Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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The Effect of Ultrafiltration on Protein Quality of Skimmilk and Cottage Cheese, Rita Y. Y. Tung
Academic Achievement of Bereaved Children: Comparison With a Nonbereaved Population, Rebecca W. Valcarce
Effect of Proteolytic Enzymes on Transfection and Transformation of Streptococcus lactis Protoplasts and Transformation of Streptococcus cremoris, Steven A. Woskow
Parental Attitudes Toward Mainstreaming of Handicapped Children, Afsaneh Ahooriyan
Calcium Amelioration of Salinity (Sodicity) on Nitrogen Fixation, Stomatal Resistance, Potassium/Sodium Ratio and Total Nitrogen of Phaseolus vulgaris L., Mahmood Akhavan-Kharazian
Lodgepole Pine Susceptibility Rating of Mountain Pine Beetle Through the Use of a Density Management Diagram, John Albert Anhold
Vulnerability of Cougars to Hunting, Dan Barnhurst
Client Writing in Individual Therapy: A Review of the Literature, Karla Esplin Bennion
A Model for Estimating Available Iron from Total Nutrient Intakes, Ann Marie Black
The Impact of Twelve-Mile Canyon Mudslides on Downstream Water Users in Sanpete County, Utah, Danny L. Boore
Trade Liberalization: The Impact on Utah's Dairy and Meat Industries, Tyler J. Bowles
Natural Cheese from Prefermented Whole Milk Retentate, Charles Gordon Brown
Teaching Minimum Based Competency Test Skills to Secondary-Aged Learning Disabled Students Through the Use of Precision Teaching, Michael E. Byrnes
The Classroom Modification of Children's Gender Stereotyping of Careers, Paul Vance Campbell
The Effect of Geographical Setting, Duration in a Single Parent Family, Sex and Dethronement on Stepsibling Relationships After Parental Remarriage, Sharon D. Cannon
Perceptions of Menstruation as an Indicator of Stereotypic Beliefs Within Marriage, Debra L. Caswell-Madsen
The Effect of Dietary Calcium and Phosphorus Levels on Audiogenic Seizure Susceptibility and Brain Neurotransmitters in Magnasium Deficient Rats, Rachaneeporn Chaistitwanich
Factor Analysis of a Self-Report Problem Inventory for Use in Clinical Settings, William F. Corey
Aerating Butterfly Valves to Suppress Cavitation, R. Ted Davis
Transfer to and Operation of The Cache Citizen by the Utah State University Department of Communication, William P. Davis
The Effect of Utah Population Growth on Conversion of Agricultural Land to Residential Land, Suzanne Shoshana Dyner
Investigation of Host Selection by Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Hopk. in Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) Dougl., Thomas James Eager
Clostridium perfringens: An Adjunctive Indicator in Nonpoint Pollution, Steven G. Eberl
Pantothenic Acid Status of Adolescents, Brenda Ringer Eissenstat
Belowground Resource Exploitation in Semiarid Plants: A Comparative Study Using Two Tussock Grasses That Differ in Competitive Ability, David M. Eissenstat
Contingent Valuation of Early Intervention Programs for Handicapped Children, Colette M. Escobar
Carnivore Competition and Resource use in the Serengeti Ecosystem of Tanzania, George Walter Frame
Impact of the Western Spruce Budworm on Buds, Developing Cones and Seeds of Douglas-Fir in the Intermountain Region, Charles Joseph Frank
Person-Environment Interaction Psychological Strain and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of the Theory, Mahmood Gazi-Tabatabaie
A Neuropsychological Approach For Differentiating the Residual Effects of Neonatal Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Glenn Thomas Goodwin
Structural Geology of the Central Part of Clarkston Mountain, Malad Range, Utah, Douglas A. Green
Contextual Control of Stimulus Equivalence with Preschool Children, M. Regina Green
Parental and Teacher Expectations for Kindergarten Preparation and Priorities for Kindergarten Curricula, Kimberly Harris
The Redevelopment of Plant Community Diversity on a Surface Coal Mine in Southwestern Wyoming, Thomas Joseph Hatton
Factors Influencing Grief Adjustment in the Elderly, Jo Anne Pauline Johnson
Effects of Micrococci on Improving Sensory Acceptability of Mutton Summer Sausage, Hoon Jung
The Psychological and Social Consequences of HTLV-III Infection: Homosexuals in Orange County, CA, Kenneth Burton Kaisch
Detection of Abnormal Milk with Impedance Microbiology Instrumentation, Fahad Ali Abdulghany Khayat
The Role of Vicarious Reinforcement for Modeled or Alternate Behavior, Brian C. Lech
On the Generalizations of Gershgorin's Theorem, Sang-Gu Lee
Aspects of the Feeding Ecology of the Bonneville Cisco of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, David C. Lentz
Purification of Anthrax Toxin Protective Antigen Component and Characterization of its Binding Interaction with Bovine Kidney Cells, Daniel Dalton Martin
Factors Affecting Puberty, Estrus and Ovulation in Corriedale and Criollo Sheep of the Southern Peruvian Highlands, Pedro Walter Bravo Matheus
Effect of Spring Grazing by Cattle on Growth and Survival of Shrub Seedlings Interplanted in Crested Wheatgrass, Lynn M. McConville
A Comparison of the Verbal Productions of Normal and Behaviorally Disordered Children Using Interview and Color Book Techniques, Alan L. Muhlestein
Sedimentological and Foraminiferal Characterization of a Holocene Island Slope (130-240m), North Jamaica, Craig V. Nelson
The Effects of a Social Skills Training Program on Interpersonal Communications in Parent Adolescent Dyads, Patrick Sean Noble
Marriage Enrichment: Does it Make a Difference, Eric R. Olsen
Animal Nutritional Response to Sward Structure Under Short Duration Grazing Management, Kenneth C. Olson
Petrology of the Late Proterozoic(?) - Early Cambrian Arumbera Sandstone and the Late Proterozoic Quandong Conglomerate, East-Central Amadeus Basin, Central Australia, Johnnie O. Phillips
Direct Simulation from a Model Specification Language, Richard Pimentel
Boron Composition of Alfalfa in Utah as Related to Soils and Irrigation Waters, Robert N. Radtke Jr.
The Surficial Geology and Neotectonics of Hansel Valley, Box Elder County, Utah, Robert M. Robison
The MMPI as a Predictor of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Among Vietnam Veterans, Susan Rogers
Development of the Couples Inventories and Testing the Reliability of the Communications Items, James K. Sessions
Manufacture of White Soft Cheese from Ultrafiltered Whole Milk Retentate, Khalid Mohamed Shammet
Martin Harris in Cache Valley - Events and Influence, Scott R. Shelton
Parent and Adolescent Education in Relation to Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behavior, Karen R. Sneesby
Manganese Toxicity in Mice: Evaluation of Neruochemical and Immunologial Alteration, Benjamart Srisuchart
Demand Characteristics in the Hypnotic Elicitation of Multiple Ego States, Laura M. Sturgis
Estimating Optimum Overstory Vegetation Reduction for Increasing Understory Production, John A. Tanaka
Capitol Reef: The Forgotten National Park, Jonathan Scott Thow
Effect of Oxidation-Reduction Potential on Hemochrome Formation and Resultant Pink Color Defect of Cooked Turkey Rolls, Farzaneh Vahabzadeh
A Market Analysis for Adult Outdoor Education in Five Western States, Karla Joy VanderZanden
The Effects of Recreation Specialization and Motivations on the Environmental Setting Preferences of Backcountry Hikers, Randy J. Virden
Feathers and Steel: A Folkloric Study of Cockfighting in Northern Utah, Jesse Lloyd Walker
Factors Affecting Ownership and Use of Small Electrical Kitchen Appliances, Shana C. Weisgram
The Effects of a Structured Intervention Program on Identity and Divorce Adjustment, Rodger Trent Wentz
Cable Television Utilization in Logan, Utah, Kathryn Whittle
Intercept Feeding as a Means of Reducing Deer-Vehicle Collisions, Peggy Wood
Effect of Short Duration Grazing on Soil Moisture Depletion and Plant Water Status in a Crested Wheatgrass Pasture, Jon M. Wraith
Diagenesis and Water Chemistry of the Woodbine Group in the East Texas Basin, Helmuth Victor Wuerch
The Vertical Distribution of Salts in a Soil Profile During the Drainage Process, Adel Taha Yassin
The Relationship of Type A and Type B Coronary Behavior Patterns and Achievement Striving, Jolene Lowry Adams
External Borrowing and Economic Development: The Case of Jordan, Riad Almomani
Reduction of Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Chloride in a Cured Meat Product by Using Acid Development to Inhibit Botulinal Toxin Formation, Angsana Assamongkorn
Optimal Forest Rotation: Decisions Under Conditions of Certainty and Uncertainty, Rabindra Nath Bhattacharyya
Coprecipitation of Phosphorus With Calcium Carbonate in Bear Lake, Utah - Idaho, Paul W. Birdsey Jr.
Parameters Controlling Sediment Composition of Modern and Pleistocene Jamaican Reefs, Stephen K. Boss
Chemical Weathering of Pyrite in Soils, Aaron D. Brown
The Relationship Between Therapist Approach Postures, Avoidance Postures and Posture Sharing, and Subjects' Experience of Rapport, Lawrence A. Carcelli
A Comparison Between Desensitization and Relaxation Training in the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea, Susan Myrna Jones Carcelli
Growth and Water Relations of Mountain Big Sagebrush on Reclaimed Mine Soils in Southwestern Wyoming, Alan T. Carpenter
The Effects of Prosocial and Aggressive Videogames on Children's Donating and Helping, John H. Chambers
Self Esteem and Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behavior, Roger B. Christensen
Predicting Digestibilities of Alfalfa Hays with Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy, David H. Clark
Handicapped Tutors and Tutees: A Meta-Analysis of Critical Variables, Stephen Blaine Cook
Structural Geology of the Northern Part of Elkhorn Mountain, Bannock Range, Idaho, Stephen R. Crook
The Petrology of the Early Middle Cambrian Giles Creek and Upper Chandler Formations, Northeastern Amadeus Basin, Central Australia, James A. Deckelman
(e,2e) Spectroscopic Investigations of the Spectral Momentum Densities of Thin Carbon Films, John Robert Dennison
Factors Which Influence the Development of Bloom (Redness) in Dark Colored Muscle, William Russell Egbert
Client Preferences for Counselor Characteristics: Attitudes Towards Handicapped, Benjamin D. Ewing
Anthropometry, Metabolic Control and Dietary Intake of Youth with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, Rochelle A. Follaco Clark
Slow Rate Sand Filtration With and Without Clinoptilolite: A Comparison of Water Quality and Filtration Economics, Gordon P. Foreman
Calibration of a Temperature-Radiation Evapotranspiration Equation for Utah, Payam Foroughi
An Autecological Study of Dyers Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) on Utah Rangeland, Ann T. Fuller
Prefood and Preshock Stimulus Effects on Fixed-Interval and Fixed-Ratio Responding, Patrick M. Ghezzi
Color Vision in the Bovine, B. John Gilbert
The Welfare Impacts of Environmental Regulation in an Open Economy, Nicole Glineur
Exchange Rate Stability and its Implications for Economic Development of the Less Developed Countries, Chileshe Hilda Wabo Gowon