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Hysterical Housewives: The Rhetoric of Environmental Justice and the Feminine Style, Jennifer A. Peeples and Kevin M. DeLuca; Western States Communication Association Conference

Activity theory as an analysis/design tool for implementing technology in the ESL classroom, Jim Rogers; Fifth Congress of the International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory

A web based summary writing tutor, Jim Rogers; International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Education

When White Lies Go Bad: Perceptions of Deception's Acceptability in Personal, Impersonal, and Working Relationships, John S. Seiter and J. Bruschke; Interaction and Dialogue Division at the annual meeting of the NorthWest Communication Association

The Acceptability of Deception as a Function of Perceivers' Culture, Deceiver's Intention, and Deceiver-Deceived Relationship, John S. Seiter, Jon Bruschke, and Chunsheng Bai; Western Journal of Communication

Pierced to Kill?: The Effects of Body Piercing Jewelry on Perceptions of Job Candidates’ Credibility, John S. Seiter and A. Sandry; Organization Communication Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Baldomero Lillo’s “El chiflón del diablo,” a Modern National Chilean Allegory, J.P. Spicer Escalante

In Search of the Other: Sarmiento, Cambaceres, Güiraldes, and Travel Writing, J.P. Spicer Escalante

La Argentina decimonónica: la reproducción, los valores sociales y el proyecto de nación en La gran aldea, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Excavatio


Compliance Principles in Retail Sales in the United States, M. J. Cody and John S. Seiter; The Practice of Social Influence in Multiple Cultures

From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the Lessons of Seattle, Kevin M. DeLuca and Jennifer A. Peeples; Readings on the Rhetoric of Social Protest.

Great Idea, But Could You Put It Someplace Else’?: The Rhetoric of Place and Identity in Community Activism, Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association

WWW mediated communities of practice, Jim Rogers; TESOL

Its CALL not Hal, Jim Rogers and L. M. Aroyo; TESOL

Distance education and the internet, Jim Rogers, J. Duber, C. Meskill, and T. Robb; Academic Session for the CALL Interest Section, TESOL

Communities of Practice: A thinking practices framework for instructional technology, Jim Rogers, M. Recker, D. Olson, and D. Debry; American Education Research Association (AERA)

Silent Derogation and Perceptions of Deceptiveness: Does Communicating Nonverbal Disbelief During an Opponent's Speech Affect Perceptions of Debaters' Veracity?, John S. Seiter; Communication Research Reports

The role of background behavior in televised political debates: Do nonverbal signs of disbelief affect perceptions of candidates’ honesty?, John S. Seiter; Mass Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association

“El chiflón del diablo” de Baldomero Lillo, alegoría de la nación chilena moderna, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Anales de literatura chilena

Ethos y modernidad: familia, patriarcado y la nación argentina finisecular en La bolsa, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Cultura de Guatemala-Narrativa hispanoamericana: dilemas y expresión

Section 4(f): A Role for Citizens in the Protection of Significant Public Recreation Area, Gorden Steinhoff; Conference on Communication and Environment

Section 4(f): A Role for Citizens in the Protection of Significant Public Recreation Areas, Gorden Steinhoff; Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Communication and Environment


The Spectacle in Seattle: Portents and Possibilities for Environmental Activism, Kevin M. DeLuca and Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association Conference

She's Got the Look: Communicating Credibility, Veracity, and Likelihood of Being Sexually Harassed , D. Dunn and John S. Seiter; Applied Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

Embracing Divergence: A Reexamination of Traditional and Nontraditional Conceptualizations of Persuasion, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter; Interpersonal Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

“‘Great idea, but could you put it someplace else?’: The Rhetoric of Place and Identity in NIMBY Activism”, Jennifer A. Peeples; Brown bag presentation for the Department of Sociology

Words and Worlds: Reading Human Geography’s “Place” into Rhetorical Analyses of Localities, Jennifer A. Peeples; Western States Communication Association Conference

The internet: Emergent technologies in two West African countries, Jim Rogers; Educational Technology Research and Development

TESOL 2002: Preparing for the Future, Jim Rogers, N. Anderson, and M. A. Christison; Plenary, ITESOL

Web design for effective language learning activities, Jim Rogers and C. Checketts; TESOL

Communities of practice: A thinking practices approach to instructional technology, Jim Rogers and The Advanced Learning Group; 11th Annual USU Instructional Technology Institute

Are Some Lies Worse than Others?: The Reprehensibility of Deception as a Function of Perceivers' Culture, Liars' Intentions, and Relationship Between Deceived and Deceiver, John S. Seiter, J. C. Bruschke, and C. Bai; Interpersonal Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association

Beauty and Believability in Sexual Harassment Cases: Does Physical Attractiveness Affect Perceptions of Veracity and the Likelihood of Being Harassed?, John S. Seiter and Deborah Dunn; Communication Research Reports

Beauty and Believability: How Do "Looks" Impact Perceived Veracity and Likelihood of Being Sexually Harassed?, John S. Seiter, D. Dunn, D. J. Wurgler, and T. Theobald; Communication Theory and Research Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Civilización y barbarie: Naturalism’s Paradigms of Self and Nationhood in Eugenio Cambaceres’ Sin rumbo, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Excavatio

Conflicting Acts: Politics, Writing, and the Argentine Generation(s) of 1880, J.P. Spicer Escalante

Metaphors of Educational Reform: President George Bush on ‘America 2000, Ann Q. Staton and Jennifer A. Peeples; Communication Education

Environmental Aesthetics and Highway Design, Gorden Steinhoff; 28th Conference on Value Inquiry


Communication Apprehension in Synchronous Distance Education, S. J. Monson, L. L. Wolcott, and John S. Seiter; Communication and Instrutction Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Contested Space: Social justice and ‘The Environment, Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association Conference

Another Look at Academic Writing, Jim Rogers; TESOL

The past, present, and future of ITESOL, Jim Rogers; Plenary, ITESOL

Does Communicating Nonverbal Disagreement During an Opponent's Speech Affect the Credibility of the Debater in the Background?, John S. Seiter; Psychological reports

Culture and Compliance Gaining: An Examination of Retail Sales in the United States, John S. Seiter and M. J. Cody; Annual meeting of the National Commuication Association

Environmental Aesthetics and Public Policy: Applying the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Gorden Steinhoff; Colloquium on Environmental Aesthetics, Utah State University


Strategy based listening and lecture videos, J. Bame and Jim Rogers; TESOL Video News

A Conceptual Model and Approach for Teaching Ethics in Persuasion, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter; Commission on Communication Ethics at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

Environmentalism and Environmental Justice in a Global Village, Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association

Give Me that Old Time Religion?: A Study of Religious Themes in the Rhetoric of the Ku Klux Klan, John S. Seiter; Carolinas Communication Annual

Smirks and Scowls Behind Your Back: Does Communicating Nonverbal Disagreement During an Opponent's Speech Affect the Credibility of the Debater in the Background?, John S. Seiter; Mass Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

When Identification is Too Much of a Good Thing: An Examination of Kenneth Burke's Concept in Organizational, Intercultural, and Small Group Communication Contexts, John S. Seiter; Journal of the Northwestern Communication Association

Split-Screen Versus Single-Screen Formats in Televised Debates: Does Access to an Opponent's Nonverbal Behaviors Affect Viewers' Perceptions of a Speaker's Credibility?, John S. Seiter, Jeffery A. Abraham, and Brent T. Nakagama; Perceptual and Motor Skills

Lies and Damn Lies: The Acceptability of Deception as a Function of Perceivers’ Culture and Liars’ Intentions, John S. Seiter, J. C. Bruschke, and C. Bai; Intercultural Communication Division at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association

Conformity and Group Influence as Persuasion: On Not Taking Persuasion for Granted, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass; Annual meeting of the Northwestern Communication Association

"Handicapped" or "Handi-Capable"?: The Effects of Language about Persons with Disabilities on Perceptions of Source Credibility and Persuasiveness, John S. Seiter, Jarrod Larsen, and Jacey Skinner; Communication Reports

"Handicapped" or "Handi-Capable"?: The Effects of Language About Persons with Disabilities on Perceptions of Source Credibility and Persuasiveness, John S. Seiter, J. Larsen, and J. Skinner; Communication Theory and Research Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Presidential Discourse about Educational Reform and Change, Ann Q. Staton and Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association

Kant's Reply to Hume in the Second Analogy, Gorden Steinhoff; XX World Congress of Philosophy

Kant's Reply to Hume in the Second Analogy, Gorden Steinhoff; Paidia Project On-Line: Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy


On Defining Persuasion: A Contemporary Approach, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter; Communication Theory and Research Division at the annual meeting of the Western States Communication Association

Foucauldian Resistance: Rethinking Communal Action for the Women’s Movement, Jennifer A. Peeples; New Mexico Statewide Women Studies Annual Conference

Wising up: The Use and Abuse of Conservation Rhetoric in an Anti-Environmental Debate, Jennifer A. Peeples; National Communication Association Conference

A five step outlining procedure to develop academic journal reading skills, Jim Rogers; TESOL Matters

The art of writing: Writing in arts and sciences, Jim Rogers; TESOL

Creating strategy based listening tasks and videos from lectures, Jim Rogers and J. Bame; Pre-Convention Institute, TESOL

Strategy based activities for 3 different genres, Jim Rogers, J. Bame, and S. Carkin; Rocky Mt. TESOL

Honest or Deceitful?: A Study of Persons' Mental Models for Judging Veracity, John S. Seiter; Humman Communication Research

When Identification is Too Much of a Good Thing: An Examination of Kenneth Burke's Concept in Organizational, Intercultural, and Small Group Communication Contexts, John S. Seiter; Annual meeting of the Northwestern Communication Association

Split-Screen Versus Single-Screen Formats in Televised Debates: Does Access to an Opponent's Nonverbals Affect Viewers' Perceptions of a Speaker's Credibility?, John S. Seiter, J. A. Abraham, and B. T. Nakagama; Mass Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association

Overcoming Obstacles to Safer Sex: The Role of Shyness, John S. Seiter and H. W. Park; The Speech Communication Annual

Fatalism and Necessity, Gorden Steinhoff; Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters

Fatalism and Necessity, Gorden Steinhoff; Encyclia, The Journal of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters


Writing across the undergraduate curriculum: Tasks and processes, Jim Rogers; TESOL

Strategy activating tasks for university lecture videos, Jim Rogers and J. Bame; ITESOL

Toward a Blending of Humanistic and Scientific Traditions in Speech Communication: A Cross Application of Perelman's Concept of Audience and Perspectives of Communication Competence, John S. Seiter; Intrapersonal Communication and Social Cognition Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association


Men and Women in the Marketplace, M. J. Cody and John S. Seiter; Gender, Power, and Communication in Human Relationships

University writing tasks: Survey results, Jim Rogers; TESOL

Learner strategy based listening activities for videos, Jim Rogers and J. Bame; Rocky Mountain Regional TESOL

Using the library as a resource for the reading/writing classroom, Jim Rogers and B. Dance; ITESOL

Debt as a Compliance-Gaining Strategy: An Application of George Campbell's Theory of Rhetoric, John S. Seiter; Intrapersonal Communication and Social Cognition Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association

Ethnicity and Deception Detection, John S. Seiter; Journal of the Northwestern Communication Association

Surviving Turbulent Organizational Environments: A Case Study Examination of a Lumber Company's Internal and External Influence Attempts, John S. Seiter; Journal of Business Communication

When You Hate Yourself for Laughing: An Examination of Receivers' Gender and Perceptions of Offensive Humor, K. Sereno, John S. Seiter, J. Robinson, and V. McDonald; Intrapersonal Communication and Social Cognition Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association

Ideology and Nationalism: The Argentine “Generación del 80, J.P. Spicer Escalante


What Part of No Don't You Understand?: An Investigation of Gender Differences and Resistance to Persuasion, M. J. Cody, John S. Seiter, and Y. Montagne-Miller; Annual meeting of the Western Speech Commuication Association

Integrating reading and writing with individualized content, Jim Rogers; ITESOL

Perusing Academic Journal Articles, Jim Rogers; New Ways in teaching Reading

Using outlining to develop academic journal reading skills, Jim Rogers; TESOL

Learner strategies and promoting language learning environments, Jim Rogers and J. Bame; MEXTESOL

International teaching assistants: Perspectives and training, Jim Rogers, J. Bame, S. Carkin, and G. Cole; Great Issues forum

Constructing Impressions of Deceit: An Examination of Cognitive Structures Used for Detecting Deception, John S. Seiter; Intrapersonal Communication and Social Cognition Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association

Honest or Deceitful?: A Study of Persons' Mental Models for Judging Veracity, John S. Seiter; Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction Division at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association

Kant's Argument for Causality in the Second Analagy, Gorden Steinhoff; International Philosophical Quarterly


Student Ethnocentrism, Dogmatism, and Motivation: A study of BAFA BAFA, Jon C. Bruschke, Carrier Gartner, and John S. Seiter; Simulation and Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Design and Research

A self study workbook for health and social services professionals, Jim Rogers

We need to educate our ESL volunteers before we can train them: An integrated teacher training program, Jim Rogers; Light on Literacy Conference

Creating strategy based listening tasks for three distinct areas, Jim Rogers, J. Bame, and S. Carkin; Pre-Convention Institute, TESOL

Training Native Speakers to be effective conversation partners in the ESL classroom, Jim Rogers and T. Schroeder; TESOL

Don Segundo Sombra: en busca del otro, J.P. Spicer Escalante; Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana

Kan'ts Argument for Causality in the Second Analogy, Gorden Steinhoff; 45th Annual Northwest Conference on Philosophy