Scanning Microscopy
Volume 2, Number 4 (1988)
Ion Microscopy: A New Approach for Subcellular Localization of Labelled Molecules
E. Hindie, P. Hallégot, J. M. Chabala, N. A. Thorne, B. Coulomb, R. Levi-Setti, and P. Galle
Visualization and Analysis Techniques for Three Dimensional Information Acquired by Confocal Microscopy
G. J. Brakenhoff, H. T. M. van der Voort, M. W. Baarslag, B. Mans, J. L. Oud, R. Zwart, and R. van Driel
An Experimental Scanning Capacitance Microscope
H. P. Kleinknecht, J. R. Sandercock, and H. Meier
Field Ion Microscopy and Atom-Probe Mass Spectroscopy: Techniques and Selected Applications
G. L. Kellogg
The Role of Energy Deposition Processes in the Understanding of Laser Microprobe Analysis Mechanisms
Akos Vertes, Peter Juhasz, Marc De Wolf, and Renaat Gijbels
A Study of Low Energy Ar+ Ion Bombardment Induced Lattice Damage in (100) n-GaAs by Channeling
S. K. Jindal, S. S. Lin, L. D. Brown, H. L. Marcus, and M. A. Schmerling
Monte Carlo Calculations of Secondary Electron Emission
Suichu Luo and David C. Joy
Stopping Power for Low-Energy Electrons
R. M. Nieminen
Transport Models for Backscattering and Transmission of Low Energy ( < 3 Kilovolts) Electrons from Solids
H. Lanteri, R. Bindi, and P. Rostaing
Backscattered Electrons and Their Influence on Contrast in the Scanning Electron Microscope
F. Hasselbach and H. -R. Krauss
Contrast and Resolution of Secondary Electron Images in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope
J. Liu and J. M. Cowley
Coherence in Energy Loss Spectra of Plasmons
P. Schattschneider and P. Pongratz
Restorative Dental Materials: Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis
Grayson W. Marshall Jr., Sally J. Marshall, and Stephen C. Bayne
Comparison of the Calcium Distribution Pattern Among Several Kinds of Hard Tissue Forming Cells of Some Living Vertebrates
Yasutoku Kogaya and Kuhei Furuhashi
Attachment of Plasma Membranes of Cultured Cells to Silicon Chips for High Magnification Imaging in Scanning Electron Microscopy
Klaus-Ruediger Peters and William W. Carley
Surface Visualisation of Tissue Interfaces by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Methods for Exposure of the Basal Lamina and Associated Structures in Human Amnion
T. D. Allen, J. D. Aplin, and S. Campbell
Vascularization of Male Gonads in Blennius pavo (Teleostei, Blenniidae) as Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Corrosion Casts
F. Lahnsteiner, A. Lametschwandtner, R. A. Patzner, and H. Adam
A Rapid Method for Observing the Internal Morphology of Amphibian Embryos
S. C. Smith, J. B. Armstrong, and D. C. Hoppe
Ultrastructural Characteristics of the Fetal and Neonatal Rat Urinary Bladder
Samuel M. Cohen, Martin Cano, Takao Sakata, and Sonny L. Johansson
Preparation of Isolated Blood Capillaries
R. C. Wagner, R. A. Buchanan, and Ritchie Froehlich
Phenotypic Changes in the Megakaryocyte-Platelet Lineage
Paula E. Stenberg
Lymphoid Microenvironments in the Thymus and Lymph Node
W. van Ewijk, P. J. M. Brekelmans, R. Jacobs, and E. Wisse
Tubuloreticular Reorganization of Cytomembranes in Cells Treated with with Human Alpha Interferons - A Review
P. M. Grimley, S. Ray, M. Kostianovsky, B. Rupp, Y. -H. Kang, and D. Feldman
Dynamic Analyses of Lymphoblast Membranes Exposed to Alpha Interferon Using Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching
E. Balint, A. Aszalos, P. S. Pine, and P. M. Grimley
Effect of X-Irradiation on Adenylate Cyclase Activity and Cyclic AMP Content of Primary Human Fibroblasts
Z. Somosy, A. Takáts, Tamara Kubasova, F. Sudár, and G. J. Köteles
Changes in the Tracheal Ciliated Cells in Rabbits Treated by Cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) as Studied by Electron Microscopy
M. Albertsson and C. -H. Hakansson
Scanning Electron Microscope, Freeze Etching and Glycosaminoglycan Cytochemical Studies of the Cerebellar Climbing Fiber System
Orlando J. Castejón and Haydée V. Castejón
X-Ray Analysis of Biological Fluids: An Update
G. A. Quamme
Quantitative Electron Microprobe Analysis of Cryosections
Albert J. Saubermann
Concentrations of Elements in Dying Thymocytes from the Thymus Gland of Diabetic Rats
Alice Warley and I. W. Morris