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The Effect of Inescapable Shock on Competitive Dominance in Rats, Pamela A. Cheney
The Impact of the ACT Automated Admissions System as Perceived by the High School Counselors in Utah, James Rodney Clark
The Impact of Television on Mother-Child Interaction and Play, Eva L. Essa
A Study of Variables Which are Associated With Successful and Unsuccessful Furloughed Prison Inmates, Sharon Goodwill
Variables Associated with Fluctuations in Response Time on the Rorschach Test, Dean L. Gregg
The Modification of Emotionally Disturbed Behavior Through Teacher and Peer Training, Daniel James Kaeck
Linguistic Surface Structure in Family Interaction, Thomas D. MacRoy
The Use of Self-Control Procedures with Pre~Adolescents Classified as Educable Mentally Retarded, Lizabeth A. McGill
The Effects of Assertiveness Training on Marital Adjustment, Valerie H. Mead
Factors Affecting the Conditioned Reinforcing Strength of Stimuli in Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior and Fixed-Time Schedules, Alexander M. Myers
A Validity Study: Relationship Between the Self Inventory Scale, the California Psychological Inventory, and the Adjective Check List, David Newbold
Money Saving by Children: The Effects of Interest and Instructions, James Thomas Northrop
The Relationship Between Goal Attainment and Self Concept for Assertive Training Groups, Lori Peterson
An Assessment of the Self-Actualizing Education Program, Kathleen Pope
Bait Shyness and Neophobia in Several Species of Osteichthyes: An Extension of Taste Aversion Studies to the Superclass Pices, Brent W. Roberts
Eight to Twelve Hertz Occipital EEG Training With Moderate and Severely Retarded Epileptic Individuals, Eric H. Rudrud
The Development of a Video Tape Procedure to Train Awareness of Behavioral Cues of Anxiety, Brian Lee Smith
Influence of Clinicians' and Clients' Religion on Diagnosis of Mental Illness, Robert Dombey Wadsworth
The Temporal Distribution of Short-Duration Keypecks in Variable-Interval Schedules of Reinforcement, Joseph G. Williams
The Development, Durability, and Generalizability of Sharing in Preschool Children, Edward James Barton
The Development of Inventory Items to Measure Response Differences of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Youths, Lionn Dean Kirk
A Comparative Study of MMPI Variables and Their Relationship to Successful Alcoholic Rehabilitation, Verl G. Prestwich
The Self-Recording of Weight and Bites in the Treatment of Obesity, Cris Quayle
Three Ordered Sets of Factors and Their Relationship to ACT Scores, Thomas J. Russo
The Effects of Group Therapy on Values and Behavioral Adjustment of Chronic Hospitalized Patients, Rahmatola Simnegar
Teacher Attention as a Controlling Influence of Student Classroom Behavior, LaGrande E. Smith
Transfer of Stimulus Control By Temporal Fading, David Allan Steele
The Effect of Electromyogram Training on Test Anxiety and Academic Achievement, Donald Maurice Whitley II
The Effects of Interpersonal Competition on the Performance of Schizophrenics, Brent L. Andersen
Religious Commitment and Meaning in Life, Merrill L. Barfield
Sex Role Preference, Sibling Status, and Bonding Behavior in Children, Mary Kay Biaggio
The Relationship Between Self Concept and Children's Figure Drawings, Marta Lynn Severson Campbell
Interpersonal Relations and Drug Use and Abuse, Larry J. Carlson
The Development of an Inexpensive, Anonymous and Portable Classroom Feedback Device With Data Recording Capability, John Peter Dworetzky
An Analysis of Oral and Written Quizzes As Teaching Techniques, K. Anthony Edwards
Does the "Draw-A-Male-And-A-Female" Test Show Male-Female Relationship?, Paul Charles Hatch
Error Patterning and Hypothesis Behavior of Children and Pigeons in Discrimination Learning, William Robert Jenson
The Effectiveness of Training for Empathy in Pre-Service Teacher Education, John Bruce Jessen
The Effects of Age and Socio-Economic Status on the Diagnosis and Educational Treatment of Mildly Handicapping Conditions of School Children, John W. Kelsey
Correlates of Course Ratings, Jan Krambule
The Development and Validation of a Life-Change Checklist for Juvenile Delinquents, Paul G. Kulcsar
Probability Learning in Prey Selection with a Great Horned Owl and a Red-Tailed Hawk, Deborah L. Mueller
Parental Relationships, Mate Selection, and Marital Adjustment, Vicki Lee Nelson
The Use of the Delphi Technique to Effect Decisions Concerning the College Level Examination Program by Higher Education Representatives, Terry Joseph Orme
The Identification of Characteristics of the Hyperactive Child Through Objective Evaluation, Joan Elaine Owen
The Development of a Composite Criminal Suicide Attempt Scale, Norman Salzberg
Telephone Crisis Intervention: Empathy and Conceptual Level, Paul J. Seymour
Religious Affiliation, Authoritarianism, and Dogmatism of College Students, Heber M. Sharp
Development of Cooperation Between Children in the Minimal Social Situation, Janice V. Siegel
Strengths Enhancement Training: Self-Concept And Self-Actualization, Tony J. Strelich
A Test of the Effectiveness of Two Treatment Modalities for Adolescent Residents of an Intermediate Care Facility, Paul David Warner
Some Characteristics of Female College Students Who Select Academic Majors in Fields of Exact Science and Non-Exact Science: A Longitudinal Follow-Up, Paul David Warner
Effect of Feeding Frequency and Caloric Intake on Weight Reduction in Obese Females, Richard Robert Weber
Noninformative Conditioned Reinforcers in Observing Response Training, Arnold Wellman
Programmed Interpersonal Relations Training for High School Students, Leland J. Winger Jr.
Priming and the Post-Prime Pause in Mixed Fixed-Ratio Schedules, Larry Allen Alferink
The Effects of Concurrently Teaching Parents and Their Children with Learning Adjustment Problems the Principles of Parent Effectiveness Training, Sterling Andelin
Performance on an Anagram Task as a Function of Experimenter Status and Subject Dogmatism, Michele Ballering
The Development and Validation of Self-Actualizing Education: A Primer for Affective Education, Carolyn G. Barcus
Response Selectivity as a Function of Developmental Activity Level, Wilford William Beck III
Anxiety Correlates of Sex Role Identity, Mary Kay Biaggio
Behavioral Induction in Guinea Pigs as a Function of Reinforcement Magnitude in Multiple Schedules of Negative Reinforcement, Dennis L. Burns
The Relationship between a Measure of Dogmatism and Retention of Rogerian and Skinnerian Concepts, Richard A. Carpenter
Assessing the Impact of the Mobile Assisted Career Exploration Unit 3 Years Later, Gary Lynn De Vries
Perceived Feminine Role Orientation and Positive Self Concept, Jeanne Josselyn Edwards
A New Self Report Behavioral Measure for Evaluating Therapeutic Outcomes, Clyde D. Elliott
Community Alcohol Education and Prevention Program, John Fredricks
The Effects of Leadership Style on Group Interaction In Differing Socio-Political Subcultures, Kenneth W. Gilstein
Development and Validation of an Instructional Program To Teach Observational and Recording Skills in Behavior Modification, Gerald D. Hecker and Darlene L. Adams
Utah and School Age Parents, Willa C. Hurd
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Parent Training Programs in Changing Parent Behavior, Betty Payne Janiak
A Comparison of Second Grade Children's Learning Curves on School Tasks with Their Respective Performances on the "Black Box Test of Learning Ability", Robert Stephen Knox
The Individual and Collective Relationships of Levels of Aspiration. Expectation and Achievement to the Construct of Self Concept, Mark G. Latham
The Effects of a Self-Directed Behavior Change on Self-Concept, Larry A. Leatham
An In-Service Education Evaluation of the Communication Skills Workshop Self-Actualizing Education, Gerald Eldon Manwill
Interpersonal Attitudes of Suicidal Individuals, Vicki Lee Nelson
The Effects of Increment and Decrement Manipulations on Titration Level Under Interlocking Progressive-Ratio Schedules of Reinforcement, Dennis Lorbin Nunes
Staffing the College Counseling Center to Meet the Needs of Minority and Female Students, Christine Rickly
Description and Research Study of Four Effective Teaching Methods, Gail Ryan
The Effects of Videotape Relaxation Training and EMG Feedback on Frontalis Muscle Activity, Richard G. Weiher
Junior High School Curriculum Development for the Utah Model for Career Guidance K-12, R. Russel Whitaker
The Effects of Different Time Arrangements on a Segment of Individual Psychotherapy Sessions, Dan C. Yergensen
Reported Attitude and Behavior Change as a Result Of Participation in Parent Training Groups, Lorene Allen
An Investigation of High and Low Self-Disclosers' Scores on the Holtzman Inkblot Technique, Richard L. Atkins
Effects of Magnesium Deficiency on Discriminative Avoidance Behavior of Rats, Mahlon B. Dalley
Development of a Systems Approach for Training in Counseling Psychology, Alan Gettis
Prescorbutic Vitamin C Deficiency and Escape, Avoidance, and Extinction Behavior in Guinea Pigs (Cavia porcellus), Susan Goodwin
The Effects of Awareness on Generalization and Incubation, Edward R. Lyon
The Development of Career Exploration Work Simulation Units for Career Education in Grades Seven Through Nine, Gerald Eldon Manwill
The Use of Token Reinforcement to Facilitate a Therapeutic Style of Verbal Interaction in Groups of Psychiatric Patients, Henry G. Martin
A Comparison of the Effects of a Growth Group and a Behavior Change Group on the Inner-Directedness of College Students, Larry R. McCullough
An Examination of Navaho Witchcraft and its Influence on the Thoughts and Actions of the Navaho People, Tarrel R. Palmer
Physiological Responses in Initial Psychological Interviews, Robert R. Perkinson
A Comparative Study of GPA Predictability Using the JAPQ and the SVIB, Kathleen A. Peterson
An Analysis of Participation and Leadership in a College Seminar, Hugh J. Phillips
The Production and Prevention of Stomach Ulcers in Rodents, Eric H. Rudrud
A Longitudinal Study on the Effects of Stopping Out, Robert Dean Smith
An Evaluation of the Guidance Program at Intermountain School, Darwin L. Young
The Fixed-Interval Presentation of a Small Fixed Ratio, Larry Allen Alferink
Increasing Resistance to the Negative Effects of Set, Paul B. Chance