Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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The Relation Between Religiosity and Late-Life Depression in a Community Sample of Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Lynn Marie Franklin
Catabolism of Amino acids to Volatile Fatty Acids by Lactococcus lactis, Balasubramanian Ganesan
Occupational and Biopsychosocial Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Case-Control Study, Jason Talley Goodson
"The Darkness is the Whole Thing": Environment, Belief, and Community in the Wampus Legend of the Retsof Salt Mine, Ashley Gorrell Purser
Building a Bridge Between Graduation and Marriage and Family Therapy Core Competency, Todd Graves
Relationship Between Infant Reactivity and Maternal Emotional Well-Being During the Early Postpartum Period at Two Points in Time, Karen Udy Hansen
Victimization During the Middle School Years: Exploring the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Emotional/Behavioral Outcomes, Jason E. Harlacher
Correlates of Marital Stability in Utah, Amy Lynn Andersen Harman
Characteristics of Ungulate Behavior and Mortality Associated with Wire Fences, Justin L. Harrington
Marital Commitment and Religiosity in a Sample of Adults in Utah, Sharon S. Harris
Calibration and Results of the Equis II Plasma Impedance Probe (PIP), Seth D. Humphries
Identification of Factors Affecting Susceptibility to Depression and Influencing Quality of Life in Adult Cystic Fibrosis Patients Based on Age-At-Diagnosis, Marlene Israelsen
Examination of Exhumed Faults in the Western San Bernardino Mountains, California: Implications for Fault Growth and Earthquake Rupture, Joseph R. Jacobs
Analysis and Interpretation of Total Electron Content Measurements, Geonhwa Jee
Resistance to Change of Ethanol Self-Administration: Effects of Naltrexone and Extinction, Corina Jimenez-Gomez
Navajo Ethnic Identity and Acculturation: Discovering Connections Between Ethnic Identity, Acculturation, and Psychosocial Outcomes, Matthew D. Jones
Constructing a Risk Controversy: The Case of a Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository on the Skull Valley Goshute Indian Reservation, Taunya J. Jones
Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions in Utah: An Analysis of Wildlife Road Mortality Hotspots, Economic Impacts and Implications for Mitigation and Management, Christine A. Kassar
Examination of the Ecological Differences Between Two Closely Related Endemic Whitefish in Relation to Growth Conditions and Predation Risk, Benjamen M. Kennedy
Learning and Application of Range Management Innovations Among Ranchers in West-Central Colorado, Caroline A. Kennedy
The Quaternary Tectonic and Structural Evolution of the San Felipe Hills, California, Stefan M. Kirby
Characterization of Cytokine Induction and Effects of Antiviral Treatment in Four Murine Models of Poxvirus Infection, Corinna W. Knorr
Working Memory Capacity, Temporal Discounting, and Exercise Rates, Kathleen Lambourne
Effect of Non-Metabolized Sweeteners on Health Parameters in Humans, Matthew Alan Leonhardt
A Profile and Analysis of Repeat Bankruptcy Petitioners in the District of Utah 1984-2004, Bonny C. Llewellyn
Relating Bedrock Strength to Hydraulic Driving Forces along the Large-Scale Profile of the Colorado River in Glen and Grand Canyons, Rob D. Mackley
Effects of Fire Disturbance on Terrestrial Salamanders in Mixed-Coniferous Forests of the Klamath/Siskiyou Region of the Pacific Northwest, Donald J. Major
Brief Experimental Analysis of Reading Intervention Components for English-Language Learners, Kimberly J. Malloy
The Relationship Between Parental Attitudes and Behaviors and Their Adult Children's Attitudes Toward Marriage, Divorce, and Marital Counseling, Shawnery L. Mathis
Nutrition Education for Parents of Children with Cystic Fibrosis : Assessment of Needs and Strategies for Improved Knowledge and Confidence in Self Care, Catherine M. McDonald
Weight Maintenance: Determinants Of Success, Cynthia Mitchell
Ethnic Identity and Migrant Youth, Amanda K. Morgan
Systematic Framework for Evaluating Treated Wastewater Usage in Agricultural Irrigation, Yasser Kamal Nazzal
The Relationship Between Attachment, Love Styles, and Marital Quality in a Sample of Married Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Jeannine D. Nielson
Adoptees' Knowledge about and Contact with Birth Parents and Their Adjustment in Adolescence and Young Adulthood, Kyung-Eun Park
Parent and Child Characteristics Associated with Comorbidity Differences in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Julie A. Pelletier
The Effects of Added Reinforcers on Resistance to Change, Christopher A. Podlesnik
Nutritional Status and Growth in Infants with Cystic Fibrosis at Diagnosis and at Age Two Years and Six Years, Marianne Rich
Prevention of Childhood Obesity among Low-Income Preschool-Aged Children, Ann Romero
Identifying Temporal Trends in Treated Sagebrush Communities Using Remotely Sensed Imagery, Eric D. Sant
The Effect of Anger Management and Communication Training on Functional and Quality-of-Life Status in Fibromyalgia Patients, Alexandra Michele Stillman
Bedroom Design and Decoration: A Context for Investigating Developmental Theory in Adolescence, Denise E. Taylor
Humic and Fulvic Acids: Effects on Plant Nutrition and Growth, Jason Tew
Measurements of the Secondary Electron Emission Properties of Insulators, Clint D. Thomson
Information Sources, Willingness to Volunteer, and Attitudes Towards Invasive Plants in the Southwestern United States, Leith Seeley Tidwell
Simulated Browsing Impacts on Aspen Sucker's Survival and Growth, Koketso Tshireletso
The Effects of Morphine on the Discrimination of Subject-Produced and Experimenter-Imposed Durations, Ryan D. Ward
Hand-Held Calculators and Mathematics Achievement: What the 1996 National Assessment of Educational Progress Eighth-Grade Mathematics Exam Scores Tell Us, Kenneth L. Wareham
Using Wavelets as a Computational and Theoretical Tool for Homogenization, Laura Lee Watkins
Repeat Migration in the United States: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, and White Return and Onward Migrants, Beth A. Wilson
Comparisons of Adopted and Non-Adopted Young Adults' Heterosexual Relationships, Bryan W. Winward
Development and Evaluation of an Electronic Food Frequency Questionnaire for Estimating Calcium Intake among Multiethnic Youth, Siew Sun Wong
A Needs Assessment of Marriage and Family Therapy Approved Supervision in Utah, Daniel J. Woodbury
Estimation, Testing, and Monitoring of Generalized Autoregressive Conditionally Heteroskedastic Time Series, Aonan Zhang
Role of Iron in the Mechanism of Asbestos-Induced Apoptosis in Human Lung and Pleural Target Cells, Aleksander Baldys
Intermediate Trainee Perspectives of Family Therapy Skills, Margo Benson
Lorentz Homogeneous Spaces and the Petrov Classification, Adam Bowers
Analytical and Numerical Investigation of a Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall on I-15, Aaron S. Budge
Developmental Changes in the Structure of Affect: Is the Tripartite Model Equally Valid for Younger and Older Children?, Bryan B. Bushman
An Investigation of the Impact of Chld Care Quality on Child Outcomes Using Structural Equation Modeling, Jared Cutler
Nutrition and Bone Density in Children with Cystic Fibrosis, Joanna K. Davidson
Computational Scattering Models for Elastic and Electromagnetic Waves in Particulate Media, Timothy Edwin Doyle
Feeding Behavior of Sheep in Relation to Kinetics of Sagebrush Monoterpenes: Implications for Landscape Biodiversity, Luthando E. Dziba
The Role of Deception in Mediating Relationship Involvement of Couples Interacting on the Internet: Stages of Intimate Formation, Dustin W. Edgerton
Maternal and Paternal Attributions and Perceptions Related to Parent-Child Interactions, Angela L. W. Ehrlick
Predictors of 1997 Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Completion and Dismissal Rates in Utah, David A. Evans
Roles of Religious Orientation and Health Locus of Control in an Aging Population, Jennifer A. Fallon
Borrower- and Mortgage-Related Factors Associated with Foreclosure, Amber C. Gallagher
The Effectiveness of Peer Tutoring Programs in Elementary Schools, Melinda Gee
Parents' Knowledge and Attitudes About Immunization in India, Anne George
Nest Location and Nest Recognition in Two Solitary Bee Species Osmia lignaria Say and Megachile rotundata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Christelle Guédot
The Use of Stress Management in Combination with Parent Training: An Intervention Study with Parents of Preschool Children, Theresa L. Gunderson
Rapid Detection of Salmonella Without Enrichment, Emily J. Harrington
Snow Avalanche Disturbance in Intermountain Spruce-Fir Forests and Implications for the Spruce Bark Beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), Elizabeth G. Hebertson
Mesospheric Temperature Climatology Above Utah State University, Joshua P. Herron
School Counselors' Referral Practices of Children with Internalizing Symptoms, Kelly Hughes
Cultivation of Mushroom Mycelia Using Whey Products as a Growth Substrate, Boyd S. Inglet
Prevention of Pigment Deterioration and Lipid Oxidation in Ground Beef and Pork, Preetha Jayasingh
Assessment of Calcium, Milk, and Non-Milk Beverage Intake of Multiethnic Youth Aged 10 to 18 Years, J. Keith Jensen
The Ability to Taste 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) and Its Relation to a Parent's Emotional Investment in the Infant, DeAnn Jones
Power Distance Perceptions in Post-Soviet Russia: Understanding the Workplace Environment, Olga Kamenchuk
A Longitudinal Analysis of Socioeconomic Differences in Obesity and Weight Change During the Early Adult Years, Young-Taek Kim
Remote Sensing of Sagebrush Community Structural Patterns Across Scales, Lisa A. Langs
Predictors of Outcome of Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Clayton T. Manning
Watershed Management to Control Pollution in the Ayuquila River, Jalisco, Mexico, Luis Manuel Martinez Rivera
Voluntary and Involuntary Weight Change and Risk of Osteoporotic Hip Fracture in Men and Women of Utah, Megan Ruth McDonough
Physicians' Health Promotion Practices for Mexican American Patients at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes, Holly Day McFarland
The Socialization of Home-Schooled Children in Rural Utah, Neil A. Mecham
Relationship Satisfaction and Stability Among Latinos With Respect to Communication Styles and Conflict Resolution Types, Adam C. Munk
Lidar Observations of Oscillations in the Middle Atmosphere, Karen L. M. Nelson
Practicum Students' Beliefs About Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Infants and Toddlers, Kaelin Olsen
Casein Supramolecules: Structure and Coagulation Properties, Bonney S. Oommen