Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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The Effects of Mortgage Debt on Assets and Total Resources Among Near-Retirement Households, Lance Palmer
Influence of Sodium Chloride, Calcium, Moisture, and pH on the Structure and Functionality of Nonfat Directly Acidified Mozzarella Cheese, Brian M. Paulson
Four-Dimensional Non-Reductive Homogeneous Manifolds with Neutral Metrics, Andrew Renner
Response of a Peatland Ecosystem to Stratospheric Ozone Reduction in Tierra del Fuego, Thomas Matthew Robson
Hydraulic Testing of the Big Hole Fault, Northern San Rafael Swell, Utah, William M. Schieb
The Effects of Auditory Stimulation on Academic and Behavior Performance in Children With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Penny L. Sneddon
A Comparison of Rational Versus Empirical Methods in the Prediction of Psychotherapy Outcome, Glen I. Spielmans
Quantifying Losses of Understory Forage in Aspen Stands on the Dixie and Fishlake National Forests, Barton R. Stam
Hormone Mediated Transport of Calcium and Phosphate in Polarized Epithelial Cells, Tremaine M. Sterling
An Analysis of Bilingual Programs in the Context of a Schoolwide Reading Program, Jonathan A. Stewart
Pharmacological and Behavioral Treatments for Migraine Headaches: A Meta-Analytic Review, Kristi Lowe Stewart
Factors that Influence Marital Satisfaction in Couples Raising a Child with Cerebral Palsy, Sarah L. Stoker
Cougar Exploitation Levels in Utah: Implications for Demographic Structure, Metapopulation Dynamics, and Population Recovery, David C. Stoner
Measurement of Charge Storage Decay Time and Resistivity of Spacecraft Insulators, Prasanna V. Swaminathan
Development and Characterization of Eukaryotic Biomimetic Liposomes, Bradley Jay Taylor
Investigation of the Effect of Sulfitolysis on the Functional Properties and Extrusion Performance of Whey Protein Concentrate, David P. Taylor
The Reliability and Validity of the Boatwright-Bracken Child Attention Deficit Scales: Child and Parent Versions, Erica S. Thomas
Predictors of Graduation and Rearrest in a Contemporary Juvenile Drug Court Program, Anthony Phillip Tranchita
Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Unbounded Domains, Francois A. van Heerden
Host Shifts in Phytophagous Insects: A Mathematical Modeling Perspective, Meenakshi Venkataraman
The Skull Valley Goshute and Nuclear Waste: Rhetorical Analysis of Claims-Making of Opponents and Proponents, Jesse T. Weiss
Cattle as Grazing Management and Seed Dispersal Tools for Increasing Native Species Diversity on Great Basin Rangelands, Marina K. Whitacre
Risk Factors for Selected Health-Related Behaviors Among American Indian Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study, Amy Jo Williams
Structural Analysis of CO2 Leakage Through the Salt Wash and Little Grand Wash Faults from Natural Reservoirs in the Colorado Plateau, Southeastern Utah, Anthony P. Williams
Multiple Mentors and Family Involvement in Mentoring At-Risk Youth, Christine W. Woodbury
Influence of Fall Grazing by Sheep on Plant Productivity, Shrub Age Class Structure and Herbaceous Species Diversity in Sagebrush Steppe, Ryan Duncan Woodland
Changes in Child Symptomatology Associated with Animal-Assisted Therapy, Catherine C. Woolley
Greenstrip Establishment and Management in the Intermountain West, Brenda Kristine Younkin-Kury
Modeling Habitat Quality for American Martens in Western Newfoundland, Canada, William A. Adair
Responding to Crises in the Public Schools: A Survey of School Psychologists' Experiences and Perceptions, Austin Douglas Adamson
Exploring Gifted Education Programs, Services, and Practices in Islamic Schools in the United States, Fatma Anwer Khamis Al-Lawati
Quaternary Geology and Landscape Evolution of Eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona, Matt D. Anders
Catastrophic Wildfire Hazard Assessment in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Utilizing a Managerial Paradigm, Benjamin D. Baldwin
The Effects of Alternative-Site Blood Glucose Monitoring on Testing Frequency, Pain Rating, and Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Nancy Bennion
Differential Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression: Potential Bias and Misdiagnosis, Hollie K. Berglof
Characteristics, Evolution, and Lateral Variation of Lower Cretaceous Supradetachment Basins in the Daqing Shan, Inner Mongolia, China, Adrian K. Berry
Evaluation of Chela Formation in Kambala-Livuite Area, Southern Block 0, Cabinda, Angola, Alba B. Bias dos Santos
The Effects of a School-Wide Peer-Administered Praise Intervention on Student Problem Behavior, Meredith L. Brent
Planning for the Future of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Dianna L. Payne Broadbent
Effectiveness of Utah Level Six Treatment Programs for Juvenile Males Who Offend Sexually: The Client Perspective, Darren B. Brown
How the Winter Olympics Enrich Community Legacies for Recreational Open Space: A Case Study of Selected European and American Olympic Sites, Jennifer A. Brown
Factors Affecting Spawning and Survival of Bear Lake Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in St. Charles Creek, Idaho, Paul Burnett
Validation of a Radiometric Normalization Procedure for Satellite-Derived Imagery Within a Change Detection Framework, Karin E. Callahan
Factors That Influence the College Attendance Decisions of Appalachian Students, Erica Chenoweth
Rituals and Adoptive Families, Michelle Amber Christensen
Shared Book Reading, Home Visit Processes, and the Relation with Low-Income Infants' Language Development, Katie Christiansen
Geology of the Deseret Peak East 7.5' Quadrangle, Tooele County, Utah, and Impacts for Hydrology of the Region, Torrey J. Copfer
Spatial and Temporal Considerations in Vehicle Path Tracking With an Emphasis on Spatial Robustness, Donald L. Cripps
Foraging Behavior and Habitat Use Patterns of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) in Relation to Human Activity and Salmon Abundance on a Coastal Alaskan Salmon Stream, Anthony P. Crupi Jr.
Student and Parent Views on School and Community Strengths and Concerns, Tricia Hill Danielson
Influence of Storage Duration, Temperature, and Oxygen on Quality of Stored Dehydrated Foods, Omima Ali Darag
The Meaning of "Being Single" for Mormon College-Age Single Adults, Jana Darrington
Assessing the Effects of Myxobolus cerebralis and Other Environmental Factors on the Dynamics, Abundance, and Distribution of Trout Populations in the Logan River, Utah, Ernesto A. de la Hoz Franco
Short-Term Water Use Dynamics in Drainage Lysimeters, Musa V. Dlamini
The Influence of Fat and Water on the Melted Cheese Characteristics of Mozzarella Cheese, Robert Lloyd Fife
Determining the Factors That Control Respiration and Carbon Use Efficiency in Crop Plants, Jonathan M. Frantz
Identification of Optimal Conditions for Dry Drilling (Analytical Approach to Prediction of the Occurrence of BUE), Prasad Gali
Production of Volatile Sulfur Compounds from Inorganic Sulfur by Lactococci, Supriyo Ghosh
Effect of Drought, Flooding, and Potassium Stress on the Quantity and Composition of Root Exudates in Axenic Culture, Amelia Henry
The Case of Youth Gangs in the Mormon Cultural Region A Synthetic, Dialectical Theory of Social Problems: Bridging Social Constructionism and Objectivism, Ramona Avis Linville Higley
Understanding Utah's Native Plant Market: Coordinating Public and Private Interest, Virginia Harding Hooper
Breeding Bird Communities of Major Mainland Rivers of Southeastern Alaska, Jim A. Johnson
Using Immune Modulators to Ameliorate Aleutian Disease in Mink, Kie Hoon Jung
Community Factors That Correlate with Middle-Adolescent Antisocial Behavior, Olga Kamenchuk
Sir Nicholas Throckmorton: A Diplomatic Advisor to Queen Elizabeth, Kenneth M. Kisner
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Rural and Urban Migration, Lisa L. Knapp
The Foraging Behavior of a Solitary Bee, Diadasia nigrifrons (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) on Sidalcea oregana, ssp. oregana, Kimberly A. Kuta
Outcomes and Presurgical Correlates of Lumbar Interbody Cage Fusion, Rick LaCaille
The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Adolescent Deviant Behavior, Jennifer R. Lance
The Middle Cambrian Wheeler Formation: Sequence Stratigraphy and Geochemistry Across a Ramp-to-Basin Transition, Elizabeth S. Langenburg
From the Rim to the River: The Geomorphology of Debris flows in the Green River Canyons of Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado and Utah, Isaac J. Larsen
Rapid Detection of Listeria monocytogenes, Wim Lippens
Sampling Considerations in Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Needs Assessments, Ryan K. Loo
The Effects of Self-Monitoring Checklists and Performance Feedback on Study Skills of College Students with Disabilities, Sherrie Mecham
Women's Marital Adjustment in Relation to the Number of Children Ever Born, Junius K. Merrill
Correlation Between the USU Stretch Test and the Pizza Fork Test, Bryce L. Moyes
One-Dimensional Modeling of Bromide Tracer and Trichloroethylene Transport Based on Laboratory Experiments in Vertical Soil Columns, Keri L. Murch
Simulation of Groundwater Flow in Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, Barry Myers
Simulation of Wind Dispersal of Tree Seeds, Tree Colonization, and Growth of Bottomland Hardwood Reforestation Sites of the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Timothy James Nuttle
Marital Happiness: Undergraduate University Students Assess Their Parents' Marriage Regarding Communication, Power, Education, and Religiosity, Margaret F. Oak
Restoration of Aspen in Different Stages of Mortality in Southern Utah, Seth Ray Ohms
Bootstrap Unit Root Tests for Heavy-Tailed Observations, Andrejus Parfionovas
Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Agrobacterium-Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Interactions, David L. Parrott Jr.
Mitigation, Monitoring, and Geomorphology Related to Gully Erosion of Archaeological Sites in Grand Canyon, Paul A. Petersen
Rapid Effects of 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 on Calcium Uptake in Isolated Chick Enterocytes, Ruta Phadnis
Impasse in Marriage and Family Therapy, Valentina V. Popkova-Massé
Adolescent Peer Perceptions Reflected in the Yearbooks of Mormon Homosexual and Heterosexual Men, David C. Pruden
Premarital Education: Participation, Attitudes, and Relation to Marital Adjustment in a Sample from Northern Utah, Bryan D. Ramboz
Using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing to Analyze Fire Likelihood Areas at the Regional Scale in the Western United States, Russell W. Reading
Use of Ground-Based Canopy Reflectance to Determine Radiation Capture, Nitrogen and Water Status, and Final Yield in Wheat, Glen L. Ritchie
How Utah Parents of Utah School Children Judge School Effectiveness, Philip L. Rodgers
Test of a Psychosocial Strain Model of Delinquency for Mexican American Youth, Jose de Jesus Rodriguez
Beacon in the Night: Contested Space and Regional Culture on the Central Oregon Coast, Melissa Román
Phylogenetic Position of Pterocommatinae and Cavariella, and Implications for the Origins of Host Alternation in Aphids, Carol A. Rowe
Species Pairwise Associations Over Nine Years of Secondary Succession: Assessing Alternative Explanations and Successional Mechanisms, Lara R. Rozzell