Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Sedimentology and Community Structure of Reefs of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, Matthew J. Novak
Zeta-Potential of Casein Micelles as a Factor in Age Gelation of Ultra-High Temperature Processed Concentrated Skim Milk, Douglas W. Olson
An Examination of Operant-Respondent Interaction in the Development of Tolerance to Ethanol, Brady Justin Phelps
The Influence of Social Support on the Stress Level of Parents with Disabled Children, Shannon J. Pratt
Characteristics Related to the Incidence of Osteoporosis in Two Distinct Female Populations, Deborah A. Pyke
Validation of the Use of the Rapid Speech Transmission Index (Rasti) In Elementary School Classrooms, Aparna Rao
Influence of Process Parameters in the Manufacture of Cottage Cheese Curd from Ultrafiltered Skim Milk, Ronald Michael Raynes
The Impact of Psychosocial Variables on Immune System Functioning in a Sample of HIV-Positive Males, Gary K. Richey
The Effect of Dyad Interaction and Marital Adjustment on Cognitive Performance in Everyday Logical Problem Solving, Donna R. B. Rogers
Neurolinguistic Programming Treatment of Combat-Related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Susan Rogers
Home/School/Community Factors Which Compete With Time High School Students Spend on Homework, John A. Sadler
A Comparison of Two Linear Nonparametric Regression Techniques, Sylvain Sardy
Immunological Effects of Amphotericin B Desoxycholate and Liposomal Amphotericin B on Splenocytes from Immune-Normal and Immune-Compromised Mice, Jay Jenson Schindler
Marten Use of Subnivean Access Points in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Stuart Scott Sherburne
An Experimental Study of Techniques to Improve Response Rates of Mail Questionnarie, Eun-hee Shin
The Relationship Between Students' Evaluation of Faculty and Students' Grades, Eun-hee Shin
Changes Over Time in Sensory Thresholds of Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus and the Relationship to Food Preference, Marnie Ricks Spencer
Desert Bighorn Sheep and Riverboat Interactions in Cataract Canyon, Utah, Mark C. Stanger
The Effect of Computer-Assisted Nutrition Education on Nutrition Knowledge, Nutrition Status, Dietary Compliance, and Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients, Julianne Stewart
Equine Operant Conditioning: Autoshaping, Observational Learning, and Discriminative Stimulus Intensity, Paul H. Stewart
Interactions in Sibling Dyads With One Preschool-Aged Child With a Disability, Carl R. Summers
Comparison of Optimization Methodologies for Sustained-Yield Groundwater Pumping Planning in East Shore Area, Utah, Shu Takahashi
Intrinsic Loss in Infrared Optical Fibers, Prapassorn Tantiphanwadi
Working on Desert Rails: A Social and Environmental History, Ann E. Vileisis
Quaternary Geology and Neotectonics of Southern Star Valley and the Southwest Flank of the Salt River Range, Western Wyoming, Gregory A. Warren
Demographic Influences on Perceived Urgency of Family Life Issues in Utah, Ted W. Warstadt
A Cognitive Process Approach to Interpreting Performance on the Booklet Category Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Phillip R. Wolfe
Disconjugacy and Oscillation Theory of Linear Differential and Difference Equations, Yuhua Xu
Investigations of Forage Fish and Lake Trout Salvelinus Namaycush Interactions in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming-Utah, Daniel L. Yule
Children's Determination of Gender Appropriateness of Clothing, Malihe Attaran
Amelioration Effects of Calcium Amendments on the Growth of Phaseolus vulgaris L. Under Sodium Stress, Salam Mahmoud Awada
Intergenerational Transmission of Family Strengths, John R. Bee
Photosynthetic Capacity, Leaf Size and Plant Height in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Deborah L. Bishop
Assessment-Based Treatment for Physically Abusive Parents: An Exploratory Study, Scott E. Blickenstaff
Enzyme-Hydrolyzed Retentate for the Development of a Whipped Topping Mix, Shirley Ann Bond
A Multivariate Study of Marital Quality, David W. Bradley
Origins of Low-Angle Normal Faults Along the West Side of the Bear River Range in Northern Utah, Jon E. Brummer
Evaluation of Antiviral Compounds Against Avian Influenza, Evan W. Call
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and Undifferentiated-Attention Deficit Disorder: Differences in Cognitive and Affective Characteristics and Responses to Stimulant Medication, Richard Alan Campbell
Development and Evaluation of an Expert System for Use as an Aid in Culling Dairy Cattle, Max L. Checketts
The Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Obesity-Related Cognitions, David E. Christian
Economic Strategies for White-Tailed Deer and Livestock Production on Central and South Texas Ranches, Will E. Cohen
Potassium and Sodium Interrelations in Alfalfa Phenotypes Grown on Calcareous Soil, Suresh S. Dhumal
Winter Habitat Selection of Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) in a Large Regulated River, Ronald A. Englund
Late-Life Mate Selection: Dating Patterns in an Older Age Group, Kristine Udell Evans
Is Rainbow Trout Condition Influenced By Invertebrate-Drift Density?, Randall B. Filbert
Mining the Colorado Plateau: the Story of Calamity Mesa 1910-1970, Lisa Pitcher Godfrey
Child Support Awards in Utah: The Effect of Legislative Child Support Guideline Adoption on Child Support Orders in Three Utah Counties, Kay W. Hansen
Creating Ethnicity in the Hydraulic Village of the Mormon West, Charles M. Hatch
A Descriptive Study of the Use of an Education-Sponsored Suicide Riskline, R. Kelly Haws
Survival of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum in Ice Cream for Use as a Probiotic Food, Sharareh Hekmat
Family Naming Practices and Intergenerational Kinship Affiliations, Nancy Immel
Factors Affecting Seeds in a Sagebrush-Steppe Ecosystem and Implications for the Dispersion of an Annual Plant Species, Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), Michael Ira Kelrick
Reproductive Strategies of Northern Goshawks and Cooper's Hawks in North-Central New Mexico, Patricia L. Kennedy
The Effects of Calcium on the Response of Snapbean to Sodium-Induced Stress, Masud Ahmad Khan
Meat Effects on Nonheme Iron Absorption, Yunji Kim
Time Allocations of Children in Single-Parent Urban Utah Families to Selected Household Tasks, Susan Wilde Kingsford
Hazard Perception and Preparation by Cross-Country Skiers in Utah, Kevin J. Kobe
Changes in the Vulvular and Vestibular Tissue of the Bovine During the Estrous Cycle as Determined by the use of Near Infrared Interactance, Robert Alan Kunzler
Utah School Counselors: Present Status, Linda J. Kuwana
Linear Operators Strongly Preserving Polynomial Equations Over Antinegative Semirings, Sang-Gu Lee
Instructional Logistics and Chunque-Based Learning Systems, Ian A. McArthur
Rapid Determination of Milk Components and Detection of Adulteration Using Fourier Transform Infrared Technology, Ivan Von Mendenhall
An Ecological Test of the Tragedy of the Commons on Communal Rangeland in the Moroccan Western High Atlas, Lloyd Mendes
Using Direct Instruction To Teach Compliance To Seriously Noncompliant Students, Hans M. Michielsen
A Simulation of the Economic Effects of Alternative Soil Types and Nitrogen Sources on Nitrate Leaching on Irrigated Agriculture in Utah, Gilbert D. Miller
Predictors of Change for Parents Who Perceive Improvement in Their Family Functioning Following a Parent-Training Program, Linda Gayle Moore
Knowledge of Infant/Toddler Development Among Low-Income Families, Ann B. Parkinson
Ethical Beliefs and Practices: Do Psychologists Differ from Other Health-Care Professionals, Gary Percival
The Effects of Policy Development and Organizational Structure on the Performance of Range Livestock Development Projects in Africa, Gregory Karl Perrier
Mathematical Programming Applications in Agroforestry Planning, Laurence H. Reeves
Factors Affecting Moisture Distribution in 290-Kilogram Stirred-Curd Cheddar Cheese Blocks, Robert S. Reinbold
Hydrogen Uptake Genes and Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency of Rhizobium Species in Symbiosis With Alfalfa, Chickpea and Pigeonpea, G. Mustafa Sajid
A Computer Assisted Program for the Selection of Band Music Relative to the Difficulty Rating of Individual Instruments, Kirt Saville
The Effects of Parental Involvement with Preschoolers at Risk for Developmental and Behavioral Problems, Robin Skoien-Bradley
The Swett Homestead: An Oral History 1909-1970, Eric G. Swedin
Comparing the Perceptions of Family and Parenting Between Juvenile Sexual Offenders and Juveniles With No History of Sexual Offending, Iva W. Trottier
Determining the Validity of Methods Used in Meat Iron Analysis, Padmashri Ummadi
Estimation of Crop Evapotranspiration by Means of the Penman-Monteith Equation, Paul J. Vanderkimpen
Agency Policies and Personnel Attitudes Toward Adolescent Fathers, Sandra Gunderson Warner
The Play of Visually Impaired Preschoolers With Their Mothers, Claudia Weber
A Comparison of Estimation Procedures for the Beta Distribution, Huey Yan
Immunophenotyping of Lymphoid Cells in Autism, L. Jeanne Yonk
Effects of Heat Treatment of Ultrafiltered Milk on its Rennet Coagulation Time and on Whey Protein Denaturation, Bashir H. Yousif
An Automated Reflectance Color Meter Instrument for Microbiological and Enzymic Assays, Tsz-Ching Yuan
Biological Detoxification of Mercury Contaminated Soil, Shiying Zhang
A Descriptive Study of Range Livestock Operations in the Somali Central Rangelands, Abdinasir M. Abdulle
Interrelationships among Magnesium Deficiency, Ketogenic Diet, and Fasting on Seizure Susceptibility, Hamdia Mohammed Shahwan AI-Hamdani
Recreation Specialization and Preferences of Utah Anglers, Bruce P. Andersen
Cognitive and Attributional Correlates of Depression: An Analysis of the Redundancy Between Beck's Cognitive Triad and Seligman's Attributional Styles, Kent W. Anderson
Endocrine Interrelationships During Early Postpartum In St. Croix Sheep, Richard Michael Anderson
A Reliability Study on the Self-Report Behavioral Measure for Evaluating Therapeutic Outcome, Sharon B. Anderson
Profiles and Trends in Catholic Interfaith Marriages in Utah, Deborah Brown Ascione
The Effects of Conditioned Reinforcers on Extinction When Delivered on Schedules of Extinction, Linda L. Barnard
Morphological Responses of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Changes in Phytochrome Photoequilibria, Blue Light and Photoperiod, Charles Barnes