Creative Projects
How Does Fiscal Decentralization Shape Corruption?, Sharandy G. Appiah
Counterterrorism in Afghanistan: Aligning Resources and Goals, Jeremy R. Willis
Cuban Missile Crisis: Applying Strategic Culture to Gametheory, Chelsea E. Carattini
Cultural and Economic Factors That Influence Brazilian Public Opinion on Climate Change, Jenna Williams
Determinants and Mechanisms of National Identity Shift in Tanzania, Alexander C. Wendt
Economic Sanctions: Their Ineffectiveness at Attaining Their Stated Foreign Policy Goals with Specific Reference to the Cuban Case, Harold Lee Ingram
Enhancing Solidarity and Cooperation Social Identity Theory and China's Involvement in Africa, David Thomas Aston
Explaining Conflicts in Japanese-South Korean Relations, Jonathan James Ence
Fad Effects: Patterns in International Policy, Rebecca Funke
Is US Military Intervention Effective in Promoting Democratic Practices in Latin American Governments?, Mindi Jones
Management Studies: Roosevelt City Fire Department and Vehicle Maintenance Division, Roosevelt, Utah, Rendal D. Esplin
Peddlers of Hate: The Existence of Norm Entrepreneurs as a Necessary Precursor to Genocide, Lauren Elise Fairbanks
Per Pupil Spending: How Much Difference Does a Dollar Make?, Nicole Anderson
Presidential War Powers, Matt Scott Formisano
Religion and Third Parties: The 2016 Presidential Election in Utah, Nathan Lee Osborne
Russia at War: Chechnya, Georgia, and Theories of Foreign Policy, Tyler J. Pack
Same Revolution, Different Outcome: Why Did the Syrian Regime Survive the Arab Spring?, Adam Alrowaiti
Social Justice in Social Security, Erin N. Cottle
The Correlation Between Local Government Tax Revenues and the Existence of Federally Designated Wilderness Lands, Sarah Reale
The Cost of Primacy: The Potential Impacts on American Domestic Health, Peter James Crosby
Understanding Taiwan Presidential Election: A Review Paper, Shida Zhong
War, Gender, and the Polarization Process: Gender as an Intervening Variable in Attitude Formation toward Outgroups, Kristen Kay Dawson
A Case Study of the Sewer Bond Issue in Logan, Utah: 1957-1965, Barbara Stoll Sinclair
A Comparative Study of Utah's Primary Elections, Owen B. Daw
A Cultural Topography of the Sovereign Citizens Movement: Are They a Terrorist Threat?, Piper Blotter Biery
A History of General Obligation Bonding in Logan City, Kenneth W. Godfrey
AI: Capturing Core Processes in the US-China Hegemonic Cycle, Connor Murphy
A More Perfect User Fee: Examining the Viability of a Vehicle Miles Traveled Fee as an Alternative to the Gas Tax, Heath Hansen
A Multiple Streams Approach to Bioterrorism Policy, Craig Reeder
Analysis of the Utah State Legislature, James Larry Earl
An Evaluation of the Application of Survey Research to Public Administration: A Case Study of the Utah State University Merrill Library, Richard Allan Jenson
Anglers' Attitudes Toward the Fisheries Management Policies of the Logan and Blacksmith Fork Rivers, Utah, Larry Edwin Riley
Anti-Corruption Efforts and Russian Perceptions: Presidents Putin and Menvedev's Efforts to Influence Perceptions of Corruption, Jeris Kendall
Anti-State Criminal Violence as Civil Defense, Tyler S. Thomas
A Political Study of Federal Aid to Education at Utah State University, Richard Yates Merrell
A Proposal That the City Manager Form of Government be Adopted in Logan, Utah, Serge N. Benson
A Study of Bicameral and Unicameral State Legislative Systems, with Special Reference to Utah's Needs, Wendell Bryan Anderson
A Study of the Feasibility of Creating a Unified Public Health Department in Weber County, Utah, Laurence J. Burton
Ataturk vs. Soleimani: Political Philosophy & Contemporary Archetypes, Rachel R. Tolhurst
A Theory of Conditional Party Opposition, Samuel Nelson
A Tropical Colonization Experiment in Mexico, Charles Ray Alban
Attitude Toward the American Political System of Thai Students Attending Utah State University, Thira Rojanapornpant
Bipartisn Bills from Caucus Collaboration: Solutions to Polarized or Non-Polarized Issues?, Kaitlin Holden
Candidate Ideology and Small Donor Contributions, Ryan Kobe
Collective Bargaining in Utah's Council-Manager Municipalities, Ronald L. McKim
Comparing Theoretical Explanations Regarding United States Decision-Making on Regime Change in Peru and in Chile from 1968 to 1973, Lauren Roberts
Contextualization of El Salvador’s Need for a Powerful Executive: A Lockean Analysis of Nayib Bukele's Approach to Public Security in a Historical, Political, and Social Synthesis, Manuel Agresio Girón Alemán
Contrasting Management Styles and Differing Outcomes of Capping and Orphaning of Utah Oil and Gas Wells by Conditions and Land Types, Maxwell C. Parson
Democracies Waging Counterinsurgency in a Foreign Context: The Past and Present, Scott J. Winslow
Do Poor Countries Catch Up to Rich Countries? Structural Change in the World-Economy, 1816-1916, Jared Walker
Drug Cartels and Government in Mexico: A Replication and Extension, Lindsey A. Beckstead
Effects of Military and Economic Aid on Terrorism: A Long- and Short-Term Analysis, Haley Parker
Effects of Reorganization on the Clientele of the Division of Family Services in Northern Utah, Byron R. Burnham
Executive Orders on a Political Timeline: Examination of Executive Orders in the Supreme Court and Stephen Skowronek's Theory of Presidential Leadership, Alisha Rachele Urrutia
Explaining Energy Resource Cooperation: Shale Gas, Chinese Investment, and the Changing Calculus of U.S. Energy Security, Douglas B. Atkinson
Foreign Fighter Recruitment Messaging and the ‘Islamic State’, Jacob M. Nelson
Foreign Policy Through Aid: Has United States Assistance Achieved its Foreign Policy Objectives?, Jessica Andreasen
Gender and Political Incentives: Examining the Applicant Pool Under Merit Selection, Logan M. Loftis
Hierarchical Structural Organizations of State Political Parties, Isaac McKay Higham
History of the Reorganization of Utah's State Administrative Government By the Twenty-Fourth Legislature, Desmond L. Anderson
Interest Groups and Supreme Court Commerce Clause Regulation, 1920-1937, Barrett L. Anderson
International Policy Diffusion and Religious Freedom, 1990-2008, Allison R. Hale
International Threats and United States Congressional Behavior From 1981 – 2013, Elizabeth Randall
Kids and Campaigning: The Impact of Child Care as an Approved Campaign Expense on Women's Legislative Candidacy, Matilyn Kay Mortensen
Land-Use Attitudes and Local Election Choice: Estimating Effects of Land-Use Attitudes on Municipal Electoral Choice, Scott R. Dresher
Let Us Live to Make Men Free: Locke and Aquinas on Toleration and Natural Law, Micah Safsten
Mind-Body Bridging (MBB) Techniques and Emotional Regulation in Political Discourse and Confidence in Political Talk, Joseph Ofori Acheampong
Mormon Myth or Monopoly: A Contemporary Study to Determine the Perceived Influence of the Mormon Church on Utah Politics, Douglas S. Foxley
Municipal Lighting of Logan City, Maya M. Fonnesbeck
Negotiated Settlement and the Durability of Peace: Agreement Design, Implementation, and Mediated Civil Wars, Chong Chen
Perpetuating Peace: Context Versus Contents of the Power-Sharing Agreements Between the KDP and PUK of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in 1992 and 1998, Brigitte E. Hugh
Political Problems of Emerging Rural Subdivisions in Kane County, Utah, R. C. Haycock
Public Cyberattack Attribution and Domestic Political Considerations: An Analysis of State Decision Making, Ella M. Devey
Representations of US Acts of Extra-Territoriality as Illustrated in Pakistani-English Political Cartoons, Aina S. Niaz
Situating Structural Violence Within Peace: A Critical Study of Peacebuilding in Rwanda and Cambodia, S. L. Reeder
Social Stability and Promotion in the Communist Party of China, Siniša Mirić
TANF Funding Allocation Differences in Red vs. Blue States: Emphasis on Out-of-Wedlock Births and Divorces, Camille Mindrum
The Agricultural Phase of the Technical Assistance Program of the United States in Iran, With Special Reference to the Role of Utah State University, Malek Mansour Esfandiary
The Determinants of Municipal Minimum Wage Ordinances: An Analysis of 100 Large Cities from 2012-2017, Nicholas S. Hilton
The Dove's Advantage: Impact of Gender and Conflict on Executive Approval, Micala H. Gillespie
The Effectiveness of Campaign Contribution Limits in Judicial Elections, Camarie Tanesha Jones
The Effect of Congressional Committee Assignments on National Park Annual Operating Budget Appropriations, Braden T. Morrill
The Effects of Cultural Diplomacy on Public Perception in Asia, Joseph R. Johnson
The European Defense Community, Robert H. Alfandary
The Failed State: Can it be Predicted? An Application of Random Forest for Variable Model Selection, Beth Ann Stewart
The Ideology of the John Birch Society, Max P. Peterson
The Impact of Federal Lands on Per-Pupil Spending in the Western United States, Matthew K. Anderson
The Influence of Threatened State Preemption on City Council Voting Behavior and Municipal Broadband, Dillon P. Corbridge
The Power of Mercy: An Examination of Presidential Pardon Patterns, Stewart Ulrich
The Reported Political Beliefs and Levels of Political Participation of Utah Educators, Richard Theisen
The Revolutionary Climate: Applying Theories of Revolution to Assess Political Stability in Contemporary Brazil, Arden Andrew Nicholls
The Rise of Populist Rhetoric and the Mainstreaming of a Party? Testing the Rhetorical Shifts Between Front National’s Presidents Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen, Muriel C. McGregor
The Role Expectations of the City Manager -- a Comparison Between Some City Managers in Los Angeles County, California, and the State of Utah, Narong Kemavuthanon
The Role of Social Movements in Female Candidacy Decisions, Meg Elizabeth Rasmussen
The Supreme Court and Presidential Elections: An Analysis of Divisive Decisions and Judicial Review in Presidential Elections, Jeff Hastings
“Touched by Time”: Geopolitical Themes of Estonian National Identity Through Folklore and Song Festivals, Mandy L. Hoggard
Where the Action Is: An Analysis of Partisan Change in House of Representatives Open Seat Elections, 2000-2014, Kyle B. Wallace