Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Statistical Properties and Problems in Modeling the Bolivian Foreign Exchange Market, Gover Barja
Immune and Endocrine System Responses to Acute Skin-Temperature Reductions and Thermal Biofeedback, Kenneth E. Bell
Modeling Forest Dynamics at the Landscape Scale: Integrating a Computer Simulation Model and Geographic Information System, David W. Betz
Phenotypic Profiles of Lymphocytes in Adult C57BL/6N Mice Infected With Cryptosporidium parvum, Diane Rose Bienek
Cognitive Style as a Mediator of Premarital Sexual Attitudes, Motivations, and Behavior, Susan Campbell Bowman
Asymmetric Adsorbate and Substrate Interactions in Physisorbed Systems: N2 on Graphite and Dipolar Molecules on Ionic Substrates, Teresa Ellen Burns
Study of Circulating Antibodies to Heat-Shock Proteins 60 and 70 in Autistic Subjects, Fang-Yi Chiu
Density and Feeding Habits of Elk and Deer in Relation to Livestock Disturbance, Kenneth Clegg
Pantothenate-p-Nitroanilide as a Substrate for Pantetheinase Assay, Robert T. Davidson
A Study of Magnetic Activity Effects on the Thermospheric Winds in the Low Latitude Ionosphere, Ricardo Cruz Davila
Examining the Effects of a Self-Study Package on Teachers' Use of Coincidental Teaching in Preschool Classrooms, Laurie A. Dinnebeil
Effects of Nonfat Dry Milk, Whey Protein Concentrate, and Calcium Caseinate on Color and Texture of Turkey Rolls, Brent Neeley Dobson
Microstructural Changes in Casein Micelles during Acidification of Skim Milk, Hongwen Du
Relation Between Child Abuse Risk and Security of Mother-Infant Attachment at One Year, Miriam Egan
Influence of Ultra-High Temperature Process Parameters on Age Gelation of Mille Concentrate, Mohamed A. Elhilaly
The Pharmacodynamics and Toxicodynamics of Inotropic Drugs in Calves With Natural and Artificial Hearts, Scott D. Everett
Pioneer Harmonies: Mormon Women and Music in Utah, 1847-1900, Jennifer L. Fife
Transcervical Versus Laparoscopic Insemination in Nulliparous and Multiparous Ewes After Estradiol Cypionate Treatment, Tami L. Gage
Consumption of Iron-Fortified Cheese and Lipid Peroxidation in Females, Gene Joseph Giunti
The Tectonic Evolution of the Panther Creek Half-Graben in East-Central Idaho, Brian F. Hammond
Effect of Iron Binding on the Ability of Crocidolite to Cause DNA Single-Strand Breaks, Jeanne Ann Hardy
"Ranchers Don't Sell, They Acquire": The Life and Legends of Bartley Marie Scott, Julie Hartley-Moore
The Tail Wags the Dog: State Versus Federal Control in the Public Domain Debate, 1929-1934, Kevin D. Hatfield
Agribusiness Management in Utah Dairies, Rick L. Hirschi
Incorporating Vegetative Diversity Measures in Forest-Level Planning: A Case Study on the Utah State University School Forest, David N. Holland
Evaluation of Flood Routing Techniques for Incremental Damage Assessment, Enan Fakhri Jayyousi
The Predictive Validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory as a Measure of Adaptive Behavior: A 2-3 Year, Longitudinal Comparison With the Scales of Independent Behavior, Clarice E. Jentzsch
The Predictive Validity of the Battelle Developmental Inventory as a Measure of Adaptive Behavior : A 2-3 Year, Longitudinal Comparison with the Scales of Independent Behavior, Clarice E. Jentzsh
In Vivo Biopotency Evaluation of Chromium-Containing Complexes, Jay Rulon Keller
Magnitude of Displacement and Styles of Deformation on the Paris and Laketown Thrust Faults, Northern Utah, Richard D. Kendrick
Molecular Toxicology of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids, Hea-Young Kim
Alternative Exchange Rate Theories (Mundell-Fleming, Monetary, and Equilibrium Approach): An Empirical Investigation, Joon-Ho Lee
Property Tax Capitalization: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Jay M. Lillywhite
The Contribution of Meats to Energy and Essential Nutrient Intakes of Women in the United States, C. Dian Martin
The Effect of Climate and Spittlebug (Aeneolamia albofasciata) on Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Productivity in the Sonoran Desert, Martha H. Martin-Rivera
Advanced Navigation for Planetary Vehicles Applying an Approximate Mapping Technique, Timothy R. McJunkin
Assessing Mourning Dove Population Declines: Changes in Nesting Dynamics and the Role of Perch Sites, Paul M. Meyers
Effects of Whey Protein Concentrate, Phosphate, and Sodium Hydroxide on Texture and Acceptability of Turkey and Beef Rolls, Igor V. Moiseev
High School and University Student Test Performance in the Study of Human Growth and Development: A Concurrent Enrollment Study, Harold O. Monson
Load Transfer Mechanisms for Piles in Soft Soils, Andrew L. Palmer
Differential Parental Participation in a Comprehensive Early Intervention Project: Is More Active Better?, Gary Percival
Design and Evaluation of Stepped Spillways for High Dams, Jeffrey Scott Rau
Women in Transition at Midlife, Kay T. Rawson
Influences of Nitrogen Supply and Elevated CO2 on Nitrogen Consumption, Nitrogen Loss, Tissue Nitrogen Concentration, and Yield of Hydroponic Wheat, Karl B. Ritchie
Factors Associated with the Highway Mortality of Mule Deer at Jordanelle Reservoir, Utah, Laura A. Romin
Nutritional Screening of Utah Rural and Urban Elderly, Rachel Taylor Rood
Effects of Soluble Calcium-to-Protein Ratio on Age Gelation of Ultra, Je Hong Ryue
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Paper-and-Pencil Versus Computer Administration of an Achievement Test, Perry Sailor
The Response of Five Tropical Plant Species to Natural Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation, Peter S. Searles
Use of Multispectral Aerial Videography for Jurisdictional Delineation of Wetland Areas, James A. Shoemaker
A Response Surface Study of Extruded Corn Starch/Skim Milk Powder Blends, Sachin Singh
Competence and Acceptance of Children with Developmental Disabilities: An Examination of Self-Concept, Cindy S. Smith
Manufacture of a Dairy Dessert from Ultra-High Temperature Milk Concentrate, Mark H. Smith
The African-American Community of Ogden, Utah: 1910-1950, Eric Stene
Do Prospective Ratings Correct Retrospective Distortions Based on Negative Social Stereotypes of Premenstrual Syndrome?, Mary L. Stone
Factor Analytic Study of Spatial Abilities in Second-Grade, English-Speaking Navajo and Non-Navajo Children, Laurie Sullivan-Sakaeda
The Effects of a CD-ROM Computer Storybook Program on Head Start Children's Emergent Literacy, Susan Talley
Officially Reported Characteristics of Spouse Abuse Victims Seeking Assistance in Utah, 1992, Kevin D. Thompson
Japanese American Youth in Topaz Relocation Center, Utah: An Oral History, Akiko J. Tohmatsu
Alcohol, Abstinence, Efficacy, and Social Normative Expectancies: The Relationship to Alcoholics' Level of Drinking Following Inpatient Treatment, Martin John Toohill
Uptake, Absorption, and Adsorption Kinetics of Ferrous and Ferric Iron in Iron-Replete and Iron-Deficient Rats, Madhavi Ummadi
An Inverse Approach to a Probability Model for Fractured Networks, Stacy G. Vail
Family Perspectives of the Professional-Paraprofessional Partnership Model of Home-Based Early Intervention Service Delivery, Amy Sanford Walters
Psychosocial Correlates of Criminal Behavior: Identity Styles of Male Inmates in The Utah State Prison, Joseph M. White
Fuel Load and Plant Community Dynamics of Bryce Canyon National Park, Doug W. Wight
Modeling of Natural Settling in a Trapezoidal Sedimentation Basin, Kent S. Wilkerson
Sedimentology and Foraminiferal Taphonomy in Siliciclastic Environments: The Northern Gulf of California, Mexico, Liping Zhang
A Mechanistic Approach to Modeling Habitat Needs of Drift-Feeding Salmonids, R. Craig Addley
Influence of the Ruminant Digestive Process on the Germinability of Range Forage Species, Mohammed S. Al-Mashikhi
Effect of Salinity (NaCl) on Germination, Growth, Ion Accumulation, and Protein Synthesis in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Thamir S. Al-Niemi
The Relationship Between Marcia's Ego Identity Status Paradigm and Erikson's Psychosocial Theory, Lawrence Anderson
Adolescents' Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Their Grandparents, Dennis P. Barrett
Integration of Short-Run Exchange Rate Dynamics With Long-Run Equilibrium: An Empirical Analysis, Sugata Biswas
Portfolio Assessment as a Means of Assessing Language Proficiency in Bilingual (ESL/LEP) Students, Christine Boynton
Bingeing Tendencies: Cross-Generational Similarities Between Mothers and Daughters, Kimberly K. Bushman
Marital Satisfaction Over the Family Life Cycle Among Taiwanese Couples, Sheng-Te Chang
Can Duration -- Interest Rate Risk -- and Convexity Explain the Fractional Price Change and Market Risk of Equities?, David L. Cheney
Properties of Rigid Foams for Application as Materials for Light Weight Structures in Space, Huichen Chi
Analysis of Ties, Tie Systems, and Attachment Methods of Fibrous Sandals of Tsegi Phase (Pueblo III) Kayenta Branch, from Tsegi Canyon, Arizona, Diana Law Christensen
Pubertal Development, Parent-Teen Communication, and Sexual Values as Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Intentions and Sexually Related Behaviors, Cynthia R. Christopherson
Perceived Control: Precursors to Achievement in Oglala Lakota Children, Stephen Blaine Cook
Postbreeding Ecology of Adult Male Northern Pintails and Cinnamon Teal Near Great Salt Lake, Utah, Robert R. Cox Jr.
Perfectionism in Social Anxiety: Cognitive and Behavioral Correlates, Douglas E. Craig
Community Responses to Siting a Hazardous Waste Facility: The Case of the High-Level Nuclear Waste Facility at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, Lori A. Cramer
Effects of Rumen-Protected Amino Acids on Production in Holstein Cows, David Paul Dawson
Treatment of Low Quality Forages by Hydrogen Peroxide and(or) Anhydrous Ammonia and Their Utilization in Ruminant Nutrition, Mohammed Diouri
Hydrogeology and Hydrochemistry of the Delta Wadi El-Arish Area Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, Medhat A. El-Bihery
A Comparison of Models to Forecast Annual Average Potato Prices in Utah, Glade R. Erikson
Effects of Water Stress Preconditioning on Plant Water Relations and Transplant Survival of Artemisia cana and Agropyron intermedium, Jerriann Ernstsen
Montpelier, Idaho's Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen: A Community of Railroaders, 1900-1920, Kimball M. Fife
Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on the Surfaces of Ultra-High Temperature Treated Meat, Michelle T. Foote
Competitive Interaction between Crested Wheatgrasses and Cheatgrass, Mark G. Francis
A Meta-Analytical Review of the Literature on the Efficacy of the Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) Program, David George Gibson
Internal Deformation, Evolution, and Fluid Flow in Basement-Involved Thrust Faults, Northwestern Wyoming, James V. Goddard
Conceptualizing the Youthful Male Sex Offender: A Meta-Analytic Examination of Offender Characteristics by Offense Type, Roger B. Graves
Three Essays on Labor Force Participation Rates Among the Fifty States, with Empirical Tests Using Panel Data, John D. Groesbeck