Department of Biological Engineering. This department was previously known as Biological and Irrigation Engineering. The name was changed in February 2010.
Creative Projects
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Poly Vinyl Chloride as a Viable Way of Waste Management, Randy Santos and Foster A. Agblevor
Alkaloid Production by Hairy Root Cultures, Bo Zhao
Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Algal Biomass and a Supplemental Carbon Source Material to Produce Methane, Yousef Soboh
Bio-Inspired Materials and Micro/Nanostructures Enabled by Peptides and Proteins, Swathi Swaminathan
Biomethanation and Alkaline Wet Air Oxidation of Water Hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) from Ozama River, Dominican Republic, Yessica A. Castro
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Cellulose and D-Glucose Using Formulated Red Mud, Sand, and HZSM-5, Hamza Abdellaoui
Cationic Starch Synthesis, Development, and Evaluation for Harvesting Microalgae for Wastewater Treatment, Renil John Anthony
Characterization and Application of Dynamic in vitro Models of Human Airway, Hemangkumar J. Patel
Characterization and Performance of Algal Biofilms for Wastewater Treatment and Industrial Applications, Maureen Kesaano
Characterizing the Variability and Heterogeneity of Stem Cells by Engineering Methods, Junnan Geng
Design of a BioBrickTM Compatible Gene Expression System for Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Junling Huo
Determination of Gas Emission Characteristics From Animal Wastes Using a Multiplexed Portable FTIR-Surface Chamber System, Pakorn Sutitarnnontr
Development and Characterization of Aqueous-Based Recombinant Spider Silk Protein Biomaterials with Investigations into Potential Applications, Thomas I. Harris
Development of Molecular Sensor and Imaging Analysis Techniques for Improving Life Quality, Wei Zhang
Distribution of Heavy Metals from Flue Gas in Algal Bioreactor, Katerine Napan
Effect of Physical Stimuli on Angiogenic Factor Expression in Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells, Farhad Farjood
Engineering of Polyketide Biosynthetic Pathways for Bioactive Molecules, Siyuan Wang
Exploring the Capacity of Bacteria for Natural Product Biosynthesis, Ozkan Fidan
Exploring Versatile Glycosyltransferases From Microorganisms for Natural Product Biosynthesis, Jie Ren
Expression Systems for Synthetic Spider Silk Protein Production, Michaela R. Hugie
Fluoro-Silane as a Functional Monomer for Protein Conformational Imprinting, Yun Peng
Hydrodeoxygenation of Pinyon-Juniper Catalytic Pyrolysis Oil, Hossein Jahromi
Identification and Engineering of Nonribosomal Peptide Biosynthetic Systems, Fuchao Xu
Investigating RPE Cell Response to Physical Phenomena, Chase Paterson
Investigation and Engineering of Polyketide Biosynthetic Pathways, Lei Sun
Investigation of the Tailoring Steps in Pradimicin Biosynthesis, Kandy L. Napan
Laboratory Scale Anaerobic Reactors for Bioenergy from Wastes: Materials, Mathematical Models, and Stoichiometry, Yehor Pererva
Micro-Biosensor Devices for Biochemical Analysis Applications, Han Zhang
Molecular Sensing and Imaging of Human Disease Cells and Their Responses to Biochemical Stimuli, Lifu Xiao
Production and Biocompatibility of Spider Silk Proteins in Goat Milk, Richard E. Decker Jr
Production of Synthetic Spider Silk Fibers, Cameron G. Copeland
Raman Microspectroscopy, Atomic Force Microscopy, and Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing For Characterization of Bio-Interfaces: Molecular, Bacteria, and Mammalian Cells, Gerald Dustin McEwen
Recombinant Piriform Spider Silk Production, Cole R. Peterson
Silane Modulation of Protein Conformation and Self-Assembly, Abul Bashar Mohammad Giasuddin
Spatial Light Dilution as a Technique for Conversion of Solar Energy to Algal Biomass, Daniel J. Dye
Sustainable Production of Novel Biomaterials in Escherichia coli, Asif Rahman
The Effects of Laser Etching on Biocompatability and Mechanical Properties of Polyetheretherketone, Andrew I. Deceuster
The Use of Microfluidics and Dielectrophoresis for Separation, Concentration, and Identification of Bacteria, Cynthia Hanson
Utilizing Municipal and Industrial Wastes for the Production of Bioproducts: From Metagenomics to Bioproducts, Joshua T. Ellis
3D Patterning For Cell Culture: Bioprinting and a Novel Microcontact Printing Device, Calder Lake
Cell Imaging and Data Analysis for Biomaterial-Mammalian Co-Cultures, Jefferson Pontsler
Designing a Clarifier to Recover Wastewater Algae Biomass for Production of Biofuels, Elizabeth Martinez
Engineering Planktonic and Biofilm Microalgae Systems For Productivity, Power Requirements, Cost, and Scalability, Dallin Chugg
Field Calibration of the Float Method in Open Channels, Jorge Escurra
Investigation of the Biosynthetic Process of Indigoidine, Yi Chen
Methane Emission Treatment and Potential Upcycling using Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum, Jace Parkinson
Methods for Growing Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells: Current Protocols and Future Recommendations, Aaron H. Fronk
Optimization of Polyhydroxybutyrate Production in Recombinant Escherichia Coli Through Metabolic Modeling and Simulation, Yoshitaro Heshiki
Quantitative Analysis of Protective Effect of Resveratrol Against Nanoplastic-Induced Oxidative Stress, Bryan Gustafson
Sustainable Waste-to-Bioproducts Engineering Center Laboratory Safety Project, Claudine Mock
Aerobic Biodegradation of Algae-Derived Bioplastics Under Controlled Composting Conditions, Clayton J. Lords
Algae-Based Biofilm Productivity and Treatment of Dairy Wastewater: Effects of Temperature and Organic Carbon Concentration, Zachary T. Fica
Algal Biofilm Production and Harvesting System for Wastewater Treatment with Biofuels By-Products, Logan Christenson
Alternative Treatment Technologies for Low-Cost Industrial and Municipal Wastewater Management, Alan J. Hodges
Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater: Effects of Inoculants and Nutrient Management on Biomethane Production and Treatment, Jason Peterson
Analysis of an Outdoor Pilot-Scale Rotating Algae Biofilm Reactor for Power Optimization, Ash-Enhanced Productivity, And Nutrient Uptake, Peter F. Jeppesen
Analyzing Microalgae-Bacteria Population Changes in Response to Environmental Parameters for Improved Wastewater Treatment, Amanda M. Moravek
A Study of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration in Peru, Fernando Chanduvi-Acuña
A Study on the Applications and Toxicity Assessments of Carbon Nanotubes in Tissue Engineering, Rena Baktur
A Synthetic Biological Engineering Approach to Secretion- Based Recovery of Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Other Cellular Products, Elisabeth Linton
Biodiesel Production from Mixed Culture Algae Via a Wet Lipid Extraction Procedure, Ashik Sathish
Biomass and Phycocyanin from Oil and Natural Gas Extraction Produced Water Utilizing a Cyanobacteria Dominated Rotating Algal Biofilm Reactor (RABR), Jonathan L. Wood
Catalytic Fast Pyrolysis of Whole Field Pennycress Biomass, Yonas Afewerki Kidane
Catalytic Pyrolysis of Olive Mill Wastewater Sludge, Hamza Abdellaoui
Characterization of Biofilms in a Synthetic Rhizosphere Using Hollow Fiber Root-Mimetic Systems, Michelle Bonebrake
Characterization of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Performance with Pentanoic Acid and N-Acetyl Cysteine Treatment, Joseph Camire
Comparative Studies on Oxygen Mass Transfer for the Design and Development of a Single-Use Fermentor, Kristan L. Sorenson
Comparative Studies on Scale-Up Methods of Single-Use Bioreactors, Emily B. Stoker
Conventional and Catalytic Pyrolysis of Pinyon Juniper Biomass, Bhuvanesh Kumar Yathavan
Cross Flow Filtration for Mixed-Culture Algae Harvesting for Municipal Wastewater Lagoons, Misheka Wilson
Cytomegalovirus Inhibition by Pluronic-Encapsulated Quercetin and Synergy with Ganciclovir, Ian Wadsworth
Development and Optimization of a Produced Water, Biofilm Based Microalgae Cultivation System for Biocrude Conversion with Hydrothermal Liquefaction, Benjamin L. Peterson
Development and Validation of a Synchronous Model to Simulate Skeletal Muscle Damage Due to Spaceflight Ionizing Radiation and Microgravity, Lori M. Caldwell
Effects of Light Intensity on Algae Biofilms in Rotating Algae Biofilm Reactors (RABR), Joshua D. Wintch
Engineered Microalgae Cultivations Systems: Conversion of Wastewater Nutrients Into Biofuels and Bioplastics, Jacob Watkins
Evaluation Optimization of Large-Scale Plasmid DNA Production Process of Harvest, Resuspension, Lysis, and Neturalization at Large and Small Scale, Zachary S. Hyde
Excimer-Monomer Switching Molecular Beacon: The Study on Synthetic Cryptosporidium DNA Detection, Thermodynamics, and Magnesium Effects, Michael L. Davis
Increasing Production of Therapeutic mAbs in CHO Cells Through Genetic Engineering, Charles Barentine
Investigating Biosynthetic Steps of an Angucycline Antifungal, S. Gabrielle Gladstone
Investigations of Polyhydroxyalkanoate Secretion and Production Using Sustainable Carbon Sources, Chad L. Nielsen
In Vitro Simulation of Microgravity Induced Muscle Loss Successfully Increases Expression of Key In Vivo Atrophy Markers, Charles P. Harding
Lentiviral Vector Production at High Cell Density by Transient Transfection of Suspended Culture HEK Cells, Jacob G. Accordino
Low Resource Assay for Tracking SARS-CoV-2 in Wastewater, Julissa van Renselaar
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Spider Silk Films Made from Organic and Water-Based Dopes, Chauncey Lewis Tucker
Metabolic Modeling of Spider Silk Production in E. coli, Sarah Allred
Methods Development, Design Analysis, and Testing of Novel Centrifugal Devices for Mammalian Cell Culture Harvest, W. Aaron Dryden
Microfabrication of Bio-Analytical Devices: Microelectrode Array and Traveling-Wave Electrophoresis, Neil Draper
Microfabrication of Electrochemical Analytical Devices for Detection of Pathogen Species DNA and Toxic Metal Ions, Spencer Williams
Non-Catalytic Co-Gasification of Sub-Bituminous Coal and Biomass, Guevara Che Nyendu
Novel Methods to Produce Large Recombinant Spider Silk Proteins via Polymerization, Nathan L. Hebert
Novel Three-Dimensional Scaffold for Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Matthew H. Clegg
Optimization of Biogas Production by Use of a Microbially Enhanced Inoculum, Anna Doloman
Optimization of Dissolved Air Flotation for Algal Harvesting at the Logan, Utah Wastewater Treatment Plant, Andrew R. Elder