsummaa ilaalchisee: Booranni Jiruuf-jireenyi Boru Ifaa akka ta’u haala kunuunsa Lafa Dheeda Loonii fooyyessuu fi Hojjaa adda addaa hojjechuu qabu., Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, Tesfaye Alemu, Seyoum Tezera, Bedasa Eba, Jaldesa Doyo, Dareje Teshome, and Demisachew Tadele


Outcomes of a Pastoral Sustainability Conference: The Borana People Must Better Manage Rangelands and Diversify Livelihoods for a Brighter Future, Solomon Desta, D. Layne Coppock, Tesfaye Alemu, Seyoum Tezera, Bedasa Eba, Jaldesa Doyo, Dereje Teshome, and Demisachew Tadele

The Untapped Potential of Water Conservation, Joanna Endter-Wada; Utah Science

Meter Implementation and Information Feedback: Tools for Promoting Urban Water Conservation, Joanna Endter-Wada, Diana T. Glenn, Roger Kjelgren, Clayton S. Lewis, and Christopher M. U. Neale; American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Spring Specialty Conference: Water for Urban Areas- Managing Risks and Building Resiliency, Los Angeles, CA USA, March 30-April


Utah's Water Future: Perspectives on Water Issues in Utah's Wasatch Range Metropolitan Area, Joanna Endter-Wada, Andrea Hall, Douglas B. Jackson-Smith, and Courtney Flint


Tools for evaluating and monitoring effectiveness of urban landscape water conservation interventions and programs, Diana T. Glenn, Joanna Endter-Wada, Roger Kjelgren, and Christopher M. U. Neale; Landscape and Urban Planning


Exploring water indices and associated parameters: A case study approach, Thushara Gunda, Laura Benneyworth, and Emily Burchfield; Water Policy


iSAW: Integrating Structure, Actors, and Water to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems, Rebecca L. Hale, Andrea Armstrong, Michelle A. Baker, Sean Bedingfield, David Betts, Caleb Buahin, Martin Buchert, Todd Crowl, Ryan Dupont, James R. Ehleringer, Joanna Endter-Wada, Susannah S. French, Jacqualine Grant, Sarah Hinners, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Douglas Jackson-Smith, Amber S. Jones, Erica S. Limb, Sarah E. Null, Augustina Odame, Diane E. Pataki, David Rosenberg, Madyln Runburg, Philip Stoker, and Courtenay Strong; Earth's Future

A cultural evolutionary model of crop disease prevention in a networked social-agroecological system, Vicken Hillis and Jacopo A. Baggio; 2015 Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons

Concepts, Methods and Measurements of Social Tipping Points, J. Hodbod, Jacopo A. Baggio, M. Milkoreit, and Michael L. Schoon; 2015 Conference on Complex Systems

Using Agent-Based Models to Compare Behavioral Theories on Experimental Data: Application for Irrigation Games, Marco A. Janssen and Jacopo A. Baggio; 2015 Biennial Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons


Ecologically sustainable but unjust? Negotiating equity and authority in common-pool marine resource management, Sarah Klain; International Association for Sustaining the Commons Conference Biennial Global Conference

Leaning into Wind: Lessons Learned on Engaging Communities Near Proposed Offshore Wind Farms, Sarah Klain; 2015 Island Energy Conference

Engaging Communities in Offshore Wind, Sarah Klain, Suzanne MacDonald, and Nicholas Battista


Characterizing and Contextualizing the Water Challenges of Megacities, Enjie Li, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Shujuan Li; Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Linkages Between Water Challenges and Land Use Planning in Megacities, Enjie Li, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Shujuan Li; Water Resources Impact


A coordinated study of 1 h mesoscale gravity waves propagating from Logan to Boulder with CRRL Na Doppler lidars and temperature mapper, X. Lu, C. Chen, W. Huang, J. A. Smith, X. Chu, T. Yuan, P.-D. Pautet, M. J. Taylor, J. Gong, and C. Y. Cullens; Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres


Outdoor Water Efficiency Offers Large Potential Savings, But Research on Effectiveness Remains Scarce, Peter Mayer, Paul Lander, and Diana T. Glenn; Journal of the American Water Works Association


The Ecological Implications of Visitor Transportation in Parks and Protected Areas: Examples from Research in US National Parks, Christopher Monz, Ashley D'Antonio, Steve Lawson, Jesse Barber, and Peter Newman; Journal of Transport Geography

The Robustness of Coupled Infrastructure Systems and Complexity, Michael Schoon, Jacopo A. Baggio, John M. Anderies, and Marco A. Janssen; 2015 Conference on Complex Systems


The Effect of Minimum Impact Education on Visitor Spatial Behavior in Parks and Protected Areas: An Experimental Investigation Using GPS-Based Tracking, Abigail Sisneros-Kidd, Christopher Monz, Ashley D'Antonio, Robert E. Manning, Nathan Reigner, Kelly A. Goonan, and Charles Jacobi; Journal of Environmental Management

Innovation in the City: Energy and Resource Efficiency, Joseph A. Tainter; IXth Biennial Worksop "Acvances in Energy Studies," Stockholm

Resource Sustainability and Innovation, Joseph A. Tainter; European Commission Joint Research Centre Workshop "New Narratives for Innovation"

Sustainability and Collapse: Complexity and Energy from Ancient to Modern Societies, Joseph A. Tainter; Seven Lectures Presented at the Deaprtment of History, University of Zurich


Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource, Joseph A. Tainter, Temis G. Taylor, Roslynn Brain, and J. Lobo; Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource


Sustainability, Joseph A. Tainter, Temis G. Taylor, Roslynn Brain, and J. Lobo; Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences


Modeling robustness and resilience to climate change: assessing effects of microclimate on agricultural production and the social system, Jacopo A. Baggio; Simposio sobre las Aproximaciones y metodologías para la evaluación de cambio ambiental: experiencias desde los sistemas de monitoreo climático

The origins of Resilience: Is it a bridging concept?, Jacopo A. Baggio; Coloquio Internacional: Resiliencia: Una aproximación multidisciplinary al Cambio Climático

Networks and Cooperation: are social network characteristics generalizable or specific to the environment in which they are embedded?, Jacopo A. Baggio, Shauna B. BurnSilver, and Örjan Bodin; 2014 Resilience Conference

Social-Ecological Connectivity in the Lab, Jacopo A. Baggio, D. Galafassi, Örjan Bodin, Marco A. Janssen, and Michael L. Schoon; 2014 Resilience Conference


Comparing agent-based models on experimental data of irrigation games, Jacopo A. Baggio and Marco A. Janssen; Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference

Linking social networks to opinion formation: how social networks influence social opposition to large infrastructure development in Southern California, Jacopo A. Baggio and H. Nelson; 2014 Resilience Conference


Agent Based Simulations of Subjective Well-Being, Jacopo A. Baggio and Elissaios Papyrakis; Social Indicators Research

The Conservation Social Sciences: What?, How? and Why?, Michael Barkusky, Nathan J. Bennett, Kai M. A. Chan, Douglas A. Clark, Georgina Cullman, Alia M. Dietsch, Graham Epstein, Sarah Klain, Michael J. Manfredo, Michael Paul Nelson, Robin Roth, Richard Stedman, Tara L. Teel, Rebecca E. W. Thomas, John A. Vucetich, and Carina Wyborn


Is Tourism Damaging Ecosystems in the Andes? Current Knowledge and an Agenda for Future Research, A. Barros, Christopher Monz, and C. Pickering; Ambio


Why Do Cattle Ranchers Participate in Conservation Easement Agreements? Key Motivators in Decision Making, Roslynn Brain, Mark E. Hostetler, and Tracy A. Irani; Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

Mapping water management: A case study from Sri Lanka, Emily Burchfield; American Geophysical Union Annual Conference

Patterns of agricultural drought in Sri Lankan paddy fields: Spatiotemporal image analysis, Emily Burchfield; Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security,

Patterns of meteorological and agricultural drought in Sri Lankan agricultural areas, Emily Burchfield; Gordon Research Seminar on Science, Technology and Policy