Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Inheritance and Linkage Studies of Some Mutant Characters in Sugarbeets, Beta vulgaris L., John R. Stander
An Evaluation of Vocational Shorthand Competency Attained in Utah High Schools, Alden A. Talbot
Quality of Beef Roasts: Electronic Versus Conventional Cooking, Frances Glassett Taylor
The Overwintering of the Fireblight Bacteria Outside of Living Tissue in Utah, Sherman V. Thomson
Domestic Marital Role Expectations: A Comparison of Single American and Chinese College Students, I-fan Tso
Some Parent-Progeny Relationships in Agropyron elongatum, Max W. Turley
The History of Raymond, Alberta, Canada, Holger B.C. Tychsen
Superordinate Words and Subordinate Words in Mediate Association, Chalermwong Vajanasoontorn
Environmental Analysis of the Swan Peak Formation in the Bear River Range, North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho, Philip L. VanDorston
Dietary Factors and Induction of Hepatic Microsomal Hydroxylative Enzymes by Organochlorine Pesticides, D. Jesse Wagstaff
Retention of Conservation Acquired by Instructional Methods, Eight Months After Termination of Instruction, Wenden W. Waite
Survival and Distribution of Rennin During Cheddar Cheese Manufacture, John Ta-chuang Wang
A Study of the Difference in Short-Term Memory Between Seventh Grade Students Rated High and Low in the Ability to Acquire Sport Skills, Vera Jeppesen Watkins
The Social Organization of Wild Turkeys on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas, Charles Robert Watts
A Survey of the Cedar City High School Graduates Who have Taken the One-Year Gregg Shorthand Course, Richard Manning Webster
Comparative Cost and Quality Studies of Dehydrated Vegetables Versus Fresh Vegetables Used in Institutional Food Services, Kathleen Olsen Wegener
Microenvironmental Effects of Erosion Control Treatments on Seedling Survival in a Southeastern Utah Salt Desert Area, Ross W. Wein
The Use of Programed Texts for Remedial Mathematics Instruction in College, Charles C. White
Determining Market Areas for Livestock Grazing, Robert G. Williams
A Study of Adequacy and Cost of Secondary School Guidance Programs in Utah, Richard Roland Wootton
A Study of Foliar Absorption of Urea in Peach and Apple Trees Influenced by Plant and Environmental Factors, Ataollah Yazdaniha
The Effects of Maternal Employment on the Scholastic Performance of Children, Sandra Jean Zins
The Effects of Pre-Emergence Applications of Simazine and Post-Emergence Applications of Dalapon on Physio-Chemical Changes in Apple, Sour Cherry, Sweet Cherry, and Prunus mahaleb, Jawad Thanoon Agha
The Life and Contributions of Lee Hafen to Athletics at Dixie College, Douglas V. Allred
Development and Control of Licking Behavior in the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus), Jack R. Alvord
A Study of Free Surface and Viscous Effects on Simulated Rough Open Channel Beds, Julian B. Andersen
Drinking and Student Understanding of Alcohol and Alcoholism at the Utah State Industrial School, Elliot J. Anderson
The Corporate Image of Utah State University, Jon I. Anderson
An Evaluation of the Recreation Program at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, Neil J. Andrew
Predicting Success in Shorthand I, Meredith Cragun Bell
The Relationship of Occupational Choice to Ego Identity and Self-Concepts, Norman D. Bell
A Proposed Equipment Development Plan for Closed Circuit Television as it Relates to the Existing Curriculum at College of Southern Utah, Don Lee Blanchard
Soil Moisture Recharge in Stands of Quaking Aspen and Gambel Oak in Central Utah, James L. Boynton
Development and Evaluation of a Waiver Examination for the Introductory Foods Course at Utah State University, Virginia Clark Bragg
Target Markets for Directing Utah Summer Tourism Promotion and Information, Perry J. Brown
Effects of Range Plant Foliage Removal on Soil Moisture Regime at Two Elevations in Central Utah, John C. Buckhouse
Geologic Feasibility of Dam and Reservoir Sites, Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Utah, Alfredo Capistrano Buenaventura
Personality Differences and Atypical Vocational Choices by Women, Vicky D. Burgess
The Role of Agonistic Behavior in Regulation of Density in Uinta Ground Squirrels (Citellus armatus), Richard J. Burns
The Consumption and Use of Dairy Products and Their Substitutes in Metropolitan Salt Lake City, Jerry Lee Calley
The Validity and Use of Wechsler Pre-School and Primary Scale of Intelligence in Predicting School Achievement, Sam Campanella
The Relationship Between Activity Delay and Freshman Academic Achievement, Richard R. Carlson
A Description of the Planarian Phagocata crenophila, New Species, From Utah, Jerry H. Carpenter
A Comparative Study of Certain Typical Foods Baked in the Electronic Oven, the Conventional Oven, and the Combination (Electronic and Conventional) Oven, LaRae Bartholomew Chatelain
Extraction of Rennet From Fresh Frozen Vells, Neil Harvey Clarke
A Comparative Study of Utah's Primary Elections, Owen B. Daw
A Comparison of the Functions and Population Size of Central Places in Snohomish County, Washington and Cache County, Utah, Richard L. Dixon
Comparisons of Phytoseiid Predator Populations in Sprayed and Unsprayed Apple Orchards in Cache Valley, Utah, Yeboa A. Dodoo
Isolation, Identification, and Comparison of the Volatiles of Peach (Prunus persica L., Cultivar, Gleason Early Elberta) Fruit as Related to Harvest Maturity and Artificial Ripening, Joseph Yungsheng Do
An Experimental Study of Variation Within and Between Populations of Petrophytum caespitosum (Nutt.) Rydb. with Emphasis on Numerical Techniques, Frank R. Drysdale
Solar Radiation Under Thinned and Unthinned Lodgepole Pine Stands on the Utah State University School Forest, Belden B. Durtschi
The Value of a Trout Stream Fishery, Archie Allen Dyer
Three Decades of the National Labor Relations Board in the State of Utah, Rulon Sheldon Ellett
A Personnel Study--The Role of the Program Manager in a Northern Utah Aerospace Company, Thomas W. Enright
Occurrence and Distribution of Invertebrates in Lower Logan River, Nancy A. Erman
The Attitudes of Caseworkers and Supervisors Employed by County Welfare Departments in Box Elder, Cache, and Weber Counties Toward Public Assistance, Mardell Lorene Fayer
Child's Perception of Parental Attitude and Its Relationship to Academic Achievement and Problem Awareness, Mohammed K. Fazel
Linear Programming Applied to Sheep Ranching in Utah, William R. Flint
The Abundance, Migration and Management of Mule Deer in Dinosaur National Monument, Robert W. Franzen
Teacher's Attitudes and Teacher's and Student's Knowledge of Alcohol and Alcoholism in Selected Utah High Schools, LaDawn Anderson Gibbons
The Secondary Benefits of Irrigation Water: An Economic Appraisal, Erik Bruce Godfrey
The Relationship Between Grade Point Averages of the Henmon-Nelson Test of Mental Ability and the American College Test, Eda Alene Hansen
The History of College and Young Wards, Cache County, Utah, John A. Hansen
Reliability and Maintainability Sampling Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Evaluation, Doyle H. Harris
Differential Hawthorne Effect by Cueing, Sex, and Relevance, Richard Carl Harris
A Follow-Up Study of Mound Fort Junior High's Ninth Grade Class of 1962-63, Helen Heaps
Systemic Studies of the Genus Gila (Cyprinidae) of the Colorado River Basin, Paul Bernard Holden
Family Life Education in the High Schools of Utah, Chad B. Howells
Historical Study of Net Migration for Utah, 1870-1960, Rulon J. Huntsman
A History of the Utah Extension Service, 1888-1950, Karen Juchau
The Electric Utilities Rate Structure Determination, Walid M. Keilani
Food and Nutritional Needs of the World Population by 2000 A. D., Sitaram Shankar Kharbas
Adaptive Changes of Some Enzyme Activities in Rats and Humans to Dietary Protein, Jung Ja Kim
Assessing Achievement on a First-Grade Economics Course of Study, A. Guy Larkins
5 β- Pregnane- 3α- 20α- Diol Excretion in Urine of University Women During the Menstrual Period, Rita Shin-hui Liao
Effect of Gibberellic Acid and Chilling on Nucleic Acids During Germination of Dormant Peach Seed, Yuh-nan Lin
Physio-Chemical and Toxicological Studies on Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Certain Deciduous Fruits, Neil Adair Littlefield
Diversity in Perception of Alternatives as Related to Selected Aptitude and Background Factors, Jane Agaya Lott
The Father Role as Seen by a Group of College Student Fathers, DeVona Alice Dean Luke
Streamflow Forecasting for the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers in Northern Utah, Kenneth A. Mangelson
Student Achievement Effort as Related To Achievement and Self Concept, Michael Lynn Maughan
Lake Bonneville History in Cutler Dam Quadrangle, Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, G. Glayde Maw
Collective Bargaining in Utah's Council-Manager Municipalities, Ronald L. McKim
Comparison of Attitudes of Mothers and Fathers Toward Nursery School Education, Pamela Meals
The Feasibility of Pulp and Paper Production in Utah, Thomas Meyer
The Effect of an Extended Music Curriculum on the Behavior of Nursery School Children, Dorothy Ann Miller
A Study of the Influence of Petroleum Mulches on Several Herbicides With Selected Vegetable Crops, C. Linnis Mills
Irrigation Demand in the Utah Lake Drainage Area the Role of Irrigation Efficiency, Hiro Mizue
An Analysis of Programs of Utah Universities and Colleges Preparing Elementary School Teachers for Teaching Social Studies, Jay A. Monson
Consumer Attitudes Affecting the Use of Fluid Milk Products in Metropolitan Salt Lake City, Wayne N. Monson
The Effects of a Programed Text of Contingency Management Procedures on the Ability of Teachers to Write Behavioral Prescriptions, Lanny E. Morreau
A Study of Life Crisis Magnitude of Psychiatric Patients and a Non-Therapy Group, Helen B. Morris
Influence of Pre-Fermentation Inoculations With Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus plantarum on Physico-Chemical Properties of Fresh and Dehydrated Sauerkraut, William T. Nabors
Peddling in Northern Utah as Compared to the Continental United States, Paul J. Nye
Study of Sheltered Evaporation in Colombia, Guillermo Pardo-Bonilla
Knowledge of the Effects of Alcohol and Tobacco and Extent of Their Use by Utah State University Students, Luell J. Perrett
Waterfowl Ecology and Utilization of Uinta Mountain Water Areas, Steven Roger Peterson
Remedial Reading: Evaluation of a Reading-and-Study Course With Implications for a College Reading Center, Antoine T. Powell