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Utilizing Deep Learning and Object-Based Image Analysis to Search for Low-Head Dams in Indiana, USA, Brian M. Crookston and Caitlin R. Arnold; Water
Tracking the Translocation of Nanoplastics From Soil to Plant: Comparison of Different Analytical Techniques, Junjie Tang, Abdelazeem S. Eltaweil, Adeleye S. Adeyemi, Astrid R. Jacobson, David W. Britt, Joan E. McLean, and Yiming Su; Journal of Hazardous Materials
The Salinity of the Great Salt Lake and Its Deep Brine Layer, Madeline F. Merck and David G. Tarboton; Water
Differences in Pathogenesis-Related Protein Expression and Polyphenolic Compound Accumulation Reveal Insights Into Tomato-Pythium aphanidermatum Interaction, Seham A. Soliman, Abdulaziz A. Al-Askar, Sherien Sobhy, Marwa A. Samy, Esraa Hamdy, Omaima A. Sharaf, Yiming Su, Said I. Behiry, and Ahmed Abdelkhalek; Sustainability
Adapting to Low Colorado River Flows and Storage: Lessons from 3 Computer Exercises, David E. Rosenberg
Adapt Lake Mead Releases to Inflow to Give Managers More Flexibility to Slow Reservoir Draw Down, David E. Rosenberg
Invest in Farm Water Conservation to Curtail Buy and Dry, David E. Rosenberg; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Adapting Colorado River Basin Depletions to Available Water to Live Within Our Means, Jian Wang and David E. Rosenberg
Residential Water Meters as Edge Computing Nodes: Disaggregating End Uses and Creating Actionable Information at the Edge, Nour A. Attallah, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Arle S. Beckwith Jr., and Robb J. Tracey; Sensors
An Open Source Cyberinfrastructure for Collecting, Processing, Storing and Accessing High Temporal Resolution Residential Water Use Data, Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco, Joseph C. Brewer, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and Juan Caraballo; Environmental Modelling & Software
Energy Dissipation of Type a Piano Key Weirs, Kam R. Eslinger and Brian M. Crookston; Water
HydroDS: Data Services in Support of Physically Based, Distributed Hydrological Models, Tseganeh Zekiewos Gichamo, Nazmus S. Sazib, David G. Tarboton, and Pabitra Dash; Environmental Modelling & Software
Machine Learning Predicts Reach-Scale Channel Types From Coarse-Scale Geospatial Data in a Large River Basin, Hervé Guillon, Colin F. Byrne, Belize A. Lane, Samuel Sandoval Solis, and Gregory B. Pasternack; Water Resources Research
Fast Summarizing Algorithm for Polygonal Statistics over a Regular Grid, Scott Haag, David G. Tarboton, Martyn Smith, and Ali Shokoufandeh; Computers & Geosciences
Simulation-Optimization for Conjunctive Water Resources Management and Optimal Crop Planning in Kushabhadra-Bhargavi River Delta of Eastern India, Madan K. Jha, Richard C. Peralta, and Sasmita Sahoo; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Nappe Oscillations on Free-Overfall Structures, Data From Laboratory Experiments, Maurine Lodomez, Blake Tullis, Pierre Archambeau, Vasileios Kitsikoudis, Michel Pirotton, Benjamin Dewals, and Sébastien Erpicum; Scientific Data
Empirical Models for Predicting Water and Heat Flow Properties of Permafrost Soils, Michael T. O'Connor, M. Bayani Cardenas, Stephen B. Ferencz, Yue Wu, Bethany T. Neilson, Jingyi Chen, and George W. Kling; Geophysical Research Letters
A Low-Cost, Open Source Monitoring System for Collecting High Temporal Resolution Water Use Data on Magnetically Driven Residential Water Meters, Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and Robb J. Tracy; Sensors
White Paper 3. Managing the Colorado River for an Uncertain Future, Jian Wang, David E. Rosenberg, Kevin G. Wheeler, and John C. Schmidt; Center for Colorado River Studies
Incorporation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Point Cloud Products into Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Models, Mahyar Aboutalebi, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Mac McKee, William P. Kustas, Héctor Nieto, Maria Mar Alsina, Alex White, John H. Prueger, Lynn McKee, Joseph Alfieri, Lawrence E. Hipps, Calvin Coopmans, and Nick Dokoozlian; Remote Sensing
Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Using an Energy Balance Snowmelt Model Coupled to a Distributed Hydrologic Model with Assimilation of Snow and Streamflow Observations, Tseganeh Zekiewos Gichamo and David G. Tarboton; Water Resources Research
UEB Parallel: Distributed Snow Accumulation and Melt Modeling Using Parallel Computing, Tseganeh Z. Gichamo and David G. Tarboton; Environmental Modelling & Software
Low-Cost, Open-Source, and Low-Power: But What to Do With the Data?, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Juan Caraballo, Maurier Ramírez, Anthony K. Aufdenkampe, David B. Arscott, and Sara Geleskie Damiano; Frontiers in Earth Science
On-The-Road Testing of the Effects of Driver’s Experience, Gender, Speed, and Road Grade on Car Emissions, Abdelhaleem I. Khader and Randy S. Martin; Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association
Use of Low-Cost Ambient Particulate Sensors in Nablus, Palestine with Application to the Assessment of Regional Dust Storms, Abdelhaleem Khader and Randal S. Martin; Atmosphere
Beaver Dam Influences on Streamflow Hydraulic Properties and Thermal Regimes, Milada Majerova, Bethany T. Neilson, and Brett B. Roper; Science of The Total Environment
The Next Frontier: Making Research More Reproducible, David E. Rosenberg, Yves Fillion, Rebecca L. Teasley, Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Jory S. Hecht, Jakobus E. van Zyl, George F. McMahon, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, and David G. Tarboton; Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
A Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Arced Labyrinth Spillways, Fernando Salazar and Brian M. Crookston; Water
Addressing Challenges for Mapping Irrigated Fields in Subhumid Temperate Regions by Integrating Remote Sensing and Hydroclimatic Data, Tianfang Xu, Jillian M. Deines, Anthony D. Kendall, Bruno Basso, and David W. Hyndman; Remote Sensing
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Precipitation and Effective Rainfall Using Gauge Observations, Satellite, and Gridded Climate Data for Agricultural Water Management in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Mahyar Aboutalebi, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, and L. Niel Allen; Remote Sensing
Lab Scale Analysis of Anaerobically Digested Municipal Wastewater Treatment, Leila Ahmadi and Ryan Dupont; SciFed Journal of Biofuel and Bioenergetics
Advancing the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI) for Integrated Water Resources Modeling, Caleb A. Buahin and Jeffery S. Horsburgh; Environmental Modelling & Software
Implications of Data Sampling Resolution on Water Use Simulation, End-Use Disaggregation, And Demand Management, A. Cominola, M. Giuliani, A. Castelletti, David E. Rosenberg, and Adel M. Abdallah; Environmental Modelling and Software
Demonstrating the Pollutant Loading From Stormwater Discharge to the Lower Jordan River Using High-Frequency Data, Ryan Dupont, Jacob Richardson, D. Willey, and Rosa A. Fernández Valasquez; StormCon Conference
Assessing Subjectivity in Environmental Sensor Data Post Processing via a Controlled Experiment, Amber Spackman Jones, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and David P. Eiriksson; Ecological Informatics
Effect of Meter Orientation Downstream of a Short Radius Elbow on Electromagnetic Flow Meters, Jared C. Justensen, Steven L. Barfuss, Michael C. Johnson, and Thomas E. Meacham; Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Estimating Discharge in Low-Order Rivers With High-Resolution Aerial Imagery, Tyler V. King, Bethany T. Neilson, and Mitchell T. Rasmussen; Water Resources Research
Groundwater Flow and Exchange Across the Land Surface Explain Carbon Export Patterns in Continuous Permafrost Watersheds, Bethany T. Neilson, M. Bayani Cardenas, Michael T. O'Connor, Mitchell T. Rasmussen, Tyler V. King, and George W. Kling; Geophysical Research Letters
Evaluation of TSEB Turbulent Fluxes Using Different Methods for the Retrieval of Soil and Canopy Component Temperatures from UAV Thermal and Multispectral Imagery, Héctor Nieto, William P. Kustas, Alfonso F. Torres-Rúa, Joseph G. Alfieri, Feng Gao, Martha C. Anderson, W. Alex White, Lisheng Song, María del Mar Alsina, John H. Prueger, Mac McKee, Manal Elarab, and Lynn G. McKee; Irrigation Science
Urban Agriculture and Small Farm Water Use: Case Studies and Trends from Cache Valley, Utah, Tyler Pratt, L. Niel Allen, David E. Rosenberg, Andrew A. Keller, and Kelly Kopp; Agricultural Water Management
Monthly Paleostreamflow Reconstruction from Annual Tree-Ring Chronologies, James H. Stagge, David E. Rosenberg, R. J. DeRose, and Tammy M. Rittenour; Journal of Hydrology
The Grey to Green Infrastructure Transition - An Historical Shift in the Modern Infrastructure Paradigm, Ryan Dupont; Utah Section of the American Public Works Association
Green vs. Gray Infrastructure Cost, Rosa A. Fernández Valasquez and Ryan Dupont; Utah Section of the American Public Works Association
Designing and Implementing a Network for Sensing Water Quality and Hydrology across Mountain to Urban Transitions, Amber Spackman Jones, Zachary T. Aanderud, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, David P. Eiriksson, Dylan Dastrup, Christopher Cox, Scott B. Jones, David R. Bowling, Jonathan Carlisle, Gregory T. Carling, and Michelle A. Baker; Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Water Resources Adaptation to Climate and Demand Change in the Potomac River, James H. Stagge and Glenn E. Moglen; Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Systems Modeling to Improve the Hydro-Ecological Performance of Diked Wetlands, Omar Alminagorta, David E. Rosenberg, and Karin M. Kettenring; Water Resources Research
Differences in Nutrient and Metal Uptake Among Plant Species in Stormwater Bioretention Systems., M. R. Borecki, Ryan Dupont, and Joan E. McLean
Road Scholars for the Western States: Protecting Natural Areas by Improving Road Management Research, Brian Cooke, Charlie Luce, Tom Black, and David G. Tarboton; Science You Can Use Bulletin
Scale Effects in Physical Piano Key Weirs Models, Sébastien Erpicum, Blake Tullis, Maurine Lodomez, Pierre Archambeau, Benjamin Dewals, and Michel Pirotton; Journal of Hydraulic Research
Spanning High and Low Resolution Remote Sensing Products in Precision Agriculture, Leila Hassan-Esfahani, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Ardeshir M. Ebtehaj, Austin M. Jensen, and Mac McKee; 2016 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress
Improving Flow Conditions in Irrigation Splitter Boxes, Joshua R. Hogge, Michael C. Johnson, Bryce K. Wilcox, and Jonathan Frazier; Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Great Salt Lake Summer Ozone Study, J. Horel, E. Crossman, S. Arens, Randy S. Martin, and J. Sohl; Utah Division of Air Quality
Time Series Analyst: Interactive online visualization of environmental time series data, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Amber Spackman Jones, Maurier Ramírez, and Juan Caraballo
Climate change adaptation strategies for the Nam Ngum River Basin, Laos. 8th International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, Environmental and Water Resources Institute, D. Jayasekera, Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, and H. C. Thai
Water quality surrogates: Development of surrogate relationships, Amber Spackman Jones and Jeffery S. Horsburgh
Streaming Sensor Data: Tools for acquisition, management, and visualization, Amber Spackman Jones, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Stephanie L. Reeder, Juan Caraballo, D. Smith, Z. Yoshikawa, and M. Matos
A risk based agro-economic analysis to maximize income of salinity-affected agricultural lands with limited water, Daeha Kim and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Environmental and Water Resources Institute
Scale-emergence of snowmelt runoff recession based on heterogeneous snow accumulation and melt, C. Luce, David G. Tarboton, and M. Clark
The 2015 Great Salt Lake Summer Ozone Study, Randy S. Martin; the 96th meeting of the American Meteorological Society
A comparison of AmoN measurements with localized arrayed passive NH3 samplers in Northern Utah, Randy S. Martin and M. Baasandorj; National Atmospheric Depostion Program 2016 Fall Meeting
The Cache Valley Ammonia Super Volcano, Randy S. Martin and M. Bassandorj; Atmospheric Optics: Aerosols, Visibility and the Radiative Balance, AWMA Specialty Conference
An Overview of the 2015 Great Salt Lake Summer Ozone Study, Randy S. Martin, J. D. Horel, E. Crosman, A. Jacques, B. Blaylock, A. Long, S. Arens, and J. E. Sohl; 2016 International Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association
Wintertime Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 in Northern Utah's Cache Valley, Randy S. Martin and Kori D. Moore; 2016 International Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association
Update on cold start, hot start, and idling emissions in northern Utah, Randy S. Martin, C. Woods, and J. Thomas; 2016 International Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association
Comparison of Selected Differential Producing, Ultrasonic and Magnetic Flow Meters, Johnny B. Prettyman, Michael C. Johnson, and Steven L. Barfuss; Journal of American Water Works Association
Effects of Abrupt Pipe Diameter Changes on Venturi Flow Meters, Zachary B. Sharp, Michael C. Johnson, and Steven L. Barfuss; Journal of American Water Works Association
Pressure Distribution Systems: Utah Guidance for Performance, Application, Design, Operation & Maintenance, Judith L. Sims and R. Jex; Guidance Manual in Support of Utah Administrative Code R317-4, Onsite Wastewater Treatment
Bioenergy from Wastewater-Based Biomass, Ronald C. Sims, Sean K. Bedingfield, Reese Thompson, and Judith L. Sims; AIMS Bioengineering
Development of a water quality mobile monitoring platform and techniques for managing resulting data, P. Suiter, Amber Spackman Jones, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and B Mihalevich
Analysis of Meter Registry Uncertainty, McKenna L. Sumrak, Michael C. Johnson, and Steven L. Barfuss; Journal - American Water Works Association
Comparing Low Flow Accuracy of Mechanical and Electronic Meters, McKenna L. Sumrak, Michael C. Johnson, and Steven L. Barfuss; Journal of American Water Works Association
Validating and applying the single-satellite-scene approach to mapping riparian water use, S. Taghvaeian and Leila Hassan-Esfahani; World Environmental & Water Resources Congress
Web-Based Data Visualization and Analysis using HydroShare and the Open Source Tethys Platform, Daniel Ames, Z. Li, X. Qiao, David G. Tarboton, R. Idaszak, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, V. Merwade, B. Miles, N. Swain, R. Lineberger, and E. Rice
Can Suspended Fine Sediment Transport in Shallow Lakes Be Predicted Using MVRVM With Limited Observations?, H. A. Batt Ph.D. and David King Stevens; Journal of Environmental Engineering
The Structure for Unifying Multiple Modeling Alternatives (SUMMA), Version 1.0: Technical Description, M. Clark, B. Nijssen, J. D. Lundquist, D. Kavetski, D. E. Rupp, R. A. Woods, J. E. Freer, E. D. Gutmann, A. W. Wood, L. D. Brekke, J. R. Arnold, D. J. Gochis, R. M. Rasmussen, David G. Tarboton, Vinod Mahat, G. N. Flerchinger, and D. G. Marks
A Flexible File Sharing Mechanism for iRODS, A. Couch, David G. Tarboton, R. Idaszak, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, H. Yi, and M. Stealey
A social model of hydrologic data protection and sharing, A. Couch, David G. Tarboton, R. Idaszak, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, H. Yi, and M. Stealey
Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation of Butterfly Valve Performance Factors, Adam Del Toro, Michael C. Johnson, and Robert E. Spall; Journal - American Water Works Association (AWWA)
Replacing the Weibull Distribution Failure Rate Model, Ryan Dupont, F. Ricci, and L. Theodore
Collaborative Sharing of Multidimensional Space-tie Data Using HydroShare, Tian Gan, David G. Tarboton, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, and Pabitra Dash
Model Sharing and Collaboration using HydroShare, J. Goodall, M. Morsey, Anthony M. Castronova, B. Miles, V. Merwade, and David G. Tarboton
Stimulating Active Learning in Hydrology Using Research-Driven, Web-based Learning Modules, E. Habib, M. Bodin, David G. Tarboton, M. F. Merck, and D. J. Farnham; 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition
Development of Student-Centered Modules to Support Data and Model Driven Active Learning in Hydrology, E. Habib, David G. Tarboton, and Upmanu L. Lall
The Contributions of Landsat and Airborne Products in Monitoring Surface Soil Moisture, Leila Hassan-Esfahani; 10th Annual J. Paul riley AWRA-Utah Section Student Conference and Paper Competition
Assessment of Surface Soil Moisture Using High-Resolution Multi-Spectral Imagery and Artificial Neural Networks, Leila Hassan-Esfahani, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Austin M. Jensen, and Mac McKee; Remote Sensing
High-Resolution Root-Zone Soil Water Content Estimation Using Bayesian-Based Artificial Neural Networks and, Leila Hassan-Esfahani, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Austin M. Jensen, and Mac McKee; Irrigation and Drainage
HydroShare: Sharing Diverse Hydrologic Data Types and Models as Social Objects within a Hydrologic Information System, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, M. Morsey, Anthony M. Castronova, J. L. Goodall, Tian Gan, H. Yi, M. Stealey, and David G. Tarboton
HydroShare: Sharing Diverse Environmental Data Types and Models as Social Objects with Application to the Hydrology Domain, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Mohamed M. Morsy, Anthony M. Castronova, Jonathan L. Goodall, Tian Gan, Hong Yi, Michael J. Stealey, and David G. Tarboton; Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Open source software for visualization and quality control of continuous hydrologic and water quality sensor data, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Stephanie L. Reeder, Amber Spackman Jones, and Jacob Meline; Environmental Modeling & Software
Climate change impacts on water sustainability in the Nam Ngum River Basin of Laos, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sustainable Water Resources Management, D. Jayasekara and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi
Equipment management for sensor networks: Linking physical infrastructure and actions to observational data, Amber Spackman Jones, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, M. Matos, and Juan Caraballo
A data management and publication workflow for a large-scale, heterogeneous sensor network, Amber Spackman Jones, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Stephanie L. Reeder, Maurier Ramírez, and Juan Caraballo; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Remediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil using hemoglobin-catalytic mechanism, Guyoung Kang, Kapsung Park, Jaechang Cho, David King Stevens, and Namhyun Chung; Journal of Environmental Engineering
Development of a decision-making methodology to design a water quality monitoring network, J. Keum and Jagath J. Kaluarachchi; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Evaluation of a new test design for the determination of a substance specific plant uptake factor (PUF) for use in regulatory fate modeling, M. Lamshoeft, H. Resseler, G. Reinken, C. Schriever, S. Schubert, J. Webb, S. Webb, B. Zillgens, D. Keenan, William J. Doucette, G. Fent, V. Gourlay, K. Malekani, S. McLaughlin, P. Rooney, W. van Beinum, B. Rieder, M. Traub, S. Swales, Karl-Heinz Weinfurtner, K. Derz, Karin M. Kettenring, M. Letourneau, J. Martin, and N. Marchessault; 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC EUROPE)
An Architectural Overviwew of HydroShare, A Next-Generation Hydrologic Information System, David R. Maidment, Stephen Jackson, Jefferson Heard, Tian Gan, Daniel Ames, Stephanie Mills, Anthony M. Castronova, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Jeff Sadler, David Valentine, Ray Idaszak, Cuyler Frisby, David G. Tarboton, Alex Bedig, Pabitra Dash, Shaun Livingston, Alva Couch, Lan Zhao, Jonathan L. Goodall, and Nick Martin
Using an Autologic 5-Gas Analyzer for Assessing Automobile Cold Start, Hot Start, and Idle Emissions, Randy S. Martin and J. Thomas; the 5th Portable Emissions Monitoring Systems (PEMS) Conference and orkshop
Measurement of the relative automotive emissions during cold starts, hot starts, and idling for a vehicle fleet typical of urban and rural Utah, Randy S. Martin, C. Woods, and J. Thomas; the 2015 International Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air and Waste Management Association
Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation to Enhance Reductive Dechlorination of TCE In a Long-Term Flow Through Column Study, Joan E. McLean, Jared Ervin, Jing Zhou, Darwin L. Sorensen, and Ryan Dupont
Dehalococcoides abundance and alternate electron acceptor effects on large, flow-through trichloroethene dechlorinating columns, Babur S. Mirza, Darwin L. Sorensen, Ryan Dupont, and Joan E. McLean