Scanning Microscopy
Volume 1, Number 2 (1987)
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Biology
C. Jeanguillaume
On-Line Analysis of Electron Back Scatter Diffraction Patterns. I. Texture Analysis of Zone Refined Polysilicon
D. J. Dingley, M. Longden, J. Weinbren, and J. Alderman
Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Particles Generated by Laser Damage of Aluminum Surfaces
L. L. Levenson, S. D. Traynor, G. A. Brost, and F. Ziembo
Three Dimensional Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Retrospective Depth Profiling
D. R. Kingham, A. R. Bayly, D. J. Fathers, P. Vohralik, J. M. Walls, and A. R. Waugh
Mass Fractionation and Energy Distribution of Sputtered Monatomic Positive Ions
U. Södervall, H. Odelius, A. Lodding, and E. U. Engström
The Application of an Improved Laser Microprobe in Art Analysis
Gary W. Carriveau, Lin Chang-Shan, and David M. Coleman
Scanning Electron Microscope Evaluation of Drilling Damage and Acid Treatment using Uncoated Core
D. R. Rothbard, R. A. Skopec, C. J. Bajsarowicz, and T. H. Fate
The Application of Micro-Raman Spectroscopy to Analysis and Identification of Minerals in Thin Section
H. Mao, R. J. Hemley, and E. C. T. Chao
Proton Microprobe Analysis of Trace-Element Variations in Vitrinites in the Same and Different Coal Beds
J. A. Minkin, E. C. T. Chao, Herma Blank, and F. T. Dulong
Interaction of Energetic Heavy Ions with Polymers
A. Le Moël and J. P. Duraud
Slow Positron Surface Studies
C. Corbel
The Effect of Controlled Diffusion of Ions on the Formation of Hydrated Calcium Oxalate Crystals
H. Lachance and R. Tawashi
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Effect of Various Agents on Urinary Crystal Morphology
Y. M. Fazil Marickar and Peter Koshy
Mineralization of Normal and Rachitic Chick Growth Cartilage: Vascular Canals, Cartilage Calcification and Osteogenesis
Irving M. Shapiro and Alan Boyde
The Scanning Electron Microscopy/Replica Technique and Recent Applications to the Study of Fossil Bone
Timothy G. Bromage
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Early Dinosaur Egg Shell Structure: A Comparison with Other Rigid Sauropsid Eggs
Frederick E. Grine and James W. Kitching
Cracks in Fossil Enamels Resulting from Premortem vs. Postmortem Events
John M. Rensberger
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Dentin Caries. Experimental in vitro Studies with Streptococcus Mutans
Patrick A. Adriaens, Geert W. Claeys, and Jan A. De Boever
Electron Microscopy and Glycosaminoglycan Histochemistry of Cerebellar Stellate Neurons
O. J. Castejón and H. V. Castejón
Expression of Major Histocompatibility Complex Antigens on Macrophages: Correlative Study Using Flow Cytometry, Radioimmunoassay, and Colloidal Gold Immunolabeling
Lynne E. Guagliardi, Donna M. Paulnock, and Ralph M. Albrecht
Immunogold Labeling of Human Leukocytes for Scanning Electron Microscopy and Light Microscopy: Quantitative Aspects of the Methodology
E. de Harven and D. Soligo
Immuno-Scanning Electron Microscopy of Normal and Leukemic Leukocytes Labeled with Colloidal Gold
D. Soligo, G. Lambertenghi-Deliliers, and E. de Harven
Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy of Platelet Adhesion and Fibrinogen Receptor Expression using Colloidal-Gold Labeling
Steven L. Goodman and Ralph M. Albrecht
Trifluoperazine Inhibition of Fibrinogen Receptor Redistribution in Surface Activated Platelets: Correlative Video-Enhanced Differential Interference Contrast Light Microscopic, High Voltage Electron Microscopic and Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies
O. E. Olorundare, S. L. Goodman, and R. M. Albrecht
Colloidal Gold Labelling of Fibrinogen Receptors in Epinephrine – And ADP–Activated Platelet Suspensions
J. A. Oliver and R. M. Albrecht
Assembly and Alignment of Fibronectin-Coated Gold Beads into Fibrils by Human Skin Fibroblasts
Donna M. Pesciotta Peters and Deane F. Mosher
Utilization of Immunogold Labeling to Compare the Adsorption Behavior of Fibrinogen, Fibronectin and Albumin on Polymers
K. D. Murthy, A. R. Diwan, S. R. Simmons, R. M. Albrecht, and S. L. Cooper
The Intermediate Filament Cytoskeleton of Macrophages
L. Phaire-Washington, G. Howard-Robinson, J. Lucas, J. Roberson, E. Brako, N. McNeil, S. Williams, C. Watson, T. Igbo, L. Brako, P. Farshori, and V. Cannon
The Cytotoxic Effects of Trimethylpentane on Rat Renal Tissue
William N. Norton and David R. Mattie
Morphometric Changes as a Function of the Proliferative Status of Murine Mammary Carcinoma Cells
Linda S. Yasui and Lyle A. Dethlefsen
Morphological Criteria for Comparing Effects of X-Rays and Neon Ions on Mouse Small Intestine
K. E. Carr, T. L. Hayes, M. Indran, S. J. Bastacky, G. McAlinden, E. J. Ainsworth, and S. Ellis
Vascular Casting and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Diabetes
A. W. Fryczkowski
Study of Rat Lung Alveoli using Corrosion Casting and Freeze Fracture Methods Coupled with Digital Image Analysis
Alan C. Nelson
Tumor Vasculature in Young and Old Hosts: Scanning Electron Microscopy of Microcorrosion Casts with Microangiography, Light Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy
James G. Walmsley, Scott R. Granter, Miles P. Hacker, Ann L. Moore, and William B. Ershler
Vascular Changes in Popliteal Lymph Nodes due to Antigen Challenge in Normal and Lethally Irradiated Mice
Douglas A. Steeber, Chris M. Erickson, Kees C. Hodde, and Ralph M. Albrecht
A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Human Spleen: Relationship Between the Microcirculation and Functions
Makoto Kashimura and Tsuneo Fujita
A Comparative Study on in Vitro Invasion Rates by Melanoma Cells in the Human Amniotic Basement Membrane Model Versus in Vivo Tumor Nodule Formation in C57BL6 Mice
B. Persky and G. W. Chmielewski
Development of Ocular Inserts for Cattle
R. T. Greer and J. P. Ryoo
Distinguishing Adult Pectinophora scutigera (Holdaway) According to Larval Diet by X-Ray Microanalysis
R. A. Lewis and P. W. Walker