Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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The Relationships of Gender and Age with Peer Acceptance in Primary-Grade, Multiage Classrooms at Edith Bowen Laboratory School, Thomas Anthony Shuster
A Validation Study of the Trio Measure of Visual Processing Ability, Jonathan David Spach
Perceived Children's Characteristics and Other Factors Relating to Parents' Psychological Well-Being in Midlife, Catherine D. Stogner
Second Growth Forest as Potential Marten Habitat in Western Newfoundland: An Examination of Forest Habitat Structure and Microtine Abundance, Brian R. Sturtevant
A Study of the Gradient Drift Instability in the High-Latitude Ionosphere Using the Utah State University Time Dependent Ionospheric Model, Mahesh Subramanium
Integration of Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) and in Situ Data for Snow Studies from Space, Changyi Sun
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Small Molecule Binding to [Cyclopentadienyl-Ru-NO] and [Rh-CO] Electrophilic Centers, Anna Svetlanova
Competitive Interactions Between a Native and Exotic Trout Species in High Mountain Streams, Heather M. Thomas
Pre-Late-Wisconsin Glacial History of the Naknek River Valley, Southwestern Alaska, Caleb H. Thompson
Sources of Recreational and Community Conflict from Tourism in Moab, Utah, Susan R. Van Patten
Evaluation of the Delta Waterfowl Foundation's Adopt-A-Pothole Project, Daniel S. Vice
Ecological Amplitude and Invasion of Diffuse Knapweed at Yakima Training Center, Washington, Donna Denise Wilcox
The De Villers Book of Hours, Kenneth R. Williams
A Comparative Study of the Oxygen Uptake Between Nonmotorized and Motorized Treadmills, Michael S. Wood
Effects of Therapist Gender on Client Communications in Marital Therapy, Laurel C. Agee
The Quaternary Geology of the Eastern Side of the Greys River Valley and the Neotectonics of the Greys River fault in Western Wyoming, L. C. Allen Jones
Lake Evaporation: A Model Study, Jumah Amayreh
Effects of Antioxidants on Development of In Vitro Fertilized Bovine Embryos, Bret L. Anderson
Nonparametric Stochastic Generation of Daily Precipitation and Other Weather Variables, Rajagopalan Balaji
Time Series Analysis of Macroeconomic Conditions in Open Economies, Gover Barja
Maternal Responsivity to a Child with a Disability: A Comparison in Single- and Two-Parent Families, Kristin Bollwinkel
Evaluation of Milk Production in Western Whiteface and Navajo-Churro Ewes, Marla Faye Brindley
Cross-Generational Similarities Between Mothers' and Daughters' Abnormal Eating Behaviors, Kimberly K. Bushman
Common Dimensions of Social Skills of Children and Adolescents: A Review and Analysis of the Literature, Paul Caldarella
Taxonomic or Thematic : Categorization of Familiar Objects by Preschool-Aged Children, David Owen Calhoun
Discussion as Exploration and its Effects in an Elementary Reading Class, Michael E. Cena
Characterization of an Axial Ligand Substitution in Sperm Whale Myoglobin, Michael J. Chen
Effects of Graded Levels of Dietary Lasalocid on Performance of Holstein Cows During Early Lactation, Dennis E. Christensen
Child Abuse in the Wake of Natural Disasters, Thom Curtis
Gender and Depression: Analysis of the Effects of Sex Roles, Sex-Role Self-Discrepancy, and Attributional Style, Scott V. Cutler
A Meta-Analytic Review of Studies Examining the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse in Women, Sheryl A. Dagang
The Influence of Workplace Stressors, Resources and Perceptions on Work-to-Family Spillover: An Application of the Double ABCX Model, Steven A. Dennis
Post-Fire Succession and Disturbance Interactions on an Intermountain Subalpine Spruce-Fir Forest, Christopher A. Dicus
Winter Habitat Selection by American Marten (Martes americana) in Newfoundland: Why Old Growth?, Gary S. Drew
Parameter Estimation by Conditional Coding, Taylor Duersch
Alteration of Key Cytokine Levels by Aflatoxin B1 and T-2 Toxin in Male CD-1 Mice, Raviprakash R. Dugyala
The Efficacy of a Self-Administered Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program for Body Image Dissatisfaction in Women with Subclinical Bulimia Nervosa, Ellen N. Emerson
Clinical Typologies of Youthful Male Sex Offenders Derived from the Sex-Offender Characteristic Inventory-Male Version (SOCI-M), Susan L. Ericksen
Use of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor as an Adjunct in Antifungal Chemotherapy in Various Animal Model Systems, Lindi Farrell
Identity Style, Substance Use, and Perceived Family Functioning Among Young Adults: An Exploratory Study, Larry F. Forthun
The Effects of Critical Thinking Skills Training on Student Performance in an Educational Psychology Class, Eric J. Gee
Fire Occurrence, Behavior and the Effect of Fire on Deer Mouse Density in Oakbrush at Camp Williams National Guard Base, Utah, Joel E. Godfrey
Evaluation of Lake Fertilization as a Tool to Assist in the Recovery of the Snake River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), Howard P. Gross
Groundwater and Surface-Water Interactions along Lower Medano Creek, Great Sand Dunes National Monument, Colorado, Gregg L. Hadlock
The Effects of Feeding Chelated Metal Proteinates on Milk Production and Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows, Ben James Hardcastle
Functional Study of the Structural VP6 Protein of Bluetongue Virus, Emiko Hayama
Associations of Armillaria Root Disease in Jack Pine with Arceuthobium americanum, Elizabeth G. Hebertson
Effects of Iron Fortification on Microbiological, Physical, Chemical, and Organoleptic Properties of Yogurt, Sharareh Hekmat
The Perceived Influence of Mobile Telework on Aspects of Work Life and Family Life: An Exploratory Study, E. Jeffrey Hill
Assessing the Relative Utility of Models of Vegetation Dynamics for the Management of Sagebrush Steppe Rangelands, Paul E. Hosten
Competitive Interactions Between Two Closely Related Rhizomatous and Caespitose Perennial Grasses under Varying Conditions, L. David Humphrey
Development of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Techniques for Physical Mapping in Ovis aries, Eleanor P. Jenson
An Investigation of the Construct Validity of the Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, Clarice E. Jentzsch
Noticing Pretreatment Change: Effects on Therapeutic Outcome in Family Therapy, Lee N. Johnson
Measuring Nonuse Values for Wilderness Designation in Utah-by Contingent Valuation Method, Van R. Johnson
Analysis of Perched Groundwater Bodies beneath the Radioactive Waste Management Complex at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Alan V. Jones
Structure and Interaction Energies of Kr Atoms Adsorbed on Graphitic Amorphous Carbon, Sang -Joon Lee
Child Care and Parental Beliefs in Korean-American Families, Wanjeong Lee
Improved Control of Cheese Manufacture Through Continuous Vat Monitoring of Coagulation Parameters Using The Hot Wire Method, Michael John LeFevre
Spatial Variability and Error Limits of Reference Evapotranspiration Estimates, Thomas W. Ley
Relatedness and Autonomy Aspects of Self-Concept in 8- to 12-Year-Old Children, Cherie Martin
Meta-Analysis of Home Visiting Research with Low-Income Families: Client, Intervention, and Outcome Characteristics, Christopher H. Morris
The Efficacy of Massed Versus Distributed Practice As a Function of Desired Learning Outcomes and Grade Level of the Student, Vanessa D. Moss
The Relationship Between Postretirement Activity and Life Satisfaction, Dorothy Jane Gould Nelson
Conjunctival Impression Cytology Assessment of Vitamin A Status of Migrant Children, Laura Nihan
Metabolism of Selected Antiviral Agents in Cells Infected with Drug-Resistant and Wild-Type Strains of Murine Cytomegalovirus, Kevin M. Okleberry
Disease and Habitat Change as Factors Associated with Mourning Dove Population Decline, William D. Ostrand
An Analysis of Item Bias in the WISC-R with Kainaiwa Native Canadian Children, Deborah Faith Pace
Evaluation of Wildlife Depredation at Fish Hatcheries in the Intermountain West, William C. Pitt
Assessing Family Strengths Using the Family Profile: Study to Validate and Evaluate Constructs Across Four Models of Family Functioning, Troy D. Randall
Muscle Fiber Types, DNA:RNA:Protein Ratios, and Measures of Tenderness in Various Muscles of Normal and Callipyge Lambs, Owen D. Rice
The Effect of Iron Fortification on the Chemical, Physical, and Sensory Properties of Mozzarella Cheese, Wendy Haws Rice
Ontogenetic Habitat Shift of Juvenile Bear Lake Sculpin (Cottus extensus), James R. Ruzycki
Membrane Protein as a Basis of NACL Tolerance in Alfalfa, Husni N. Sabah
Academic Goals, Achievement, and Age at First Sexual Intercourse: Reciprocal Influences, Paul L. Schvaneveldt
Behavioral Characteristics Affect Habitat Selection of Domestic Ruminants, Cody B. Scott
An Adaptive "Natural Law" Fuzzy Controller, Sandeep D. Sequeira
Evaluation of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Techniques For Utah Probable Maximum Flood Determinations, Ashraf Mohammed Shammet
The Effects of Therapist Gender on Group Therapy for Eating-Disordered Clients, Todd A. Soutor
Late Quaternary Glacial Geology, Shoreline Morphology, and Tephrochronology of the lliamna/Naknek/Brooks Lake Area, Southwestern Alaska, Karen B. Stilwell
The Impact of a Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic on Wildlife Habitat and Communities in Post-Epidemic Stands of a Lodgepole Pine Forest in Northern Utah, William E. Stone
Uncertain Justice: The Ute Jurisdiction Case and Conflicting Directions in Federal Indian Law, A. J. Taylor
A Psychometric Evaluation of Five Commonly Used Measures of Family Functioning and How They Correlate with Development of Children with Disabilities, Matthew J. Taylor
Classification of Vegetation and Analysis of its Recent Trends at Camp Williams, Utah Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Techniques, Thomas G. Van Niel
Cytological and Molecular Analyses of the Ns Genome in Russian Wildrye, Psathyrostachys juncea (Fisch.), Junzhi Wei
Establishing the Validity of the College Adjustment Scales (CAS) as Outcome Measures in a University Counseling Center: A Test of Construct and Convergent Validity, Denise K. Wiswell
Issues of Consensus and Concern: Family Relationships of the Elderly in the United States and Japan, Takashi Yamamoto
Adolescent Leisure-Time Activity and Problem Behavior: The Integration of Three Major Explanatory Theories as a New, Gail B. Yost
Seasonal Variation in the Behavior of Sterile and Nonsterile Coyotes, Doris E. Zemlicka
Dungpat Microenvironmental Effects on Germination and Establishment of Crested Wheatgrass, Ghulam Akbar
Fate of β-Lactoglobulin, α-Lactalbumin, and Casein Proteins in Ultrafiltered Concentrated Milk After Ultra-high Temperature Processing, Mark Christopher Alleyne
Personality Factors Associated with Negative Affect: Application of the "Big Five" Taxonomy to Depression and Anxiety, Kent W. Anderson
A Monte Carlo Simulation of Coulomb Collisions and Wave-Particle Interactions in Space Plasma at High Latitudes, Imad Ahmad Barghouthi