Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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On-Campus and Off-Campus Students' Ratings of Instruction and Courses, Noriko Saeki
Maternal Involvement in Preschoolers' Sexuality Education: A Comparison of Single and Married Mothers, Ginger S. Sandweg
An Assessment of Marital Satisfaction, Marital Adjustment, and Problematic Areas During the First Few Months of Marriage Among a Sample of Newlyweds in Utah, David G. Schramm
An Ecological/Life History Comparison of Two Whitefish Species in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho, Brett W. Thompson
Nature Writing and Healing: Recovering the Wild Soul, Denice H. Turner
Fear of Crime and Perceptions of Law Enforcement Among American Youth, Bruce K. Bayley
The Relationship Between the Educational and Occupational Aspirations of Latino Youth and Their Parents, Andrew O. Behnke
Effects of Physical Activity and Religiosity on Psychophysiological Reactivity in an Aging Population, Tera L. Lensegrav Benson
The Role of Parents as Formal Math Instructors of Prekindergarten Children, Monica Jane Blanch
Psychoeducation Groups for Parents Adopting Special-Needs Children, Korinne Knowlton Bouwhuis
Effects of Myxobolus cerebralis on the Population Dynamics of Kokanee in Porcupine Reservoir, Utah, Arthur E. Butts
Tournament Matrices an Overview, Russel O. Carlson
Evolution of a Miocene-Pliocene Low-Angle Normal-Fault System in the Southern Bannock Range, Southeast Idaho, Stephanie M. Carney
"On Down the Road" an Intergenerational Fathering Experience, Jeffery G. Chapman
Adopted Adolescents' Heterosexual Relationship Formation and Sexual Behaviors, Mathew Christensen
Addressing Disruptive Behaviors in the Preschool Classroom: An Adaptation of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) for Head Start Teachers, Brent R. Collett
Seasonal Movements of Fluvial Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in the Thomas Fork of the Bear River, Idaho-Wyoming, Warren Colyer
Finite Element and Pullout Test Performance of Welded Wire Mats, Bradley C. Conder
Stratigraphy and Paleoecology of the Morrison Formation, Como Bluff, Wyoming, Melissa V. Connely
The Transition to Parenthood: Predictors of Father Involvement and Marital Satisfaction for First-Time Parents, Jerry L. Cook
Family and Consumer Sciences Preservice Teachers' Computer Technology Preparation, Kathy C. Croxall
A Conceptual Model to Characterize Internal Structure of Plant Communities Based on Functional Traits in Camp Williams, Utah, and Camp Grayling, Michigan, Patricia Hernandez de la Rosa
Adoption of Range Management Innovations by Utah Livestock Producers, Elizabeth Anne Didier
A Macroterrain Landtype Association Classification Model For The Great Basin, Frank L. Dougher
Identifying Paths to Successful Marriage and Family Therapy Research: External Factors Within the Publications of Three Eminent Marriage and Family Therapy Researchers, Sarah Rebecca Sancher Droubay
Lincoln Elementary School Needs Assessment Follow-Up: Examining a Community-Based Intervention, Gregory J. Dunkley
Identifying the Bases for Gender Differences in Guilt and Shame, R. Shawn Edmondson
Disruptive Behaviors in Early Childhood: The Role of Parent Discipline and Parent Stress, Angela L.W. Ehrlick
Movement Patterns of Phrynosoma mcallii and Phrynosoma platyrhinos in Response to Substrate Texture, Daniel H. Foley III
Parents' and Teachers' Acceptability of Treatments for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: The Effects of Presentation and Information Delivery, Jason Donald Gage
Analyses of Diet and Geographic Variation in Leaf-Nosed Snakes, Phyllorhynchus, Stephanie A. Gardner
StatMod: A Tool for Interfacing ArcView® GIS with Statistical Software to Facilitate Predictive Ecological Modeling, Christine M. Garrard
Aromatic Amino Acid Catabolism by Lactobacillus spp.: Biochemistry and Contribution to Cheese Flavor Development, Sanjay Gummalla
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Placement Time in People with Cystic Fibrosis, Sarah Gunnell
Geometry and Physical Properties of the Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, and Their Effect on Fault Rupture, Richard V. Heermance
An Investigation of the Prevalence and Nature of Child Sexual Abuse Among the Deaf Population, Rachelle Hester
The Role of the Arabidopsis Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase in Vacuolar Protein Transport, Christopher A. Jones
Structural and Kinematic Evolution of Eocene-Oligocene Grasshopper Extensional Basin, Southwest Montana, Julie C. Kickham
Binge Eating Disorder and Its Relationship to Bulimia Nervosa and Obesity, Lara Schultz LaCaille
Physiological Importance of 1,25(OH)2D3 Membrane-Initiated and Nuclear Actions in Chickens as a Function of Growth, and Maturation in Male and Female Chickens, Birgitta Larsson
Parents' Marital Quality and Interactions in Relation to Child Well-Being, Spencer C. Leavitt
A Multilevel Analysis of Young Adult Migration, 1980-1998, Ji-Youn Lee
The Effects of Performance Feedback on Exercise, Physiological Reactivity, and Affective State among Hostile College Students, Crystal Chia-Sheng Lin
The Stratigraphic, Sedimentologic, and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Eocene- Oligocene Grasshopper Extensional Basin, Southwest Montana, Joseph P. Matoush
Internalizing Symptoms in a Sample of Native American Adolescents, Georgia Lee Matt
Application of Biophysical Data to an Unsupervised Classification to Map Ecoregional Boundaries in the Desert Southwest, Paxton R. McClurg
The Role of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Nutrient Transport into Forests Near a Salmon Stream in Coastal British Columbia, Canada, Arthur Morris
Affinity Purification and Characterization of E. coli Molecular Chaperones, Seung-Hee Nam
The Role of Bandgap in the Secondary Electron Emission of Small Bandgap Semiconductors: Studies of Graphitic Carbon, Neal E. Nickles
Effect of Chemical Parameters on Structure-Function Relationships of Cheese, Andres J. Pastorino
Educator Supply, Demand, Attrition, and Out-of-Field Teaching in Utah, Daniel Joseph Robertson
Geology of the Cuesta Ridge Ophiolite Remnant near San Luis Obispo, California: Evidence for the Tectonic Setting and Origin of the Coast Range Ophiolite, Cameron A. Snow
Good Grief Kids: An Exploratory Analysis of Grieving Children and Teens at The Dougy Center in Portland, Oregon, Karen Sorensen
Coyote Foraging Ecology, Vigilance, and Behavioral Cascades in Response to Gray Wolf Reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park, T. Adam Switalski
Factors Affecting the Harvest Vulnerability of Trumpeter Swans, Heidi L. Tangermann
Sedimentology, Facies Architecture, and Reservoir Characterization of Lacustrine Rocks, Eocene Green River and Colton Formations, Uinta Basin, Utah, Andrew W. Taylor
A Meta-Analysis of the Alcohol Treatment Outcome Literature: 1993 to 2000, Anthony Phillip Tranchita
Evapotranspiration Using a Satellite-Based Surface Energy Balance with Standardized Ground Control, Ricardo Trezza
Tryptophan Catabolism in Brevibacterium linens BL2, Madhavi Ummadi
Patterns and Processes of Population Differentiation in the Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus) in Southern Nevada, Paul C. Ustach
Nonlinear Schrödinger Type Equations with Asymptotically Linear Terms, Francois A. van Heerden
Dietary Protein Intake as Measured by a Picture-Sort Food Frequency Questionnaire and Risk of Osteoporotic Hip Fracture in Aging Residents of Utah, Heidi Jensen Wengreen
The Influence of Predator Exclosures and Livestock Grazing on Duck Production at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Benjamin C. West
The Effect of Lactobacillus helveticus and Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. shermanii Combinations on Propensity for Split Defect in Swiss Cheese, Steven R. White
Therapists Who Do Not Seek Therapy: An Examination of Marriage and Family Therapists in Three Western States, Austin Wood
Rapid Actions of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 on Phosphate Uptake in Isolated Chick Intestinal Cells, Bin Zhao
Perceived Family Relationships Associated with Coming Out of Mormon Male Homosexuals, Brad Benson
Rangeland Resources Monitoring: Concepts and Practical Applications, Benny R. Bobwski
Reproductive Allocation and Survival in Grasshoppers: Effects of Resource Availability, Grasshopper Density, and Parasitism, David Heath Branson
Mothers' Eating Beliefs and Behaviors and Their Relationship to Daughters' Bulimic and Anorexic Symptoms, Colette M. Candy
The Arginine Deiminase Pathway in Lactococci: Physiological Role and Molecular Characterization, Lan-Szu Chou
Teacher Referral of Children with Internalizing Problems, Heather J. Clark
Shear Wave Velocity Profiles at Sites Liquefied by the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey Earthquake, Brady R. Cox
An Impact Study of the Youth and Families with Promise Mentoring Program on Parent and Family Outcomes, Janet H. Cox
A Comparison of the Relative Impact of Structural and Dynamic Child Care Quality on Child Outcomes, Jared Cutler
Internalizing Symptoms in Adolescents: Assessment and Relationship to Self-Concept, Sue Ann Dowd
Therapeutic Benefits of a Wilderness Therapy Program and a Therapeutic Community Program for Troubled Adolescents, Kreg J. Edgmon
Climatology of Upper Thermospheric Daytime Neutral Winds from Satellite Observations, John T. Emmert
Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in Utah, Ikuko Fujisaki
Female Adolescent Role Models and Body Image, Tracy L. Funk
Establishing Reinforcing Properties in Neutral Stimuli Through Observational Learning with Children, Andrew Waine Gardner
An Investigation into the Effects of Humor and Laughter on Depressive Symptomology, Jason Talley Goodson
A Longitudinal Study of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Preschool-Age Children, Jessica Nicole Greenson
Effectiveness of Earthen Escape Ramps in Reducing Big Game Mortality in Utah, Mary L. Hammer
Religious Activity and Mortality in the Elderly: The Cache County Study, Andrea D. Hart
Evaluating a Financial Assessment Tool: The Financial Checkup, Alena C. Johnson
The Relationship of Milk Urea Nitrogen and DHIA Production Variables in Western Commercial Dairy Herds, Rachael G. Johnson
Assessing the Need for Evaluator Certification, Steven C. Jones
The Effects of Cognitive Strategy and Exercise Setting on Running, Rick A. LaCaille
Non-Clinical Risk Factors of Hysterectomy, Chung-won Lee
Correlates of Antidepressant Medication Compliance Use Among Depressed Women, Pamela Linton
The Efficacy of Plant Residue Degradation Products on Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, and Fluorine Bioavailability to Plants, Cheryl L. Mackowiak
Energy, Fractal Movement Patterns, and Scale-Dependent Habitat Relationships of Urban and Rural Mule Deer, Mark F. McClure
Genetic Relationships Between Two Rare Plant Species, Aliciella caespitosa and A. tenuis, and Their Putative Progenitor, A. subnuda, Carrie L. McCracken