Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Fat Content of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) and Sharp-Shinned Hawks (Accipiter striatus) Estimated by Total Body Electrical Conductivity, Shari M. Harden
The Cache Valley Shoshones: Cultural Change, Subsistence, and Resistance, to 1870, John W. Heaton
The Impact of Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbearing Experiences on Adolescent Psychosocial Development, Kwisun Huh
Anaerobic Treatment of Whey Permeate Using Upflow Sludge Blanket Bioreactors, Seokhwan Hwang
Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Identity Development, Pamela Kay King
Photo Manipulation and its Effect on Future Credibility of Documentary Photojournalism, Douglas M. Lind
Developmental Stages of Preschool Educators: A Study of Junior College Students in Taiwan, Hsin-Hui Lin
A Replication and Validation Study of Methods for Calculating Self-Conception Disparity, George F. Loesch III
Characterization of a Dexamethasone-Immunosuppressed C57BL/6N Mouse Model for Chronic Cryptosporidiosis, Edward G. Martin
The Relationship Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Adolescent Locus of Control and Self-Concept, Lisa Ann McClun
A Study of Factors Controlling Physical Properties of Mozzarella Cheese and the Manufacture of a Reduced Fat Mozzarella Cheese, Richard Kevin Merrill
Preschool Children's Perceptions of Their Parents: A Comparison of Children From Married and Divorced Homes, Sondra Moe
Gregarious Behavior in Large Mammals: Modeling, Methodology, and Application, Thomas L. Morton
Resource Partitioning Among Brown Bears at Brooks River in Katmai National Park and Preserve, Alaska, Tamara L. Olson
Prophets and Preference: Constructing and Maintaining a Homosexual Identity in the Mormon Church, Richard D. Phillips
Single Mothers: The Impact of Work on Home and the Impact of Home on Work, Lenore I. Rasmussen Robbins
Analysis of Cutthroat Flume Discharge Ratings, Liyan Ren
Climatic Variability and Dynamics of Great Salt Lake Hydrology, Taiye B. Sangoyomi
Credit Card Usage and Knowledge in Thailand, Wanna Sangsutisearee
Future Water Demand in Cache Valley, Utah, Chris C. Saunders
Jet Velocity Dissipation and Modelling With Aeration, Stephen J. Schlenker
The Role of Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Guilt- and Shame-Proneness and Depressive Symptomatology, Julie Bingham Shiffler
Sensory and Functional Properties of Wheat Stored Under Home Conditions, Marilyn M. Shumway
Modern Racism: A Cross-Cultural View of Racial and Ethnic Attitudes, Timothy B. Smith
Perceived Parental Acceptance Related to Self-Esteem, GPA, Sex-Role Identity, and Substance Use of Adolescents from Intact and Reconstituted Families, Stephen B. Sniteman
Lack of Control as a Predictive Factor for Stress-Related Symptoms in Rape Victims, Chad Sombke
The Relationship Between Eating Disorders and Ego Identity Development, Mary Denise Sparks
The Relationship Between Grandparent Involvement and Identity Level in Late Adolescent Females, Catherine DiNicolangelo Stogner
The Prevalence of Dual Diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Alcoholism in the Literature: A Critical Meta-Analytic Review, Joseph B. Stone
The Development and Writing of a Children's Story to Promote an Awareness of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language, Blaine J. Taylor
Intraventricular Hemorrhage Sequelae in Low Birthweight Infants: A Meta-Analysis, Shannon G. Thompson
Influence of Microphytic Crusts on Selected Soil Physical and Hydrologic Properties in the Hartnet Draw, Capitol Reef National Park, Utah., John Dana Williams
Probable Maximum Flood Estimation in Northern Utah, Khin Maung Win
Linear Operators that Preserve Qualitative Matrix Structures, Shumin Ye
Training Seminars for Regular Education Teachers: Preparing to Teach Students who are Deaf in the Hearing Classroom, K'Leis H. Young
Parenting Style and Child Behavior Problems: A Longitudinal Analysis, Margaret H. Young
The Efficacy of Level of Adjunct Questions over Time by Discourse Type, Ying Zhang
The Behavioral Responses of Utah Prairie Dogs (Cynomys parvidens) to Translocation, Steven H. Ackers
The Heart Rate Responses of Dairy Cows to Two Types of Disturbances--Transportation and Aircraft Noises, Hoon M. Ahn
Inverse Problem in Porous Medium Using Homogenization, Helen Alkes
Effects of Polyacrylamide on Rangeland Soils and Plants, Saud Leily R. Al-Rowaily
A National Profile of Child Development Laboratory Schools, Owen Arthur Anderson
Sons of a Trackless Forest: The Cumberland Long Hunters of the Eighteenth Century, Mark A. Baker
Interactions Between Populations of Intermediate Wheatgrass and Western Wheatgrass as Influenced by Short-Duration Grazing and Moisture Availability, Gerrit B. Bartels
Economic Comparison of Selected Processing Alternatives for Alfalfa, Dan J. Bates
Economic Analysis of Dryland Wheat Tillage Practices in Box Elder County, Utah, Michael Dale Bond
Homeward the Course of Empire: The Popularization of the American West in Great Britain, 1850-1913, Ian Craig Breaden
Genetics and Applications of Nisin Production in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Conjugal Exchange of This Trait, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Parent-Adolescent Communication and Adolescents' Sexual Intentions, Julie A. Bullen
The Influence of Redd Distribution and Microhabitat Availability on the Distribution and Abundance of Young-of-the-Year Trout in the Green River, Utah, Michael J. Buntjer
Presentation of a Standard Intervention During the Intake Interview, Gregory Burns
Utah and Mormon Migration in the Twentieth Century: 1890 to 1955, Todd Forsyth Carney
Circulating Antibodies to Thymic Antigens in Autism and Alzheimer's Disease, Chih-Li Chen
Dynamic Multi-Species Animal Habitat Modeling with Forest Succession Models, Stephen A. Compton
Identification of the Causes and Characteristics of Suicide Among American Indian Youth, Rebecca R. Crawford
The Efficacy of Multidisciplinary Treatment Programs for Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis, Jane E. Curtis
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Adolescent Depression: Effects on Multiple Parameters, Steven E. Curtis
The Relationship of Depression, Gender, and Sex Roles, Scott V. Cutler
Properties of Low-Fat Yogurt Made from Ultrafiltered and Ultra-High Temperature Treated Milk, Richard Alan Dargan
Identifying Differences Among Male Sex Offenders: Child Molesters Versus Exhibitionists Versus Voyeurs, David P. DeFrancesco
Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Pilot Valley Playa Interpreted From Remotely Sensed Images, Llyn Doremus
An Embedded Ring Approach to the Vibrational Dynamics of Disordered Two-Dimensional Materials, Timothy Edwin Doyle
The Paleoecology and Geomorphology of Holocene Deposits of the Southern Malad River, Box Elder County, Utah, Ann Schaffer Elder
Optimization of Ranch Management Alternatives in Utah, Scott G. Evans
Effects of Rumen Protein Degradability on Rumen Characteristics, Milk Production and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows, Mario Raul Figueroa
Effect of Various Growth-Promoting Factors on Preimplantation Bovine Embryo Development in Vitro, Mark Randall Flood
Characterization of Pigments Responsible for Red or Pink Discoloration in Cooked Pork, Viswasrao M. Ghorpade
Preschoolers' Perceptions of Their Alternative Care Environments, Michael K. Godfrey
Factors That Explain Changes in the Level of Human Capital of Children with Disabilities, Linda D. Goetze
Knowing Which Way Is Up: Sex Differences In Understanding Horizontality And Verticality, Gary A. Goodrich
Cognitive Variables and Marital Satisfaction, Carol Green
Responses of Canada Thistle to Defoliation and to Damage from a Stem-Mining Weevil in Utah, Wendy Sue Halsey
Wheat Kernel Hormone Levels During Development and Their Relevance to Zygotic and Somatic Embryogenesis, J. Richard Hess
A Maple Package for the Variational Calculus, Cinnamon Hillyard
Estimation of Selected Milk Protein Genetic Variants by Multi-Component Analysis of Amino Acid Profiles, Carol M. Hollar
Silent Saints: Deaf Mormons in Utah, Petra M. Horn
Measurement of the Economic Effects of Trade Liberalization Policy in Taiwan, Shu-Lan Huang
Use of Landsat Imagery and Geographical Information Systems in the Assessment of Rangeland Cover and Wildlife Habitat, Mary Hunnicutt
The Effect of Black Plastic Mulch Alone and in Combination with Various Types of Plastic Row Covers on Production of Sweet Corn, Morteza Jabalameli
Soil Heterogeneity and its Exploitation by Plants, Robert B. Jackson
Relationships among Birds, Willows, and Native Ungulates in and around Northern Yellowstone National Park, Sally Graves Jackson
Use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Detection of Bovine Leukosis, Emma Jane Kelly
Comparative Economics of Cattle and Wildlife Ranching in the Zimbabwe Midlands, Urs P. Kreuter
Ecological Implications of Flavor Generalization by Sheep: Role of Flavor Intensity and Variation in Toxin Dose, Karen L. Launchbaugh
Hopf Bifurcation in a Parabolic Free Boundary Problem, Yoon-Mee Lee
Crisis Intervention: An Evaluation of Services Provided to Families of Sexually Abused Children in Davis County, Utah, Karen Louise Letts
A New Method for Measuring Macroparticulate Systems Applied to Measuring Syneresis of Renneted Milk Gels, Jonathan R. Maynes
Nature's Second Course: Water Culture in the Mormon Communities of Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1916, Kathryn T. Morse
The Role of Lactose in the Age Gelation of Ultra-High-Temperature Processed Concentrated Skim Milk, Venkatachalam Narayanaswamy
Implications of Mediating Parent-Child Interactions in the Treatment of Child Abuse, Connie Faye Nelke
Effects of Stabilizers and pH Adjustments on Milk Proteins in UHT-Treated Citrus Juice/Skim Milk Blend Drink, Sandra M. Newman