Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Influence of Commercial Starter Media on Biochemical Characteristics of Lactococcus lactus, Norman Bart DeVries
Methanethiol and Cheddar Cheese Flavor, Benjamin Dias
The Nixon Environmental Agenda: An Insider's View of Republican Decision-Making, 1968-1973, David D. Dominick
Effect of Blue Light and Temperature on Leaf Expansion, Stem Elongation, and Growth, Tracy A. O. Dougher
Evaluating Snowmelt Runoff, Infiltration, and Erosion in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem, Eric K. Duffin
Factors Predictive of Commitment to Invest in Marriage, Randy A. Gilchrist
Tertiary Stratigraphy and Structural Geology, Wellsville Mountains to Junction Hills, North-Central Utah, Kathryn M. Goessel
Interaction Between Winter Dominance and Territory Defense in Male Pronghorn Antelope, Antilocapra americana, Charles William Gunnels IV
Preparation for Caregiving by Parents of Children with Disabilities: An Exploratory Study, McArthur Hafen Jr.
Regional Economic Effects of Wilderness Designations in Six Western States, Marca L. Hagenstad
Relating Children's Social Competence to Maternal Beliefs and Management Strategies of Peer Relationships, Eryn D. Hamel
The Influence of Video and Peer Tutoring on Attitudes of High School Students Towards Peers with Disabilities, Marilyn Hammond
Adolescent Protective Factor Attainment: An Exploratory Study of Two Select Populations, Victor W. Harris
The Impact of the Ideal Thin Body Image on Women, Nicole Hawkins
4-H Contest Winners in Utah: Risk and Protective Factors, Ann E. Henderson
Construction and Analysis of a Family of Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Stiff Source Terms, Cinnamon Hillyard
The Relationships Among Body Satisfaction, Self-Esteem, and Social Support in Undergraduate Men and Women, Sarah Murray Hodson
Influence of Grazing, Fire, and Rainfall Regime on Plant Species Dynamics in an Ethiopian Perennial Grassland, Michael J. Jacobs
Nest Success of Dabbling Ducks in a Human-Modified Prairie: Effects of Predation and Habitat Variables at Different Spatial Scales, Jaime E. Jimenez
A Model of Freshman Use of Microcomputers Related to Intellectual and Social Development, Daniel R. Judd
Student Stress: An Analysis of Stress Levels Associated with Higher Education in the Social Sciences, Darcy A. Keady
Predictively Mapping the Plant Associations of the North Fork John Day Wilderness in Northeastern Oregon Using Classification Tree Modeling, Alison M. Kelly
The Emergence and Function of Family Rituals in the American Family, John M. Kirkman
Heat-Stable Extracellular Enzymes of Pseudomonas, Ramarathna Koka
Utah's Rural Communities: Planning for the Future, Judith A. Kurtzman
Modeling Habitat Attributes of Cavity-Nesting Birds in the Uinta Mountains, Utah: A Hierarchical Approach, Joshua J. Lawler
Avian Community Response to Fire in a Gambel Oak Woodland, Andreas Leidolf
Efficacy of Guard Llamas (Lama glama) in Reducing Canid Predation on Domestic Sheep, Laurie E. Meadows
The Efficacy of Treatments for Childhood Depression: An Integrative Review, Kurt David Michael
Vessiot: A Maple Package for Varational and Tensor Calculus in Multiple Coordinate Frames, Charles E. Miller
Home Range (?) of the Flat-Tailed Horned Lizard Phrynosoma mcallii, Peggy Anderson Miller
Using a Classwide Peer-Assisted Self-Management Program to Improve Classroom Behavior of Secondary-Age At-Risk Students, Katherine J. Mitchem
Parenting Stress and Social Support Among Married and Divorced At-Risk Mothers, Sondra Moe
Four Levels of Sexual Involvement, and Their Association with Dating Patterns, Family Relationships, and Other Related Factors, Bruce H. Monson
Marital Quality in Deaf-Deaf and Deaf-Hearing Marriages, Anthony G. Mosier
Studies on the Utilization of Deboned Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Frames in Fish Snack, S. Muralidharan
Fathers and Sons: An Examination of Distancing Patterns During Adolescence, Mark Ogletree
Using Maslow's Needs Model to Assess Individuals' Attitudes Toward Money, Mark D. Oleson
Effects of Student Self-Management on Generalization of Student Performance to Regular Classes, Lloyd Douglas Peterson
The Reproductive Biology and Edaphic Characteristics of a Rare, Gynodioecious Saxifage: Saxifraga bryophora var. tobiasiae (Saxifragaceae), Kimberly Pierson
Theory of Change Projects Used in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs, David J. Prior
Growth of Clostridium Sporogenes PA3679 in a Vacuum-Packaged Meat-Vegetable Product, Julie M. Racz
A Survey of the General Public Assessing Public Attitudes Toward Animal Damage Control Management Policy, Douglas K. Reiter
Hydrogeomorphic Factors Influencing Clonal Recruitment of Cottonwoods in Mountain Valleys, Michael D. Roberts
Chemical and Hydrostratigraphic Characterization of Ground Water and Surface Water Interactions in Cache Valley, Utah, J. Mike Robinson
In vitro Growth of Muscle Satellite Cells Isolated from Normal and Callipyge Lambs, Beatriz T. Rodriguez
Investigation of the Determinants of African Savanna Vegetation Distribution: A Case Study from the Lower Omo Basin, Ethiopia, Catherine A. Schloeder
Effects of Perceived Sugar or Chocolate Intake on Self-Reported Food Cravings, Mood States, and Food Intake: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study, Lara J. Schultz
The Role of Iron and Reactive Oxygen Species in Particulate Air Pollution-Dependent Biochemical and Biological Activities, Kevin Richard Smith
A Product Development Study: Rainbow Trout Bologna, Marshall Dean Smith
Heat-Induced Gelation of Ultrafiltered Whole Milk Concentrate and Product Applications, Hector Alejandro Solorio
The Identification and Measurement of Conditional and Unconditional Self-Liking, Alan Splendlove
A Study of the Effects of Proteolytic Adjunct Culture on the Physical and Functional Properties of Low-Fat Mozzarella Cheese, Roxanne Stone
Influence of Carbohydrate Starvation on the Culturability and Amino Acid Utilization of Lactococcus lactis, Mark R. Stuart
Dimensions of Parent-Child Affinity in the Nation of Thailand, Kristine R. Thorson
Ultraviolet-B Radiation: Effects on Pollen of 34 Taxa, and Inheritance Patterns and Carryover of Radiation Response in Arabidopsis, Javad Torabinejad
Interpersonal Aspects of Attribution and Emotion, Chris L. Treadwell
A Social Analysis of Grazing Management on National Forest Lands: A Case Study in Catron County, New Mexico, Alexis S. Watts
The Relationship Between Parental Employment Stability and Child Outcome Measures, Thomas Michael Wolfe
Prevalence and Possible Causes of Vitamin B-6 Deficiency Among Women in the Philippines, Siew Sun Wong
Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Middle Cambrian Spence Shale Member of the Langston Formation of Northeastern Utah and Southeastern Idaho, Scott H. Wright
Estimating R2 Shrinkage in Multiple Regression: A Comparison of Different Analytical Methods, Ping Yin
Regeneration Ecology of Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa in Grasslands of Upland Balochistan, Pakistan, Sarfraz Ahmad
The Impacts of Privatization and Government Intervention in the Economy: An Empirical Analysis (Two Essays), Tayseer Al-Sumadi
Bahamian Reef Communities: Composition, Recruitment and Change (10 Meters to 250 Meters), William E. Avery
Recidivism Rates of Level Six Residential Programs for Youthful Male Sexual Offenders: 1995-1996, Kevin N. Barlow
Modeling Soil Loss to Determine Water Erosion Risk at Camp Williams National Guard Base, Utah, Kevin P. Bartsch
Protein Production in the Milk of Genetically Engineered Animals, Katherine M. Bates
Fuels Inventory and Appraisal in Intermountain Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Communities, Janet A. Beales
Fuels Inventory and Appraisal in Intermountain Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Communities, Janet A. Beales
Characterization of the Proteolytic System in Lactococcus lactis Starter Cultures, Christina Beer
The Relationship Between Collateral Therapy and the Adult Pedophile's Ability to Advance Through Levels of Treatment, Julie G. Bennion
The Nonuse of Figurative Language in Conduct Disordered Adolescents, Mike Berger
Quaternary Amino Acid Geochronology of the Lahontan Basin, Nevada, and the Chewaucan Basin, Oregon, Jeffrey Bigelow
Attitudes and Roles of Women and Minorities in Community and Urban Forestry Professions, Hope A. Bragg
Late Pleistocene Glacial Chronology of the Western Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska, Jason P. Briner
The Effects of Retinoic Acids on the Angiogenic Growth Factors Produced by Solid Tumors, Lynn C. Burgess
Rangeland Dynamics and Pastoral Development in the High Andes: The Camelid Herders of Cosapa, Bolivia, Lita P. Buttolph
Essays on Scale Economies and Efficiency in Public Education, Kalyan Chakraborty
Essays on the Determination of Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate for Taiwan, 1981-1993, Mei-Ling Chen
Criterion-Related Validity of the Borg Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale : A Meta-Analysis, Michael J. Chen
An Exploratory Study of the Termination Process in Marriage and Family Therapy, Jennifer H. Childers
Risk Factors in Adolescent Problem Behaviors Among Native and Nonnative Americans, Roger B. Christensen
Livestock Watering Practices in the Moroccan Pre-Sahara: Their Effects on Water and Nutrient Metabolism of Sheep in Different Body Conditions, El Mostafa Darfaoui
Predicting Lumbar Fusion Surgery Outcomes From Presurgical Patient Variables: The Utah Lumbar Fusion Outcome Study, M. Scott DeBerard
Utilization of Spatially Distributed Soil Resources by Several Species Common to the Great Basin, Sarah Duke
Predicting Family Strength in Families Caring for Children with Disabilities, Katrina J. F. Ericson
Physically and Sexually Violent Juvenile Offenders: A Comparative Study of Victimization History Variables, Monique R. Frazier
Development and Validation of Forest Habitat Models in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, Tracey S. Frescino
Kokanee Fry Recruitment and Early Life History in the Lake Tahoe Basin, Christine K. Gemperle
Familial and Extrafamilial Correlates of Children's Child-Care Perceptions, Michael K. Godfrey
Seed Dispersal by Livestock: A Revegetation Application for Improving Degraded Rangelands, Ferhat Gokbulak
Preschool Children's Expectations for Parental Discipline, Angie Geertsen Graham
Tryptophan Catabolism by Lactobacillus spp. : Biochemistry and Implications on Flavor Development in Reduced-Fat Cheddar Cheese, Sanjay Gummalla