Volume 13, Issue 2 (2019) Fall 2019
Letters from the Editor
Mice and Rats: Perceptions, Realities, and Impacts on Humankind
Terry A. Messmer
New Associate Editor
Francesco M. Angelici
In the News
In the News
Jason Matthews and Joe N. Caudell
Special Topics
The Changing Role of Rodenticides and Their Alternatives in the Management of Commensal Rodents
Gary W. Witmer
Assessing Individual and Population-Level Effects of Anticoagulant Rodenticides on Wildlife
Niamh Quinn
A California Without Rodenticides: Challenges for Commensal Rodent Management in the Future
Niamh Quinn, Sylvia Kenmuir, and Laura Krueger
Effectiveness of Snap and A24-Automated Traps and Broadcast Anticoagulant Bait in Suppressing Commensal Rodents in Hawaii
Aaron B. Shiels, Tyler Bogardus, Jobriath Rohrer, and Kapua Kawelo
A Review of Rat Lungworm Infection and Recent Data on Its Definitive Hosts in Hawaii
Chris N. Niebuhr, Susan I. Jarvi, and Shane R. Siers
Harnessing Population Genetics for Pest Management: Theory and Application for Urban Rats
Matthew Combs, Kaylee Byers, Chelsea Himsworth, and Jason Munshi-South
Research Articles/Notes
Numbers of Human Fatalities, Injuries, and Illnesses in the United States Due to Wildlife
Michael R. Conover
Seal and Polar Bear Behavioral Response to an Icebreaker Vessel in Northwest Greenland
Kate Lomac-MacNair, José Pedro Andrade, and Eduardo Esteves
Efficacy of an Online Native Snake Identification Search Engine for Public Use
Scott E. Henke, Samantha S. Kahl, David B. Wester, Gad Perry, and David Britton
Application Strategy for an Anthraquinone-Based Repellent and the Protection of Soybeans from Canada Goose Depredation
Scott J. Werner, Matthew Gottlob, Charles D. Dieter, and Joshua D. Stafford
Estimating Waterbird Abundance on Catfish Aquaculture Ponds Using an Unmanned Aerial System
Paul C. Burr, Sathishkumar Samiappan, Lee A. Hathcock, Robert J. Moorhead, and Brian S. Dorr
Foraging Preferences of Barnacle Geese on Endophytic Tall and Red Fescues
Tuuli-Marjaana Koski, Kari Saikkonen, Tero Klemola, and Marjo Helander
Tracking Canada Geese Near Airports: Using Spatial Data to Better Inform Management
Ryan J. Askren, Brett E. Dorak, Heath M. Hagy, Michael W. Eiccholz, Brian E. Washburn, and Michael P. Ward
European Starlings Fly Before They Fledge
Jeremiah L. Psiropoulos and Lisa A. Selner
Awards and Scholarships
Berryman Institute Professional and Program Awards
Terry Messmer