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Training EFL Teachers in the Expanding Circles: A Course Proposal to Achieve Global Demands, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; Excellence in Language Instruction: Supporting Classroom Teaching & Learning


Second Language Research in Practice: Exploring Foreign Language Teaching, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante, Karin DeJonge-Kannan, and Aliza M. Atkin Kroek; John Lackstrom Linguistics Symposium

It Takes a Village to Raise Multilingual-Multicultural Children: The story of Utah Dual Language Immersion, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante, Ofelia Wade, and Jamie Leite; 44th Annual Conference of the National Association for Bilingual Education

It Takes a Village to Raise Multilingual-Multicultural Children: The story of Utah Dual Language Immersion, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante, Ofelia Wade, and Jamie Leite; 20th Annual Dual Language Conference La Cosecha

Moving beyond the language–literature divide in foreign language programs: The use of digital annotation tools, Joshua Thoms; 4th Annual Language Educator Symposium, Penn Language Center


American exceptionalism in the American mind: Presidentialdiscourse, national identity and U.S. foreign policy, Jason A. Gilmore; Political Communication Division, International Communication Association Annual Conference


Translating American Exceptionalism: Comparing Presidential Discourse About the United States at Home and Abroad, Jason A. Gilmore; International Journal of Communication

Writing Women in Northeastern China: Melancholic Narrative in Mei Niang's Novellas, Li Guo; Frontiers of Literary Studies in China

When threats are internal:Cascading frames, national identity, and the U.S. war in Afghanistan, C. M. Rowling, Jason A. Gilmore, and P. Sheets; International Studies Association

Hybrid language teaching and learning: Exploring theoretical, pedagogical and curricular issues, Fernando Rubio and Joshua Thoms; Heinle Cengage Learning


The Principle of Reciprocity in Hospitality Contexts: The Relationship Between Tipping Behavior and Food Servers’ Approaches to Handling Leftovers, John S. Seiter and Harry Weger; Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research

Celebrating cultural diversity through writing projects, Elena Shvidko; Convention of the Conference on College Composition and Communication

Engaging students in a reflective dialogue about their writing, Elena Shvidko; Symposium on Second Language Writing

Evaluation criteria for choosing online teaching resources, Elena Shvidko; TESOL Convention

Examining impoliteness through a critical lens, Elena Shvidko; AAAL Conference

Examining preparation of composition teachers working with multilingual writers, Elena Shvidko; Symposium on Second Language Writing

L2 writing: Norms, expectations, or free agency, Elena Shvidko; TESOL Journal

Non-native speakers of English in mainstream composition, Elena Shvidko; Writing Center for the graduate composition instructors

Perceptions of composition teachers of their professional preparedness to work with multilingual writers, Elena Shvidko; Conference of Council of Writing Program Administrators

Preparedness of composition instructors to work with second language writers, Elena Shvidko; ESL Graduate Student Symposium


Review of Focus on Vocabulary 1: Bridging Vocabulary, Schmitt D., & Schmitt, N., Elena Shvidko; TESL-EJ


Review of Longman Academic Writing Series 5: Essays to Research Papers, by Meyers, A., Elena Shvidko; TESL-EJ

Review of Understanding Intercultural Communication, by Holliday, A., Elena Shvidko; TESOL InterCom

Revision and strategy use in composing processes of multilingual writers, Elena Shvidko; TESOL Convention

Using public service announcement videos to teach rhetoric, Elena Shvidko; TESOL Convention

Cross-Cultural Competence: Intercultural Identity and Community, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 5th International Conference on Language Immersion Education

Cultural Mismatch in Pedagogy Workshops: Training International Teachers in CLT, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; 34th International Society for Teacher Education (ISfTE)


Cultural Mismatch in Pedagogy Workshops: Training Non-Native Teachers Communicative Language Teaching, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; Theory and Practice in Language Studies

Methods in Foreign Language Teacher Training: Clashing Belief Systems, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; 48th Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

Open educational resources (OER) and foreign language (FL) education: Investigating the effects of OER on FL learning and teaching, Joshua Thoms and Carl Blyth; American Association for Applied Linguistics

Exploring the perceived benefits and challenges of using open educational resources in foreign language programs, Joshua Thoms and Becky Thoms; American Association for Applied Linguistics


In Their Own Words: Chinese Students in American Universities, Nolan Weil and Jianzhong Luo; TESOL 2014 International Convention


Language learning strategy use in an American IEP: Implications for EFL, Nolan Weil and Jianzhong Luo; Asian EFL Journal Quarterly

Introduction to Forum: Nation, Gender, and Transnational Modernism, Ping Zhu and Li Guo; Frontiers of Literary Studies in China


Language and Speech of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Kristina M. Blaiser Ph.D., CCC-SLP and Deborah Culbertson

Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining, Robert H. Gass and John S. Seiter

American exceptionalism, presidential discourse, and the American mind, Jason A. Gilmore; American Association of Public Opinion Researchears

Translating American exceptionalism: Presidential discourse about the United States in comparative perspective, Jason A. Gilmore; Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association Annual Conference


Why Do (We Think) They Hate Us: Anti-Americanism, Patriotic Messages, and Attributions of Blame, Jason A. Gilmore, Lindsey Meeks, and David Domke; International Journal of Communication


Rethinking Theatrical Images of the New Woman in China's Republian Era, Li Guo; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

Review Essay: Negotiating the Traditional and the Modern: Chinese Women's Literature from the Late Imperial Period through the Twentieth-Century, Li Guo; Project Muse


Talking about information literacy: the mediating roleof discourse in a college writing classroom, W. Holliday and Jim Rogers; portal: Libraries and the Academy

But Why Was Spinoza a Necessitarian?, Charlie Huenemann; The Oxford Handbook of Spinoza

Nietzsche’s Illness, Charlie Huenemann; The Oxford Handbook of Nietzsche


Bibliography for the Study of Asian Culture(s) and Globalization, Chien-hang Lu, Li Guo, and I-Chun Wang; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

Imaging Toxins, Jennifer A. Peeples; Environmental Communication

Toxic Sublime, Jennifer A. Peeples; Convergences program of the Department of English at the University of Arizona

Environmental Melodrama, Coal, and the Politics of Sustainable Energy in The Last Mountain, Steve Schwarze, Jennifer A. Peeples, Jen Schneider, and Peter Bsumek; International Journal of Sustainable Development

Beyond Expectations: The Influence of Food Servers’ Nonverbal Behavior in Service Interactions. , John S. Seiter; Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching Courses in Persuasive Communication: A Case Study Approach at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

Instructor's Manual to Accompany Persuasion, Social Influence, and Compliance Gaining, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass

Persuasion on Trial: An Exercise for Understanding the Benefits of Studying Persuasion, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass; Communication Teacher

The Name Pharm: Understanding the Power of Labels Through a Role-Playing Exercise, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass; G.I.F.T.S (Great Ideas for Teaching Speech) Section at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

Communicating Immediacy Throughout a Service Encounter: The Effect of Addressing Customers by Name on Gratuities Given to Food Servers, John S. Seiter, K. D. Givens, and H. Weger Jr.; Interpersonal Communication Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Does a Customer by Any Other Name Tip the Same?: The Effect of Forms of Address and Customers’ Age on Gratuities Given to Food Servers in the United States, John S. Seiter and Harry Weger Jr.; Journal of Applied Social Psychology

Embracing the needs of ESL writers in First-Year Composition courses, Elena Shvidko; Writing Center for the graduate composition instructors

English in the multilingual mosaic of Polynesia, Elena Shvidko; Conference of International Association for World Englishes

How can I say you to grandpa? Sociocultural aspect of English use, Elena Shvidko; AAAL Conference

Investigating sociocultural adjustment of freshmen ESL writers, Elena Shvidko; Second Language Acquisition Graduate Student Symposium

Mastering the skill of lesson planning, Elena Shvidko; ESL Graduate Student Symposium

Peer review strategies, Elena Shvidko; Writing Center for the graduate composition instructors

Sociocultural adjustment of international students in First-Year Composition classes, Elena Shvidko; ESL Graduate Student Symposium

The high brutality of good intentions: L1 in the hallways, Elena Shvidko; INTESOL

Creating successful listening activities using websites that offer authentic listening materials, Elena Shvidko and O. Bumandalai; TESOL Convention

Relieving the burden of grading through Google, Elena Shvidko and O. Bumandalai; TESOL Convention

Teaching Communicatively: Teachers’ Beliefs and Current Practices in the Second Language Classroom, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; Southwest Conference on Language Teaching

Challenges in Teaching Communicatively: Teachers’ Beliefs and Current Practices, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; 47th Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

Communicative Language Teaching and Cultural Resistance: International Teacher Training Experiences, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; International Conference on English Language Teaching (ICELT)

Monolingüismo versus Bilingüismo: Narraciones Personales Orales y Escritas, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante and Karin DeJonge-Kannan; International Symposium on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education in Latin America

Ecological Integrity in Protected Areas: Two Interpretations, Gorden Steinhoff; Seattle Journal of Environmental Law

Restoring Nature in Protected Areas, Gorden Steinhoff; Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences Conference

Analyzing linguistic outcomes of L2 learners: Hybrid vs. traditional course contexts , Joshua Thoms; Hybrid language teaching and learning: Exploring theoretical, pedagogical and curricular issues

Hybrid language teaching and learning: Looking forward , Joshua Thoms; Hybrid language teaching and learning: Exploring theoretical, pedagogical and curricular issues

Review of "Language Teaching in Blended Contexts", Joshua Thoms; Modern Language Journal

The role of classroom discourse in L2 learning and teaching, Joshua Thoms; American Association for Applied Linguistics

Literacy-based approaches in college and high school FL courses, Joshua Thoms, Mark Darhower, and Mary E. O'Donnell; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Implementing a Fulbright scholar program, Joshua Thoms, Karin DeJonge-Kannan, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante, and Jessica Lee; Utah International Higher Education Summit

Sociolinguistics and SLA come together: The future tense in Spanish L2 textbooks, Joshua Thoms and Rafael Orozco; Southeastern Conference on Linguistics

Open educational resources in the United States: Insights from university foreign language directors, Joshua Thoms and Becky Thoms; Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium


Introduction to Asian Culture(s) and Globalization, I-Chun Wang and Li Guo; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture

Responses to an Opponent’s Nonverbal Behavior in a Televised Debate: Audience Perceptions of Credibility and Likeability, Harry Weger Jr., John S. Seiter, Kimberly A. Jacobs, and Valerie Akbulut; Journal of Argumentation in Context


Rethinking Materials for the Reading Class, Nolan Weil; TESOL 2013


From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the Lessons of Seattle, Kevin M. DeLuca and Jennifer A. Peeples; The Routledge Reader in Rhetorical Criticism

The ‘exceptional’ neighbor: Invocations and effects of American exceptionalism in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, Jason A. Gilmore; Pacific NW Canadian Studies Consortium

Rethinking Female Voice and the Ideology of Sound: A Study of Stanley Kwan's Film Center Stage (1992), Li Guo; Film International

Coming into Conflict: New Approaches to Analyzing Environmental Rhetoric, Jennifer A. Peeples; University of Montana Lecture

Graduate course and undergraduate course, Jennifer A. Peeples; University of Montana Lecture

Student Participatory Design Studio, Jennifer A. Peeples; What is an Educated Person Conference

The Flipper Debate: Teaching Intercultural Communication through Simulated Conflict, Jennifer A. Peeples, Bradford J. Hall, and John S. Seiter; Communication Teacher


Two Activities for Raising Consciousness of Language Learners' Strategies, Scott Redfern and Nolan Weil; The Internet TESL Journal

Cahier d'apprentissage autonome à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 3 Intervenants Psychosociaux. (A Self-study workbook for Health & Social Services Professionals: Module 3 Pscyhocosial Service Providers), Jim Rogers, S. Harrison, D. Lisney, T. Seredynska, and P. Tetford; A Self-study workbook for Health & Social Services Professionals: Module 3 Pscyhocosial Service Providers

Guide de l'animateur à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 2 Infirmières et infirmiers de triage, Jim Rogers, S. Harrison, D. Lisney, T. Seredynska, and P. Tetford; Guide de l'animateur à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 2 Infirmières et infirmiers de triage

Does a Customer by Any Other Name Tip the Same?: The Effect of Forms of Address and Customers’ Age on Gratuities Given to Food Servers in the United States, John S. Seiter and H. Weger Jr.; Interpersonal Communication Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Assessing students through writing activities, Elena Shvidko; Graduate Student Forum

L1 in the hallways: Students’ perspectives, IEP’s solutions, Elena Shvidko and N. Evans; TESOL Convention

L1 in the hallways: Students’ perspectives, IEP’s solutions, Elena Shvidko and N. Evans; AAAL Conference

Writing in a Dual Language Immersion Program: Pedagogical and Academic Challenges, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; CARLA-Immersion 2012: Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World

Extraterritorialidad y Transculturación: Recuerdos de viaje de Eduarda Mansilla (1882), J.P. Spicer Escalante; Viajeras entre dos mundos

From Ernesto Guevara de la Serna to ‘Che’: Iconicity and Reality, J.P. Spicer Escalante

“Time is money”: La literatura de viaje, la mujer moderna, y el contracanon en Recuerdos de viaje, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Las pioneras del XIX en diálogo con la crítica contemporánea

Naturalness and Biodiversity: Why Natural Conditions Should Be Maintained Within Protected Areas, Gorden Steinhoff; William and Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review