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Estimating Populations of the Alfalfa Leafcutter Bees (Megachile Pacifica) and Problems Associated with Correlating Their Populations with Alfalfa Seed Yields, Ron Bitner


Alarm Pheromones: Utilization in Evaluation of Olfactory Theories, Murray S. Blum, Robert E. Doolittle, and Morton Beroza; Journal of Insect Physiology


Management of Habitats for Wild Bees, George E. Bohart; Proceedings Tall Timbers Conference on Ecological Animal Control by Habitat Management


Pesticides and Non-Target Insects, George E. Bohart; Utah Science


California Bembicine Sand Wasps, Richard M. Bohart and D. S. Horning Jr.; Bulletin of the California Insect Survey


Ascetotilla, a New Genus of Mutillidae from New Guinea (Hymenoptera), Denis J. Brothers; Pacific Insects


The Genera of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) Parasitic on Tsetse Flies (Glossina; Diptera), Denis J. Brothers; Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa


The Control of Blooming in Sauromatum guttatum (Araceae) by Darkness, Richard G. Buggeln, Bastiaan J. D. Meeuse, and John R. Klima; Canadian Journal of Botany


The Vespoidea of Israel (Hymenoptera), H. Bytinski-Salz; Israel Journal of Entomology


Production of Free Indole By Some Aroids, J. Chen and J. D. Meeuse; Acta Bot. Neerl.


Polenizatorii Lucernei și Factorii Care Influențează Activitatea Lor în Sud-Estul Depresiunii Bîrsei, G. Ciurdărescu; Analele Universității București


Staminate: Pistillate Flower Ratio Best Suited to the Production of Gynoecious Hybrid Cucumbers for Machine Harvest, Lawrence J. Connor and E. C. Martin; HortScience


Observações Histológicas E Histoquímicas Sobre os Hemócitos da Operária Adulta de Melipona Quadrifasciata Anthidioides Lep. (Hym. Meliponinae), Marina Aparecida Staurengo Cunha and Carminda Da Cruz Landim; Ciência e Cultura


Hemocitos de Rainha de Apis Mellifera Adansonii (Hymenoptera - Apidae) Estudo Ao Microscopio Optico E Eletronico, Carminda Da Cruz Landim; Rev. Per. Entom.


Intranuclear Fibrous Inclusions in Secretory Cells of Apis Mellifera L., Carminda Da Cruz Landim; Ciência e Cultura


Estudo Comparativo Do Cordão Nervoso Ventral Nas Diferentes Castas Das Abelhas Sociais Da Família Apidae, Carminda Da Cruz Landim and José Francisco Höfling; Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia


Desenvolvimento das glândulas retais e tubos de Malpighi em abelhas do gênero Melipona com relação à umidade do seu habitat natural, Carminda Da Cruz Landim and Léa Rodrigues; Ciência e Cultura


Transformações Pós-Embrionárias em Melipona Quadrifasciata Anthidioides Lep. V: Hemócitos das Fases Imaturas (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Carminda Da Cruz Landim and Marina A. Staurengo-Cunha; Rev. Brasil. Biol.


Introduction of Small Carpenter Bees into California for Pollination. 1. Release of Pithitis smaragdula, Howell V. Daly, George E. Bohart, and Robbin W. Thorp; Journal of Economic Entomology


Biology of Some Stem-Nesting Aculeate Hymenoptera, H. V. Danks; Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London


Nest Mortality Factors in Stem-Nesting Aculeate Hymenoptera, H. V. Danks; The Journal of Animal Ecology


Populations and Nesting-Sites of Some Aculeate Hymenoptera Nesting in Rubus, H. V. Danks; The Journal of Animal Ecology


Trigona (Axestotrigona) Oyani Darchen (Apidae, Trigoninae), une Nouvelle Espece d'Abeille Africaine.–Description du Nid Inclus Dans une Fourmilière, Roger Darchen; Biologia Gabonica


Die Bienen des Genus Halictus Latr. S. L. im Grossraum von Linz (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Teil III: Lasioglossum (Evylaeus Rob.), Andreas Werner Ebmer; Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz


Observations on the Nesting Behavior of Wasps of the Tribe Cercerini, Howard E. Evans; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


The Larva of Heliocausus larroides (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans; Psyche


Nesting Behaviour and Larval Stages of Some Australian Nyssonine Sand Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews; Australian Journal of Zoology


Notes on the Prey and Nests of Some Australian Crabronini (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews; Journal of the Australian Entomological Society


Revision of the Genus Pachyprosopis Perkins (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley; Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series


Stage of Development Descriptions for Soybeans, Glycine Max (L.) Merrill, W. R. Fehr, C. E. Caviness, D. T. Burmood, and J. S. Pennington; Crop Science


Studies on Mutualistic Symbiosis Between Syconia and Sycophilous Wasps in Monoecious Figs, J. Galil and D. Eisikowitch; The New Phytologist


A Spectacular Case of Termite Predation by Dragonflies, James E. Gillaspy; Texas A & I University Studies (TAIUS)


Papernest Wasps (Polistes): Observations and Study Methods, James E. Gillaspy; Annals of the Entomological Society of America


Dynamics of Clonal Microspecies in Cholla Cactus, Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Evolution


Natural Hybridization between the Cholla Cactus Species Opuntia spinosior and Opuntia versicolor (Vegetative and Sexual Reproduction/Clonal Colonies), Verne Grant and Karen A. Grant; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


A New Subgenus of Andrena Found in California and Oregon (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Wallace E. LaBerge; The Pan-Pacific Entomologist


A Revision of the Bees of the Genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere Part IV. Scrapteropsis, Xiphandrena and Rhaphandrena, Wallace E. LaBerge; Transactions of the American Entomological Society


Biologies of African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera, Xylocopinae), Charles D. Michener; Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History


Notes on Crabronine Wasp Nests, Charles D. Michener; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


The Bee Genus Macrogalea (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae; Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener; Entomological Essays to Commemorate the Retirement of Professor K. Yasumatsu


A Simplified Observation Nest for Burrowing Bees, Charles D. Michener and Denis J. Brothers; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


Interactions in Colonies of Primitively Social Bees: Artificial Colonies of Lasioglossum zephyrum, Charles D. Michener, Denis J. Brothers, and Dwight R. Kamm; Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA


Interactions in Colonies of Primitively Social Bees: II. Some Queen-Worker Relations in Lasioglossum zephyrum, Charles D. Michener, Denis J. Brothers, and Dwight R. Kamm; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


Supplementary Studies on the Systematics of the Genus Perdita (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Philip H. Timberlake; University of California Publications in Entomology


The Biology of Anthophora (Micranthophora) Peritomae Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophoridae), Philip F. Torchio; Contributions in Science



Die Nahreier von den Arbeiterinnen einer stachellosen Biene, Trigona (Scaptotrigona) postica, die von der Konigin kurz vor der eigenen Eiablage gefressen werden, Yukio Akahira, Shoichi F. Sakagami, and Ronaldo Zucchi; Sonderdruck aus Zoologischer Anzeiger


Oral Toxicity of Carbaryl to Adult Honey Bees, Claudia C. Alvarez, H. Shimanuki, and R. J. Argauer; Journal of Economic Entomology


Lists of the Scientific Publications and Insect Taxa Described by Francis Xavier Williams, Paul H. Arnaud Jr.; Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences


Memoria Del Ano 1969, E. Asensio


Toxicity of Pesticides and Other Agricultural Chemicals to Honey Bees, E. Laurence Atkins, L. D. Anderson, H. Nakakihara, and E. A. Greywood


Behavior of the Alkali Bee, Nomia melanderi, within the Nest (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Suzanne W. T. Batra; Annals of the Entomological Society of America


Brood Care in Halictid Bees, Suzanne W.T. Batra and G. E. Bohart; Science


The Development of the Egg of Didymuria Violescens (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae: Podacanthinae) Embryology and Determination of the Stag at Which First Diapause Occurs, G. O. Bedford; Aust. J. Zool.


Effects of Plot Size, Stand Density and State of Flowering on Wild Bees Pollinating Lucerne, Paul Benedek; Acta Agronomica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae


Vizsgalatok a vorosheret megporzo vadmeheken a Nagy-es Kisalfoldon, Paul Benedek; Növénytermelés


Wyniki obserwacji nad przegryzaniem kwiatow przez trzmiele - Bombus Letr. (Hym., Apoidea) (Results of observations on perforating flowers by bumblebees - Bombus Latr. (Hym., Apoidea)), Mieczyslaw Biliński; Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne


South Texas Agriculture, William E. Black, Nelda C. Thomas, James E. Gillaspy, B. C. Davis, C. E. Schoettle, E. C. Gilmore Jr., M. E. Meadows Jr., and Sam Keach; South Texas Agriculture


The Chemical Basis of Insect Sociality, Murray S. Blum; Chemicals Controlling Insect Behavior


Citral in Stingless Bees: Isolation and Functions in Trail-Laying and Robbing, Murray S. Blum, R. M. Crewe, W. E. Kerr, L. H. Keith, A. W. Garrison, and M. M. Walker; Journal of Insect Physiology


Faltenwespen aus Griechenland (Hym. Diploptera), Paul Blüthgen and Josef Gusenleitner; Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin


Über Faltenwespen aus dem Iran (Hym., Diploptera), Paul Blüthgen and Josef Gusenleitner; Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart


Commercial Production and Management of Wild Bees- A New Entomololgical Industry, George E. Bohart; Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America


Should Beekeepers Keep Wild Bees for Pollination?, George E. Bohart; American Bee Journal


The Evolution of Parasitism Among Bees, George E. Bohart; Forty-First Honor Lecture


The Evolution of Parasitism Among Bees, George E. Bohart; Forty-First Annual Honor Lecture


Onion Pollination as Affected by Different Levels of Pollinator Activity, George E. Bohart, William P. Nye, and L. R. Hawthorn


The Genus Ochleroptera in New Guinea (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Richard M. Bohart; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington


Electronic Identification of Dead Larvae of the Alfalfa Leaf-Cutter Bee, E. J. Brach and P. Poirier; The Canadian Entomologist


Mimecomutilla Ashmead, 1903 (Insecta, Hymenoptera Mutillidae): Request for the Designation Under the Plenary Powers of a Type Species in Harmony with the Intention of its Author. Z.N.(S.) 1917, Denis J. Brothers; Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature


Pheromone Research with Stored-Product Coleoptera, Wendell E. Burkholder; Control of Insect Behavior


Nihos e biologia de algumas especies de Meliponideos (Hymenoptera: Apidae) de regiao de Porto Velho, Territorio de Rondonia, Brasil, Joao M. F. Camargo; Rev. Biol. Trop.


Anatomy and Histology of the Genital Tract, Spermatheca, Spermathecal Duct and Glands of Apis Mellifica Queens (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Joao M. F. Camargo and M. L.S. Mello; Apidologie


A Second Record of Coelioxys obtusiventris Crawford (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)., Leland D. Chandler; Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science


Palynology and Apomixis, A. A. Chiguryaeva; In Apomixis and Breeding


Efectul Iradierii Asupra Lucernei în M1, G. Ciurdărescu, M. Banu, P. Varga, and P. Diaconu; Analele Institutului de Cercetări Pentru Cereale și Plante Tehnice Fundulea


External Acarine Mites Acarapis Spp. (Acarina: Trombidiformes) on Honey Bees in New Zealand, P. G. Clinch and J. G. M. Ross; New Zealand Entomologist


Light and Electron Microscope Studies of the Mandibular Gland of Lestrimelitta Limao (Hym., Meliponidae), Carminda Da Cruz Landim and Irineu J. Barsanti de Camargo; Rev. Brasil. Biol.


General Entomology, Howell V. Daly; Science


Clavicera Latreille, April 1802 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): Proposed Suppression Under the Plenary Powers in Favour of Ceratina Latreille, [October 1802-September 1803], Howell V. Daly and O. W. Richards; Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature


Physiologie des Insectes.–Facteur Déterminant les Castes Chez les Trigones (Hyménoptères Apides), Roger Darchen and Bernadette Delage; C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris


Cucumber Pollination by Honey Bees, L. B. Davis, M. L. Laster, and G. M. Campbell; Mississippi State University Agricultural Experiment Station


The Role of Insects of the Apoidea Family on Alfalfa Seed Plantations, Mirosława Dylewska; Wszechświat


Badania Nad Metodami Określania Liczebności Owadów Zapylających Na Plantacjach Lucerny Nasiennej, Mirosława Dylewska, Andrzej Ruszkowski, Boleslaw Jabłoński, Mieczysław Biliński, Stanisława Sowa, and Stanisław Wrona; Metodyka


Die Bienen des Genus Halictus Latr. S. L. im Grossraum von Linz (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Teil II: Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) Curt., Andreas Werner Ebmer; Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz


A New Genus of Ant-Mimicking Spider Wasps from Australia (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae), Howard E. Evans; Psyche


West Indian Wasps of the Subfamilies Epyrinae and Bethylinae (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans; Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington


Notes on the Nests and Prey of Australian Wasps of the Genus Cerceris (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews; Journal of the Australian Entomological Society


Biology of Monodontomerus obscurus Westwood, a Parasite of the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee, Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae; Megachilidae), Jack D. Eves; Melanderia


Sex Control by Bees: A Voluntary Act of Egg Fertilization during Oviposition, Henry S. Gerber and E. C. Klostermeyer; Science


A Computer-Based Numerical Coding System for the Description of Pollen Grains and Spores, J. H. Germeraad and J. Muller; Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology


A Classification of the Squash and Gourd Bees Peponapis and Xenoglossa (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Paul D. Hurd Jr. and E. Gorton Linsley; University of California Publications in Entomology


A New Genus with Three New Species of Eucerine Bees from Mexico (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Wallace E. LaBerge; Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society


A Revision of the Bees of the Genus Andrena of the Western Hemisphere Part III. Tylandrena, Wallace E. LaBerge and John K. Bouseman; Transactions of the American Entomological Society


Diverse Approaches to Systematics, Charles D. Michener; Evolutionary Biology


Nest Sites of Stem and Twig Inhabiting African Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Charles D. Michener; J. ent. Soc. sth. Afr.


Social Parasites Among African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae, Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener; Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society


The Flight and Foraging Behavior of the Alkali Bee [Nomia Melanderi (CKLL.)] and the Alfalfa Leaf Cutter Bee [Megachile Rotundata (F.)], James Scott Packer



New Speices of Krombeinia Pate and Neotiphia Malloch (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), H. W. Allen; Entomological News


Redescriptions of Types of Tiphiinae from Asia, Africa, Oceania in the British Museum (NH) and at Oxford University, H. W. Allen; Transactions of The American Entomological Society


Bees of the Nevada Test Site, Dorald M. Allred; The Great Basin Naturalist