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Individual odor differences and their social functions in insects, Edward M. Barrows, William J. Bell, and Charles D. Michener; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
L'ape Nell'impollinazione Della Fragola, Luigi Basoccu; L'apiculteur moderne
Rilevamento di alfa-naftil-metilcarbammato (carbaryl) in polline di vite immagazzinato da api, Flavio Belliardo and Carlo Vidano; L'apicoltore moderno
Effect of Night Temperature on the Toxicity of Field-Weathered Mevinphos Residues to Honeybees, Paul Benedek; Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Entomologie
Adatok a pannonbukkonyt (Vicia pannonica Cr.) megporzo vadmehekrol (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Paul Benedek, Erno Wilhelm, and Jozsef Komlodi; Növénytermelés
Pollination in Variety Blocks of Apple Trees, Jan Blažek; Bulletin Technique Apicole
Wystepowanie Choroby Zarodnikowcowej u Matek Pszczelich, Jerzy Bobrzecki; Pszczelnicze Zeszyty Naukowe
The Bees of Curlew Valley (Utah and Idaho), George E. Bohart and George F. Knowlton; Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters
California Wasps of the Subfamily Philanthinae (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Richard M. Bohart and E. E. Grissell; Bulletin of the California Insect Survey
The Interpretation of Pollen Spectra From Prehistoric Settlements (With Special Attention to Liguliflorae), S. Bottema; Palaeohistoria
Peponapis Fervens (Smith) in Bolivia (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington
The Pollination Ecology of Solanum Rostratum (Solanaceae), Karen A. W. Bowers; American Journal of Botany
Life Cycle and Behavior of a Primitively Social Bee, Lasioglossum Rohweri (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Michael D. Breed; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Sociality and Seasonal Size Variation in Halictine Bees, Michael D. Breed; Insectes Sociaux, Paris
Insecticide Bioassays with Field Populations of Alfalfa Weevils, a Simplified Approach, William A. Brindley; Journal of Economic Entomology
Phylogeny and Classification of the Aculeate Hymenoptera, with Special Reference to Mutillidae, Denis J. Brothers; The University of Kansas Science Bulletin
Vibratile Pollination of Solanum Douglassii Dunal and S. Xanti Gray (Solanaceae) in Southern California Abstract, Stephen Lee Buchmann; Masters Abstracts
Honey Bees, Gooseberries and Dollars, Michael Burgett; American Bee Journal
Crime in the Onion Patch, W. F. Campbell and W. P. Nye; Utah Science
Bee and Wasp Visitors to Kallstroemia grandiflora After Two Years of Drought, Mont A. Cazier and E. G. Linsley; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Étude du Comportement d'Andrena Carantonica Perez au Cours de La Floraison des Pommiers de la Variété Golden Delicious, Jacques Chansigaud; Apidologie
Some Observations on Monodontomerus Obscurus Westwood—A Parasite of Megachilid Bees, J. P. Chaudhary, R. P. Kapil, and K. L. Jain; Forage Res.
Utilizarea Albinei Salbatice Megachile rotundata Fabr., Pentru Polenizarea Lucernei; RB-Zultate Obtinute, Perspective, G. Ciurdărescu; Probleme de Protecția Plantelor
Contribuții la Bio-Ecologia Polenizatorilor Lucernei, G. Ciurdărescu, D. Hălălău, and Th. Popa; Analele Institutului de Cercetări Pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice Fundulea
Cercetări Preliminare Asupra Aclimatizării Polenizatorului Lucernei Megachile rotundata Fabr. La Condițiile Ecologice Ale Romăniei, G. Ciurdărescu and P. Varga; Analele Institutului de Cercetări Pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice Fundulea
The Biology of Hoplitis Robusta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Stephen L. Clement and Richard W. Rust; Ent. News
A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Cucumber Nectaries, Cucumis Sativus, C. H. Collison and E. C. Martin; Journal of Apicultural Research
Discrimination et Classification de Populations d'Abeilles a Partir de Caractères Biométriques, J. M. Cornuet, J. Fresnaye, and Lucienne Tassencourt; Apidologie
Extracellular Crystals in Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera - Apoidea), Carminda Da Cruz Landim; Ciência e Cultura
Contribution a l'Étude d'une Abeille du Mexique Melipona Beecheii B. (Hymenoptère: Apide). Le Déterminisme des Castes Chez les Mélipones, Roger Darchen and Bernadette Delage-Darchen; Apidologie
The Nest Biology of the Bee Andrena (Ptilandrena) erigeniae Robertson (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Lloyd R. F. Davis Jr. and Wallace E. LaBerge; Biological Notes
Genetics and Breeding of Some Beneficial Insects and their Food Plants, G. B. Deodikar; The Indian Journal of Genetics & Plant Breeding
Juvenile Hormone and Caste Determination in a Stingless Bee, L. A. de Oliveira Campos, F. M. Velthuis-Kluppell, and H. H. W. Velthuis; Die Naturwissenschaften
Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Volume 48, Number 2, V. G. Dethier, Jerry O'Neal, Goerge P. Markin, Horace R. Burke, Wayne E. Clark, Gordon W. Frankie, Fred A. Lawson, Robbin W. Thorp, James R. Estes, Adair Stoner, Alan M. Metcalfe, Richard E. Weeks, Charles D. Michener, Dwight M. DeLong, Alice B. Kolbe, W. H. Kearby, B. Taylor, Christian Y. Oseto, Z. B. Mayo, G. Leonard LeCato, Joseph F. Scheiring, and E. E. Grissell; Journal of the Kansas Entomologica Society
Introduction of New Bee Species for Pollinating Lucerne, B. J. Donovan; Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association
Bees in New Zealand Part V: Alkali Bees in New Zealand, D. J. Donovan
Bees in New Zealand Part VI: Leafcutter Bees in New Zealand, D. J. Donovan
Neue Westpaläarktische Halictidae (Halictinae, Apoidea), II, Andreas Werner Ebmer; Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin
Neue Westpaläarktische Halictidae (Halictinae, Apoidea), Teil III, Andreas Werner Ebmer; Linzer Biol. Beitr.
Revision der von Brullé, Lucas und Pérez Beschriebenen Westpaläarktischen Halictus-Arten (Halictidae, Halictinae, Apoidea)–Nachtrag, Andreas Werner Ebmer; Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne
Pollination Ecology of Pyrrhopappus Carolinianus (Compositae), James R. Estes and Robbin W. Thorp; American Journal of Botany
Nesting Behavior of Philanthus albopilosus with Comparisons Between Two Widely Separated Populations, Howard E. Evans; Annals of the Entomological Society of America
The Nest and Larva of Diploplectron brunneipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans; Great Basin Naturalist
The Sand Wasps of Australia, Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews; Scientific American
New Species and Records of Brachyhesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae: Euryglossinae), Elizabeth M. Exley; Journal of the Australian Entomological Society
Revision of the Genus Hyphesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley; Australian Journal of Zoology
Sex Determination in Bees. I. Balance Between Femaleness and Maleness Genes in Bombus atratus Franklin (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Carlos Alberto Garófalo and Warwick Estevam Kerr; Genetica
The Distribution of Foraging Honey Bees from Colonies Used for Honeydew Melon Pollination, Norman E. Gary, Peter C. Witherell, and Jerry M. Marston; Environmental Entomology
Honeybees and Tobacco Cross-Pollination, J. H. Girardeau Jr. and B. A. Golden; Journal of Economic Entomology
Honeybees and Peanut Hybridization, J. H. Girardeau, L. W. Morgan, and D. B. Leuck; Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society
The Pollination Ecology of Astragalus Cibarius and Astragalus Utahensis (Leguminosae), Thomas W. Green and George E. Bohart; American Journal of Botany
Effects of Insect Seed Predators on Astragalus Cibarius and Astragalus Utahensis (Leguminosae), Thomas W. Green and Ivan G. Palmbald; Ecology
Ground-Nesting Bee, Wallace E. LaBerge; The Illinois Natural History Survey
A Revision of the Bees of the Genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere Part VII. Subgenus Euandrena, Wallace E. LaBerge and David W. Ribble; Transactions of the American Entomological Society
A Taxonomic Study of African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae), Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener; Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History
Larvae of African Allodapine Bees. 1. The genus Allodape (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae), Charles D. Michener; J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.
Larvae of African Allodapine Bees. 2. Braunsapis and Nasutapis (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae), Charles D. Michener; J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.
Larvae of African Allodapine Bees. 3. The genera Allodapula and Eucondylops, Charles D. Michener; J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.
Nests of Paranthidium jugatorium in Association With Melitoma taurea (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae and Anthophoridae), Charles D. Michener; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Supplementary Taxonomic Observations on African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae, Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
The Brazilian Bee Problem, Charles D. Michener; Annual Review of Entomology
Were Workers of Eusocial Hymenoptera Initally Altruistic or Oppressed?, Charles D. Michener and Denis J. Brothers; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
Meetings of the Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands, H. C. D. Wit; Acta Bot. Neerl.
Host Plants, Behavior, and Distribution of the Eucerine Bees Idiomelissodes duplocineta (Cockerell) and Syntrichalonia exquisita (Cresson), Thomas J. Zavortink; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist
The nesting behaviour of Cerceris simplex macrosticta (Hymenoptera: Specidae), John Alcock; J. nat. Hist.
Home Ranges of Male Cerceris simplex macrostricta (Hymenoptera, Specidae), John Alcock and George Gamboa; Psyche
Days from Pollination to Seed Maturity in Crownvetch, Wail Al-Tikrity, W. W. Clarke, G. W. McKee, M. L. Risius, and R. A. Peiffer; Crop Science
The Uses of Cladistics, Peter D. Ashlock; Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
Aggregation Behavior and Response to Sodium Chloride in Females of a Solitary Bee, Augochlora Pura (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Edward M. Barrows; The Florida Entomologist
Floral Evolution in Viola, Andrew J. Beattie; Anals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
Controle Enocrino nos Meliponineos. III. Quantidade de Secrecao presente nos Orgaos do Sistema Endrocrino e saus Relacoes com o Desenvolvimento dos Ovarios em Operarias de Melipona quadrifasciata anthidiodes Lep. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), D. Beig e Carminda da Cruz-Landim; Studia Ent.
Recognition of Resident and Non-resident Individuals in Intraspecific Nest Defense of a Primitively Eusocial Halictine Bee, William J. Bell; J.comp. Physiol.
Social, Stimulatory and Notivational Factors Involved in Intraspecific Nest Defense of a Primitively Eusocial Halictine Bee, William J. Bell, Michael D. Breed, Kenneth W. Richards, and Charles D. Michener; J.comp. Physiol.
Patterns of Intraspecific Agonistic Interactions Involved in Nest Defense of a Primitively Eusocial Halictine Bee, William J. Bell and W. A. Hawkins; J.comp. Physiol.
Struktur Und Herkunft Der Wildbienen-Populationen Auf Feldern Der Zottelwicke in Ungarn, Ein Vergleich Mit Populationen in Anderen Gebieten Europas und in Anderen Futterleguminosen, Paul Benedek; Apidologie
Sur le Comportement de Butinage de Bombus terrestris Y A-T-IL Interattraction, G. Benest; Revue du Comportement Animal
Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds IX, Gunnar Bergström and Jan Tengö; Chemica Scripta
Pollination in Tea [Camellia Sinensis (L) O. Kuntze] in North-East India, H. P. Bezbaruah; Journal of Plantation Crops
A Review of the Genus Rhopalum in America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Richard M. Bohart; Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society
Names of Some North American Vespoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae and Eumenidae), Richard M. Bohart and A. S. Menke; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society
Factors Affecting the Proportions of Cross-Bred and Selfed Seed Obtained From Field Bean (Vicia faba L.) Crops, D. A. Bond and M. Pope; J. agric. Sci., Camb.
Osservazioni eto-ecologiche sugli Imenotteri aculeati dell'Etiopia VI, Bruno Bonelli; Bollettino dell'Istituto di Entomologia della R. Università degli studi di Bologna
Scolia (Clypeiscolia, N. Subg.) Clypealis, N. Sp. (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), James Chester Bradley; Entomological News
Pollination Requirements for Watermelon Seed Production, J. W. Brewer; Journal of Apicultural Research
Watermelon Pollination By Honey Bees, J. W. Brewer
The First Recent Species of Protomutilla (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Myrmosinae), Denis J. Brothers; Psyche
Interactions in Colonies of Primitively Social Bees III. Ethometry of Division of Labor in Lasioglossum zephyrum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Denis J. Brothers and Charles D. Michener; J. comp. Physiol.
Buzz Pollination of Cassia Quiedondilla (Leguminosae) by Bees of the Genera Centris and Melipona, Stephen L. Buchmann; Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences
The Halictidae of Israel (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), H. Bytinski-Salz; Israel Journal of Entomology
The Halictidae of Israel (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) II. Genus Lasioglossum, H. Bytinski-Salz and Andreas Werner Ebmer; Israel Journal of Entomology
Cruzamento natural, em confinemneto, de duas especies de Melipona (Hymenoptera: Apidae), C. A. Camargo; Reumao Annual da SBPC
Producao de machos diplodes de Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Apidae), C. A. Camargo; Reumao Annual da SBPC
The African (Brazilian) Bee Problem, George E. Cantwell; American Bee Journal
Foraging Behavior of Some Bees and Wasps at Kallstroemia grandiflora Flowers in Southern Arizona and New Mexico, Mont A. Cazier and E. G. Linsley; American Museum Novitates
Biologia Populațiilor de Polenizatori ai Lucernei, G. Ciurdărescu; Studii și Comunicări ‒1974
Perioada Activității Polenizatoare în Cultura de Lucernă a Speciilor de Apoide Sălbatice, G. Ciurdărescu; Studii și Cercetări de Biologie Seria Zoologie
Pollination ‒ As an Important Factor for the Yield of Alfalfa Seed Crops in Romania, G. Ciurdărescu; Organizing Committee XII International Grassland Congress
Contribuții la Cunoașterea Insectelor Polenizatoare ale Trifoiului în Transilvania, G. Ciurdărescu and M. Savatti; Analele Institutului de Cercetări pentru Protecția Plantelor
A Note on the Nesting Biology of Dianthidium pudicum pudicum (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Stephen L. Clement and Richard W. Rust; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist