Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Neuroanatomical Asymmetry, Handedness, and Family History of Handedness: A Study of the Markers of Structural and Functional Lateralization, Steven A. Lifson
An Examination of Open- and Closed-Economic Conditions in Operant Research, Craig R. Loftin
The Effects of a Direct Instruction Program in Fractions on Academic and Mathematics Self-Concept, William H. Lowry
Mental Status and Functional Behavior In Male Geriatric Patients, Gregory Lee Mayer
An Assessment of Thematic Mapper Satellite Data For Classifying Conifer Types in Northern Utah, Madeline R. Mazurski
Density-Dependent Convective Flow in Closed Basins, Kim L. McCleary
An Estimation of Primary Benefits Realized on Three Bureau of Reclamation Projects, Steven D. C. McQueen
Perceived Affective and Behavioral Characteristics of Mother-Daughter Relationships and Subsequent Mentoring Relationships, Anne Marie McShane
Seasonal Variation in the Species Composition, Abundance, and Size-Frequency Distribution of Zooplankton in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, Edmundo G. Moreno
Completion of a Personal Financial Management Course in Relation to Financial Satisfaction, Confidence and Practices, Shana R. Morris
The Effectiveness of Constant Versus Rotating Buddy Dyads on the Social Interactions of Handicapped Preschoolers, Connie Faye Nelke
Diel Vertical Migration and Feeding of Underyearling Bear Lake Sculpin Cottus extensus (Pisces, Cottidae), Darcy Neverman
Footwall Deformation and Structural Analysis of the Footwall of the Willard Thrust Fault, Northern Wasatch Range, Utah, Douglas Scott Neves
Household Technology and the Division of Household Labor in Utah Families, Sydney Mitchell Peterson
Modeling Forest Dynamics Based on Stand Level Resource Allocation, Geoffrey Candler Poole
Using Computer Imaging to Assess Visual Impacts of Forest Insect and Disease Pests, Daniel Rabin
Impact of Root Competition on Survival and Growth of Seedlings of Important Great Basin Species, Günther Reichenberger
The Effect of Notetaking and Review Among Eighth-Grade Students, Nancy Lindbergy Risch
Utilization of Poultry Waste (Composted Caged-Layer) as a Supplement for Sheep Fed Straw During Late Pregnancy, Raul Meneses R.
The Reliability and Validity of an Instrument Designed to Measure Attitudes Toward the Elderly, Jane Schultz
Chemical Evaluation and Biological Vitamin A Activity of the Major Carotenoids in the Hybrid Carrot Beta III, Cynthia M. Schweitzer
Proteolytic Activity of Some Milk-Clotting Enzymes on K-casein and K-casein Macropeptide, Khalid M. Shammet
Some Factors Affecting the Postpartum Interval in Sheep, Jose Pedro Cannas Simoes
Assimilation and Accommodation in Family Discourse: A Longitudinal Analysis, Marcia Summers
Selenium and Iron in the Rat Intestine: Effects on Lipid Peroxidation, Sileny Vega
Effects of Methylene Chloride on Immune Function in Mice and the In Vitro Effect of Methylene Chloride in Immunologic Assays, Man-Ping Wang
Effect of Proteolytic Activity of the Lactic Cultures on Mozzarella Cheese Quality, Wen-Hsu Amos Wang
A Study of Denitrosation of N-Nitroso Compounds by Irradiation with Long-Wavelength UV Light, Zhenyu J. Wang
Relationships Between Motivational Orientations and Participants' Perceptions of an Electronic Distance Education Learning Environment, Charles Wynn Wilkes
A Quantitative Assessment of Minerals of Toxicological Importance in Utah Fast Foods, Lisa R. Williams
A Longitudinal Study of Dietary Intake and Influence of Iron Status on Infants' and Toddlers' Mental and Motor Development, Steven Matley Wood
Soil Temperature Influence on Water Use and Yield Under Variable Irrigation, Jon M. Wraith
Change in Serum Iron as a Measure of Bioavailability of Dietary Iron, Mary Beth Wright
Mate Selection in Contemporary America: An Exchange Theory Perspective, Margaret H. Young
The Effects of Social Perspective-Taking Training and Ideological Perspective-Taking Training on Ego-Identity Formation in Late Adolescence, Carol Markstrom Adams
Determinants of the Components of a State's Tourist Image and Their Marketing Implications, Zafar Uddin Ahmed
The Emotional Effects of Injury on Female Collegiate Gymnasts, Nancy J. Albert
Maternal Iron Parameters and Diet: Influence on Infant Iron Parameters and Development, Janet Bradshaw Anderson
Problems of Data Collection for Economic Research in Small Farmer Agriculture: Some Experience in Somalia, Aden Abdullahi Aw-Hassan
Insulation of Small Open Economies in the Presence of External Disturbances Under Alternative Exchange Rate Systems, Hamid Reza Azad
Nutrient and Water Interrelationships between Crested Wheatgrass and Two Shrub Species, Paul B. Baker
Bioavailable Phosphorus in the Bear River System, Utah, Kenneth Warren Barker
Measuring Adolescent Ego-Identity Status: A Comparison of the Semistructured Interview and the Objective Measure of Ego-Identity Status, Layne D. Bennion
The Feasibility of River Otter Reintroduction in Northern Utah, Joel P. Bich
Family Background and Personal Characteristics as Correlates of Sexual Intercourse Experience Among Adolescent Females, C. Raymond Bingham
The Highest Local Density of Reinforcement Controls Overall Post-Reinforcement Pause Duration on Ratio Schedules, Elliott J. Bonem
The Effects of Reinforcement Magnitude and Temporal Contingencies on Pre-Ratio Pause Duration, Marilyn K. Bonem
Contemporary Engagement: Attitudes and Practices of College Students, Stephen C. Brady
Overall Life Satisfaction of Ileostomates: Conventional Brooke Ileostomy Versus Modified Kock Pouch, Sandra Sisson Briscoe
Determinants of Small Rodent Distribution and Abundance in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem: Influences of Seeds, Ants and Shrubs, Linda Suzanne Broome
The Correlation Between Life Satisfaction and Farm Involvement Among Utah Dairy Farm Men and Women, Phillip S. Browning
Shadow Pattern Simulator, Roberto A. Brown
Factors Affecting Recovery from Defoliation during Drought in Two Aridland Tussock Grasses, Carlos Alberto Busso
Luteinizing Hormone an Progesterone Response to GnRH Administration at Insemination in Repeat-Breeder Holstein Cows, Robert Joseph Callan
A Study in the Distribution of Gains from International Trade, Suhas C. Chakrabartty
Comparison of Post-Weaning Performance and Carcass Traits of Columbia and Cormo Crossbred Lambs, Carl Kim Chapman
Benefit/Cost Variables and Comparative Recreation Use Patterns of Wilderness and Non-Wilderness Areas, Kim S. Christy
Contact, Support, and Friction: Gender Differences in Social Networks, Lori A. Cramer
Classical Conditioning and Immune Reactivity in Rats, Laura Anne Czajkowski
The Effects of Prey Vulnerability, Density, and Patch Replenishment in an Operant Analogue of Foraging, Michael James DeWulf
Gambel Oak for Spanish Goats: A Digestion-Balance Evaluation of Nutrient Availability, Brian L. Dick
Journalistic Codes of Ethics: A Proposed Standard for Juries in Libel Trials, Michael H. Eldridge
Maternal, Obstetric, and Neonatal Correlates of Short-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Newborn Infants With Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Richard Elghammer
Acquisition of Forgaging Skills by Lambs Eating Grass or Shrub, Enrique R. Flores
1-Acyldihydropyridones as Synthetic Intermediates, Michael Andrew Foley
Quaternary Geology and Tectonic Geomorphology of the Pocatello Valley Area, Idaho-Utah, John D. Garr
Using Adaptive Conjoint Analysis and Market Simulations to Determine the Effect and Usefulness of Nutrition Label Information in Consumer Purchase Decisions, Constance J. Geiger
Effect of Fertilization on Woody Plant Chemistry: The Role in Diet Selection by Goats, Amanuel Gobena
Durational Control of Defensive Burying in Rats: An Investigation of a Species-Specific Defense Reaction, Stephen Gregory Goldberg
The Effects of the Spatial Pattern of Defoliation on Regrowth of a Tussock Grass, Warren G. Gold
Nitrogen and Energy Budgets of Production Ewes on Summer Range in Southwestern Utah, John W. Halpop
Analyses of Somaclonal Variation in Hexaploid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Zahra Noori Hashim
Characterization of Chemical and Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in the MDBK Cell Culture System, Jeffrey R. Hincks
Kinetics of Two-Substrate Reactions Using Integrated Rate Equations, Leonard D. Holmes
Structure-Activity Relationships of Retinoids in Developmental Toxicology, W. Brian Howard
The Immunological and Neurochemical Toxicity of Benzene and its Interaction with Toluene in Mice, Gin-Chang Hsieh
Studies on Encephalomyocarditis Virus-Induced Diabetes in Mice, John Henry Huffman
Alfalfa Weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal), (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Response to Environmental Factors in Alfalfa Fields in Northern Utah, Larry Edward Jech
Interactions of Vanadium Compounds With Reducing Equivalents: Evidence of Free Radical Involvement and Possible Mechanisms of Toxicity, Randal J. Keller
Synthetic Studies Toward Key Portions of the Didemnins, Ok-Soon Kim
The Effect of Elaboration on Memory: Self-Generated Elaboration vs Experimenter-Provided Elaboration, Sung-il Kim
Mormon Return Migration: A Return to Zion, Don Calder Larson
Economic Feasibility of Assembling Grade-A Milk by Protein Content, W. Stephen Lei
Evaluation of Spatially-Distributed Snowpack Estimation Using Pattern Recognition, Cheng-Hua Leu
Parameter Estimation for Generalized Pareto Distribution, Der-Chen Lin
Evaluation of Frogurt: A New Product Prepared by Fermentation of Ice Cream Mix, Morteza Mashayekh
Big Game Depredation to Crops and Orchards in Seven Counties of Northern and Central Utah: A Case Study, Kerry C. McBride
The Effects of a Social Skills Training Program on Constructive Conflict Resolution Techniques in Parent-Adolescent Dyads, Thomas A. Mills
Early Career Development Processes of Women and Men Resource Managers in the USDA Forest Service, Joseph Anthony Mincolla
The Effects of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone and Milk Production on Pregnancy Rates in Repeat Breeder Dairy Cows, Laura Maureen Mitchell
A Hydrological Characterization of a Zero-Order Basin in Volcanic Hillslope Terrain, Neil A. Mock
Petrology of Passive Margin-Epeiric Sea Sediments: The Garden City Formation, North-Central Utah, Susan K. Morgan
Teacher-Student Writing Conferences as an Intervention in the Revision Practices of College Freshmen, Lynn Riley Neil
Family Satisfaction in Air Force Families as a Function of Family Strengths, Resources and Coping Following Relocation, Mary Gyler Olsen
Woman's Exponent: Cradle of Literary Culture Among Early Mormon Women, Alfene Page
Winter Ecological Energetics of Blue Grouse, Peter Jeffrey Pekins