Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Quantitation of Bovine Serum Albumin in Cow's-Milk-Based Infant Formulas and Removal of Bovine Serum Albumin from Cow's Milk and Whey Protein Isolates, Patricia Z. Marincic
An Investigation of Criterion-Related Validity and Clinical Sensitivity of the Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children, Lisa Ann McClun
An Investigation of the Temporal Stability of Self-Reported Internalizing Symptoms in Elementary-Age Children, Kurt David Michael
An Implementation Study of Nonsecure Residential Juvenile Sex Offender Programs in Utah, Katrina Holgate Miller
Effect of pH, Fat Level, and Various Browning Agents on Composition, Color, Texture, and Sensory Characteristics of Dark-Cutting Beef Patties, Igor V. Moiseev
Evolutionary Genetics of Canyon Treefrogs (Hyla arenicolor), Roy A. Murray
The Job Task Model as a Means for Understanding Computer Usage in the Work Place, Vicki S. Napper
A Study of the Interactions Between Milk Proteins and Soy Proteins, Venkatachalam Narayanaswamy
Language, Play, and Toy Sharing in Infancy, Lisa A. Newland
An Examination of Cognitive and Behavioral Characteristics of Kainaiwa Children Diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Deborah Faith Pace
Modelling Vegetation Cover Types Using Multiseasonal Remotely Sensed Data to Compare Ecotones at Multiple Spatial and Spectral Resolutions, Kimberly Patraw
A Slow-Release Nitrogen Fertilizer: Ammonium-Loaded Clinoptilolite, T. Scott Perrin
The Economic Role of Range Livestock Production in Kasungu Agricultural Development Division (KADD), Malawi, Phillip H. W. Phiri
Parental Compliance of Psychological Recommendations Following an Outpatient Child Assessment, Shannon J. Pratt
The Geomorphic Basis of Colorado Squawfish Nursery Habitat in the Green River Near Ouray, Utah, Cynthia L. Rakowski
A Comparison of the Impact of Two Different Levels of Item Response Effort Upon the Return Rate of Mailed Questionnaires, Philip L. Rodgers
Differences in Creative Thinking Between American and Japanese College Students in Education, Noriko Saeki
Merits of Using Tranquilizer Trap Devices on Leg-Hold Traps Used to Capture Gray Wolves (Canis lupus), Duane P. Sahr
The Relationship Between Graduate Students' Education in Research Ethics and Their Attitudes Toward Research Misconduct, Perry Sailor
The Effects of Temperature Regime and Food Availability on Growth Rates of Young-of-the-Year Colorado Squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) in the Green River, Utah, Craig J. Schaugaard
Empirical Studies of Ionospheric Electric Fields, Ludger Scherliess
Geochemical, Petrologic, and Structural Characterization at Multiple Scales of Deformation Associated with the Punchbowl Fault, Southern California, Steven E. Schulz
An Investigation of the Parenting Stress Index in the Context of Generalizability Theory, Jim D. Sharpnack
The Relationship Between Guilt- and Shame-Proneness and Rorschach Indices of Psychological Functioning, Julie Bingham Shiffler
Stratigraphy, Geochronology, and Tectonics of the Salt Lake Formation (Tertiary) of Southern Cache Valley, Utah, Kristine A. Smith
An Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of Scores Obtained by Six Popular Learning Styles Instruments, Renee Snyder
Wetland Delineation of Camp Ripley in Minnesota, Richard A. Spencer
Delineation of Ecological Units for the Ashley National Forest, at the Landscape Level, Using Classification Tree Modeling, Teresa H. Swiatek
Evaluation of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling in a Natural River and Implications in Instream Flow Assessment Methods, Karl L. Tarbet
Mean Length of Utterance in Relation to Gender and Preschool Activity Area, Angela Sisson Thompson
Cenozoic Tectonic and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Horse Prairie Half-Graben, Southwest Montana, Colby J. VanDenburg
Preventive Predation Management: An Evaluation Using Winter Aerial Coyote Hunting in Utah and Idaho, Kimberly Kessler Wagner
The Other Side of Distance Education: Learner Interaction at Remote Sites, Beth Walden
Trainee Perspectives of Basic Family Therapy Skills, Nancy Webb
Predicting Resistance and Stability of Vegetation in Floodplains, David E. Werth Jr.
Parenting Styles and Family Communication as Correlates of Juvenile Delinquency, Montone White
An Investigation of Internalizing Social-Emotional Characteristics in a Sample of Lakota Sioux Children, Michael Shawn Williams
Adolescent Friendship Pairs: Similarities in Identity Status Development, Behaviors, Attitudes, and Intentions, James F. Akers
Alteration in Basic Macrophage and Lymphocyte Cytokines from Benzene and Phenol in the Drinking Water of Male Institute of Cancer Research Mice, Jay C. Albretsen
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Plant Populations in Salt-Desert Shrub Vegetation Grazed by Sheep, Humberto Alzérreca-Angelo
A Partial Equilibrium Analysis of NAFTA and its Impact on U.S. Beef Trade With Canada and Mexico, Srinidhi Ananthramiah
Guidelines for Roadside Revegetation to Create Wildlife Habitat in Northern Utah, Lars D. Anderson
Livestock as Seed Disseminators for Reseeding Degraded Rangelands: The Role of Dung in Gap Formation and Plant Establishment, Brian S. Auman
Risk Factors and Bulimia Outcomes in Adolescent Women: A Longitudinal and Retrospective Analysis, Therese Elizabeth Barnett
Growth Responses of Great Basin Plant Species to Variation in Nitrogen Availability, Carol J. Bilbrough
The Effect of Rituals on Newlywed Marital Adjustment, Bryan D. Bingham
Home Visiting for Children with Developmental Delays: An Empirical Evaluation, Tracy L. Black
Microbiological and Sensory Effects of Milk Processed for Extended Shelf Life and the Development of Rapid Methods to Quantitate Spores and Lipase Activity, Michael R. Blake
Financial Innovation, José C. Blanco
Habitat Selection and Movement of a Stream-Resident Salmonid in a Regulated River and Tests of Four Bioenergetic Optimization Models, Mark D. Bowen
The Relations Between Parenting Stress, Father Involvement, and Leisure, Among Fathers of Preschool-Age Children, Patricia Mehl Brown
Visitor Use of Interpretive Facilities at Fossil Butte National Monument, Wyoming, Rizal Bukhari
Site Suitability Analysis for an Intermountain Solid Waste Facility: A Study for Cache County, Utah, Joseph B. Campo
Assessment of Kokanee Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, Genetic Stocks in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming, Michael F. Canning
Fats and Iron in the Rat Colon: Effects on Lipid Peroxidation, Ji Jenny Chin
An Interdisciplinary Theoretical Framework for the Mailed Questionnaire Process and the Development of a Theory on Immediacy and Salience as Significant Variables of Response Rates, Maribeth Christensen
An Ecological History of Tintic Valley, Juab County, Utah, Jeffrey A. Creque
Association of the Major Histocompatibility Complex with Autism, Wayne W. Daniels
An Instrument for Experimental Secondary Electron Emission Investigations, with Application to the Spacecraft Charging Problem, Robert Davies
Paleoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Middle Cambrian Ute Formation, Northern Utah, Keith E. Eagan
Fulfillment of Marital Expectations in Relation to Communication Style and Parents' Marital Interactions, Shawn Corey Edgington
Is There a Connection? An Exploratory Study of Abuse Experiences and Perpetration Patterns Among College Males, Monique R. Frazier
Superoptimal CO2 Reduces Seed Yield in Wheat, Timothy P. Grotenhuis
The Influence of Forest Fragmentation and Landscape Pattern on American Martens and Their Prey, Christina D. Hargis
Infant Physical Attractiveness, Affect, Temperament, and Gender in Relation to Tester Behavior, Andrea D. Hart
A National Survey of Training Practices of Agencies Employing Home Visitors, Nicole Hawkins
Development of an Ovine Genome Map with Emphasis on In Situ Hybridization, Melanie R. Heaton
Aminostratigraphy of Thatcher Basin, SE Idaho: Reassessment of Pleistocene Lakes, Amy Hochberg
Phylogenetic Studies of the United States Bluetongue Viruses and Characterization of the Viral VP4 Protein, I-Jen Huang
Where Language Touches the Earth: Folklore and Ecology in Tohono O'odham Plant Emergence Narratives, Jennifer L. Hughes
The Relationships of Parental Marital Status, Quality of Family Interaction and Gender to Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use, Stephen K. Hunsaker
Adaptive Density Estimation Based on the Mode Existence Test, Nizar Sami Jawhar
Physical Factors Influencing Survival to Emergence and Time of Emergence of Shoreslope-Spawned Kokanee Salmon in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming, Randall J. Jeric
Effectiveness of Carbaryl and Pyrethroid Insecticides for Protection of Engelmann Spruce from Attack by Spruce Beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), Karen J. Johnson
Discharge Coefficient Scale Effects Analysis for Weirs, Michael Clyde Johnson
Mule Deer Highway Mortality in Northeastern Utah: An Analysis of Population-Level Impacts and a New Mitigative System, Mark E. Lehnert
The Effect of a Nutrition and Fitness Program on the Dietary Habits, Fitness Level, and Health Status of Ute Indian Youth, Alison K. Lemon
The Effects of Osmotic Potential on Ammonification, Immobilization, Nitrous Oxide Production, and Nitrification Rates in Penoyer Soil, Andrew P. Low
The Effect of Housing and Food Expenditures on Diet Quality of Low-Income Households in Salt Lake County, Rebecca Low
Risk Factors Associated with Early Adolescent Sexual Values and Behaviors, David Macbeth
The Effect of Immediacy and Salience Questionnaire Response Rates, Audrey Matsumoto
Survival of Microorganisms on Meat Surfaces Treated with Ultra-High Temperatures, Bret Max Mattinson
Evaluation of Low-Quality Forages in a Winter Dietary Regimen of Western White-Face Ewes Used for Milk Production, Raúl Meneses
A Conceptual Analysis of the Appropriate Role of Assistive Technology in the Education of Students with Disabilities, Martell Menlove
Developmental Stages of Preschool Teachers in Selected Arab Gulf Countries, Najwa Mounla
Quantification of Landscape Structure Within the Land Condition-Trend Analysis Monitoring Program at Camp Williams, Utah, Lorraine Munguia
Adolescents' Recollection of Early Physical Contact: Implications for Attachment and Intimacy, Mark D. Oleson
A Study of the Effects of Body Image Education on Body Image in Adults Aged 60 and Older, Amy Peterson Hirtle
An Integration of Tillage and Herbicides to Control Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica Host.) in Winter Wheat, Troy M. Price
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: The Patients' Perspective, Benita J. Quackenbush
Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa: The Patients' Perspective, Benita J. Quakenbush
Acceptability and Proximate Composition of Meat-Vegetable Sticks Versus All-Meat Sticks Adjusted to pH 4.6 or 5.2 with Citric or Lactic Acids, Ronnald Dean Quinton
The Legal Environment for Landscape Architecture in Utah, Jeffrey J. Scarborough
A Survey of Employees of the United States Department of Agriculture's Animal Damage Control Program, Susan A. Schroeder