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Spatio-Temporal Models in Ecology: An Introduction to Integrodifference Equations, James A. Powell; Spatio-Temporal Models in Ecology: An Introduction to Integrodifference Equations

The Energetics of Bird Migration: An Applied Project in Optimization, K. A. Sullivan and James A. Powell; The Energetics of Bird Migration: An Applied Project in Optimization


Measuring and Modelling the Dispersal of Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Alfalfa Fields, W. Van der Werf, E. W. Evans, and James A. Powell; European Journal of Entomology



Group Invariant Solutions without Transversality, Ian M. Anderson, Mark E. Fels, and C. Torre; Communications in Mathematical Physics


Group Invariant Solutions Without Transversality, Ian M. Anderson, Mark E. Fels, and Charles G. Torre; Communications in Mathematical Physics


Direct and Indirect Parametrization of a LocalizedModel for the Mountain Pine Beetle – Lodgepole Pine System, Z. Biesinger, James A. Powell, B. Bentz, and J. Logan; Ecological Modelling


Evaluation of Translocation Criteria: Case Study With Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator), K. A. M. Engelhardt, V. L. Roy, James A. Powell, and J. A. Kadlec; Biological Conservation

Dispersal may enable persistence of fruit flies suffering from the Allee effect and scramble competition, R. Etienne, B. Wertheim, L. Hemerik, P. Schneider, and James A. Powell; Proceedings of the Dutch Entomological Society

Group Invariant Solutions in Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry, Mark E. Fels; Group Invariant Solutions in Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry

Group Invariant Solutions Without Transversality, Mark E. Fels; Group Invariant Solutions Without Transversality


Optimal trajectories for the short-distance foraging flights ofswans, James A. Powell and K. A. M. Engelhardt; Journal of Theoretical Biology


Seasonal Temperature Alone Can Synchronize LifeCycles, James A. Powell, J. Jenkins, J. A. Logan, and B. J. Bentz; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology


Mathematical elements ofattack risk analysis for mountain pine beetles, James A. Powell, B. Kennedy, P. White, B. Bentz, J. Logan, and D. Roberts; Journal of Theoretical Biology

Dispersal of Coccinella septempunctata in Utah alfalfa, W. Van der Werf, E. W. Evans, and James A. Powell; Proceedings of the Dutch Entomological Society


Applications of Gauge Transformations to Invariant Variational Problems, Mark E. Fels; Applications of Gauge Transformations to Invariant Variational Problems

The Principle of Symmetric Criticality Without Transversality, Mark E. Fels; The Principle of Symmetric Criticality Without Transversality


Moving Coframes II. Regularization and Theoretical Foundations, Mark E. Fels and P. J. Olver; Acta. Appl. Math



Moving Coframes I. A Practical Algorithm, Mark E. Fels and P. J. Olver; Acta. Appl. Math


Model analysis of the temporal evolution of spatialpatterns in mountain pine beetle outbreaks, J. Logan, P. White, B. Bentz, and James A. Powell; Theoretical Population Biology


Games to Teach Mathematical Modelling, James A. Powell, Jim S. Cangelosi, and Ann M. Harris; SIAM Review


Connecting a Chemotactic Model for Mass Attack to a RapidIntegro-Difference Emulation Strategy, James A. Powell, T. McMillen, and P. White; SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics


Theoretical Analysis of "Switching" in a Localized Model for Mountain Pine Beetle Mass Attack, James A. Powell, J. Tams, B. Bentz, and J. Logan; Journal of Theoretical Biology


Phase Transition From Environmental to Dynamic Determinism in Mountain Pine Beetle Attack, P. White and James A. Powell; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology


Spatial Invasion of Pine Beetles Into Lodgepole Forests: A Numerical Approach, P. White and James A. Powell; SIAM Journal of Science Comp.



Symmetry Reduction of Variational Bicomplexes and the Principle of Symmetric Criticality, Ian M. Anderson and Mark E. Fels; American Journal of Mathematics

Generalized Laplace Invariants and the Method of Darboux, Ian M. Anderson and Martin Juras; Duke Mathematical Journal


The Variational Bicomplex for Hyperbolic Second-Order Scalar Partial Differential Equations in the PlaneThe Variational Bicomplex for Second Order Partial Differential Equa-tions in the Plane, Ian M. Anderson and N. Kamran; Duke Mathematical Journal

The Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations, Mark E. Fels; The Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations


On Relative Invariants, Mark E. Fels and P. J. Olver; Mathematische Annalen

Model analysis of spatial patterns in mountain pine beetle outbreaks, J. A. Logan, P. White, B. Bentz, and James A. Powell; Model analysis of spatial patterns in mountain pine beetle outbreaks


Interactions Among Stomata in Response to Perturbations in Humidity, K. A. Mott, F. Denne, and James A. Powell; Plant, Cell and Environment


Conditional Stability of Front Solutions, James A. Powell; Journal of Mathematical Biology


Local consequences of a global model for mountain pine beetle massattack, James A. Powell and J. Rose; Dynamics and Stability of Systems



Symmetries, Conservation Laws, and Variational Principles for VectorField Theories, Ian M. Anderson and J. Pohjanpelto; Proceedings of the Cambridge Philisophical Society


The Classification of Local Generalized Symmetries for the Einstein Equa- tions, Ian M. Anderson and C. Torre; Communications in Mathematical Physics


Asymptotic Conservation Laws in Classical Field Theory, Ian M. Anderson and Charles G. Torre; Physical Review Letters


Asymptotic Conservation Laws in Field Theory, Ian M. Anderson and Charles G. Torre; Physical Review Letters


Classification of Local Generalized Symmetries for the Vacuum Einstein Equations, Ian M. Anderson and Charles G. Torre; Communications in Mathematical Physics

Spatial and temporal attack dynamics of the mountain pinebeetle: Implications for Management, B. J. Bentz, J. A. Logan, and James A. Powell; Spatial and temporal attack dynamics of the mountain pinebeetle: Implications for Management

Spatial and Temporal Attack Dynamics of the MountainPine Beetle: Implications for Management, B. J. Bentz, J. A. Logan, and James A. Powell; Integrating Cultural Tactics into the Management ofBark Beetle and Reforestation Pests

Self-focusing and Self-dissipation: Strategies for Mountain Pine Beetle Survival, B. J. Bentz, James A. Powell, and J. A. Logan; Self-focusing and Self-dissipation: Strategies for Mountain Pine Beetle Survival

Spatial and temporal attack dynamics of the mountainpine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) in lodgepole pine, B. J. Bentz, James A. Powell, and J. A. Logan; USDA/FS Research Note


The Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations for Scala Fourth Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Mark E. Fels; Trans. Amer. Math Soc.


Local projections for a global model of mountain pine beetleattacks, James A. Powell, J. A. Logan, and B. J. Bentz; Journal of Theoretical Biology



Conservation Laws and the Variational Bicomplex for Second Order ScalarHyerbolic Equations in the Plane, Ian M. Anderson and N. Kamran; Acta Applicanda

La Cohomologie du complexe bi-gradu´e variationnel pour les ´equations paraboliques du deuxi´eme ordre dans le plan, Ian M. Anderson and N. Kamran; Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris

Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebra Cohomology and the Cohomology of In- variant Euler-Lagrange Complexes: A Prelimenary Report, Ian M. Anderson and J. Pohjanpelto; Proceedings of the Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications


On the Cohomology of Invariant Variational Bicomplexes, Ian M. Anderson and J. Pohjanpelto; Acta Applicanda


Variational Principles for Differential Equations with Symmetries andConservation Laws II: Polynomial Equations, Ian M. Anderson and J. Pohjanpelto; Mathematische Annalen

Symmetry Reduction of Conservation Laws and Variational Principles, Mark E. Fels; Symmetry Reduction of Conservation Laws and Variational Principles


The Equivalence Problem for Systems of Second order Ordinary Differential Equations, Mark E. Fels; Proc. London Math Soc.


High-Energy and Multi-Peaked Solutions for a Nonlinear Neumann Problem With Critical Exponents, Zhi-Qiang Wang; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics



Variational Principles for Differential Equations with Symmetries andConservation Laws I: Second Order Scalar Equations, Ian M. Anderson and J. Pohjanpelto; Mathematische Annalen

The Generalized Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations, Mark E. Fels; TheGeneralized Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations


Reflection of Localized Beams From a Nonlinear Absorbing Interface, James A. Powell, E. M. Wright, and J. V. Moloney; SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics



Internal, External and Generalized Symmetries, Ian M. Anderson, N. Kamran, and P. Olver; Advances in Mathematics


Symmetries of the Einstein Equations, Ian M. Anderson and C. Torre; Physical Review Letters

The Equivalence Problem for Systems of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Mark E. Fels; The Equivalence Problem for Systems of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations


Localized states in fluid convection and multi-photon lasers, James A. Powell and P. K. Jakobsen; Physica D


Beam Collapse as an Explanation for Anomalous Ocular Damage, James A. Powell, J. V. Moloney, A. C. Newell, and R. A. Albanese; JOSA B



Introduction to the Variational Bicomplex, Ian M. Anderson; Contemporary Mathematics

The Inverse Problem in the Calculus of Variations for Ordinary Differen- tial Equations, Ian M. Anderson and G. Thompson; Memoirs of the AMS


Non-Generic Connections Corresponding to Front Solutions, James A. Powell and M. Tabor; Journal of Physics A


Beam Collapse in the Human Eye: Numerical Model, James A. Powell; Beam Collapse in the Human Eye: Numerical Model


Competition between generic and nongeneric fronts inenvelope equations, James A. Powell, A. C. Newell, and C. K. R. T. Jones; Physical Review A



Non-Factorizable Separable Systems and Higher-Order Symmetries of the Dirac Operator, Mark E. Fels and N. Kamran; Proc. R. Soc. Lond.

Systµemes s¶eparables non-factorisables et sym¶etries de dieuxiµeme ordre de l' op¶erateur de Dirac, Mark E. Fels and N. Kamran; Acad. Sci. Paris


Nearly real fronts in a Ginzburg-Landau equation, C. K. R. T. Jones, T. M. Kapitula, and James A. Powell; Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh

Beam Collapse in the Human Eye, James A. Powell; Beam Collapse in the Human Eye



Kerr-Schild Rides Again, Mark E. Fels and A. Held; General Relativity and Gravitation

Saddle-node bifurcation of slowly-varying, nonlinear travelling waves, James A. Powell and A. Bernoff; Saddle-node bifurcation of slowly-varying, nonlinear travelling waves



Aspects of the Inverse Problem to the Calculus of Variations, Ian M. Anderson; ArchivumMathematicum



The forward-in-time upstream advection scheme:extension to higher orders, C. Tremback, James A. Powell, W. Cotton, and R. Pielke; Monthly Weather Review



Perturbations of Conservation Laws in Field Theories, Ian M. Anderson and J. Arms; Annals of Physics



Determinantal Ideals and the Capelli Identities, Ian M. Anderson; Linear Algebra and its Applications


An Application of the c-Varieties Clustering Algorithm to Polygonal Curve, Ian M. Anderson and J. Bezdek; IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics



Natural Variational Principles on Riemannian Structures, Ian M. Anderson; Annals of Mathematics


Curvature and Tangential Deflections of Discrete Arcs, Ian M. Anderson and J. Bezdek; IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Variational Principles for Second-Order Quasi-Linear Scalar Equations, Ian M. Anderson and T. Duchamp; Journal of Differential Equations



The Principle of Minimal Gravitational Coupling, Ian M. Anderson; Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis



On the Existence of Global Variational Principles, Ian M. Anderson and T. Duchamp; American Journal of Mathematics



On the Characterization of Energy-Momentum Tensors, Ian M. Anderson; General Relativity and Gravitation



On the Structure of Divergence-Free Tensors, Ian M. Anderson; Journal of Mathematical Physics


Tensorial Euler-Lagrange Expressions and Conservation Laws, Ian M. Anderson; Aequationes Mathematicae


The Uniqueness of the Neutrino Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Einstein- Weyl Equations, Ian M. Anderson; Topics in Differential Geometry


A Characterization of the Einstein Tensor in Terms of Spinors, Ian M. Anderson and D. Lovelock; Journal of Mathematical Physics



The Neutrino Energy-Momentum Tensor and the Weyl Equations in Curved Space-Time, Ian M. Anderson; General Relativity and Gravitation