Human–Wildlife Interactions | Vol 2 | Iss 2

Volume 2, Issue 2 (2008) Fall 2008

In the News


In the News
Joe N. Caudell

Research Articles/Notes


Trans Fatty Acids Provide Evidence of Anthropogenic Feeding by Black Bears
Gregory W. Thiemann, Randal S. Stahl, Sharon Baruch-Mordo, and Stewart W. Breck


Evaluation of Physical Barriers to Prevent Prairie Dog Colony Expansion
Gary W. Witmer, James Gionfriddo, and Michael Pipas


Evaluation of an Oral Vaccination Program to Control Raccoon Rabies in a Suburbanized Landscape
Jason R. Boulanger, Laura L. Bigler, Paul D. Curtis, Donald H. Lein, and Arthur J. Lembo Jr.


Modeling Wildlife Damage to Crops in Northern Indiana
Mónica I. Retamosa, Lee A. Humberg, James C. Beasley, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.


Mammalian Hazards at Small Airports in Indiana: Impact of Perimeter Fencing
Travis L. DeVault, Jacob E. Kubel, David J. Glista, and Olin E. Rhodes Jr.


Relationship Between Raccoon Abundance and Crop Damage
James C. Beasley and Olin E. Rhodes Jr


Use of a Population Viability Analysis to Evaluate Human-Induced Impacts and Mitigation for the Endangered Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit
David H. LaFever, Paige M. Schmidt, Neil D. Perry, Craig A. Faulhaber, Roel R. Lopez, Nova J. Silvy, and Elizabeth A. Forys


Population and Spatial Dynamics of Resident Canada Geese in Southeastern Nebraska
Scott R. Groepper, P. Joseph Gabig, Mark P. Vrtiska, Jason M. Gilsdorf, Scott E. Hygnstrom, and Larkin A. Powell