Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Expression and Iron Loading of Recombinant Ferritin Homopolymers, Jia-Hsin Guo
The Role of Ammonia in Reproductive Inefficiency in High-Producing Dairy Cows Fed Excess Rumen Degraded Protein, Douglas Scott Hammon
"Halfway Between Nobody Knows Where and Somebody's Starting Point": A History of the West End of Montrose County, Colorado, John A. Hardcastle
Establishing Threshold Levels of Nitrite Causing Pinking of Cooked Meat, Kevin M. Heaton
Water Uptake, Water Relations, Tree Growth, and Root Distribution under Herbaceous Competition, Bertha Alicia Hernandez-Leos
Ammonium and Nitrate Effects on Growth, Development and Nutrient Uptake of Hydroponic Wheat, Thomas M. Hooten
The Economic Impact of Federal Land on County Governments in Utah, Daniel C. Hope
Essays on the Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth and Development: The Case of Jordan, Jamal G. Husein
Identification of Non-Nuclear Receptors for 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in Chick Kidney and Brain, Zhiheng Jia
Effects of Infant Massage on Aspects of the Parent-Child Relationship: An Experimental Manipulation, Vonda K. Jump
Solution-Focused Couples' Group Therapy, LaFray Kelley
Financial Management and Financial Problems as They Relate to Marital Satisfaction in Early Marriage, Barbara C. Kerkmann
The Association Between Marital Therapy Enactments and Couple Communication, Paul Floyd Kindall
Antioxidant Activity of Carnosine and Phytate: Application as Meat Preservatives, Beom Jun Lee
Relationship Between Teton Science School Programs and Teachers' Ability to Teach About the Environment, Jennifer A. Levy
Small Strike-Slip Faults in Granitic Rock: Implications for Three-Dimensional Models, Siang Joo Lim
Influence of Stress Treatments on the Resistance of Lactococcus lactis to Freezing and Freeze-Drying, Chan Lin
Influence of Streptococcus thermophilus MR-1C Capsular Exopolysaccharide on Cheese Moisture Level, Deborah Low
On the Model Selection in a Frailty Setting, Jill F. Lundell
Aspen Regeneration and Response to Fire in the Intermountain West, Kelly J. McCloskey
Predicting Transpiration Rates of Hydroponically-Grown Plant Communities in Controlled Environments, Oscar Monje
Characteristics of Internalizing Social-Emotional Behaviors of Southwestern Native American Children, Carolyn Thomas Morris
Assessing Mental Health of Native American Children: Relationship of Acculturation with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Functioning, Christopher H. Morris
The Effect of Biofeedback Training on Marital Communication and Physiological Arousal, Kent E. Nabers
Effect of Aging on the Quality of Beef Semitendinosus Muscle Treated with Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization, Habiba Ali Nur
Parental and Teacher Priorities for Children's Requisite Kindergarten Entry Skills, Kelly J. O'Claire-Esparza
Improving Fat Retention and Texture in Low-Moisture Cheese Manufactured from Ultrafiltered Milk, Brian J. Orme
A Profile of Professional Activities and Practice Patterns for Marriage and Family Therapists in Utah, Thane R. Palmer
The Effects of a Very-Low-Calorie-Diet on Resting Energy Expenditure, Body Composition, and Biochemical Data in Obese Outpatients, Charlene A. Perkins
Influence of Boat Density Levels on Boaters' Satisfaction at Hyrum Lake, Utah, Floyd Alma Powell
Pretherapy Videotape Presentation for Eating Disorder Clients: Development and Evaluation, Benita J. Quakenbush
Therapy Videotape Presentation for Eating Disorder Clients: Development and Evaluation, Benita J. Quakenbush
Perceived Fairness and Effectiveness of Rangeland Collaborative Processes, Kimberly J. Richardson
Short-Eared Owl Post-Fledging Survival and Breeding Season Diet, Thomas A. Rivest
Three-Dimensional Structure of Small Strike-Slip Fault Zones in Granitic Rock: Implications for Fault-Growth Models, Kim R. Robeson
Design of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Subsystem for the Proposed Firebird Spacecraft, Erin Robinson
The Emergence of Longview, Washington: Indians, Farmers, and Industrialists on the Cowlitz-Columbia Flood Plain, Brett H. Rushforth
All-Sky Measurements of the Mesospheric "Frontal Events" From Bear Lake Observatory, Utah, Seon-Hee Seo
Management of Microbial Nitrate Production in Agricultural Soils, Wei Shi
An Assessment of the Concurrent Validity of the Family Profile II, Denim L. Slade
Analysis of Gender and Success-Related Kinematic Differences of Elite Sport Rock Climbers During Competition, Russell Slaugh
An Evaluation Study of Site-Based Managed Behaviors in a Rural Utah School, Barbara R. S. Soriano
Limitations on Canada Goose Production at Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Utah, Dorie S. Stolley
Traditional and Contemporary Lakota Death, Dying, Grief, and Bereavement Beliefs and Practices: A Qualitative Study, Joseph B. Stone
A Geographic Information System Assessment Method for Fire Management: Identifying Fire Danger Areas, Richard D. Stratton
Relationship of Therapist Age and Gender to Couples' Communication in Marriage and Family Therapy, Norman E. Thibault
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Students' Realizing Educational Potential Program, Frances Y. Tous
Perceptions and Use: A Survey of Visitors in the Lakes Management Area, Kamas Ranger District, Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Utah, Ronald E. Vance
Clinician Perceptions of Media Use by Male Sex-Offending, Conduct-Disordered, and Normal Youth, Melissa A. Vogel
Statistical Characterization of Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoirs with Archetypes, Laura L. Watkins
A Descriptive Study of the Relation Between Domestic Violence and Pet Abuse, Claudia V. Weber
Use of the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model to Predict Road Surface Erosion in Mountain Rangeland Areas, Brian J. Zalewsky
Channel Narrowing of the Green River near Green River, Utah: History, Rates, and Processes of Narrowing, Tyler M. Allread
The Global Assessment of Relationship Functioning as a Global Assessment of Individual, Couple, and Family Functioning, Ben Lowell Ashcraft
Empirical Investigation of Efficacy in Home-Based Mental Health Care, Ann L. Athorp
The Cultural Perspective of Albert Wendt's Novel Pouliuli, Fa'alafua L. Auva'a
Studies of Mid-Latitude Mesospheric Temperature Variability and Its Relationship to Gravity Waves, Tides, and Planetary Waves, Kenneth C. Beissner
Identification of Belowground Woody Structures Using Molecular Biomarkers, Benny R. Bobowski
Quaternary Bear River Paleohydrogeography Reconstructed from the 87Sr/86Sr Composition of Lacustrine Fossils, David P. Bouchard
Relative Absorption of Iron and Magnesium from Sulfate Salts, Amino Acid Chelates Complexed and/or Mixed with Vegetables, and Taste-Free Supplements, Jennifer A. Bowden
An Investigation of Social Skills and Antisocial Behaviors of At-Risk Youth: Construct Validation of the Home and Community Social Behavior Scales, Paul Caldarella
Evaluation of Physical and Behavioral Traits of Llamas (Lama glama) Associated with Aggressiveness Toward Sheep-Threatening Canids, Sandra M. C. Cavalcanti
An Interpersonal and Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to Childhood Depression: A School-Based Primary Prevention Study, Tracy Black Cecchini
Evaluation of Methods Used in Meat Iron Analyses and Iron Content of Raw, Cooked, and Cured Meats, Eldred Merlyn Clark
The Role of Cold Acclimatization on the Biogeography of the Mountain Chickadee (Parus gambeli) and the Juniper Titmouse (Parus ridgwayi), Sheldon J. Cooper
Attachment, Identity Development, and Sexual Behavior Among College Students, Diana D. Coyl
Acculturation, Family Variables, and Cognition of a Subgroup of American Indian Children Ages 3-9, Michael Alan Cummings
Bark Beetle Activity in Douglas-Fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Mirb. (Franco), Following the 1994 Beaver Mountain Fire, Catherine A. Cunningham
The Relationship Between Weather and Children's Behavior: A Study of Teacher Perceptions, Carrie Dabb
Demographic Influences on Attitudes Toward Adolescent Sexuality in a Rural Wyoming County, Michael J. Dalton
Factor Structure of the Anorexia Bulimia Inventory, Anne C. Dobmeyer
Effects of Flow Augmentation on Channel Morphology and Riparian Vegetation in the Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado, DeWitt S. Dominick
DNA-Protein Cross-Linking by Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids, Gail L. Drew
The Efficacy of Guided Imagery for Recovery from Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Replacement, Deborah D. Durso-Cupal
Frequency and Perception of Mathematics Activities in Family Child Care and Parent-Child Routines, Annette Kari Eddy
Aflatoxin B1 Metabolism in Mammalian Pulmonary Tissue, J. Michael Eichelberger
Evaluation of Translocation Criteria for Trumpeter Swans Reintroduced to Northern Utah: Habitat Quality and Interactions with Tundra Swans, Katharina A. M. Engelhardt
Cooperative Games: Promoting Prosocial Behaviors in Children, Abbie R. Finlinson
Interaction of the Human Serine Protease Inhibitor Alpha-1-antitrypsin with Cryptosporidium parvum, John Russell Forney
The Interactive and Combined Effects of Domain-Specific Knowledge and Strategic Knowledge on Reading Comprehension, Eric J. Gee
Geomorphology of the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument, Paul E. Grams
Predictors of Employment for Women in a Life Transition, Kathryn Higley
An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties and Factor Structure of the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Rating Scale for Children and Adolescents, Melissa Lea Holland
Preliminary Development and Content Validation of a Rating Scale for Assessing Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children, Melissa Lea Holland
Use of a Self-Administered Food Frequency Questionnaire in a Population 65 Years and Older, Karri Lynn Hoyt
Development of Super-Dwarf Wheat Under Stress Conditions Simulating Those on the Space Station MIR, Liming Jiang
Relationship Between Taste and Smell Sensitivity to Preference of a Milk-Based Beverage: Young Versus Elderly Adults, Sally Donahoo Johnson
Geometric Aspects of Second-Order Scalar Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations in the Plane, Martin Jurás
An Empirical Study of the Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Its Effects on the Macro-Economic Performance of Bangladesh, Md. Shahnawaz Karim
Effectiveness of Grid Systems for Pheromone-Trapping Sparse Gypsy Moth Populations in Mountainous Terrain in the Intermountain West, Colleen Keyes
A Quantitative Analysis of Potassium Loss As a Result of Different Processing Methods, Patricia M. Klefbeck
Physiological Effects of Chitosan and ChitoRichTM on Rats Fed at Two Levels of Lipid and Fiber, Hyung-Suk Lee
A Hydrogeochemical Study of the Evolution of the Headwaters of the Bear River in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, Michael F. Leschin
Price and Trade Relations and Market Integration in Pacific Pork Markets, Jau-Rong Li