Electronic graduate theses and dissertations from Utah State University.
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Reducing the Cost of Implementing the F.I.T. Game Healthy Eating Program in Diverse Schools While Observing Effects on Food Waste, Robert Gifford
ADHD Knowledge: Support for Current Measures and Connections to Stigma and Intervention, Megan E. Golson
Do Physical Activity, Diet and Sex Modify the Association Between Neurotrophin Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Insomnia?, Hector Leonardo Gonzalez
Measures of Rumen Health and Function in Organic Pasture-Raised Dairy Heifers, Chase Todd Goodey
Online ACT for Caregivers: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Study, Jacob D. Gossner
Teaching Function-Based Assessment and Intervention Skills to Behavior Support Staff Using an Interactive Computer Training, Megan E. Graul
Utilizing Bayesian Optimization in Technoeconomic Analyses for Integrated Energy Systems, Anthoney Griffith
Using an Interactive Computer Training to Train Teachers in Function-Based Assessment and Intervention, Kristin R. Griffith
To Pot or Not to Pot: Understanding Technological Investment in Ceramics and Marine Mammal Oil Rendering in Kodiak, Alaska, Elizabeth Groat
Mechanisms Regulating Abortive Infection by CRISPR – Cas12a2, Thomson Hallmark
Development of a Multidimensional Index of Fall Risk for Older Adults: The Cache County Study, Alexandra G. Hammond
Predicting Individual Hiking Trail Intensity Using Statistical Learning, Kelci Hannan
Assessing Extant Methods for Generating G-Optimal Designs and a Novel Methodology to Compute the G-Score of a Candidate Design, Hyrum John Hansen
Techniques to Overcome Energy Storage Limitations in Electric Vehicles, Matthew J. Hansen
Divergence-Free Tensor Densities in Two Dimensions, Tyler Hansen
Exploring Application of the Coordinate Exchange to Generate Optimal Designs Robust to Data Loss, Asher Hanson
Achieving Responsible Anomaly Detection, Xiao Han
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Air Demand for Fixed Cone Valve in Energy Dissipating Structure, Matthew S. Harames
"Looking at it From Their Perspective": Understanding the Experiences of Black Adolescent Boys in Youth Sport, Amand L. Hardiman
Engineering Faculty Perceptions on Student-Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in Course Completion, Michaela Harper
Analyzing Student Behaviors in CS1 Through Programming Process Data, Kaden F. Hart
Developing a Methodology for Evaluating the Sensitivity of Rock Imagery Sites to Vandalism in Washington County, UT, Erin C. Haycock
Resilience of Birds to Habitat Change: Identification of Interspecific Variation in Avian Resilience and its Possible Mechanisms, Amanda L. Hayes-Puttfarcken
Conflict Within Wildlife Management on Western Landscapes Home on the Range, Trisha A. Hedin
The Effects of Ammonia on the Functionality of Bovine Granulosa Cells, Micah Henrie
Nutrient Management of Cannabis in Controlled Environments, Julie A. Hershkowitz
Quantifying the Role of Karst Groundwater on Mountain River Discharge, Devon Hill
Role of Proneurotrophin-p75NTR Signaling in a Mouse Model of Depression, Kirsten Hodgson
An XRF Elemental Analysis of Prosser Molded Beads From Southwest Oregon, Michele Hoferitza
A Relaxable Vortex Wake Model for Modern Supersonic Panel Methods, Joshua J. Hurwitz
The Effect of Indaziflam on Seed Production in Perennial Cool-Season Grasses, Benson F. Israelsen
Evaluating 1D and 2D Small-Strain Ground Response Analyses at the I-15 Downhole Array Using Recorded Aftershocks From the M5.7 2020 Magna, Utah Earthquake, Tyler S. Jackson
Effect of Nutrient and Temperature Conditions on the Production of Microcystins From Cyanobacteria in Pineview Reservoir, Brent G. Jacobson
Understanding Ion Rejection Mechanism of Freeze Desalination by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Mahbuba Jannat
GPS-Denied Navigation Using Location Estimation and Texel Image Correction, Nikolas I. Jensen
Analysis of an Outdoor Pilot-Scale Rotating Algae Biofilm Reactor for Power Optimization, Ash-Enhanced Productivity, And Nutrient Uptake, Peter F. Jeppesen
Systematic Review of the Use of Multiperson Activity Schedules for Individuals With Disabilities, Caili A. Johnson
MD Simulations of Collision Effects for a Strongly Coupled Plasma, Jawon Jo
Westward Words: An Exploration of Western Beats and Their Legacy, Brenna Jones
Teachers' Descriptions of Their Professional Learning Networks and Spaces, Nathan Justis
Aggregate and Disaggregate Effects of the US-China Trade War on US Agriculture, Aflatun Kaeser
Evaluating Aspen Seedling Outplanting Success Following High Severity Wildfire in the Southwest, Sarah M. Kapel
Course of Disease Progression and Time to Death Among Different Dementia Types in a Population Based Study, Kaitlyn E. Kauzor
Nonreligious Parents' Perceptions of the Role Religious Differences and Religious Disaffiliation Play in Family Relationships, Heather H. Kelley
Cislunar Optimal Robust Trajectory Design With Corrective Maneuvers, Scott J. Kelly
Exploring Farmers' Willingness to Accept Payment for Agricultural Conservation in Utah, Asif Ahmed Khan
Immune Variation Across Different Contexts in Non-Model Systems, Kwanho Claudia Ki
Decentralized Unknown Building Exploration by Frontier Incentivization and Voronoi Segmentation in a Communication Restricted Domain, Huzeyfe M. Kocabas
Wellbeing, Mental Health, and Natural Resource Dependency in Rural Utah, Kristen Rene Koci
Tracking Perfluoroalkyl Substances From Wastewater Influent to its Accumulation in Vegetables and Forage Grass, Simon Kozik
Genomic Selection for Dwarf Bunt Resistance in Winter Wheat, William Krause
Using Luminescence Dating to Investigate Geomorphic and Archaeologic Features at the Wiggins Fork Bison Jump Complex, Northwestern Wyoming, Emma T. Krolczyk
Method Development for the Extraction and Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Wastewater and Biosolids, Victoria Krull
Constraining Decadal-Scale Erosion and Delivery of Post-Wildfire Debris Flow Deposits, Casey Langstroth
Climate Prediction as an Adaptive Force-Multiplier: Reasons for Hope in a Rapidly Changing World, Matthew D. LaPlante
Rapid Prediction of Buoyancy-Driven Exchange Flows at the Great Salt Lake: ML Models and a 1D Shallow Water Approach, Eric M. Larsen
Differences in Debt Holdings and Financial Satisfaction Across Age During COVID, Loryn Elaine Law
Implementing General Moment Equations for Parallel Closures in NIMROD, Hankyu Lee
Drama: A Burlesque and Melodramatic Frame Analysis of the January 6th Committee Final Report, MaKayla Chadwick Lindsay
Identifying Sociodemographic Group Changes in a Blended Family Relationship Education Program, Takoma R. Lindsay
Hydrogen Stable Isotope Constraints on Hydration of Colorado Plateau Lower Crust From Oligocene-Miocene Navajo Volcanic Field Xenoliths, Shelby Dianne Litton
Cyclical Patterns of Self-Regulated Learning in College Students, David N. Longhurst
An Investigation of the Essential Nature of Advanced Placement Students' Psychological Safety and Participation in Mathematics Class Discourse, Vicki A. Lyons
Instrument Development for Determining High School Students’ Epistemological and Ontological Beliefs Regarding Photography, Earl Stanford Maeser Jr.
A Comprehensive and Interactive Visualization Tool to Support Equitable Adoption of Electrified Transportation, Aashay Maheshwarkar
Relationship Between the Physical Properties and Oil Binding Capacity of Fats, Melissa Abigail Marsh
A Framework to Unveil Design Decisions in Ecological Urbanism, Addison C. Martin
Determining the Sap Yield of Three Maple Species and the Viability of a Maple Syrup Industry in Northern Utah, Jesse Mathews
Filter Incidence Narrowband Infrared Spectrometer for Space-Based Methane Measurement and Plume Detection, Bruno Mattos
Federated Learning in Wireless Networks, Xiang Ma
Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Effects on Predator-Prey Interactions in Aquatic Communities, Catherine Mary McClure
Moose Movement in an Urbanizing Landscape, Lucian R. McDonald
Hunting for Agriculture: Unraveling Ecological Motivations in the Transition to Farming by the Fremont Cultural Complex, Ryan McGrath
Collective Teacher Efficacy and Effective Title I Eligible Schools: A Mixed Methods Approach, Donald R. Mendenhall
Experimental Nonnative Wood Addition Enhances Instream Habitat for Native Fishes and Investigating Dryland River Alterations, Benjamin J. Miller
Contrasting Nitrogen Sources Impact Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Soil Health Under Silage Corn Production in a Semi-Arid Environment, Phearen Kit Miller
Feathered Cocaine: The Misleading Collective Memory of Operation Falcon, Eric C. Montague
Exploring Peer-Assisted Learning in a High-School-Based Suicide Prevention Intervention, Sterling R. Morris
Reburns of High Severity Patches: Effects on Ponderosa Pine Regeneration and Plant Community Composition, Nadav Mouallem
Creating a Virtual Hierarchy From a Relational Database, Yucong Mo
Working Together for Working Lands: Knowledge Braiding and Adaptive Capacity at the Confluence of Rangelands, Climate Adaptation, and Watershed Stewardship, William Wesley Munger
Soil Organic Matter Processes From the Treetops to the Clay Particle: The Role of Climate, Minerals, And Organic Matter Chemistry in Soil Carbon Accumulation and Stability, Jessica G. Murray
Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Non-Live Births, Mudasir Mustafa
Niacin Requirements of the Testis, Colton Nelson
Fishing Vessel Detection in Exclusive Economic Zones From Low Earth Orbit Satellites With Power and Computational Constraints, Kyler E. Nelson
A Theory of Conditional Party Opposition, Samuel Nelson
Responses of Medical Cannabis to Daily Light Integrals Higher Than Summer Sunlight: Yield, Morphology, And Quality, James D. Nielson
Online Multiplayer Video Game Play and College Adjustment, Salina M. Ochoa
The Interactions Between Drought Tolerant Corn Hybrids and Plant Water-Stress on Weeds and Their Host Capability for Spider Mites, Mercy Adhiambo Odemba
The Relationship Between Blame, Maladaptive Guilt/ Shame, Couple Communication, and Relationship Satisfaction in Pornography Users, Joshua K. Otani
Defining Engineering Leadership and Engineering Leadership Skills From the Perspectives of ABET Leaders and Professional Engineers, Yemisi Victoria Oyewola
Using Digitized Building and Weather Records to Improve the Accuracy of Ground to Roof Snow Load Ratio Estimations, Gideon Parry
Contrasting Management Styles and Differing Outcomes of Capping and Orphaning of Utah Oil and Gas Wells by Conditions and Land Types, Maxwell C. Parson
Ecological Interactions of Cougars, Deer, And Wild Pigs in the Central Coast Range, California, Mitchell A. Parsons
Barriers and Drivers to Bus Electrification: The Transit Agency's Perspective, Aleks C. Paskett