Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Nesting and Habitat Parameters for Selected Raptors in the Desert of Northwestern Utah, David L. Peterson
Inter-Seasonal Range Relationships of Spanish Goats and Mule Deer in a Utah Oakbrush Community, Robert Alexander Riggs
A Model of Energy Expenditure in White-Tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) Based on Integrated Studies of Energetics and Field Ecology, Gordon L. Rogowitz
Maximal Rank-One Spaces of Matrices Over Chain Semirings, Daniel Joseph Scully
The Relationship Between Congruence Among Communication Channels and Degree of Mental Health, Karen R. Seibel
The Effects of Teacher Training vs. Teacher and Parent Training on the Aggressive Behavior of Preschoolers, John J. Shamaly Jr.
Effect of Feeding a Viable Yeast Culture on Ruminal Fermentation Characteristics, Milk Production Response and Apparent Nutrient Digestibility in Holstein Cattle, Mohamed H. Shokair
Messages to Homemakers as Consumers Regarding Food Preparation as Conveyed by Women's Magazines 1947-1986, Carmen Dobson Steggell
Control and Evaluation of Big Game Browsing Damage to Commercial Fruit Orchards, William E. Stone
The Role of Homeostatic Imbalance in the Reported Immunomodulation of T-2 Toxin, Michael Jay Taylor
The Modeling and Measurement of Respiratory Carbon Use and Net Carbon Gain of Two Agropyron Bunchgrasses, Halldor Thorgeirsson
Patterns of Singing by House Wrens with Respect to the Breeding Cycle, Michael H. Tove
The Effects of Forest Harvesting on Small Mammals in Western Newfoundland and its Significance to Marten, Brian Tucker
A New Approach to Forest Site Quality Modeling, David L. Verbyla
Fire Frequency and the Vegetal Mosaic of the Utah State University Experimental Forest, Linda L. Wadleigh-Anhold
Measurement of Proteins in Milk and Dairy Products, Marie K. Walsh
The Effects of Participation in a Development Group Upon the Psychological Adjustment of Pregnant Adolescents and Adolescent Mothers, Bernard E. Wazlavek
Comparison of Bootstrap with Other Tests for Several Distributions, Yu-Yu Wong
Mechanism of Iron Transport in Mycelia Sterilia EP-76, Jonathan P. Adjimani
Highway Drain Depth and Soil Stability, Mizher Al-Himdani
Variational Principles of Fluid Mechanics and Electromagnetism: Imposition and Neglect of the Lin Constraint, Ross Roundy Allen Jr.
Performance and Design of Labyrinth Spillway, Nosratollah Amanian
The Relationship Between the Content Component of Cognitive Moral Development and Premarital Sexual Standards, Janet H. Anderson
Demographic and Professional Dimensions of Child Care Providers, Carol Joan Armga
Using Music in Teaching Social Skills to Mentally Retarded Subjects, Tamara Barron-Johnson
Ultrafiltration: Retentate-Permeate Partitioning of Milk Constituents, Eric Douglas Bastian
Least-Change Secant Updates of Non-Square Matrices, Samih Kassem Bourji
The Association of Seed and Cone Predator Populations and Cone Crop Production in Engelmann Spruce, Dawn E. Cameron
Surfacing and The Diviners: A Comparative Study, Helen Beach Cannon
Disturbed Alpine Ecosystems: Seedling Establishment of Early and Late Seral Dominant Species, Jeanne C. Chambers
Comparing Different Methods for Determining Moisture in Wheat Using NESR Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, Weider Chang
Effects of Sire, Ration, and Interaction of Sire with Ration on Reproductive Performance of Holstein Dairy Cows, Jen-Hon Justin Chen
A Test for Determining an Appropriate Model For Accelerated Life Data, Yuan-Who Chen
Poverty and Migration: Synthesis of Macrolevel and Microlevel Perspectives of Migration, Keywon Cheong
Attitudes Toward Seeking Financial Counseling: Instrument Development, Janeen Cook
SHAMAT: A Matrix Manipulation Program, Shahriyar Dadkhah
Identity and Intimacy: A Correlational or Casual Connection?, Patricia A.H. Dyk
Effects of Starter Cultures on Short-to Medium-Chain Free Fatty Acid Content and Sensory Properties of Mutton Summer Sausage, Robert M. Essiaw-Quayson
Selected Parameters of Reproduction in Rambouillet and St. Croix Ewes, Ronald Cole Evans
Autecological and Grazing Control Studies of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) on Northern Utah Rangelands, Kassim O. Farah
Effects of Exercise and Cheese Supplemented Diet on Cholesterol and Lipoprotein Fractions in Free-Living Young Human Subjects, Kathleen A. Gabel
Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity Under Common Property Environment and Uncertainty: An Interpretive Analysis, Soumendra N. Ghosh
Verbal Interactions Among Elementary Students with the Jigsaw II Learning Method, Katherine Gilbert
Cholesterol-Lowering of Pantethine is Due to the Hydrolysis Product Cysteamine, Caran Graves
Factors Affecting the Sprouting Response of Woody Caatinga Species and Their Implications for Improved Caatinga Management, Linda Howell Hardesty
Sexual Orientation and Capacity for Intimacy, Sandra Lee Harshbarger
Vitamin A Status, Anthropometric Measurements, and Food Practices of Women of Childbearing Age and Their Preschool Children in Northeast Brazil, Susan Ahlstrom Henderson
The Self-Perceived Need for Parent Education by Divorced Parents, T. Wayne Hunsaker
An Analysis of Some Effects of China's Foreign Trade on its Economy, Wei Jiang
Utilization of Crested Wheatgrass Plants by Cattle Under Several Grazing Regimes, Patricia Selann Johnson
Compounds in Bovine Urine Which Change in Concentration During the Estrous Cycle: Possible Pheromones, Scott Kay Johnson
Petrology of Pliocene (?) Basalts of Curlew Valley (Box Elder Co.), Utah, Steven Brent Kerr
Synthetic Studies Toward B-Alkylthiolanthionines, Hwa-Ok Kim
Crime Victims and the Media: A Comparison of Newspaper Coverage in the Los Angeles Times from 1969 to 1985, Cory J. La Bianca
Study of America's Adopt-A-Horse (or Burro) Program, Peter A. Lawson
A Comparison of Rank and Bootstrap Procedures for Completely Randomized Designs with Jittering, Feng-ling Lee
Economic Aspects of Reproductive Problems in Utah and Southeastern Idaho Dairy Herds, Steve Lemrick
Food Practices and Ritual in the Family Across Three Generations, Audrey Crawford Liddil
The Effects of Reprimands and Work Observation with Pay Loss on the Maintenance and Generalization of High-Quality Work by Developmentally Disabled Adults in Community Work Settings, Benjamin Lignugaris/Kraft
Plasmid-Linked Maltose Utilization in Lactobacillus spp. Isolated from Meat, Mei-Ling Liu
Surficial Geology of the Smithfield Quadrangle, Cache County, Utah, Michael V. Lowe
An Expert System to Train Secondary Special Education Teachers in Language Arts Instruction, Elizabeth Shafer Martindale
A Comprehensive Treatment Program for Abusive Parents: An Exploratory Study, Marvin Kim Marvel
Investigations of Field Performance and Physiological Effects of Metsulfuron and Metsulfuron Combinations on Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.), Hamid Rahimian Mashhadi
Nutritional Intake and Physical Activity of an Adult Population with Diabetes Mellitus Using the Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Pump, Teresa Jean Matheny
Long-Term Effectiveness of Educational Intervention on the Assertiveness, Self-Esteem, and Well-Being of Displaced Homemakers, Marc F. Mathias
Parent-Adolescent Sexual Attitude Congruence in Relation to Adolescent Sexual Intercourse Experience, John Kelly McCoy
Fluoride Content in Home-Canned Fruits in Utah, Sydney Ann McDonald
Effects of Phosphorus on No-Till, Minimum-Till, and Conventional Till Irrigated Field Corn, John A. McKay
A Study of the Relationships Between Hemispheric Asymmetries and Intellectual Abilities, Anne McShane
Comparative Study of Elongated Chromosomes in Sheep and Goats and a Proposed Standard, Stephen H. Mensher
The Effect of an Early Sensorimotor Intervention Program on the Development of Infants with Perinatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Janet Millard
N2-Fixation in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Seedlings and Rhizobium meliloti L. Grown in Vitro Under Salt and Drought Stresses, Ramzi Muhiddin Mohamad
'That Place Over There' A Journalistic Look at Latter-Day Corinne, the Last Gentile Railroad Boomtown in the Mormon Lands of Utah, John W. Morris
Investigation of Patient Anxiety, Patient Satisfaction, and Dental Student Behaviors, Mary Kathryn Morris
Causes of Seeding Failure within the Tooele Fire Rehabilitation Project in Northwestern Utah, Jeffrey S. Murphy
Cottage Cheese from Ultrafiltered Skimmilk by Direct Acidification, Jorge Ricardo Ocampo-Garcia
The Feasibility of Artificial Insemination of Dairy Cattle Managed by Fulani Tribesmen in Kaduna State, Nigeria, Christian Olafimihan Ojomo
Maintenance Energy Requirements of Free Ranging Goats and Sheep, Ederlon Ribeiro de Oliveira
An Improved Method for Transferring Nucleic Acids to Nylon Membranes, Bruce D. Parker
Factors Affecting Growth of Proteinase Positive and Proteinase Negative Streptococcus cremoris UC310 in Ultrafiltered Milk Retentate, Brent Karl Pope
Expert System Technology and Concept Instruction: Training Educators to Accurately Classify Learning Disabled Students, Mary Anne Prater
Multiple-Stimulus Discrimination and Stimulus Overselectivity with Preschool Children, Maria C. Quintero
Spatial and Temporal Landslide Distribution and Hazard Evaluation Analyzed by Photogeologic Mapping and Relative-Dating Techniques, Salt River Range, Wyoming, John B. Rice Jr.
Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of Springs in Mantua Valley and Vicinity, North-Central Utah, Karen C. Rice
Anglers' Attitudes Toward the Fisheries Management Policies of the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers, Utah, Larry Edwin Riley
Petrology of the Middle Cambrian Langston and Ute Formations in Southeastern Idaho, Daniel T. Rogers
PMS: Bi-Phasic Differences in Personality and Marital Relations Among a Clinical Sample, Donna R. Rogers
The Effects of a Pre-Therapy Client Orientation on Clients in Psychotherapy, Nels Sather
Wood and Forage Production in Cleared and Thinned Dry Tropical Woodland: Implications to Goat Nutrition, Walter H. Schacht
An Investigation of the Five-Term Contingency and the Conditional Control of Equivalence Relations, Richard W. Serna
Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for the Reliability of Real Systems Calculated from Component Data, Jean Spooner
Effects of Grazing Intensity by Sheep on the Production of Atriplex nummularia and Sheep Live Weight in Jordan, Kamal I. Tadros
Iron Bioavailability of Meat:Bread Mixtures and Meat Loaves Fed to Anemic and Healthy Rats, Abdullah M. Thannoun
Honoring the Farm: Identity and Meaning in Personal Narratives, Jeannie Banks Thomas