Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Pushing the Car of Progress Forward: The Salt Lake Tribune's Quest to Change Utah for Statehood, 1871-1896, Robert Patrick Mills
Relationship between Dietary Calcium Intake and Weight Gain Among College Freshmen at Utah State University, Cara A. Moncur
The Carbon Cycle of a Semi-Arid Grass System, Bromus tectorum, May Christin Myklebust
Parenting Stress and Child Attachment: Child Age of 10 and 36 Months/Father and Mother, Jeng Hyun Ok
Psychosocial Variables and Their Relationship to Diabetic Outcome Among the Strong Heart Study Cohort, Brian D. O'Leary
Discharge Monitoring, Chemical Characterization, and Source Identification of Springs Along the East Side of Southern Cache Valley, Utah, Aric Alan Olsen
A Classification of Real Indecomposable Solvable Lie Algebras of Small Dimension with Codimension One Nilradicals, Alan R. Parry
Father Involvement, Nurturant Fathering, and the Psychological Well-Being of Young Adult Daughters, Camille C. Peterson
Texture Profile Analysis and Melting in Relation to Proteolysis as Influenced by Aging Temperature and Cultures in Cheddar Cheese, Taylor Rasmussen
A Comparison of Cognitive Autonomy in Adolescents from a Residential Treatment Center and a Traditional Public High School, Matthew Laurence Reiser
Characteristics of Helping Relationships For Emotional Distress: Older Adults' Perceptions, Alison L. Rencher
Factors Influencing Epiphytic Lichen Communities in Aspen-Associated Forests of the Bear River Range, Idaho and Utah, Paul C. Rogers
An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Dual-Earner Couples in Great Marriages: The View from the Empty Nest, Reva C. Rosenband
Emersonian Perfectionism: A Man is a God in Ruins, Brad James Rowe
Dynamics of Spatial Pattern Formation: Cases of Spikes and Droplets, Yuya Sasaki
Analysis of the Day Side Equatorial Anomaly, Jayaprabha Shankar
The Effect of Exopolysaccharide-producing Streptococcus thermophilus MR1C on Functionality in High Moisture Cheddar-type Cheese, Tyler J. Singleton
Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian Marjum Formation: Response of Sedimentary Facies and Biota to Sea-Level Changes, Douglas D. Smith
Sleep Problems in Young Children With and Without Behavior Problems, Penny L. Sneddon
Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meat Containing Levulinate, Lactate, or Lactate and Diacetate, Rebecca L. Thompson
An Examination of the Structure of Affect in a Sample of Inpatient Adolescents, Marietta A. Veeder
Tropospheric Spectrum Estimations Comparing Maximum Likelihood with Expectation Maximization Solutions and Fast Fourier Transforms, Stanley James Wellard
Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Weight Loss in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, Kathy Wickersham
Exploring Predictors of Parent Involvement for Rural Head Start Children, Benjamin E. Wynn
Towards a More Comprehensive View of the Use of Power Between Couple Members in Adolescent Romantic Relationships, Charles George Bentley
Juvenile Drug Courts: Using Participant Characteristics to Predict Outcome, Sara M. Boghosian
Therapeutic Processes in a Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Depressed Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Meredith Brent
An Outcome Study of Spinal Cord Stimulation Implants in a Retrospective Cohort of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients, Anthony Davis Browning
Movement Behavior and Habitat Selection of the Endangered June Sucker (Chasmistes liorus) in Utah Lake, Utah, Kris A. Buelow
Type 2 Diabetes and the Risk of Osteoporotic Hip Fracture in Utah Men and Women, Megan Bunch
Microbial Ecology of an Animal Waste-Fueled Induced Blanket Reactor, Steven C. Curtis
Types of and Negotiation of Connection Rituals in Newlywed Couples, Rachel N. Davis
Antimicrobial Properties of Syringopeptin 25A and Rhamnolipids, Prerak T. Desai
Predicting Child Outcomes from Parenting Styles of Spanish-Speaking Families, Melissa Renee Donovick
Burnout in Marriage and Family Therapists, Cory A. Eddington
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Telepresence-Enabled Cognitive Apprenticeship Model of Teacher Professional Development, R. Shawn Edmondson
Defining Predatory Mortgage Lending in Utah: A Professional's Perspective, Luke V. Erickson
The Role of Multifamily Real Estate Investments in Retirement Planning, Miguel A. Fernandez
Utilization of Ultrasonic Consolidation in Fabricating Satellite Decking, Joshua L. George
Identity Development, Identity Disclosure, and Identity Exploration Among Adolescent Sexual Minorities, Jenna A. Glover
An Analysis of Mortgage Default Clients and Mortgage Default Counseling at the Utah State University Family Life Center, Leslie E. Green
Social Interactions and Bullying in Withdrawn Children: An Evaluation of Generalization Strategies Within a Social Skills Training Intervention, Kyle Max Hancock
Fundamentals of Mountain Resort Base Village Design: A Critical Review of Existing Resort Developments with Recommendations for Future Development Practices, Bryan P. Harding
Marital Quality, Context, and Interaction: A Comparison of Individuals Across Various Income Levels, Victor W. Harris
Environmental, Chemical, and Genetic Reduction of Ethylene Sensitivity in Crop Plants, Timothy J. Hudelson
Expressive Writing and Breast Cancer: Outcomes and Linguistic Analyses, Kelly N. Hughes
The Integration of the Nutrition Screening Tool with the Interdisciplinary Plan of Care Form, Beth Hyatt
Wavelet Techniques in Time Series Analysis with an Application to Space Physics, Agnieszka Jach
Predicting School Placement Outcomes of Children with Disabilities Who Was Once Enrolled in Early Intervention, Mark Stanley Jesinoski
Assessing Cognitive Abilities in a Sample of Sioux Children Utilizing Traditional and Nonverbal Measures of Intelligence, Norman C. Johnson
Trusting the Dating Partner in the Face of Relationship Problems and Uncertainty: The Moderating Role of Parents and Friends, Rebecca Johnson
Lower Paleozoic Sequence Stratigraphy, Deposystems and Paleogeography of Northwestern Ordos Basin, North China, Benjamin J. Kessel
Adult Romantic Attachment Style, Global Self-Esteem, and Specific Self-Views as Predictors of Feedback Preference in Potential Romantic Relationships, Crystal Chi-Sheng Lin
The Relative Effects of Education and Cognitive Complexity of Employment Experience on the Rate of Cognitive Decline in Elderly Women, Janet M. Lundahl
Vascular Plant Species Richness and Distribution in a Heterogeneous Landscape, Kelly J. McCloskey
Minimal Nodal Domains for Strictly Elliptic Partial Differential Equations with Homogeneous Boundary Conditions, Charles E. Miller
Turning Points and Protective Processes: A Qualitative Study on Resilient Youth Through Their Perspective as Resilient Adults, Michael E. Monson
Couples in Great Marriages with a Traditional Structure and Egalitarian Relationship, Pamela Kandior Morrill
Smoking, Anemia, and Risk of Oral Clefts in Utah, Melinda Michelle Moss
Uncovering the Key of Success In The Utah Medicaid Work Incentive Program: A Grounded Theory Study, Renee H. Nolan
Tapirs and Rhinoceroses in Captivity: An Examination of the North American Captive Populations and Their Husbandry, Lisa A. Nordstrom
History of the Logan Bluff Landslide Zone, Seth P. Olsen
Predictors of Recidivism in an Adolescent Substance Abusing Population, Christine Pacetti
Model-Centered Instruction: A Design Research Study to Investigate an Alternative Approach to Patient Education, Mary Ann Parlin
Fathers' Perceptions of Relationships With Young Adolescent Children: Implications for Family Therapy, Tyler D. Patrick
Assessing the Cognitive Development of a Sample of Infants in Paraguay, Shannon Peairson
Mortgage Default and Neighborhoods: A Case Study of Weber County, Utah, Camille J. Pedersen
Catalase Activity Mediates the Inhibitory Actions of 24,25 Dihydroxyvitamin D3, Sven L. Peery
The Relationship Between the Outcome Questionnaire and the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale in Marital Assessment, Adam Malan Poll
The Effect of Social Network Disapproval on Partners' Dating Relationship: The Romeo and Juliet Effect Revisited, Rebecca Rawlins
Highway Effects on Small Mammal Communities and Effectiveness of a Deer-Vehicle Collision Mitigation Strategy, Silvia A. S. Rosa
Cultural Analysis of the Indian Women's Festival of Karvachauth, Puja Sahney
Culture, Gender, Identity, and Adolescents' Niche-Building Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison, Archana Singh
Milk Intake in Early and Late Adulthood and Risk of Osteoporotic Hip Fractures in Utah, Melanie Jean Slavens
The Evolution from Late Miocene West Salton Detachment Faulting to Cross-Cutting Pleistocene Oblique Strike-Slip Faults in the SW Salton Trough, Southern California, Alexander N. Steely
New Perspectives on the Relationship Between Emotion Decoding and Social Acceptance in School-Age Children, Eri Suzuki
Cognitive Autonomy in Adolescence, Ruth A. Thompson
Effects of the Diagnostic Label "ADHD " on Peer Judgment, Jared Toone
The Labour of Her Own Hands: Nineteenth Century Gardening Discourses and the Work of Jane Webb Loudon, Kelli Lee Towers
Use of Natural Antioxidants to Control Oxidative Rancidity in Cooked Meats, Mihir Vasavada
Single Parenting of Early Adolescents: Clinical Application to a More Helpful Perspective, Ane Weed
Addition of Three Dietary Fibers in an Extruded Whey and Cornstarch Expanded Snack Food, Alisha M. Wood
Welfare Status, Gender, and the Utilization of Marital Counseling Services, Courtney A. Wyatt
Conceptualization and Development of a Dam Break Life-Loss Estimation Model, Maged A. Aboelata
Father Book Reading Behaviors and Pre-Kindergarten Emergent Literacy, Cherri H. Brooks
Occupational Aspirations and Migration: A Comparison of Rural Youth with High, Medium, and Low Occupational Aspirations and Their Chances for Migration, W. Trevor Brooks
Diabetes, Cognitive Decline, and Alzheimer's Disease: The Cache County Study on Memory, Health, and Aging, Gene Charoonruk
Appalachian High School Students' Possible Selves as a Mediator of Continuing Their Education, Erica Chenoweth
The Quaternary Stratigraphy of the Henrys Fork and Western Browns Park, Northeastern Uinta Mountains, Utah and Wyoming, Ronald C. Counts
The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on Children's School Performance and Mental Health, Amber L. Crews
Cattle Utilization of Forage Kochia (Kochia prostrata) and Its Relation to Forage Quality and Plant Morphological Characteristics, Burke W. Davenport
Evaluation of Antioxidant Effectiveness and Sensory Attributes of Chinese 5-Spice Ingredients in Cooked Ground Beef, Saumya Dwivedi
Homework, a Bridge Between Therapy and Life: Therapeutic Methodology in the Assignment of Homework and Homework Compliance, Darren R. Elkins