Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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An Evaluative Argument-Based Investigation of Validity Evidence for the Utah Pre-Algebra Criterion-Referenced Test, Louise Richards Moulding
Effects of High Ammonium/Nitrate Ratios on Nitrification and Growth of Wheat in Hydroponics, Dawn J. Muhlestein
Juvenile Females Who Sexually Offend: A Beginning Typology, Jason M. Nelson
Language, Social Interactions, and Attention as Predictors of Reading Development in Second Grade, Lisa A. Newland
Psychosocial Factors and Their Relationship to Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Outcome Among the Strong Heart Study Cohort, Brian O'Leary
Structural Analysis and a Kink Band Model for the Formation of the Gemini Fault Zone, an Exhumed Left-Lateral Strike Slip Fault Zone in the Central Sierra Nevada, California, Matthew A. Pachell
Controls on Channel Organization and Morphology in a Glaciated Basin in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, Betty E. Paepke
Recreation, Livestock Grazing, and Protected Resource Values in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Lael Palmer
Biochemistry and Application of Exopolysaccharide Production in Mozzarella Cheese Starter Cultures, Brent Petersen
Predictors of Satisfaction with Sport Leadership in Small-College Football Players, Derek R. Reinke
Intensification in a Risky Environment: The Case of Improving Private Grazing Land for Beef Production in Utah, Louise D. Sainsbury
The Effect of Parental Divorce on Young Adult Women's Marital Attitudes, Anne Catherine Schmidt
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 and Low Back Pain Surgery Outcome, David S. Shearer
Intermediate Family Therapy Skills, Shannon L. Smietana
Sociometric Change as a Function of Classwide Peer Tutoring, Trina D. Spencer
Latino Children's Kindergarten Entry: Views of Parents and Teachers, Shanda Stephens
Internalizing Symptoms of Children and Parenting Practices: An Exploratory Study, Kristi Lowe Stewart
The Modern Mathematics Classroom: A Collection of Virtual Manipulatives for Teachers and Students, David Stowell
The Use of Therapeutic Rituals in Substance Abuse Treatment, Becky L. Thomas
Experimental Investigation of Snapover: The Sudden Increase of Plasma Current Drawn to a Positively Biased Conductor When Surrounded by a Dielectric, Clint D. Thomson
Changing the Role of Appraisal and Interpersonal Factors in Guilt Induction: Time, Perspective, and Responsibility, Chris Lee Treadwell
Morphometric Evaluation of the Whitefish Complex in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho, Alan Ward
Relationship Between CAG Repeats of the N Terminal Region of the Androgen Receptor and Body Shape, Michael John Wen
Incorporating Technology in Mathematics Education: A Suite of E-Activities for the Modem Mathematics Classroom, Jennifer E. Youngberg
Development of a Bird-Avoidance Model for Naval Air Facility El Centro, California, Edward J. Zakrajsek
Effect of Land in Commons on the Decision-Making Behavior of the Pastoralists in the Central Rangelands of Somalia, Abdinasir Mohamed Abdulle
Financial Problems as Predictors of Divorce: A Social Exchange Perspective, Jan D. Anderson
A Pathway to Prophethood: Joseph Smith Junior as Rodsman, Village Seer, and Judeo-Christian Prophet, Mark Ashurst-McGee
Late Quaternary Glacier Fluctuations and Vegetation Change in the Northwestern Ahklun Mountains, Southwestern Alaska, Yarrow L. Axford
Riparian Zone Protection: The Use of the Willingness-to-Accept Format in a Contingent Valuation Study, Catherine A. Broadhead
Positive Solutions Obtained as Local Minima via Symmetries, for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations, Florin Catrina
Children's Stress Behaviors and Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Family Child Care Homes, Chih-Ying Chang
The Influence of Parental Attributions and Parenting Behaviors on the Attributions Utilized by Children With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Brent R. Collett
Peer Groups and Adolescent Development in Traditional and Alternative High Schools, Diana D. Coyl
Mean-Square Error Bounds and Perfect Sampling for Conditional Coding, Xiangchen Cui
Static Lateral Load Testing of Model Piles in Clay Soil Phase 1, Steven Douglas Dapp
Develop Design Data on Pressure Loss of Large Pipe Fittings, Patrick Dent
Evaluation of the Effects of Single Season Wild-Strain Mallard Releases on Local Breeding Population Densities, Charles E. Dixon
Eating Disorder Risk Factors: A Prospective Analysis, Anne C. Dobmeyer
A Case Study of the Undergraduate Biomedical Research Component of a Federally Funded Minority Student Development Program, Nancy A. Drickey
Family Leadership: Constructing and Testing a Theoretical Model of Family Well-Being, Kevin A. Galbraith
Effects of pH and Calcium Level on Extrusion-Textured Whey Protein Products, Andrea B. Hale
Clinical Homework Directives: A Qualitative Exploratory Study, Emil F. Harker
Mentoring At-Risk Youth: An Intervention for Skill Building in Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Conflict Resolution, Deborah J. Heater
Altered T Cell-Mediated Immunity and Infectious Factors in Autism, Yong Hu
A Follow-Up Study of a Primary Prevention Program Targeting Childhood Depression, Norman Chris Johnson
Transitions During University Life: Academic Persistence for Married and Single Students, Sandra A. Krambule
The Effect of Buttermilk Fraction Concentrates on Growth and Iron Uptake and Transport by Caco-2 Cell Cultures, Yoo-Hyun Lee
Holocene Tephrostratigraphy, Southern Kenai Peninsula, Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska, Kathleen J. Lemke
Influence of Limited Proteolysis, Heat Treatment, and pH on the Whiteness of Skim Milk, Xiaoshan Li
Debris-Flow Activity in Canyon of Lodore, Colorado: Implications for Debris-Fan Formation and Evolution, Jennifer A. Martin
Estimating Life Loss for Dam Safety Risk Assessment, Duane Michael McClelland
The Relationship Between Erikson's Developmental Tasks and Children Identified as At-Risk, Michael McMaken
Returns to Public Agricultural Expenditure Under Uncertainty, Sanjeev Misra
Comparing Nonlinear and Nonparametric Modeling Techniques for Mapping and Stratification in Forest Inventories of the Interior Western USA, Gretchen Gengenbach Moisen
Relations Among Mothers' Parenting Strategies, Parenting Stress, Psychological Well-Being, and Ratings of Preschool Child Competence, Teri Morrison
Promoting Development Through Play: A Migrant Head Start Parent-Child Enrichment Program, Dana K. Mortensen
Affinity Purification of Bovine Lactoferrin and Bovine Transferrin from Using Immobilized Gangliosides, Seung-Hee Nam
The Effect of Exopolysaccharide-Producing Cultures on the Moisture Retention and Functional Properties of Low Fat Mozzarella Cheese, David B. Perry
Use of the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Rating Scale with Preschool Children, Penny LaDee Phillips
Health and Lifestyle among Ute Native American Elders, Laura L. Prestwich
The Impact of Minority Group Membership on Changes in Selected Health Outcomes among Midlife Americans with Type 2 Diabetes, Brenda H. Ralls
Fathers, Mothers, Marriages, and Children: Toward a Contextual Model of Positive Paternal Influence, Ariel Rodriguez
The Effects of Family and Education Backgrounds on the Self-Identification of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons in Utah, Petra M. Rose
Theoretical Studies of Penetration of Magnetospheric Electric Fields to the Ionosphere, Stanislav Sazykin
The Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation in the Drum Mountains of West Central Utah, Loren P. Schneider
Responses of Sphagnum and Carex Peatlands to Ultraviolet-B Radiation, and a Meta-Analysis of UV-B Effects on Vascular Plants, Peter S. Searles
The Efficacy of Group Bereavement Interventions: An Integrative Review of the Research Literature, Jim D. Sharpnack
The Geography of Exploration: A Study in the Process of Physical Exploration and Geographical Discovery, Joseph St.Onge
Children's Awareness, Knowledge, and Understanding of Aids in Bahrain, Anne Thomas
Rotational Structure of Extremely Floppy van der Waals Complexes: Adiabatic Separation of Angular and Radial Motion, P. Daniel Ward
Children's Experience of Parental Divorce Disclosure: A Look at Intrafamiliar Differences, Heather Westberg
Studies on the Roles of ATP in Nitrogenase Catalysis, Wei Wu
A New Perspective on Classification, Guohua Zhao
Parent and Teacher Expectations for Early Childhood Education in Oman, Fatma Anwar Khamis Al-Lawati
Molecular Characterization of Soil Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria Based on the Genes Encoding Ammonia Monooxygenase, Jose Javier Alzerreca
Navajo Adolescent Pregnancy: Identifying Ecocultural Factors Among Adolescent Mothers and Their Infants, Jessiline Anderson
Cenozoic Structural and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Southeastern Salmon Basin, East-Central Idaho, James J. Blankenau
The Perception and Analysis of Authentic Graphical Elements : An Empirical Study of Perceptual Skills and Analytical Tasks That Affect Graphicacy, Derek G. Borman
Interactions and Play Behavior of Mothers of Typically Developing Infants and Infants with Disabilities: A Vygotskian Approach, Lisa K. Boyce
Multi-Scalar Spatial Modeling of Northern Forest Dynamics: Foundations, Theories, and Applications, Don C. Bragg
Prediction of Suburban Encroachment on the Ethan Allen Firing Range and Camp Johnson, Chittenden County, Vermont, John D. Calandrelli
The Development of Pediococcus Species as Starters for Mozzarella Cheese, Shelby L. Caldwell
Uptake and Transformation of Trichloroethylene by Hybrid Poplar: Laboratory Studies, Julie K. Chard
Dam Safety Risk Assessment Modeling With Uncertainty Analysis, Sanjay Singh Chauhan
Promoting Life Management Skills to Enhance Employment among Women Receiving Services from the Division of Workforce Services, Cheryl Cheek
The Effects of Salmon Availability, Social Dynamics, and People on Black Bear (Ursus americanus) Fishing Behavior on an Alaskan Salmon Stream, Danielle K. Chi
Forced Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Female Adolescents' Risky Sexual Behavior, Psychopathology, and Behavior Problems, Mathew Christensen
Temperament, Attachment, and Parenting Stress in Infancy: Relations to Social Competence of Second Graders, Gina A. Cook
Congruency of Identity Style in Married Couples, Jerry L. Cook
The Relationship Between Mandatory Divorce Education in Utah and the Level of Postdivorce Parental Conflict, Monte N. Criddle
Effects of Safflower (A Spring Crop), and Wheat Planting Date on Controlling Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) in Winter Wheat, Caleb Dale Dalley
Measurement of Angle-Resolved Secondary Electron Spectra, Robert Davies