Department of Sociology and Anthropology. This department was previously known as Sociology, Social Work, and Anthropology. The name was changed July 1, 2021. To see graduate works before the change, please visit:
The Geoarchaeology of an Early Agricultural Landscape on Clear Creek, Fremont Indian State Park, Utah, Michael D. Bianchini
Addressing the Great Salt Lake Desiccation: Exploring Support for Alternative Frameworks on Rights of Nature and Multispecies Justice, Sadie Braddock
Across the Snake River Plain: Terminal Pleistocene, Early Holocene, and Early Middle Holocene Land-Use in Southeast Idaho, Jennifer Finn
To Pot or Not to Pot: Understanding Technological Investment in Ceramics and Marine Mammal Oil Rendering in Kodiak, Alaska, Elizabeth Groat
Developing a Methodology for Evaluating the Sensitivity of Rock Imagery Sites to Vandalism in Washington County, UT, Erin C. Haycock
An XRF Elemental Analysis of Prosser Molded Beads From Southwest Oregon, Michele Hoferitza
Wellbeing, Mental Health, and Natural Resource Dependency in Rural Utah, Kristen Rene Koci
Hunting for Agriculture: Unraveling Ecological Motivations in the Transition to Farming by the Fremont Cultural Complex, Ryan McGrath
Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Non-Live Births, Mudasir Mustafa
Protein Residue Analysis in Archaeology: A Geological Contamination Experiment, Theresa Popp
Detecting Community-Level Ethnic Variation Through Classic Vernal Style Rock Art, Victoria Ramirez
Linking Community-Level Food Sovereignty to Subjective Wellbeing: Framing Perspectives on Food Systems in the Upper Yakima River Basin, Alexander W. Theophilus
A National Register of Historic Places Nomination for the Proposed McKee Springs Petroglyph Panels Historic District, Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, Brandon Seth Walter
Stratigraphic Evidence for Indigenous Use of Fire as a Dryland Agricultural Landscape Management Tool on the Northern Colorado Plateau, Mariah Walzer
Diversity in Tech: Analyzing the Mismatch Between Corporate Framing and Impact, Rana Abulbasal
Toward a More Holistic Understanding of Uranium-Related Views and Experiences of Residents in the Four Corners Region of the United States, Matthew J. Barnett
Fremont Legacy in Capitol Reef and the Waterpocket Fold: A Radiocarbon Analysis of the Pectol Collection Coiled Basketry Using Bayesian Modeling, Chelsea Cheney
Beyond ‘Bisexual’: Toward a New Conceptualization of Bi+ Experience, Brook Hutchinson
Transmigrant Motherhood Identities: Colombian Mothers in the United States, Claudia Méndez Wright
Black–White Disparities in Body Mass Index Trajectories From Adolescence to Adulthood: Assessing the Roles of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Exposures to Short Sleep Durations, Olusola Akintoye Omisakin
County Characteristics and Opioid Mortality Rates in the United States, Baksun Sung
Did Arroyo Formation Impact the Occupation of Snake Rock Village, a Fremont Dryland Agricultural Community in Central Utah, ca. AD 1000–1200?, Alexandra Wolberg
'I Try to Take the Whole Family Thing Out of the Picture': How Professionals Navigate Motherhood Bias at Work, Rachael Gulbrandsen
Implications of Malthus-Boserup Ratcheting for Interpreting the Archaeological Record, Gideon F. Maughan
Reversing the Gaze: Using Indigenous and Western Worldviews to Compare Coverage of Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the News Media, Gina McCrackin
Aging Bison Teeth With a GIS: A New Tooth Age Prediction Methodology and its Archaeological and Ecological Implications, Andrew Edward Owens
Alienation, Modernization, and Animal Welfare: Human-Animal Relationships at the Farm, State, and Country Levels, Michael D. Briscoe
Assessing the Relationship Between Geophytes and the Archaeological Presence of Maize in North America, Paige Dorsey
An Analysis Of Obsidian Artifacts from the Black Mountain Redoubt (48FR6463): A Late Archaic to Late Prehistoric Shoshone Campsite in Northwestern Wyoming, Mary Margaret Hagen Erlick
Deaths of Despair in the United States, Amin Etemadifar
Accessing Healthcare in the Intermountain West During the Age of Precarious Labor, Jordan Hammon
Examining Segregation Between Chinese and Euroamerican Residences Using Suitability Modeling Within the Built Environment at Terrace, Utah: A Case Study, Kelly N. Jimenez
Variability in Long Bone Processing: The Result of Bone Resiliency or Marrow Utility?, Jonathan P. Keith
A Geoarchaeological Site Formation Model at Alm Shelter, Wyoming, Cayla Kennedy
Assessing the Contribution of Different Causes of Death to Life Expectancy Disparities in the United States, Max Tyler Roberts
Space-Time Dynamics of the Uinta Fremont Agricultural Transition in Eastern Utah and Northwestern Colorado, Trista N. Schiele
Environmental Social Movements: A Comparative Study Across Two Political Economies, Elham Hoominfar
The Environmental Impact of Immigration in the United States, Guizhen Ma
Collaboration and Reflexivity in Wildland Fire Risk Governance in the Western United States, Brett Alan Miller
Framing Climate Change in Local Context: Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change In Three Mountain Towns in the Intermountain West Compared to National Coverage, Tyler J. Spradlin
Debitage Attributes, Obsidian Source Analysis, and Prehistoric Mobility in Southeastern Idaho, Ben Joaquin Zumkeller
Subsistence Strategy Tradeoffs in Long-Term Population Stability Over the Past 6,000 Years, Darcy A. Bird
Health Care Provider Recruitment and Retention in Millard County, Utah, Ronald T. Draper
Gender and Social Acceptance of Immigrants in a New Destination Site, Emma Meade Earl
Women in Agriculture: Living in a "Man's World", Ennea A. Fairchild
Finding the Time: Age-Depth Models in Rockshelters and Their Paleoenvironmental Implications, Caleb E. Ferbrache
The Rise and Run of Women Corporate Leaders, Alicia R. Ingersoll
Assessing Paleoenvironmental and Geomorphic Variability in Relationship to Paleoindian Site Burial; Centennial Valley, Montana, Hillary A. Jones
By Proxy: A Radiocarbon Perspective on Prehistoric Mobility Using Summed Probability Distributions and Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions in Wyoming and Montana, Anastasia M. Lugo Mendez
Newspaper Representations of Homelessness: A Temporal Comparative Analysis, Sarah Werman
A Geochemical Analysis of Tosawihi Quarries Chert Using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry, Bethany M. Wurster
Optimal Foraging and Population Dynamics: An Archaeological Investigation at the Birch Creek Rockshelters, Idaho, Samuel H. M. Yeates
Culture Matters: Career and Life Expectations and Outcomes among Business School Alumni, Ace Beorchia
A Modern Plague: U.S. Racial and Ethnic Vaccination Disparities During the 2009 H1N1 Influenza Pandemic, Andrew E. Burger
A Sociological Evaluation of a Large Team Science Project: The iUtah Experience, K. Taylor Dean
Does Neighborhood Context Matter? A Multilevel Analysis of Neighborhood Disadvantage and Sleep Health, Carlyn E. Graham
Resource Competition Among the Uinta Basin Fremont, Elizabeth A. Hora-Cook
Nonstandard Employment and the Risk of Divorce in South Korea, Donghyun Kim
Advancement to the Highest Faculty Ranks in Academic STEM: Explaining the Gender Gap at USU, Helga Van Miegroet
Maternal Depression in the United States: A Geographic Comparison Between Geographic Regions and Rurality, Samantha J. Patterson
Homeless Social Service Workers as Street-Level Bureaucrats, Curtis Smith
Symbolic Versus Sustainable: Tracking the Apparel Industry’s Response to Crisis Over Time, Sadell R. Crabb
Do Data Structures Matter? A Simulation Study for Testing the Validity of Age-Period-Cohort Models, Sun Young Jeon
The Inevitable Fusion: A Mixed-Methods Sociological Approach to Comprehensive Kodiak Bear Viewing Management, Jacqueline M. Keating
Public Opinion on Renewable Energy: The Nexus of Climate, Politics, and Economy, Shawn K. Olson-Hazboun
Contributors to Wisconsin’s Persistent Black-White Gap in Life Expectancy, Max T. Roberts
Refugee and Employer Perceptions of the Effects of Capital on Refugee Employability in Utah, Christian L. Fritz
The Ideal Educator: Investigating Teaching Culture and Teaching Styles through Teacher Self-Efficacy and Social Acceptance, Jared R. Glenn
A Light in the Dark: Luminescence Dating Intermountain Ware Ceramics from Four Archaeological Sites in Northwestern Wyoming, Carlie J. Ideker
Bringing the States Back in: Institutional Determinants of State Level Immigration Policies, Paul D. Jacobs
Interpreting Risk: Variations and Explanations of Resident Perceptions of Hydraulic Fracturing Impacts, Adrian B. Uzunian
Welfare State Context and Individual Health: The Role of Decommodification in Shaping Self-Perceived Health, Karin M. Abel
Spatial Patterns of Rural and Exurban Residential Settlement and Agricultural Trends in the Intermountain West, Saleh Ahmed
Organizational Adaptation in Local Stormwater Governance, Andrea Armstrong
Late Taino Occupation of Jamaica: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of Faunal Materials from the Bluefields Bay Site, Diana M. Azevedo
Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth: 2014 Farm Bill Insect and Disease Restoration Provision -- True Gift or False Hope?, Jamilee E. Holmstead
Site-Based and Nonsite Archaeological Survey: A Comparison of Two Survey Methods in the City of Rocks, Idaho, Patrick Reed McDonald
Understanding Westerners' Relationship with Public Lands and Federal Land Managers Through Attachment to Public Lands, Chris Sisneros
The Baker Cave Bison Remains: Bison Diminution and Late Holocene Subsistence on the Snake River Plain, Southern Idaho, Ryan P. Breslawski
An Exploration of Object and Scientific Skills-Based Strategies for Teaching Archaeology in a Museum Setting, Candice L. Cravins
Ceramic Technology, Women, and Settlement Patterns in Late Archaic Southwestern Idaho, Jessica A. Dougherty
Obsidian Toolstone Conveyance: Southern Idaho Forager Mobility, Benjamin L. Fowler
Schools That Serve Military Children: A Comparison of the Standardized Test Scores in the DoDEA School System Versus the Civilian School System, Mary Eleanor Fugate
Mothers on the Market: Employer Hiring Practices and Motherhood Penalties, Elizabeth Kiester
The Agricultural Economics of Fremont Irrigation: A Case Study From South-Central Utah, Chimalis R. Kuehn
Framing Fracking: Media Coverage of Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in South Texas, Jebadiha E. Potterf
The Impact of Social Support, Psychosocial Characteristics, and Contextual Factors on Racial Disparities in Hypertension, E. Miranda Reiter
Predictors of Physical Activity Among Persons With Multiple Sclerosis, Emily Jean Bennett
Chinese People's Perceptions of and Preparedness for Democracy, Xiangyun Lan
Risk and Climate at High Elevation: A Z-score Model Case Study for Prehistoric Human Occupation of Wyoming's Wind River Range, Ashley K. Losey
Late Prehistoric Technology, Quartzite Procurement, and Land Use in the Upper Gunnison Basin, Colorado: View from Site 5GN1.2, Jonathan Mitchell Peart
This Was the Place: Apostasy from the LDS Church, Traci K. Burnett
Military as Welfare State: Conditions Leading to the Adoption of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program, Madisen B. Drury
The Role of Educational Attainment in Migration Probability and Destination Selection for the Metropolitan Rust Belt, 1980-2000, Paul D. Jacobs
A Demographic Evaluation of Increasing Rates of Suicide Mortality in Japan and South Korea, Sun Young Jeon
The Effects of the Political Landscape on Social Movement Organization Tactical Choices, Jennifer Marie Swalboski
Making the “Good” Professor: Does Graduate Mentoring Promote Gender Equality in Academia?, Anita Harker Armstrong
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Disparities Between U.S. Non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics, 2000-2009, Andrew E. Burger
By-Products: Immigration, Raids, and Meatpacking in Rural Communities, Kevin D. Hanks