Algebraic Properties of Killing Vectors For Lorentz Metrics In Four Dimensions, Jesse W. Hicks
A Method for Finding Standard Error Estimates for RMA Expression Levels Using Bootstrap, Gabriel Nicholas
A Monte Carlo Comparison of Nonparametric Reliability Estimators, Jia-Jinn Yueh
A Monte Carlo Evaluation of a Nonparametric Technique for Estimating the Hazard Function, Sheng Jia Lin
Analyzing Suicidal Text Using Natural Language Processing, Cassandra Barton
An Empirical Comparison of Confidence Interval for Relative Potency, Catherine H. Lung
An Evaluation of Bartlett's Chi-Square Approximation for the Determinant of a Matrix of Sample Zero-Order Correlation Coefficients, Stephen M. Hattori
An Integrated Experimental and Modeling Approach to Design Rotating Algae Biofilm Reactors (RABRs) Via Optimizing Algae Biofilm Productivity, Nutrient Recovery, and Energy Efficiency, Gerald Benjamin Jones
An Investigation of Active Learning on Students' Understanding of Infinite Series Convergence, Zachary Coverstone
An Investigation of the Ends of Finitely Generated Groups, Daniel T. Murphree
A Non-Parametric Sequential Signed-Rank Test and Comparison with the Sequential T-Test, Kuei-Mei Even Sher
A Nonparametric Solution for Finding the Optimum Useful Life of Equipment, Barry T. Stoll
Applications of Modern Classification Methods to Predict Occurrences of Rare and Invasive Plant Species, Stacey Reynolds
Applied Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction, James Frankenfield
Approaches to Promote Active, Conceptual Learning in a Pedagogically Hybrid Introductory Statistics Course, Brittany L. Allred
A Recommendation for Determining the Efficacy of Weight Removal Estimates for the Pacific Cod Longline CDQ Fishery, Anna L. Furniss
Assessing Changes in the Abundance of the Continental Population of Scaup Using a Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Model, Beth E. Ross
Assessing North American Influenza Dynamics with Hierarchical Spatio-Temporal Models, Jessica Anderson
Assessing the Precision and Accuracy in a Small Sample of Actical Devices, Peter Sherick
Assessment of Utah Bankruptcies by Census Tracts: A Spatial Statistical Approach, Kenneth Pena
A Study of the Exponential Distirbutions and their Applications, Michael Chang-yu Wang
A Survey of the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture, Kady Schneiter
A Theorem on Homeomorphic Convergence and Some Applications, Frank J.S. Wang
Axiomatic Set Theory, Ronald P. Smit
Bayesian Estimate of System Reliability, Naresh Shah
Bayesian Inference, Sing-chou Wu
Bayesian Inference for Decision Making, Ming-yih Kao
Black-Scholes and Extended Black-Scholes Models: A Comparative Statistical Analysis, Bradley Thomas Bush
Calculating the Cohomology of a Lie Algebra Using Maple and the Serre Hochschild Spectral Sequence, Jacob Kullberg
Canonical Analysis of Several Sets of Variables, Chong S. Kim
Capstone Mathematics and Technology: A Collection of Mathematical Technology Enhanced Activities for Students and Teachers, Heidi Eastman
Classifications of Plane Continua, Steven Ray Matthews
Climate Change and Community Dynamics: A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Resource-Driven Changes in a Desert Rodent Community, Glenda M. Yenni
Collecting, Analyzing and Interpreting Bivariate Data from Leaky Buckets: A Project-Based Learning Unit, Florence Funmilayo Obielodan
Comparing Linear Mixed Models to Meta-Regression Analysis in the Greenville Air Quality Study, Lynsie M. Daley
Comparison of Bootstrap and Jacknife Statistical Procedures, Amanuel Gobena
Comparison of Exact Methods for Analyzing Family-Based Samples, Abbie Lundgreen
Comparison of Random Forests and Cforest: Variable Importance Measures and Prediction Accuracies, Rong Xia
Comparison of the Fisher's Method of Randomization with Other Tests Based on Ranks and the F-Test, Francisco J. González
Computer Analysis of Consumer Attitude and Consumption Data for Fluid Milk Products, James Reed Fisher
Computer Program Generation of Extreme Value Distribution Data, Stephen (Wan-tsing) Lei
Computer Programs for Incomplete Block Designs, Fred Miller
Computer Programs Supporting the Teaching of Statistics, Chien-Hwa Liu
Computer Simulation and Homogenization in Heating Design Optimization, Daniel K. Balls
Controlling Error Rates with Multiple Positively-Dependent Tests, Abdullah Al Masud
Decision Problems, Lowell Anderson
Decomposing Vector Space Representations of the Lie Algebras s[2C and s[2R, Brian W. Gleason
Detection of Changes in Financial Time Series, Rich Madsen
Determining Sample Size for a Control Chart, Shu-Yang Catherine Jean
Development and Implementation of a Bayesian Model for Sediment Transport in Fluvial Systems, Mark Schmelter
Dietary Patterns and Cognitive Decline in Aged Populations, Austin J. Bowles
Discriminant Function Analysis, Kuo Hsiung Su
Estimation of Irregular Spacing on Sugar Beets and its Effect on their Chemical Measurements and Weight, Ahmad Ali Aghabeigi
Estimation of Parameters of Normal Populations from Truncated Samples, Kuo-chung Liang
Estimation of μy Using the General Regression Model (in sampling), Michael R. Manieri
Evaluating the Computational Efficiency of XFBAT and FBAT for Family Based Studies, Yanwei Ouyang
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Probability Applet, Chelsa Green Tuddenham
Evaluation of an Experiment After Analysis of Variance, Abdullah Sulaiman Atheem
Evolving Models: A Density-Based Approach to Modeling Sexual Dimorphism and Adaptive Speciation, Audrey Smith
Examining the Validity of the Spring 2007 Math 1050 Common Final, Angela K. Brock
Factor Analysis Method, Stephen Hauwah Kan
Factorial Analysis of Variance and Covariance on a Minicomputer, LaDonna Black Kemmerle
Feasibility of Multi-Year Forecast for the Colorado River Water Supply: Time Series Modeling, Brian Plucinski
Finite Element Studies in Metal Cutting, Suhail Ahmed
Fredholm Solution of Linear Integral Equations, Dewey F. Furness
Functional Analysis Techniques in Numerical Analysis, Kenneth D. Schoenfeld
Grading Practice Influence on the Value of an Assigned Grade, Carrie Bala
Heritability of Cognition and Memory Loss in the Cache County Memory Study Cohort, Cassidy P. Allen
Heritability of Cognition Subscales in the Cache County Memory Study Cohort and Methods For Estimating Heritability, Colette Kelly Childs
High Cognitive Test Item Development and Implementation, Ashley Salisbury
Improving Accuracy of Large-Scale Prediction of Forest Disease Incidence Through Bayesian Data Reconciliation, Ephraim M. Hanks
Imputation for Random Forests, Joshua Young
Incorporating Prior Information to Enhance Quantitative ELISA, Sarah Marie Reehl
Infinite Abelian Groups, Joaquin Pascual
Infinite Product Spaces Under the Tychonoff and Goofynoff Topologies, James A. Capps
Integer Programming by Cutting Planes Methods, Sung-Yen Wu
Interactive Random Forests Plots, Anna T. Quach
Intermediate-Complexity Biological Modeling Framework for Nutrient Cycling in Lakes Based on Physical Structure, Michael Clay Rigley
Laplace, Finite Fourier Sine and Cosine, Transformations, Jan Eugene Wynn
Lifetime Modeling of Deficient Bridges in New York, Levi Phippen
Linear Comparisons in Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Hsin-Ming Tzeng
Linear Coordinate Systems and Statistical Independence and Vector Spaces and Linear Statistical Models, James B. McDonald
Logistic Models with Missing Categorical Covariates, Jeremiah Rounds
Low Seasonal Temperatures Promote Life Cycle Synchronization, Janette Lee Jenkins
Maintaining Topological Properties on the Brink of Destruction, Kay J. Hamm
Mathematical Justification of Introductory Hypothesis Tests and Development of Reference Materials, Jennifer L. Loveland
Mathematically Modeling PCR: An Asymptotic Approximation with Potential for Optimization, Martha J. Garlick
Matrix Norms, I-Hui C. Cheng
Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration, Evan S. Brossard
Mixtures of Truncated Normal Data Assimilation Models for Parameter Estimation and Prediction in Hydrological Systems, Darl D. Flake II
Modeling Asset Volatility Using Various Resources, Isaac G. Blackhurst
Modeling Phloem Temperatures Relative to Mountain Pine Beetle Phenology, Matthew Jared Lewis
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Game of Twenty-One, Douglas E. Loer
Multiple Shooting, Monique St-Maurice
Multiplicative Number - Theoretic Functions, Barney Lee Erickson
Multivalue Methods, Clayton V. Henrie