Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Conscious Anxiety, Conscious Repression and Ego-strength as Related to Dream Recall, Content and Vividness, David Newbold
Determining Initial Values for Stiff Systems with Incomplete Initial Data, Yech-Kuang Ning
Chlorophyll Fluorescence Probe of Ultraviolet-B Photoinhibition of Primary Photoreactions in Intact Leaves, Robert S. Nowak
Hypnosis, Pain Control and Personality Change in Rheumatoid Arthritic Patients, G. Craig Orme
A Proposed Method of Student Selection Using a Biographical Inventory as an Adjunctive Predictive Criterion, Jeffrey Scott Orme
Production of Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in Altered and Unaltered Reaches of Two Intermountain Streams in Their Alluvial Flood Plains, Michael J. Ottenbacher
Optimum Enzyme Treatment for Liberation and Assay of Pantothenic Acid in Blood, Jan Pearson
Habitat Manipulation for the Reestablishment of the Utah Prairie Dog in Capitol Reef National Park, Rodney L. Player
Microstructure and Rheology of Process Cheese, Abdelaziz Hassan Rayan
Activities of Domestic Sheep on Central Utah Ranges, J. Daniel Rodgers
Characteristics and Genesis of Certain Soils in the Southern Foothills of Central Alborz, Iran, Firouz Rooyani
An Analysis of a Measure of Productivity in Mule Deer Populations, Ronald J. Ryel
The Imitation of Prosocial Behaviors in Children: The Effects of Peer and Adult Models and Vicarious Reinforcement, Richard Louis Sanok
Common Use Grazing Studies on Southern Utah Summer Range, Al F. Schlundt
Iron and Zinc Deficiencies in Selected Calcareous Soils of Southern Utah, E. Frank Schnitzer
A Growth Study on Children/Adolescents with Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Noreen Brown Schvaneveldt
Total Solar Irradiance and Weather Systems Along 40 Degrees North Latitude in the Rocky Mountains, Jeffrey A. Secrest
Impact of Young Mothers Program on Lives of Teenage Mothers (Program #2 in Granite District, Salt Lake City, Utah), Lou Jean C. Shaw
The Effect of Modeling on Cooperation in the Laboratory and in the Natural Environment, Janice V. Siegel
The Effects of Empathy Teaching on Sociometric Status in Kindergarten Children from Urban and Rural Populations, Marilyn Egan Skinner
Structure and Petrology of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks Near Etna, Utah, Kent W. Smith
The Effect of Informed Consent Procedures on Sensory Panel Studies, Roxanne E. Smith
Comparison of the Mineralogy and Morphology of Some Cambic and Argillic Horizons in Soils of Northern Utah, Randal Jay Southard
Reproductive Success of the White-Faced Ibis: The Effects of Pesticides and Colony Characteristics, Benjamin B. Steele
Nonidentity Matching-to-Sample with Retarded Adolescents: Stimulus Equivalences and Sample-Comparison Control, Robert Stromer
The Effects of a Calcium Pectinate Film upon Shrinkage, Palatability and Surface Microbial Growth on Carcasses and Selected Beef and Poultry Cuts, Clifford Arthur Stubbs
Habitat Use by Breeding Waterfowl of Several Utah Marshes, Paul M. Suchanek
Job Competencies, Employment Demands, and Perceived Training Needs in Production Agriculture in Utah, James O. Summers
Determining Priorities and Potential Locations for Recreation Facilities in Cache County, Utah, Parry C. Thomas
Evaluation of Multivariate Homogenous Arma Model, Lucy Chienhua Tseng
Teacher Strategies to Improve Pupil Self-Concept, Kathleen L. Van Horn
Effects of Reinforcement on the IQ Scores of Preschool Children as a Function of Initial IQ, Richard H. Weiss
Energetics of Home Dehydration; The Effect on Product Cost and Quality, Crystal Ann Willis
The Use of High School Paraprofessional Tutors With Programmed Tutorial Materials to Instruct Elementary Learners with Handicaps, Deborah A. Wingert
Involving Parents in a Nutrition Education Program for Preschool Children, Cheryl Wright
Exact Analysis of Variance with Unequal Variances, Noriaki Yanagi
Effects of DDT Upon the Hematology and Immunology of the Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Maurice G. Zeeman
Lactation and Weaning Weight Relationships in Hereford and Simmental-Hereford Cows in Southern Utah, William E. Zimmerman
The Use of Shorthand as an Employment Criterion in Selected Utah Businesses, Robert Jon Ackley
Regional Analysis of the Industrial Structure of the Bear River District: An Employment Approach, Jaime B. Agbayani
Central Nervous System Toxicity of Alpha-Chaconine in Rats, Charles Newell Aldous III
Sodium and Potassium Nutrition Studies of Halogeton glomeratus (M. Bieb) C.A. Mey, Ali A. Alhelal
The Use of Symbolic Modeling on Generalized Imitation in Children, Emmett G. Anderson
ACT Score Declines: Looking for the Source, Thomas Edward Atkin
The Effects of a Structured Group Approach on Anxiety in Junior High Youth: A Technique For Paraprofessionals, Lawrence R. Ballering
Pollination Dynamics in Two Subalpine Flower Meadows, Peter Andrew Beedlow III
Effects of Perceived Child Rearing Practices on Moral Character, Melody T. Beutler
A Comparison of Attendance Records of Handicapped and Non-Handicapped Pupils in Two Weber County Junior High Schools, Jewell S. Bezowski
Evaluation of a Welded Wire Retaining Wall, Jerold Albert Bishop
The Covalent Interaction of Hepatic Metabolites of the Insecticide Chlordane with Cellular Macromolecules in the Rat and Mouse In Vitro, Alan A. Brimfield
Biology, Reproductive Potential and the Impact of Fishing Pressure on the Bluegill Fishery of Pelican Lake, Uintah County, Utah, Bob D. Burdick
Leisure Orientation and Outdoor Recreation Participation of Selected Occupational Groups in Utah, S. Craig Campbell
The Prior Distribution in Bayesian Statistics, Kai-Tang Chen
An Experimental Analysis of the Alarm Calls of Captive Uinta Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus armatus), Marion Barch Cherry
Cow Brain Glutaminase: Purification, Characterization, and Mechanism of Action, Fulung John Chiu
A Comparative Study Between Department of Education Assigned-Marks and Accredited High Schools' Assigned-Marks in Alberta, Douglas Harold Christensen
Linear Models for Estimating the Nutritive Value of Sheep Diets, Michael L. Christiansen
The QR Algorithm, Hsiao-yin Edith Chu
Population Limitation of Jackrabbits: An Examination of the Food Hypothesis, William R. Clark
Feeding Behavior and Habitat Selection of Deer and Elk on Northern Utah Summer Range, William B. Collins
Parent-Child Affinity as Perceived by Basque Adolescence, Catherine K. Coombs-Johnson
The Incidence of Lactose Malabsorption Among Cache Valley Young Adults, Eileen Donna Cowles
Reproductive Modes of the Least Chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis - Cope), Marianne Crawford
A Rapid and Specific Gas Chromatographic Analysis for Cysteine-S-Sulfonate to Determine the Distribution of Sulfite in Mammalian Plasma, Joseph Don deBethizy
The Development of Empathy, Role-Taking and Listening as a Function of Preschool Experience, Joseph P. DeMarsh
The Economics of Fertility in Utah, Carl E. Enomoto
Input Substitution in the Coal-Fired Electric Power Industry, Mohammad Fatoorehchie
Development and Validation Test of a Mule Deer Habitat Rule, Glenn Gephart
The Effects of Restraint on Hallucinatory Behavior Under Conditions of Perceptual Deprivation, David G. Gibson
The Effects of Artificial Destratification on Water Quality in Hyrum Reservoir, John W. Gill
Economic Implications of Phenologically Timed Irrigation in Corn Production, Dawuda Tsalhatu Gowon
The Effectiveness of a Comprehensive Peer Counseling Program on Academic Adjustment, Bevan Todd Graybill
Development of a Liquefaction Opportunity Map for Cache Valley, Utah, Richard J. Greenwood
The Flora of Leslie Gulch Malheur County, Oregon, James W. Grimes
The Formation of Desired and Ideal Family Size Among Utah High School Senior Females and Males, 1974, Linda Rose Hagen
A Liquefaction Potential Map for Cache Valley, Utah, Randall Jones Hill
Coyote-Prey Relationships in Curlew Valley During a Period of Low Jackrabbit Density, Stephen W. Hoffman
Turbidity - Suspended Sediment Relations In a Subalpine Watershed, Thomas A. Holstrom
Nutrient Intakes of an Elderly Nursing Home Population, Gaynell Hutson
Cheese Flavor Development in Ultrafiltered Whole Milk Concentrates, David Long-Ying Hwang
Production of Quick-Cooking Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): Investigations on Antinutrients and Quality, Vishalakshi G. Iyer
Isolation of Bacteriophage Resistant Lactic Culture Strains with Known Temperature Sensitivity, Luna Ying-Chung Jeng
Causative Factors and Some Consequences of Dystocia in Two-Year-Old Heifers, Delyn Jensen
The Effects of Added Dietary Fat on Turkey Carcass Composition, Steven Ray Jensen
The Effect of Family Sculpting on Perceptual Agreement Among Family Members, John Bruce Jessen
An Investigation of the Influence of Cooperating Teachers on the Educational Goal Ranking Behavior of Student Teachers, Susan Myrna Jones
Effects of Social and Demographic Characteristics, Knowledge of Coronary Heart Disease and Dietary Practices on the Level of Serum Cholesterol, Wendy Whanghea Kim
The Effects of the Physical Attractiveness Stereotype on Therapists' Perceptions of Clients, Todd S. Larsen
An Investigation of the Environmental Relationships of Selected Forest Habitat Types in Northern Utah, Penelope Morgan Lawton
Diffuse Irradiance in the Rocky Mountains at 40° Latitude, Brock Allen LeBaron
Nutritional Understanding of Preschool Children Taught in the Home and Child Development Laboratory, Thomas R. Lee
Nutritional Understanding of Preschool Children Taught in the Home and Child Development Laboratory, Thomas R. Lee
Growth of Phytophthora infestans Race 1.2.4 and Synthesis of Steroid Glycoalkaloids by the Fungus in Synthetic Media, Melanie R. Maas
Structural Geology of the Northern Part of Oxford Quadrangle, Idaho, Jerrold N. Mayer
Information Transfer and Regulation in a Model Ecosystem with Environmental Stochasticity, M. McKee