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Classroom discourse in FL classrooms: A review of the literature, Joshua Thoms; Foreign Language Annals
Operation buy–in: How to effectively incorporate a literacy-based approach to L2 teaching and learning, Joshua Thoms; American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators Business Meeting and at the American council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Whole-class discussions in a L2 literature classroom: Teacher discourse and heritage language learners, Joshua Thoms; American Association for Applied Linguistics
Wild Public Screens and Image Events from Seattle to China: Using Social Media to Broadcast Activism Beyond the Confines of Democracy, Kevin M. DeLuca, Ye Sun, and Jennifer A. Peeples; Transnational Protests and the Media
Digital media and the 2010 Brazilian national elections, Jason A. Gilmore; Conference on Internet, Voting and Democracy by the Center for the Study of Democracy
Ditching the pack: Digital media in the 2010 Brazilian congressional campaigns, Jason A. Gilmore; News Media & Society
Ditching the pack: Digital media in the 2010 Braziliancongressional campaigns, Jason A. Gilmore; Political Communication Division, National Communication Association
Making History Anew: Feminine Melodrama in Eileen Chang's Love in a Fallen City, Li Guo; Consciousness, Literature and the Arts
The Legacy of Crossdressing in Tanci: A Histoire of Heroic Women and Men, Li Guo; Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
Just How Real are Individuals in Spinoza's Metaphysics?, Charlie Huenemann; Spinoza workshop
Downwind: A Case Study of Contamination and Powerlessness in Community Environmental Activism, Jennifer A. Peeples; Southern Communication Journal
Toxic Sublime: Imaging Contaminated Landscapes, Jennifer A. Peeples; Environmental Communication
Cahier d'apprentissage autonome à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 2 Infirmières et infirmiers de triage, Jim Rogers, S. Harrison, D. Lisney, T. Seredynska, and P. Tetford; Cahier d'apprentissage autonome à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 2 Infirmières et infirmiers de triage
Persuasion by Way of Example: Does Including Gratuity Guidelines on Customers’ Checks Affect Tipping Behavior in Restaurants?, John S. Seiter, Garett M. Brownlee, and Matthew Sanders; Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Assessing students through writing, Elena Shvidko; Intermountain TESOL
Learning to think through writing, Elena Shvidko; Graduate Student Forum
Narrativas Personales: Análisis del Discurso Oral y Escrito de Estudiantes Bilingües de Nivel Secundario, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; Primer Congreso de Expresión Oral y Escrita
Revising our Curriculum/ Empowering Students: Teachers’ Preparation and Perceptions about Bilingual Writing, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; Theory and Practice in Language Studies
(Re)visioning Bilingual Narratives, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 8th Intl. Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages
SNS’ Narratives: (Re)visioning Oral and Written Bilingual Discourse, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 45th Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)/SNS\SIG
Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, Reminiscences of the CubanRevolutionary War, and the Politics of Guerrilla Travel Writing, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Studies in Travel Writing
The Wilderness Act, Prohibited Uses, and Exceptions: How Much Manipulation of Wilderness Is Too Much, Gorden Steinhoff; Natural Resources Journal
Hybrid Language and Learning: Assessing pedagogical and curricular issues, Joshua Thoms; Dimension
Investigating foreign language graduate student instructors’ perceptions and use of technology in the classroom, Joshua Thoms; Educating the future foreign language professoriate for the 21st century
Researching the (dis)connection between literary discussions and speaking functions: A replication with intermediate learners, Joshua Thoms; Lenguaje, arte, y revoluciones ayer y hoy: New approaches to hispanic linguistic, literary, and cultural studies
The role of the teacher: Classroom discourse and building of classroom communities, Joshua Thoms; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Using alternative forms of delivery in hybrid language courses, Joshua Thoms, Sheldon Lotten, and Peggy McNeil; Southern Conference on Language Teaching
Exploring pronunciation and speaking issues in and out of the L2 classroom, Joshua Thoms and Maritza Nemoga; Southern Conference on Language Teaching
Technology-enhanced delivery models in foreign language learning and teaching, Joshua Thoms and Fernando Rubio; Modern Language Association
The More They Read, The More They Can Read, Nolan Weil; 45th Annual TESOL Convention
Compliments and Purchasing Behavior in Telephone Sales Interactions, Josh Dunyon, Valerie Gossling, Sarah Willden, and John S. Seiter; Psychological reports
Anti-Americanism in the American mind, Jason A. Gilmore and L. Meeks; Communication Theory and Methodology Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Why do (we think) they hate us?: National identity, news content and attributions of blame, Jason A. Gilmore and L. Meeks; Political Communication Division, National Communication Association
Spinoza and the reality of the individual, Charlie Huenemann
The Reality of Individuals, Charlie Huenemann; Spinoza 2010 conference
Communicating Politicized Science, Jennifer A. Peeples; Department of Geology Seminar Series. Utah State University.
Super Women: Rethinking Women’s Communication in Supervisory/Mentoring Roles, Jennifer A. Peeples; Workshop for the Center for Women and Gender, USU
Toxic Sublime: Domesticating the Contaminated Landscape, Jennifer A. Peeples; Top Paper, Rhetoric and Public Address division
Start Making Sense! Introducing Students to Karl Weick’s Principles of Organizational Communication, John S. Seiter and Deborah Dunn; Communication Teacher
Aggressive Communication in Political Contexts, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass; Arguments, Aggression, and Conflict: New Directions in Theory and Research
The Effect of Generalized Compliments, Sex of Server, and Size of Dining Party on Tipping Behavior in Restaurants, John S. Seiter and Harry Weger Jr.; The Journal of Applied Social Psychology
The Role of Background Behavior in Televised Debates: Does Displaying Nonverbal Agreement and/or Disagreement Benefit Either Debater?, John S. Seiter, Harry Weger Jr., Andrea Jensen, and Harold J. Kinzer; The Journal of Social Psychology
Nonsmoker’s Perceptions of Male and Female Cigarette Smokers’ Credibility, Likeability, Attractiveness, Considerateness, Cleanliness, and Healthiness, John S. Seiter, Harry Weger Jr., Mandy L. Merrill, R. Mark McKenna, and Matthew L. Sanders; Communication Research Reports
English tastes so good: Using food in ESL classes, Elena Shvidko; Intermountain TESOL
Teaching Writing to Bilingual Students: Pedagogical and Academic Challenges, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 44th Conference of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)/SNS SIG
Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism, J.P. Spicer Escalante
El cuento, el modernismo peruano y la literatura nacional, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Especulo: Revista de Estudios Literarios
Lucrecia Martel, Naturalist, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Manuel Beingolea y la novela modernista en el Peru: El caso de Bajo las lilas, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Leteras Hispanas
Mapping the Genealogy: Zola, Cambaceres and Naturalism’s “Very Long Tail.”, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Naturalist Metanarrative: Lucrecia Martel’s La Ciénaga (2001) and the “Long Tail” Hypothesis, J.P. Spicer Escalante
The “Long Tail” Hypothesis: The Diachronic Counter- Metanarrative of Hispanic Naturalism., J.P. Spicer Escalante; Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism
Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism, J.P. Spicer Escalante and Lara Anderson; Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism
Interpreting the Wilderness Act of 1964, Gorden Steinhoff; Missouri Environmental Law and Policy Review
Society and Wilderness, Gorden Steinhoff; Interdiscplinary Environmental Review
Researching speaking functions in a Spanish literature classroom: A conceptual replication with intermediate learners, Joshua Thoms; XXVII Biennial Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures
Research on language development in literature classes: Part II, Joshua Thoms; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Review of "The research process in classroom discourse analysis", Joshua Thoms; Modern Language Journal
Second language literary discussions: Where SLA theory and practice meet, Joshua Thoms; American Association for Applied Linguistics
Hybrid language teaching and learning: Exploring pedagogical and curricular issues, Joshua Thoms and Fernando Rubio; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Strategies for Responding to Background Nonverbal Disparagement in Televised Political Debates: Effects on Audience Perceptions of Argument Skill and Appropriateness, Harry Weger Jr., John S. Seiter, Kimberly A. Jacobs, and Valerie Akbulut; Argumentation and Advocacy
Assuming multiple roles in the development of a Reader’s Theater course, Nolan Weil; Asian EFL Journal. Professional Teaching Articles
“Read It Again, Sam”: Giving Repeated Reading A Purpose, Nolan Weil; 44th Annual TESOL Convention
Credibility and Public Diplomacy, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter; Routledge Handbook of Public Diplomacy
Persuasion and Compliance Gaining, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter; 21st Century Communication: A Reference Handbook
Liberty and Necessity in Emerson and Nietzsche, Charlie Huenemann; Liberty Fund conference
Nietzschean Health and the Inherent Pathology of Christianity, Charlie Huenemann; British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Nietzsche's Critical Psychological Naturalism, Charlie Huenemann; Nietzsche on Mind and Nature conference
Nietzsche's Natzschuralism, Charlie Huenemann; Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
Imaging Risk, Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association Conference, Visual communication Division
Persuasion and Social Influence Theories, John S. Seiter; The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory
Social Judgment Theory, John S. Seiter; The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory
Persuasion by Way of Example: Does Including Gratuity Guidelines on Customers’ Checks Affect Tipping Behavior in Restaurants?, John S. Seiter, G. M. Brownlee, and M. Sanders; Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association
Introducing Students to Karl Weick's Principles of Organization Communication, John S. Seiter and D. Dunn; G.I.F.T.S (Great Ideas for Teaching Speech) Section at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association
Impression Management in Televised Debates: The Effect of Background Nonverbal Behavior on Audience Perceptions of Debaters’ Likeability, John S. Seiter, Harry Weger Jr., Harold J. Kinzer, and Andrea Sandry Jensen; Communication Research reports
A materials file on a dime without a plug, Elena Shvidko and S. Rassmussen; TESOL Convention
Making time to teach culture without taking time, Elena Shvidko, M. Tanner, and S. Rassmussen; TESOL Convention
Análisis Lingüístico de la Escritura Bilingüe (Español-Inglés) de los Hablantes de Español como Lengua Hereditaria en los Estados Unidos, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada
Cross-Cultural Differences of the Teaching of Spanish and English Writing: Current Practices in Mexican and American High Schools, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 22nd Conference on Spanish in the U.S. and 7th Intl. Conference on Spanish in Contact with Other Languages
La Enseñanza de la Escritura de Textos Académicos para los Estudiantes Bilingües: Prácticas Pedagógicas de dos Preparatorias en México y en los Estados Unidos, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura
Revising our Curriculum: An Inquiry into the teaching of Spanish and English Writing to Bilingual Students, Maria Luisa Spicer-Ecalante; 29th Annual Seminar of the International Society for Teacher Education (ISTE)
Patriarchal Preoccupations: (De)Constructing Patriarchy in the Works of Mercedes Cabello de Carbonera and Clorinda Matto de Turner, J.P. Spicer Escalante
́rase una vez...: Sarmiento, Roca y el Proyecto Inconcluso de la Nación Argentina, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Review of The Economy of the Earth by Mark Sagoff , Gorden Steinhoff; Politics and the Life Sciences
Society and Wilderness, Gorden Steinhoff; 15th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment
Analyzing whole-class discussions in a second language literature classroom: The role of affordances, Joshua Thoms; Second Language Research Forum
Textbook adoption: The advantages and disadvantages of a closed process, Joshua Thoms; American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Whole-class discussions in a L2 literature classroom: Affordance structures, perceptions, and heritage language learners, Joshua Thoms; American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Acquiring L2 cultural knowledge and changing attitudes: Blogs vs. email exchanges, Joshua Thoms and Fanny Roncal-Ramirez; Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
Discussion on hybrid models of teaching and learning, Joshua Thoms, Fernando Rubio, and Heather Willis Allen; American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators Business Meeting and Panel Session
Strategies for Responding to an Opponent's Nonverbal Disagreement in Televised Political Debates and their Effect on Audience Perceptions of Credibility and Likeability, H. Weger, John S. Seiter, K. A. Jacobs, and V. Akbulut; Alta Argumentation Conference
Strategies for Responding to Background Nonverbal Disparagement in Televised Political Debates: Effects on Audience Perceptions of Argument Skill and Appropriateness, H. Weger, John S. Seiter, K. A. Jacobs, and V. Akbulut; Forensics and Argumentation Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association
Religion, Freedom, and Citizenship in Spinoza’s Theological Political Treatise, Charlie Huenemann; Liberty Fund
Valuing from Life’s Perspective, Charlie Huenemann; American Philosophical Association Central Division
Arguing for what No One Wants: The Narratives of Nuclear Waste Storage Proponents., Jennifer A. Peeples, Richard S. Krannich, and Jesse Weiss; Environmental Communication
Reconceptualizing Identity, Jim Rogers; International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR)
'A Mob of Women' Confront Post-Colonial Republican Politics: How Class, Race, and Partisan Ideology Affected Gendered Political Space in Nineteenth-Century Southwestern Colombia, James Sanders; Journal of Women's History
Compliance Gaining Research: A Canonical Review, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass; Rhetorik und Stilistik: Ein Internationales Handbuch Historischer und Systematischer Forschung (Rhetoric and Stylistics: An International Handbook of Historical and Systematic Research
Impression Management in Televised Debates: The Effect of Background Nonverbal Behavior on Audience Perceptions of Debaters’ Likeability, John S. Seiter, H J. Jensen, A. S. Jensen, and H. Weger; Mass Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association
The Effect of Generalized Compliments, Sex of Server, and Size of Dining Party on Tipping Behavior in Restaurants, John S. Seiter and H. Weger; Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association