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Aircraft Water and Waste Systems Curriculum Alignment for Updated Airmen Certificate Standards (ACS), Myles Miller
Instrument Development for Determining High School Students’ Epistemological and Ontological Beliefs Regarding Photography, Earl Stanford Maeser Jr.
Program Evaluation of Online and Face-to-Face College and Career Readiness and its Effect on Degree Utilization in Community College Graduates, Tyson M. Riskas
The Utah State University Ambassador Program: Predictors of Acceptance and Rural High School Representation, Mariah P. Spencer
Investigating the Impact of Pre-Professional Organization Participation on Undergraduate Technology and Engineering Education Student Retention and Interest in Teaching, Emily Yoshikawa-Ruesch
Incorporating Sustainability Into Utah High School's Textiles and Apparel Curriculum, Michelle Clouse
Student Perceptions of Male and Female Instructors in a Post-Secondary Welding Course, S. Kjersti R. Decker
Impact of Forage Conditioner Systems on the Harvesting of Alfalfa, Derrick Hendry
The Relationship Between Career Choice and Indecision Within the Career and Technical Education Pathway Model, Zak A. Konakis
Urban Agriculture Needs Assessment and Natural Resource Conservation Service Employee Workflow Development, Jennifer Long
Investigating Parents' Value of Children Learning About Agriculture, Amelia J. Miller
An Evaluation of U.S. Horseback Riding Instruction Certifications: Availability, Acquisition, Barriers, and Industry Need, Makenna L. Osborne
Responsive Technical Education Curriculum: An Exploratory Case Study Approach Toward Understanding Human Skills Alignment, Kari Lamoreaux
What Keeps Technology and Engineering Teachers in the Classroom? A National Mixed Methods Study, Cory J. Ortiz
Development and Validation of a Basic Ground Skills Assessment for Equine-Assisted Services, Sarah J. Andersen
The Relationship of Adaptive Clothing on the Social Participation and Self-Esteem of Adolescents with Disabilities, Emalee Brown
Socioscientific Issues in School-Based Agricultural Education: Describing and Exploring Factors of Integration, Michelle S. Burrows
Assessing Parental Involvement in Required High School Financial Literacy Education Courses Taught in Utah School Districts, Jennifer L. Gardner
Factors Explaining Remote Work Adoption in the United States, Paul A. Hill
When the Desert Meets the Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study on Experiential Learning and Andragogy for Design-Situated Curricula, Julie K. Lamarra
Social Media Usage and Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents: A Comparison Among Demographics, Heather A. McCall
Clothing Construction Curriculum: Exploring Gender Inclusivity, ShaeLin M. Nilsen
Parents' Perceptions of Life Skill Development and Satisfaction With Utah 4-H, Oakley G. Perry
Management Strategies for Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus in Utah Tomatoes, Benjamin Scow
Does Fashion Sustainability Instruction Influence Student Intention to Make Sustainable Apparel Choices?, Amber Swasey Williams
Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions of Utah 4-H Equine Program Leaders in Teaching Equine Safety to Youth, Katelyn M. Huffman
A Case Study Comparing the Life Skills Development and Knowledge in Youth Participants of Horseless and Traditional Horse Programs in Utah, Haley M. Johnson
Building Engagement in Facebook: A Case Study with Utah State University Extension Sustainability, Kenna Kesler
Leadership Styles and Barriers to Leadership for Women in Agriculture: A Mixed Methods Study, Erica Ramsey Louder
Characteristics of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers Adopting Instructional Technologies in the State of Utah, Nicole J. B. Manwaring
Teaching the Engineering Design Process to High School Students by Implementing a Non-Traditional Engineering Capstone Course, Joseph Woodard
Evaluating Relationships of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perception Between Ranchers and Bureau of Land Management Professionals, Calee L. Garn
Utah Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Genetic Engineering in the Classroom, Olivia Horning Hile, Tyson Sorensen, and Kelsey Hall; Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education
Agriculture Teacher Attitudes Regarding Gifted Education and Teaching Gifted Students in the Agriculture Classroom, Olivia M. Hile
Utah Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Genetic Engineering in the Classroom, Olivia Hile, Tyson Sorensen, and Kelsey Hall; Poster Session Proceedings: Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education
Development and Validation of an Agricultural Literacy Instrument Using the National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes, M. Rose Judd-Murray
Evaluating Michigan's Food, Agriculture, and Resources in Motion (FARM) Science Lab as a Modality for Agricultural Literacy, Amelia J. Miller
The Effects of Student Learning When Subtitles are Added to Videos, George T. Taylor
Twenty-First Century Skills: A Needs Assessment of School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers, Kisia J. Weeks
Using an Engineering Design Process to Bring the Local Community Into the Technology and Engineering Education Classroom, James M. Baker
Development of a 4th-8th Grade Curriculum for Flying and Programming Mini Drones, Jordan Lynn Bartholomew and Russell Scott Mayo
Predicting U.S. Adolescents’ Purchasing of Denim Jeans Using Quality Attributes, Behavioral Characteristics, and Sociodemographics, Michelle Clouse
U.S. Consumers’ Perception, Intention, and Purchase Behavior of Grass-Fed Beef, Elizabeth K. Crandall
Utah Agricultural Teachers' Perceptions of Urban and Non-Traditional Agriculture Curriculum & SAEs: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior, Ashlee Cromer, Kelsey Hall, Tyson Sorensen, David Francis, and Joshua Dallin; American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference
Utah Agriculture Teachers’ Perceptions of Teaching Urban and Non-Traditional Agriculture Content, Ashlee Cromer, Kelsey Hall, Tyson Sorensen, David Francis, and Joshua Dallin; American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference
Examining Teacher Perceptions When Utilizing Volunteers in School-Based Agricultural Education Programs, Ashley B. Cromer
Providing Professional Development to Educational Professionals for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Agriculture., Ashley Cromer, Tyson Sorensen, and Kelsey Hall; American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference
Assessing Homeowners' Lawn Management Practices and Preferred Sources of Educational Information, Candace J. Schaible
A Needs Assessment of Arizona Agricultural Education Equine Science Curriculum, Emily Tobler
Professional Development Needs of Utah State University Extension Professionals, Callahan K. Ward
Integrative STEM: engaging students through quadcopter competitions, S. R. Bartholomew, G. A. Stewardson, D. Stewardson, and Joseph S. Furse; 79th Annual International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference
Electronics projects for the classroom, Joseph S. Furse and T. P. Robinson; Utah State Board of Education Technology and Engineering Education Summer Conference 2017
Electronics curriculum for pre-service technology & engineering teachers, Joseph S. Furse, T. P. Robinson, and G. A. Stewardson; Utah Association for Career and Technical Education 2017 Winter Conference
The Role of Utah Farmers in Farm to School Programming, John L. Hawley
Identifying Professional Development Needs of Secondary Education Professionals, Denton Perkins, Kelsey Hall, Tyson Sorensen, Joshua Dallin, and Dave Francis; National Agricultural Education Research Conference
Engaging Educational Professionals and Students on the Viability of AFNR Careers, Denton Perkins, Tyson Sorensen, Kelsey Hall, Joshua Dallin, and Dave Francis; National Agricultural Education Research Conference
Developing electronics curricula: Shifting from a traditional approach to a project-based distance approach, T. P. Robinson and Joseph S. Furse; Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering 2017 Annual Conference
Intentional Mentoring through 4-H: The Role of 4-H in a Successful Mentoring Program Between Youth and Adults, Emily Ann Shepperd
Evaluating Utah 4-H STEM Curricula Used to Promote STEM in Utah 4-H Programs, Michelle D. Simmons
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Utah Farm Field Days, Paige Wray
Student Satisfaction at Utah State University Regional Campuses, Taylor K. Adams
Development and Evaluation of a Mentoring Framework for Technology & Engineering Teachers in Alpine School District, Jay D. Anderson
A Mixed-Method Study of Mobile Devices and Student Self-Directed Learning and Achievement During a Middle School STEM Activity, Scott Bartholomew
Quadcopters: STEM collaboration in classrooms & competitions, S. R. Bartholomew, G. A. Stewardson, D. Stewardson, and Joseph S. Furse; 78th Annual Internation Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference
Delivering pre-service electronics in a new era, Joseph S. Furse and T. P. Stewardson; 78th Annual Internation Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference
Incorporating a Training Construct into the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Matthew E. Harris
Examining the Utah 4-H Volunteer Program: The Effects of Donation and Motives in Relation to Volunteer Recruitment and Retention, Kelsey W. Romney
Factors Influencing Farmers' Utilization of Auto-Guidance Technology in Northern Utah, Thomas A. Bleazard
Analytical Comparison of Bovine Parentage Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Joshua Jeffrey Dallin
A world of information at their fingertips: College students' motivations and practices in their self-determined information seeking, Louis S. Nadelson, Ryan Cain, M. Cromwell, J. Edgington, Joseph S. Furse, A. Hofmannova, E. Lund, J. Matyi, S. Morris, C. Sais, and T. Xie; International journal of Higher Education
Measuring the self-efficacy of VEX Robotics participants, T. P. Robinson, G. A. Stewardson, and Joseph S. Furse; 77th Annual International Technology and Engineering Educators. Association Conference
Successfully integrating robotics into your curriculum, G. A. Stewardson, T. P. Robinson, Joseph S. Furse, and M. L. Pate; Techniques
A Survey of Utah's Public Secondary Education Science Teachers to Determine Their Feelings of Preparedness to Teach Engineering Design, Roland Tyler Ames
Effects of Animal Science Agricultural Education Course Completion on Urban High School Students' Career Choice, Kristina Gowans
An Investigation in the Use of Memorizing as a Learning Method When Teaching Measurement in a Technology Education Classroom, Joseph R. Porter
Improving Automotive Troubleshooting Skills, Kevin C. Roner
A Review Of Steel Content Taught In U.S. University Construction Management Programs, Jeremy Miles Thompson
Food Environments: What is the Role of Demographics in Fijians' Decision Making Related to Food Choice and Overall Nutrition Behavior?, Sandra Bradshaw
Effects of Integrating Mathematical Concepts into an Animal Science Curriculum, Andrea Rae Clark
The Effect of Daily Released-Time Religious Education on Academic Achievement, Trace W. Hansen
Identifying Perceptions that Contribute to the Development of Successful Project Lead the Way Pre-Engineering Programs in Utah, Keith McMullin
Assessing the Importance of Sequencing Laboratory Welding Practicums, Malcolm Riley Rose
Needs Assessment for Promoting Livestock and Equine Safety for Diné Youth, Karah L. Shumway
Factors that Influence Secondary Students to Join the Collegiate FFA, Sara Vanderbos
Performance Characteristics of Rayon from Bamboo in Bed Sheets Through Laundering, Jennifer Kohler
Coping Mechanisms and Level of Occupational Stress Among Agriculture Teachers and Other Teaching Populations, Kasee L. Smith
Measuring the Differences in Spatial Ability Between a Face-to-Face and a Synchronous Distance Education Undergraduate Engineering Graphics Course, Scott D. Greenhalgh
Predictive Modeling and Analysis of Student Academic Performance in an Engineering Dynamics Course, Shaobo Huang
Global 4-H Network: Laying the Groundwork Survey, Jennifer Major
Effects of Professional Development on Infusing Engineering Design Into High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Curricula, Zanj Kano Avery