Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Energetics of the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) During Three Seasons in Northern Utah, Lucinda Haggas
Does Inflation Tend to Perpetuate Itself? The Case of Latin America, Ebrahim Harraf
Phosphorus Dynamics in Dingle Marsh, Idaho, Rex C. Herron
Resource Management Problems of USU Foreign Students, Gong Soog Hong
A Comparison of Traditional Preschool and Computer Play from a Social/Cognitive Perspective, Jeanne M. Hoover
Transplain Migration: The Church Trains in Mormon Immigration, 1861-1868, John K. Hulmston
Effect of Overall Indispensible Amino Acid Levels on Performance of Broiler Chicks, Jack D. Kelly
An Economic Analysis of Foreign Assets, Money Supply, and Inflation in Saudi Arabia, 1963-83, Said Ahmed M. Khalofa
Structural Geology of Eastern Part of Dairy Ridge Quadrangle and Western Part of Meachum Ridge Quadrangle, Utah, Val A. Kienast
Effect of Iron on Residual Nitrite Level in Ground Pork and Model Systems, Changmin Kim
Behavioral Response of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Human Harassment: A Comparison of Disturbed and Undisturbed Populations, Michael M. King
A Comparison of Eight Selected Sports Bras: Biomechanical Support, Overall Comfort Ratings and Overall Support Ratings, LaJean R. Lawson
Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for the Microgametocytes of Eimeria tenella, Marc A. Laxer
Dietary Sodium Bicarbonate and Magnesium Oxide for Early Postpartum Lactating Dairy Cows: Effects Upon Milk Coagulation Parameters, Shu-Chuan Lee
The Reconstruction Conjecture in Graph Theory, Susan M. Loveland
Decisions of Pregnant Adolescents as They Affect Later Well-Being, Myra Lynch
Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs on Immune Function in Human Subjects and Mice, Nadine C. Margaretten
Brownian Motion Applied to Partial Differential Equations, Steven M. McKay
Seasonal Feeding Behavior and Forage Selection by Goats in Cleared and Thinned Deciduous Woodlands in Northeast Brazil, Roberto Cesar Magalhaes Mesquita
Cavitation Limits and the Effect of Aeration on Cone Valves, Bart "L" Mumford
Analysis of a Rocket-Borne Resonant Scatter System for Measurement of Atomic Oxygen, Neil B. Myers
Data Analysis Using Experimental Design Model Factorial Analysis of Variance/Covariance (DMAOVC.BAS), Wesley E. Newton
A Comparison of Evaluation Models for Handicap Intervention in a Head Start Program, Carin Niebuhr
Factors Affecting Feeding Injury to Grasses by Adult Billbugs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Dale C. Nielson
Cellular Immunity in Children with Down Syndrome (Trisomy-21), Roger Lee Noble
Donating Behavior in Children: The Effects of the Model's Similarity to the Observer, the Observer's Familiarity With the Model and Parental Models, Charles Ray Owens
The Acarau Valley in Northeast Brazil: Vegetation, Soils and Land Use., Joao Stacishin de Queiroz
Iron Requirement of Clostridium Botulinum Type A and Characterization of Iron-Sulfur Proteins in Nitrite Treated and Untreated Botulinal Cells, Divya Shree A. Reddy
Sequential Thrusting Beneath the Willard Thrust Fault, Wasatch Mountains, Ogden, Utah, Tad William Schirmer
The Petrology and Mineralogy of Tertiary(?) Olivine Trachyte in the Harrington Peak Quadrangle, Southeastern Idaho, Amanda Shearer-Fullerton
Habit Reversal Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa, Ken Small
Quiet Power A History of James Grey Willie, Doug R. Stephens
Effect of Proteolytic Activity of Streptococcus cremoris on Cottage Cheese Yield, Gary W. Stoddard
Temporal and Spatial Partitioning of the Soil Water Resource Between Two Agropyron bunchgrasses and Artemisia tridentata, Halldor Thorgeirsson
Petrology and Mineralogy of Tertiary(?) Volcanic Rocks West and Southwest of Kelton (Box Elder Co.), Utah, R. L. Voit
A Study of the Effect of a Child's Physical Attractiveness upon Verbal Scoring of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (Revised) and upon Personality Attributions, Paula Theisler Wheeler
Effects of Bulk Starter Media and Proteolytic Lactic Streptococci on Protein Loss in Cheddar Curd Manufacture, Steven A. Winkel
Estimation of Cost and Benefit of Instream Flow, Parvaneh Amirfathi
Production Factors in Beef Cattle Finishing, Gary L. Anderson
Chemical Composition and Acceptability of Rain Damaged, Field Dried Alfalfa Hay, Cesar Augusto Araque H.
The Relationship Between Milk Composition and Swiss Cheese Yields, Adnan S. Ba-Jaber
Fear of Crime Within the Boomtown Setting, Jerry Bartlett
Forage Quality Comparison of Burned and Nonburned Aspen Communities, Deborah L. Blank
The Effects of a Commons Simulation and Fines on a Generalization Test, William Boyle
The Cost Effective Acquisition and Dissemination of Market Information: A Computerized Approach, Tammy Burton
Adolescent Identity Status in Current Familial Relationships During Separation, Eugene E. Campbell
A Follow-Up Study of the Edith Bowen Gifted Program, Richard Alan Campbell
When the Children are Gone: Changes in Mental Health and Marital Relations During the Transition to Postparenthood, Kenneth Holland Cannon
Evaluation of Low-Temperature Geothermal Potential in North-Central Box Elder County, Utah, Matthew C. Davis
Combined Scale Weight, Height at Hips and Visual Condition Score as an Indicator of Functional Body Size in Range Cows, Patricia B. Davis
Petrology of the Middle Cambrian Ute Formation, North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho, Edward James Deputy
Risk in Production, Mamadou Dian Diallo
An Economic Analysis of Food Policy in the Ivory Coast, Yao Prao Felix
Vocal Behavior and Interactions Among Parents and Offspring in the American Dipper, Mary Kathleen Fite
Dynamics of Arid-Land, Perennial Plant Populations with an Examination of Potential Causal Agents, Henry George Gardiner
The Relationship of Ewe Body Mass to Lamb Production, Sebhatu Gebrelul
The Value of Microcomputers in Agriculture, John P. Gibney
Planned Parenthood and Fertility, Illegitimacy, and Abortion Rates in the State of Utah, Wayne W. Godfrey
Electrophoretic Patterns of Storage Proteins in Phaseolus Prone to Cotyledonal Cracking, Zahra N. Hashim
Synthesis of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid-Protein Conjugates for Development of Enzyme Immunoassay for B-Lactam Antibiotics, Alice Ann Heth
Analysis of Processes to Determine Site Suitability for a Marina at Bear Lake, Charles J. Houghten
Energy Analysis of Flat Water Recreation: An Economic Assessment, Craig Leon Howell
Alfalfa Production as Related to Irrigation Scheduling: An Economic Perspective, Craig L. Israelsen
Parent-Child Interaction Variables Related to the Moral Reasoning of High School Senior Males, Bruce R. Johns
Seed Reserves in Stockpiled Topsoil on a Coal Mine Near Kemmerer, Wyoming, Cynthia K. Johnson
Resource Acquisition in the Presence of a Novel Stimulus by Coyotes of Different Social Rank, Warren E. Johnson
Influence of Breed Type, Milk Production Potential and Cow Size Upon Maintenance Requirements, Jacqueline Lee Kennedy
An Economic Analysis of Watershed Practices: Impact of Grazing on Watershed, In-Hwan Kim
Effects of Clearcutting on Forage Production, Quality and Decomposition in the Caatinga Woodland of Northeast Brazil: Implications to Goat and Sheep Nutrition, Robert D. Kirmse
EEG and Evoked Potential Measured of Age and Sex Differences in Central Nervous System Processing, Judith Ann La Marche
Effects of 3, 5, 6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinol on Thyroid Function, Charles Franklin Luke
Range Beef Cattle Productivity in Southern Utah, Mouslim A. Maiga
Survival of Porcine Pepsin During Cheddar Cheese Making and Its Effect on Casein During Cheese Ripening, Gheyath H. Majeed
Some Indicators of Manganese and Copper Adequacy in Some Infant Formulas for Baby Pigs and Infants, Robin Hope Marcus
Improvement of Deep Tubewell Irrigation Project Performance in Bangladesh, Md. Mirjahan Miah
Effects of Diflubenzuron When Fed to Adult Female Alfalfa Weevils, Mohamed M. Middib
Comparison of Several Forms of Equations for Predicting Cheddar Cheese Yield from Milk Composition, Craig A. Moore
Effects of Folic Acid or Zinc Malnutrition on Rotaviral Infection in a Murine Model, John Douglas Morrey
Comparisons of Snow Deposition, Soil Temperature, Matric Potential and Quasi-Friction Velocity Between a Windward Site and a Lee Shelter in a Cold Desert, Harvey L. Neuber
Pullout Resistance of Welded Wire Mats Embedded in Soil, Mark R. Nielsen
Plant Gas Exchange of Two Bunchgrasses in Relation to Herbivory Tolerance, Robert S. Nowak
Evaluation and Improvement of Coagulation Properties of Milk for Manufacturing, Leslie M. Okigbo
Natural Killer Cell Activity and Beta-Endorphin in the Mink (Mustela vison) and the In Vitro Effect of Beta-Endorphin in Immunologic Assays, Nancy Cathleen Pace
Unbalanced Analysis of Variance Comparing Standard and Proposed Approximation Techniques for Estimating the Variance Components, James P. Pugsley
Petrology of the Middle Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone, Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Southwestern Wyoming, David R. Raubvogel
Adolescent Egocentrism and Its Relationship to Parenting Styles and the Development of Formal Operational Thought, Theo A. Riley
Structure and Petrology of Tertiary Volcanic Rocks in Parts of Toms Cabin Spring and Lucin NW Quadrangles (Box Elder Co.), Utah, Bruce Edward Scarbrough
Dietary Intake of Persons with Type I Diabetes Who Use Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Pumps, Laurie J. Schaetzel-Hill
Protein Recovery and Coagulation Properties of Commercial and Fractionated Milk Clotting Enzymes, Khalida A. Shaker
Initial Assessment of the Introduction of Spottail Shiner (Notropis hudsonius) and Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) into Willard Bay Reservoir, Utah., Thomas E. Sommerfeldt
A Look at Some Grandfather Intergenerational Relationships As Perceived by Their Adult Children, Leonard E. Stout
The Use of Social Science by the United States Supreme Court in Cases Raising Husband-Wife and Parent-Child Legal Issues, James R. Tanner
Time Course of Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions: The Stoichiometry A --> P + Q, Tamra Tuttle
Photoaffinity Labeling of the Antimycin Binding Site in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides, Emily Wilson
A Lactic Culture Stimulant Blend from Kluyveromyces fragilis and Whey, Steven L. Wright