Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Encouraging Navajo Parents' Involvement in Their Children's Education, Wanda Benale
Production and Inefficiency, Arunava Bhattacharyya
Time Use and Attitudes Among Siblings: A Comparison in Families of Children With and Without Down Syndrome, Glenna C. Boyce
Coping Strategies of Dairy-Farm Husbands and Wives in Five Northern Utah Counties, Joel Phillip Brandley
Visitor Characteristics and Attitudes Toward Policies in the Irish Wilderness of Southern Missouri, Debra Lynn Bumpus
Day-Specific Time Use by Underachieving Adolescents, Dorothy Jean Cassingham
Mothers' Preferences Regarding Sex Education in the Home, Cynthia R. Christopherson
The Relationship Between Revision Behaviors and Syntax in the Spoken Narratives of Language-Impaired and Normally Developing School-Aged Children, Marilyn Cleckler
Energetic Requirements for Bacterial Protein Export, John Andrew Corbett
The Relationship Between Raw Scores on the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and School Attendance for Sioux Children Ages 8-12, Mike Cummings
The Effects of Methionyl Bovine Somatotropin Administration on Luteinizing Hormone in Dairy Cattle, Joseph Charles Dalton
Reproductive Ecology of Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia Tridentata SSP. Wyomingensis) : Effects of Herbivory and Competition, Richard T. Decker
Assessing Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Boys: Pre- Versus Postpubescent, Delinquent Versus Nondelinquent, David P. DeFrancesco
Self-Consciousness and Body Image Issues Among College Females, Mary E. Doty
Laramide Deformation in Precambrian Granitic Rocks, Northeastern Wind River Range, Wyoming, Mark A. DuBois
Family Relations Factors that Facilitate or Inhibit Middle Adolescent Identity Development, Patricia Hyjer Dyk
A National Survey of Enterprise Budget Development and Use by the Extension Service, Douglas W. Eck
Use of the Transactional Analysis Ego State Concept to Measure Client Change in Psychotherapy, Judith Emerson
The Effects of Disease, Prey Fluctuation, and Clear-Cutting on American Marten in Newfoundland, Canada, Richard J. Fredrickson
Seasonal Movement Patterns of Coyotes in the Bear River Mountains of Idaho and Utah, Glen F. Gantz
An Experimental Analysis of Higher-Order Stimulus Control in Humans, Michael B. Gatch
An Experimental Analysis of Second-Order Conditioned Taste Aversion: Drug Pairing Facilitated Through Excitation of Geotactic Behavior, John H. Gatling
The Development of Print Awareness in Four-Year-Old Children, Barbara Ann Bybee Glover
The Effects of an Attribution-Based Parenting Program on Perceptions of Parenting Behavior, H. Wallace Goddard
Tourism Dependency and its Correlation to Selected Socioeconomic Indicators in Utah, Diane S. Gooch
The Effects of an Adolescent Social Skills Training Program on Adolescent Sex Offenders, Roger B. Graves
Effects of Ketoconazole on Uterine Weight and on Unbound Serum Estradiol Relative to Vaginal Cornification in Rats, Leonard L. Hall
Immunosuppression by Aflatoxin B1 in C57BL/6 Mice and its Relationship with Neuroendocrine Mechanisms, Yasuhiko Hatori
Substrate Concentration, Calcium Concentration and κ-Casein Hydrolysis in Milk Coagulation, Fenjin He
Chromosome Abnormalities as a Possible Cause of Reduced Fertility in Dairy Heifers, Stanley L. Henderson
Enhancing Female Adolescent Identity Development Through Ideological Perspective-Taking Training: A Replication and Extension Study, Deborah Lynn Huston
Forest Canopies: Form and Functional Relationships, Steven B. Jack
Yellowstone's Northern Elk Herd: Critical Evaluation of the "Natural Regulation" Paradigm., Charles Edward Kay
Comparative Foraging Ecology of Sheep and Goats in Caatinga Woodland in Northeastern Brazil, Scott L. Kronberg
A Comparison of Three Estrous Detection Management Schemes for Dairy Heifers, Ann Lagerstedt
Toward a Cultural Interpretation of the Chinese Restaurant in the Mountain West, Li Li
The Effects of Mild Hearing Loss on Academic Performance Among Elementary School Age Children, Donna White Massine
The Relationship Between Leaf Area Index and Photosynthetic Temperature Response in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Canopies, David B. Meek
Immunological Effects of Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Fluconazole on Lymphocyte Cell Proliferation and Natural Killer Cell Activity in Immune-Normal, Cyclosporine-Compromised and Cyclophosphamide-Compromised Mouse Models, Jeffrey Tullis Mitchell
Evaluation of Utah's Prereferral Intervention Mandate, J. Ron Nelson
Purification and Immunological Reactivity of Commercial Microbial Milk Clotting Enzyme Preparations, Chima I. Osuala
The Examination of Variables That Influence Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires, Anuradha Parthasarathy
Autecological Characteristics of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa, Dominant Rangeland Grasses in Baluchistan, Mohammad Saleem
Carbon Dioxide Toxicity in Wheat, Robert Spanarkel
The Effect of Seasonal Cattle Grazing On California Bighorn Sheep Habitat Use, Melanie J. Steinkamp
A Review of Informal Measures Used to Assess Oral Syntactic Ability in Normal-Language and Language-Impaired, School-Aged Children, William Eric Strong
A Comparison of Two Self-Conception Disparity Methods as Operationalized within an Adolescent Population, Diane Marie Stuart
The Importance of Cover for Juvenile Rainbow Trout in Lentic Systems: Field Observations and an Experimental Study on Predation, Roger Allen Tabor
National Survey of Degreed Mental Health Workers Providing Services to American Indian Populations: Identification of Preferred Theoretical Orientations and Treatment Modalities, Michelle M. Tangimana
The Development and Validation of a System for the Knowledge-Based Tutoring of Special Education Rules and Regulations, Mark S. Thornburg
Natural-Resources Education in Utah's Public Schools, John J. Van Niel
The Basis of Browsing Tolerance in Shrubs of the Intermountain West: Growth Rates and Meristematic Potential, Jackson L. Wandera
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act: Perspectives on Private Land Issues, Gary R. Weiner
Sunday Time Use Among LDS Adolescents, C. Lewis Williams
Burning, Flaming and Herbicides for Control of Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host.), Blake D. Willis
Effects of Cannulation, BST Administration and Protein Degradability on Rumen and Duodenal Characteristics and Milk Production Response in Holstein Dairy Cows, Margaret D. Winsryg
The Response of Coyotes to Novel and Familiar Visual and Olfactory Stimuli, Yiting Zhang
Psychosis in a Developmental Psychopathology Context: A Factor Analytic Study of Schizophrenia in Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatients, Paul R. Adams
Development of a Computer-Adapted Form of the Scientific Literacy Test, Douglas M. Allred
Development of a Management Plan for Grey Goral: Lessons from Blackbuck and Cheer Pheasant Reintroduction Attempts, Maqsood Anwar
Socio-Behavioral Correlates of 6- to 11-year-old Offspring of Alcohol Consuming Parents, Jan Garver Bacon
Economic Simulation of Selected Management Strategies for a Typical Dairy Farm Faced with Declining Milk Prices, M. Reed Balls
The Effects of Diary Writing Support Groups on Women's Depression, Self-Acceptance and Well-Being, Linda Elaine Barnes
Plasmin in Milk: Activity Measurement, Effect of Environmental Factors, and Correlation with Milk Coagulation, Eric D. Bastian
Groundwater Flow Systems and Thermal Regimes Near Cooling Igneous Plutons: Influence of Surface Topography, Mark U. Birch
Reaction Time in Elderly Subjects: The Effects of Practice on Two Different Reaction Time Tasks, Dawn Marie Birk
Bilingual Education: What It Could Mean on the Navajo Reservation, Berniece A. Blackhorse
The Role of Sibling Authority in the Occurrence of Prosocial and Aggressive Behavior in Handicapped and Nonhandicapped Sibling Dyads, Todd J. Braeger
Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Sugar and Rice Trade of the Dominican Republic, Gertrudys Brito
Characterization of Anti-Pichinde Virus Monoclonal Antibodies for the Directed Delivery of Antiviral Drugs and Toxins, Noah Jefferson Burns III
A Procedure for Developing a Carcass Merit Program for the Pork Industry, James Allen Burrow
Obesity Management: A Meta-Analysis of Key Factors, David E. Christian
Influence of Processing Parameters on Nutrient Recovery During Ultrafiltration of Milk and Meltability of Pasteurized Process Cheese Food Made from the Retentate, Susan Kay Fortier Collinge
A Preschool-Age Neurodevelopmental Comparison Between Normal-Birthweight Infants and Low-BirthWeight Infants With and Without Intraventricular Hemorrhage, William Frederick Corey
Reducing Stress of Inservice Teachers, Jeffrey R. Curley
The Development of the Stress-Response Scale for Adolescents, Steven Curtis
The Influence of Embryo Cell Culture Systems on Pretransfer Development of Early Ovine Embryos, Pablo Gabriel Daniel
An Apple Rest Model for Mild Winter Conditions, Jose Ignacio Del Real Laborde
The Feasibility of Concurrent Enrollment of High School Students in College-Level Introductory Plant Science, Gregory H. Egan
An Investigation of Stability, Change, and Observed Associations during Infant-Mother Face-to-Face Interaction, Sarah Elizabeth Gable
A Method for Knowledge Engineering in Clinical Decision Making, Sheila S. Giere
A Method for Knowledge Engineering in Clinical Decision Making, Sheila S. Giere
The Ute Indians and the Public School System: A Historical Analysis, 1900-1985, Kim M. Gruenwald
Origin and Evolution of Dolostone in the Middle Cambrian Langston Formation, Northern Utah, Mark C. Hall
Incremental Returns to Cattle Feeding From Alternative Feedlot Practices, Ibrahim R. Hani
Probability of Discrete Failures, Weibull Distribution, Mary Jo Hansen
Factors Affecting the Long-Term Market and Profit Potential of the Utah Apple Industry, Jodie R. Harris
An Historical Overview of the Evolutions of Institutions Dealing with Water Resource Use and Water Resource Development in Utah 1847 Through 1947, John Swenson Harvey
Immunologic, Hematologic, and Endocrine Responses to Subacute and Subchronic Exposures to Graded, Subanesthetic Levels of Nitrous Oxide in CD-1 Mice, Charles E. Healy
Purification and Characterization of a Chemically Induced Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Deoxyribonuclease, Guang-Yuh Hwang
Root Exploitation of Fertile Soil Microsites, Robert B. Jackson
Fee Hunting Opportunities on Private Land in Utah: An Economic and Policy Analysis, Lucy A. Jordan
Credit Use and Financial Satisfaction Among USU Community Credit Union Members, In-Sook Ju
In Vitro Identification of the Effect of Serotonin on Lymphocyte DNA Synthesis and Natural Killer Cell Activity, Kim Kartchener Kane
Bluetongue Virus Evolution: Sequence Analyses of the Gene Coding for the Major Serogroup Antigen, Timothy F. Kowalik
Production of Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for the Gamonts of Eimeria Tenella, Nancy Carol Larsen