AC-AC Converter Topologies for Wireless Charging Applications, Chakridhar Reddy Teeneti
Active Stability Monitoring and Stability Control of DC Microgrids Using Incremental Continuous Injection, Rohail Hassan
A C to Register Transfer Level Algorithm Using Structured Circuit Templates: A Case Study with Simulated Annealing, Jonathan D. Phillips
A Finite Domain Constraint Approach for Placement and Routing of Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures, Rohit Saraswat
A Formal Approach to Specifying and Verifying Spacecraft Behavior, Allan I.S. McInnes
Analysis and Control of Parallel and Series Connected Modular Battery Systems, Mohamed Kamel
Analysis of Field Programmable Gate Array-Based Kalman Filter Architectures, Arvind Sudarsanam
Application Aware Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays for 5G and Beyond Wireless Communication Systems, MD Asaduzzaman Towfiq
Architectural Design of Hybrid Battery Energy Storage Systems With Integrated Active Balancing and Reconditioning Control, Marium Rasheed
Architecture, Modeling, and Analysis of a Plasma Impedance Probe, Magathi Jayaram
A Scalable, Cost-Oriented Approach for Computing Charge Plans for Electric Bus Fleets, Daniel T. Mortensen
Assessing and Enabling Independent Component Analysis as a Hyperspectral Unmixing Approach, Matthew R. Stites
Association Learning Via Deep Neural Networks, Trevor J. Landeen
A Study of Potential Security and Safety Vulnerabilities in Cyber-Physical Systems, Ali Al-Hashimi
Asynchronous Logic Design with Flip-Flop Constraints, David Franklin Cox
Bidirectional Three-Phase AC-DC Power Conversion Using DC-DC Converters and a Three-Phase Unfolder, Weilun Warren Chen
Built-In Return-Oriented Programs in Embedded Systems and Deep Learning for Hardware Trojan Detection, Nathanael R. Weidler
Control of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems Using Fractional Order Operators, Hadi Malek
Convex Model-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing, Chad P. Knight
Cooperative Remote Sensing and Actuation Using Networked Unmanned Vehicles, Haiyang Chao
Cyber-Physical Systems Enabled By Unmanned Aerial System-Based Personal Remote Sensing: Data Mission Quality-Centric Design Architectures, Calvin Coopmans
Decentralized Coordination of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles, Yongcan Cao
Design and Control of Series Resonant Converters for DC Current Power Distribution Applications, Hongjie Wang
Design of Reliable and Secure Network-On-Chip Architectures, Dean Michael B Ancajas
Design of Road Embedded Dynamic Charging Systems for Electrified Transportation, Reza Tavakoli
Development of a Two-Level Warping Algorithm and Its Application to Speech Signal Processing, Al-Waled H. Al-Dulaimi
Digital Microfluidics as a Reconfiguration Mechanism for Antennas, Yasin Damgaci
Dynamic Inductive Power Transfer Systems With Reflexive Tuning Networks Designed by Machine Learning, Shuntaro Inoue
Efficient Algorithms for Reconfigurable Antenna Systems, Mehedi Hasan
Efficient and Secure Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing Enabled Wireless Networks, Qun Wang
Efficient Device to Device Communications Underlaying Heterogeneous Networks, Xue Chen
Embracing Low-Power Systems with Improvement in Security and Energy-Efficiency, Pramesh Pandey
Emerging Security Threats in Modern Digital Computing Systems: A Power Management Perspective, Rajesh Jayashankara Shridevi
Emerging Works on Wireless Inductive Power Transfer: AUV Charging from Constant Current Distribution and Analysis of Controls in EV Dynamic Charging, Anindya Chitta Bagchi
Energy Management of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicle Applications, Ahmed N. Azad
Error-Floors of the 802.3an LDPC Code for Noise Assisted Decoding, Tasnuva Tarannum Tithi
Exploiting Adaptive Techniques to Improve Processor Energy Efficiency, Hu Chen
Federated Learning in Wireless Networks, Xiang Ma
Filter Incidence Narrowband Infrared Spectrometer for Space-Based Methane Measurement and Plume Detection, Bruno Mattos
Global Thermospheric Response to Geomagnetic Storms, Padmashri Suresh
Graphics Processing Unit-Based Computer-Aided Design Algorithms for Electronic Design Automation, Yiding Han
Innovative Payloads for Small Unmanned Aerial System-Based Personal Remote Sensing and Applications, Austin M. Jensen
Langmuir Probe Measurements in the Ionosphere, Aroh Barjatya
Maximum Likelihood Temperature/Emissivity Separation of Hyperspectral Images with Gaussian Distributed Downwelling Radiance, David A. Neal
Metamaterial-Inspired Miniaturized Multi-Band Microwave Filters and Power Dividers, Alper Genc
Microscopic Modeling of Crowds Involving Individuals with Physical Disability: Exploring Social Force Interaction, Daniel S. Stuart
Mission Planning Techniques for Cooperative LEO Spacecraft Constellations, Skylar A. Cox
Model-Based Stripmap Synthetic Aperture Radar Processing, Roger D. West
Modular, Scalable Battery Systems with Integrated Cell Balancing and DC Bus Power Processing, Muhammad Muneeb Ur Rehman
Multi-Functional Reconfigurable Antenna Development by Multi-Objective Optimization, Xiaoyan Yuan
Multifunctional Reconfigurable Antennas and Arrays Operating at 60 GHz band, Abdurazag Mohamed Khalat
Neural Networks and the Natural Gradient, Michael R. Bastian
Optimal Sensing and Actuation Policies for Networked Mobile Agents in a Class of Cyber-Physical Systems, Christophe Tricaud
Parasitic Layer-Based Reconfigurable Antenna and Array for Wireless Applications, Zhouyuan Li
Particle Dynamics and Resistivity Characteristics in Bifurcated Current Sheets, Tushar Andriyas
Path Planning for Aircraft Under Threat of Detection from Ground-Based Radar with Uncertainty in Aircraft and Radar States, Austin D. Costley
Raw Depth Image Enhancement Using a Neural Network, Xuan Xie
Reclaiming Fault Resilience and Energy Efficiency With Enhanced Performance in Low Power Architectures, Noel Daniel Gundi
Retrieval of Aerosol Mass Concentration from Elastic Lidar Data, Christian C. Marchant
Revamping Timing Error Resilience to Tackle Choke Points at NTC, Aatreyi Bal
Roadway-Embedded Transmitters and Multi-Pad Receivers for High Power Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer, Benny J. Varghese
Scheduling Charging for Fleets of Battery Electric Vehicles: Techniques for Modeling and Real-Time Operation, Justin J. Whitaker
Security of Vehicular Platooning, Soodeh Dadras
Soft-Switched Resonant DC-DC Converter in Underwater DC Power Distribution Network, Tarak Saha
Sparse Signal Recovery Based on Compressive Sensing and Exploration Using Multiple Mobile Sensors, Mohammad Shekaramiz
Spatial and Temporal Considerations in Vehicle Path Tracking With an Emphasis on Spatial Robustness, Donald L. Cripps
Spectral, Energy and Computation Efficiency in Future 5G Wireless Networks, Haijian Sun
Stochastic Geometry Based Performance Study in 5G Wireless Networks, Zekun Zhang
Techniques to Overcome Energy Storage Limitations in Electric Vehicles, Matthew J. Hansen
The Active CryoCubeSat Technology: Active Thermal Control for Small Satellites, Lucas S. Anderson
The Contribution of Magnetospheric Currents to Ground Magnetic Perturbation during Geomagnetic Storms, Swadesh Patra
Three-Phase Unfolding Based Soft DC-Link Converter Topologies for AC to DC Applications, Dorai Babu Yelaverthi
Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design, Prabal Basu
Transparent Antennas for Solar Cell Integration, Tursunjan Yasin
Transparent Solar Panel Antenna Array, Taha Shahvirdi Dizaj Yekan
Tropospheric Spectrum Estimations Comparing Maximum Likelihood with Expectation Maximization Solutions and Fast Fourier Transforms, Stanley James Wellard
Ultra-Wideband Transceiver with Error Correction for Cortical Interfaces in NanometerCMOS Process, Yi Luo
Understanding Security Threats of Emerging Computing Architectures and Mitigating Performance Bottlenecks of On-Chip Interconnects in Manycore NTC System, Chidhambaranathan Rajamanikkam
Vector Optimization Decision Convergence Algorithm (VODCA), Thomas Ward Morgan
Virtual Structures Based Autonomous Formation Flying Control for Small Satellites, Tyson K. Smith
A Model For Rapid Charging Events on International Space Station, Debrup Hui
An ANN-Based System for Lateral Misalignment and Vertical Clearance Estimation of an Electric Vehicle During Dynamic Wireless Charging, Sanat Kumar Saha
A Study of an Unintentional Shutdown (Scram) Problem in the Operation of the High Flux Isotope Reactor, Cheng Ping Wu
A Swimming Open-Water Navigation Assistive Headset and Receiver, Zakk B. Rhodes
Closed-Loop Attitude Control Using Fluid Dynamic Vectoring on an Aerospike Nozzle, Nathan Erni
Demand Side Management in Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics, Sidhant Chatterjee
Development of a Reconfigurable Multi-Faceted Communications Device Using Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration, Richard Dunkley
Electronics Design of the AGLITE-LIDAR Instrument, Scott S. Cornelsen
Hardware Implementations of CCSDS Deep Space LDPC Codes for a Satellite Transponder, Dana R. Sorensen
High Speed Digital Sample Rate Conversion for a Real-Time Ground Station Receiver, Brian Joseph Carrick
Re-Engineering of a Black Box for the Purpose of Upgrade and Maintenance, Nathanael R. Weidler
Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using Consumer-Grade Cameras, Nathan E. Ruben
Synchronized Line-Scan LIDAR/EO Imager for Creating 3D Images of Dynamic Scenes: Prototype II, Donald C. Anderton
Synthetic Aperture Radar Tool and Libraries: A Framework for Geo-Referenced Data Processing and Algorithm Prototyping, Nathan R. Crookston
The Equine Distress Monitor Project, Luke B. Peacock