Jon M. Huntsman School of Business News Collection
The following is a collection of Huntsman School news articles from 2011 to 2017. News articles from 2018 to present can be found on the Huntsman News website. Huntsman news articles often highlight how Huntsman School of Business students, employees and alumni 'Dare Mighty Things'.
Professor Reports on his Academic Experience in Hungary
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
In August 2011, Zsolt Ugray, an associate professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, left for his native Hungary as part of the Fulbright Program, an international educational exchange sponsored by the U.S. government. The program, which operates in more than 155 countries around the world, is designed to increase international understanding by studying, teaching, conducting research, exchanging ideas, and contributing to finding solutions to shared international concerns.
Professor Ronda Callister Spoke at TEDxUSU on “Reducing Barriers to Women’s Contributions”
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Professor Ronda Callister had to compete to become one of just eight presenters at the first ever TEDxUSU event, held in November. She used her requisite “18 minutes of innovative ideas” to describe the powerful, world-changing effects that would likely ensue from enabling women to become full contributors to human well-being and progress.
Ryan Dent, '00, Promoted to Partner
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Ryan Dent was recently promoted to Partner in the Assurance practice at PwC, LLP. His promotion coincides with his relocation back to Salt Lake City after spending four years on the East Coast working in PwC’s National Office and serving banking and other financial services clients in New York City. Ryan will lead the Salt Lake City financial services practice at PwC providing audit and advisory services to banking and other financial clients throughout the region. Ryan’s experience leading audit engagements of public and privately owned companies for over 12 years, including his work as a technical consultant in the National Profession Services group at PwC on financial instrument related transactions and technical matters, will provide the Salt Lake practice with increased leadership, experience and technical expertise.Ryan is a graduate of Utah State University where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and a Masters of Business Administration. He is currently a member of the John M Huntsman School of Business, School of Accountancy Advisory Board. Ryan has also served on the Board of Trustees, Alumni Executive Board and Extension Advisory Council for Utah State University.
School of Accountancy Welcomes New Faculty Members
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
The SOA is pleased to announce the hire of two outstanding assistant professors who will join our faculty in July 2012.
Scott Schaefer is Known for his Research into Workplace Dynamics
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Scott Schaefer, who was recently appointed as a Jon M. Huntsman Presidential Visiting Professor, is recognized for his research using economic theories to explore how people relate to each other within organizations. During the fall 2012 semester, he will teach an undergraduate managerial economics class at the Huntsman School and will hold several seminars for faculty and students.
Significant Research Discovery Relevant to the Auditing Profession
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Chris Skousen recently received word that his co-authored research article Haphazard Sampling: Selection BiasesInduced by Control Listing Properties and the Estimation Consequences of these Biases has been accepted for publication in Behavioral Research in Accounting.
SOA Faculty Member Receives Back-to-back Awards
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Congratulations to faculty member Nate Stephens who received two prestigious awards for research excellence.
Vern Beuhler Endowed Professorship Will Be Held By Dr. Chris Fawson
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
Dr. Chris Fawson, credited with playing a key role in the recent progress of the Huntsman School of Business, will now hold a professorship endowed by a former professor who helped shape the direction of the school 40 years ago, Dr. Vern Buehler.
Watch Some of the Excellent Presentations from the 36th Annual Accounting Conference
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business
The 36th Annual Accounting Accounting Conference was an outstanding success thanks to a blockbuster lineup of presenters.
Associate Professor Alison Cook Brings Finance Background to Organizational Behavior Studies of Diversity and the Stock Market
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Christine Arrington
Associate Professor Alison Cook received the prestigious award “Ascendant Scholar of 2011” from the Western Academy of Management (WAM), along with three other honorees, from Stanford, University of Southern California, and San Francisco State. This is WAM’s top honor for identifying bright young scholars who it wants to foster, recognize, and support. Then Professor Cook was invited to present a paper at the 2012 annual WAM conference, in March, in La Jolla, California.
Open Political Discussion at Work Can Have Benefits, Drawbacks
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Christine Arrington
Political discussion at work can actually strengthen an employee’s job satisfaction and commitment to the organization, but only if the discussion is characterized as “an exchange of perspectives” with “give and take,” rather than as “political pressuring” to agree with a supervisor’s political ideas. This was the surprising preliminary finding of an innovative, nationally representative study of couples in which both the employee and spouse were surveyed on how political discussions at work can impact the work and home life of employees.
My Favorite Professor: Professor Ben Blau Connects Finance to Real World News of the Day
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Boone Bowles
Dr. Ben Blau, a professor of finance, has a unique philosophy when it comes to teaching, a philosophy that he explains to his students before every difficult assignment or impossible midterm exam. He believes that professors who make students think that they are thinking are loved, while professors who actually make students think are hated. “My goal,” Dr. Blau quips, “is to become your least favorite professor.”
Company With Huntsman Roots Predicts 91% of Political Races Correctly
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Steve Eaton
After traveling by bus for three months to 48 states logging 18,000 miles, contacting more than 3,000 politicians, participating in a drag race with a pig bus and a “slow walk” with a presidential candidate, the leaders of PoliticIt decided to take a break this week.
Huntsman Students and Graduates Create One-Stop Shopping for Political Junkies
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Steve Eaton
The world of presidential politics can be very unpredictable, with hourly changes dropping or boosting a candidate’s fortunes. And yet a handful of students and alumni from the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business have come up with something they believe will make the short-term future a little more predictable. They have launched a new non-partisan website called politicit.com that automatically pulls data from a number of traditional press outlets and social media sources like Twitter, Facebook, and Wikipedia and gives readers a snapshot of what’s happening in the minute-by-minute online world. It analyzes a number of factors including online activity, traditional polls, and other breaking news to calculate an"It Score." The "It Scores" can predict poll numbers in advance, creating real-time polling daily, according to the company.Those scores are displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the home page next to each candidate's picture.
New Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence Begins to Draw in Innovative Thinkers
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Steve Eaton
The Jon M. Huntsman School of Business officially launched its Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence with an event that celebrated the very kind of innovative, visionary thinking that created the Center in the first place.
Entrepreneurship Club Hosts Event to Involve All Students
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Rob Goates
The night before the opening of the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence, the Entrepreneurship Club hosted an event for students aimed at boosting involvement and raising awareness.
Dog Eat Dog World: Challenges of an Entrepreneurial Start-Up
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and David Herrmann
It was my boss who got me thinking about taking a leap of faith and starting my own business. It proved to be a leap I survived even though I had a faulty parachute.
Researcher from the University of Chicago comes to Huntsman School of Business
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Klydi Heywood
Devon Gorry took her first economics class at Dartmouth College simply because her brother majored in the subject.Having always had a passion for math and science, Dr. Gorry found she enjoyed the application of mathematical reasoning to real-world problems.
Economics Student a Finalist for Carnegie Fellowship
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
A student in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business was recently named a finalist for The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellows Program.
Entrepreneurship Week Provides Innovative Opportunities for Students
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
For one week in early April, Utah State University students with drive, dreams, and creativity found such attributes could prove especially rewarding.
Glenn McEvoy Earns Library Faculty Award
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
The Merrill-Cazier library has recognized Dr. Glenn McEvoy for his contributions to the library with the Library Faculty Award, a recognition earned by only one faculty member each year.
Nate Stephens Earns Two Best Paper Awards
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
It is a rare thing for an author to win a best paper award for his or her published research. It is even more unusual, however, for an author to win two of those awards in the same year. Yet Nate Stephens, assistant professor of accounting, has done just that for research published in the Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education journals.
SEED Program Sparks a Successful Bakery in Peru
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
Graduates from the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business earn diplomas for their hard work and effort. Four graduates in Peru, however, have their own bakery to show for their efforts.
Students Gain Real-World Experience in Marketing Case Competition
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
It happened on Friday, Nov. 30, however, when students participated in the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business’s first-ever Marketing Case Competition, for a client whose specialty just happens to be beards.
Tim Gardner Says Liberal Studies Degree Proved Good Foundation
USU Jon M. Huntsman School of Business and Allie Jeppson
Tim Gardner is skilled at Jeopardy. His knack for remembering bits and pieces of random knowledge is a hidden talent he developed, in part because he earned his undergraduate degree in liberal studies.