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Lake Trout Spawning in Lake Tahoe: Egg Incubation in Deepwater Macrophyte Beds, D. A. Beauchamp, B. C. Allen, R. C. Richards, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and C. R. Goldman; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Modeling the Lake Mendota ecosystem: Synthesis and evaluation of progress, S. R. Carpenter, B. M. Johnson, Chris Luecke, C. P. Madenjian, J. R. Post, L. G. Rudstam, M. J. Vanni, and X. He; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Retention and Loss of N in the IFS Sites and Evaluation of the Relative Importance of Processes, D. W. Cole, H. Van Miegroet, and N. W. Foster; Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems -- A Synthesis of the Integrated Forest Study
The effect of planktivory on seasonal population dynamics of zooplankton, Robert DeCino and Chris Luecke; ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
Interdisciplinary education in Watershed Science: a natural resources perspective, Charles P. Hawkins, J. J. Dobrowlski, and M. O'Neill; Water Resources Publications, Littleton, Colorado
Cation Distribution, Cycling, and Removal from Mineral Soil in Douglas-Fir and Red Alder Forests, P. S. Homann, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Cole, and G. C. Wolfe; Biogeochemistry
Soil Chemistry and Nutrition of North American Red Spruce-Fir Stands: Evidence for Recent Change, J. D. Joslin, J. M. Kelly, and H. Van Miegroet; Journal of Environmental Quality
Plant-Herbivore Interactions in Streams Near Mt. St. Helens, G. A. Lamberti, S. V. Gregory, Charles P. Hawkins, R. C. Wildman, L. R. Ashkenas, and D. M. Denicola; Freshwater Biology
Compensating changes in fish assemblage following a food web manipulation in Castle Lake, California, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Competition between Kokanee salmon and Utah chub: An experimental approach, Chris Luecke; ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, NM
Estimating the vertical distribution of rainbow trout in Castle Lake, Chris Luecke; Gutshop 1992, Orcas Island, Washington
Impacts of variation in planktivorous fish on abundance of daphnids: a simulation model of the lake Mendota food web, Chris Luecke; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Seasonal consumption dynamics of planktivorous fish; Implications for fish competition and zooplankton succession, Chris Luecke; 77th Annual Ecological Society of America Meeting
The link between basic ecology and fisheries management, Chris Luecke; University of Washington
Interannual patterns of planktivory 1987- 1989: an analysis of vertebrate and invertebrate planktivores, Chris Luecke, L. G. Rudstam, and Y. Allen; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Visual Feeding by Juvenile Bear Lake Sculpin, D. Neverman and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Determination of Flushing Flow Requirements in the Trinity River Below Lewiston Dam, C. paola, G. Parker, R. Seal, S. Sinha, J. Southard, and P. Wilcock; Proceedings, Conference on Decomposed Granitic Soils
Downstream Fining by Selective Deposition in a Laboratory Flume, C. Paola, G. Parker, R. Seal, S. Sinha, J. Southard, and Peter Wilcock; Science
Laboratory Experiments on Downstream Fining of Gravel, C. Paola, G. Parker, R. Seal, S. Sinha, J. Southard, and Peter Wilcock; Proceedings
Food web structure of Lake Mendota, L. G. Rudstam, Y. Allen, B. M. Johnson, Chris Luecke, J. R. Post, and M. J. Vanni; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Snake River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus Nerka) Habitat/Limnologic Research, Scott Spaulding, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Shoshone-Bannock Tribe; Annual Report 1992
Recovery from Acidification, A. O. Stuanes, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Cole, and G. Abrahamsen; Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems -- A Synthesis of the Integrated Forest Study
Nitrogen Distribution and Cycling, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Cole, and N. W. Foster; Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems -- A Synthesis of the Integrated Forest Study
Soil Nitrogen Dynamics Following Harvesting and Conversion of Red Alder and Douglas-Fir Stands, H. Van Miegroet, P. S. Homann, and D. W. Cole; Soil Science Society of America Journal
Analysis of N Cycles in Polluted vs Unpolluted Environment, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Johnson, and D. W. Cole; Atmospheric Deposition and Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems -- A Synthesis of the Integrated Forest Study
A simulation model of the interactions among nutrients, phytoplankton, and zooplankton in Lake Mendota, M. J. Vanni, S. R. Carpenter, and Chris Luecke; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Interactions among nutrients, phytoplankton and zooplankton grazers in Lake Mendota, 1987-1989, M. J. Vanni, J. Temte, Y. Allen, R. Dodds, P. Leavitt, and Chris Luecke; Food Web Management: A Case Study of Lake Mendota
Application of Sediment Transport Mechanics to Environmental and Geological Problems, Peter Wilcock; McMaster University, Department of Geology, Hamilton, Ontario
Controls of Coastal Cliff Erosion, Calvert County, MD, Peter Wilcock; Symposium on Chesapeake Bay Cliff Processes and Policy, Calvert County Board of Commissioners and Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Downstream Sediment Transport, Peter Wilcock; Environmental Research Center, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Mixture Properties on Transport Dynamics, Peter Wilcock; Dynamics of Gravel-bed Rivers
Flow Competence: A Criticism of a Classic Concept, Peter Wilcock; Processes and Landforms
Modeling Sediment Transport as a Geomorphic Agent, Peter Wilcock; Duke University, Department of Geology, Durham, North Carolina
Observations of Mixture Transport Scaled by Bed-Surface Grain-size Distribution, Peter Wilcock; Proceedings, Hydrologie un Glaziologie
Calvert Cliffs Slope Erosion Project, Phase 2: Processes and Controls of Coastal Slope Erosion, Peter Wilcock, D. S. Miller, and R. T. Kerhin; the Coastal Resources Division, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Food-Web Modification by an Invertebrate Predator in the Great Salt Lake (USA), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Oecologia
A Trophic Gradient Analysis of Lake Powell During Spring Runnoff 1992, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Clyde Lay, Darren Carlise, Corey Huxol, Craig Schaugaard, Beau Clements, and David Beauchamp
Changes in Soil Properties and Site Productivity Caused by Red Alder, D. W. Cole, J. Compton, H. Van Miegroet, and P. Homann; Water, Air, Soil and Polution
The role of refugia in the recolonization of streams devastated by the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens, Charles P. Hawkins and J. R. Sedell; Northwest Science
Morphological Variation in Adult Aquatic Insects: Associations With Developmental Temperature and Seasonal Growth Patterns, J. N. Hogue and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Forecasting Effects of Harvest Regulations and Stocking on Prey Fish Communities via Eutrophic Lake, B. M. Johnson, Chris Luecke, R. S. Stewart, S. J. Gilbert, N. D. Staggs, and J. F. Kitchell; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Nutrient Cycling in Red Spruce Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains, D. W. Johnson, H. Van Miegroet, S. E. Lindberg, R. B. Harrison, and D. E. Todd; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
The potential for compensating changes in planktivory following reductions in planktivorous fish abundance, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, San Antonio, Texas
Use of hydroacoustic methodology to assess forage fish abundance, species composition and spatial distribution in a complex reservoir, Chris Luecke; American Fisheries Society
Predation Risk and the Importance of Cover for Juvenile Rainbow Trout in Lentic Systems, R. A. Tabor and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Calvert Cliffs Slope Erosion Project, Phase 1: processes and Controls of Coastal Slope Erosion, Peter Wilcock and D. S. Miller; Coastal Resources Division, Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Influence of Woody Debris on Nutrient Retention in Catastrophically Disturbed Streams, N. G. Aumen, Charles P. Hawkins, and S. V. Gregory; Hydrobiologia
Patch specific differences in drift of Baetis, A. D. Baker and Charles P. Hawkins; Mayflies and stoneflies: biology and life histories
Relationship between habitat dynamics, food availability, and growth patterns of ephemerellid mayflies from western North America, Charles P. Hawkins; Mayflies and stoneflies: biology and life histories
Organic Sulfur in Throughfall, Stemflow, and Soil Solutions from Temperate Forests, P. S. Homann, M. J. Mitchell, H. Van Miegroet, and D. W. Cole; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Changes in abundance and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates after introduction ofcutthroat trout into a previously fishless lake, Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Invertebrate predators as a buffer in the trophic cascade: a modeling approach, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Williamsburg, Virginia
Predicting vertical distribution of lake salmonids: an energetics approach, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, Utah
Photoprotective pigments in zooplankton: Why such a rare event?, Chris Luecke and W. J. O'Brien; Adaptive Coloration in Invertebrates
Recruitment Mechanisms of Bloater in Lake Michigan: An Analysis of the Predatory Gauntlet, Chris Luecke, J. A. Rice, L. B. Crowder, S. E. Yeo, and F. P. Binkowski; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Seasonal Regulation of Daphnia Populations by Planktivorous Fish: Implications for the Spring Clear-Water Phase, Chris Luecke, M. J. Vanni, J. J. Magnuson, J. F. Kitchell, and P. T. Jacobson; Limnology and Oceanography
Trophic Interactions of Leptodora in Lake Mendota, C. C. Lunte and Chris Luecke; Limnology and Oceanography
Role of refugia in recovery from disturbance: modern fragmented and disconnected river systems, J. R. Sedell, G. H. Reeves, F. H. Hauer, J. A. Stanford, and Charles P. Hawkins; Environmental Management
Soil Nitrification as Affected by N Fertility and Changes in Forest Floor C/N Ratio in Four Forest Soils, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Cole, and D. W. Johnson; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Effects on Lower Trophic Levels of Massive Fish Mortality, M. J. Vanni, Chris Luecke, J. F. Kitchell, Y. Allen, J. Temte, and J. J. Magnuson; Nature
Effects of planktivorous fish mass mortality on theplankton community of Lake Mendota, Wisconsin, M. J. Vanni, Chris Luecke, J. F. Kitchell, and J. J. Magnuson; Hydrobiologia
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Mixture Properties on Transport Dynamics, Peter Wilcock; Third Int. Workshop on Gravel-bed Rivers, Florence, Italy
Surface-Based Mixed-Size Sediment Transport, Peter Wilcock; IAHR Int. Grain Sorting Seminar, Ascona, Switzerland
Mitigating Channel Erosion in Developing Watersheds, Peter Wilcock, A. F. Barta, S. S. Schwartz, and R. Camacho; Coastal Resources Division of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Cascading Effects of Decreased Salinity on the Plankton Chemistry, and Physics of the Great Salt Lake (Utah), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and T. S. Berry; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Trophic Interactions Between Fish and Invertebrates in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Charles P. Hawkins; Report to the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
Survival of Trout Strains as Affected by Limnological Parameters, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Timothy Modde, Chris Luecke, and Cheryl Courtney; Annual Progress Report 1989
Guilds: The Multiple Meanings of a Concept, Charles P. Hawkins and J. A. MacMahon; Annual Review of Entomology
Sampling and Analysis Protocols for the Integrated Forest Study, S. E. Lindberg, D. W. Johnson, G. M. Lovett, G. E. Taylor, H. Van Miegroet, and J. G. Owens
Food web manipulation and water clarity, Chris Luecke; American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska
Increased water transparency results from a reduction of planktivorous fish in a eutrophic lake, Chris Luecke; University of Kansas
Increased water transparency results from a reduction of planktivorous fish in a eutrophic lake, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Fairbanks, Alaska
Flume Experiments on the Transport of Mixed-Size Sediment, Peter Wilcock; Planning Workshop, Sediment Transport Events on the Shelf and Slope, Office of Naval Research, Keystone, Colorado, July,1989
Bed-load Transport of Mixed-size Sediment: Fractional Transport Rates, Bed Forms, and the Development of a Coarse Bed-surface Layer, Peter Wilcock and J. B. Southard; Water Resources Research
Magnetic Paint Sampling of the Surface and Subsurface of Clastic Sediment Beds, Peter Wilcock and R. S. Stull; J. Sedimentary Petrology
Bioenergetic Considerations in the Analysis of Stream Ecosystems, A. C. Benke, A. S. Hall, Charles P. Hawkins, R. H. Lowe-McConnell, J. A. Stanford, K. Suberkropp, and J. V. Ward; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Effects of watershed vegetation and disturbance on invertebrate community structure in western Cascade streams: implications for stream ecosystem theory, Charles P. Hawkins; Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol.
Densities of tailed frog tadpoles in small streams following watershed disturbance, Charles P. Hawkins, L. J. Gottshalk, and S. S. Brown; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
The Effects of Leaching and Whole-Tree Harvesting on Cation Budgets of Several Forests, D. W. Johnson, J. M. Kelly, W. T. Swank, D. W. Cole, H. Van Miegroet, J. W. Hornbeck, R. S. Pierce, and D. Van Lear; Journal of Environmental Quality
Interactions between prey growth rates and size selection predation in aquatic communities, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Davis, California
Predation by cutthroat trout on Chaoborus flavicans as revealed by a population budget, Chris Luecke; Limnology and Oceanography
The coexistence of a predaceous copepod and a Daphnid: weeding in thearctic, W. J. O'Brien and Chris Luecke; Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
Ecology of the Pelagic Fishes in Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia), P. Vaux, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, H. Treviño, L. Marino, B. Bustamante, J. Torres, P. Richerson, and R. Alfaro; Biotropica
Growth and Reproduction of the Mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, in Relation to Temperature and Ration Level: Consequences for Life History, B. Vondracek, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and J. Cech; Environmental Biology of Fishes
Methods for Estimating the Critical Shear Stress of Individual of Individual Fractions in Mixed-Size Sediment, Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research
Experimental Study of Incipient Motion in Mixed-size Sediment, Peter Wilcock and J. B. Southard; Water Resources Research
Iron, Molybdenum and Phosphorus Limitation of N2 Fixation Maintains Nitrogen Deficiency of Plankton in the Great Salt Lake Drainage (Utah, USA), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
Survival of Trout Strains as Affected by Limnological Parameters, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Annual Progress Report 1988
A Mass Mortality of Fishes in Lake Titicaca (Peru-Bolivia) Associated with the Protozoan Parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and R. Alfaro; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Post-Feeding Thermotaxis and Daily Vertical Migration in a Larval Fish, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and D. Neverman; Nature
Are Snails Important Competitors in Stream Ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest (USA), Charles P. Hawkins and J. K. Furnish; Oikos
Fish predation and vertical migration of Chaoborus, Chris Luecke; Northern Illinois University
Forecasting effects of piscivore stocking on lake trophic structure: the Lake Mendota example, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Madison, Wisconsin
Photoprotective pigmentation of freshwater zooplankton: Why such a rare phenomenon?, Chris Luecke; American Society of Zoologists, New Orleans, Louisiana
Vulnerability of juvenile fish to piscivores: importance of prey growth rates and escape behaviors, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of American, Columbus, Ohio
Effects of predation by Chaoborus flavicans on crustacean zooplankton of LakeLenore, Washington, Chris Luecke and A. H. Litt; Freshwater Biology
Importance of Predation by Adult Trout on Mortality Rates of Fingerling Rainbow Trout Stocked in East Canyon Reservoir, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Proceedings of the Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
Microhabitat Selection and Diel Movements of Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri) Introduced Into Mid-Elevation Reservoirs in Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Roger Tabor; Proceedings of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society
Effects of Overhead Canopy on Macroinvertebrate Production in a Utah Stream, D. J. Behmer and Charles P. Hawkins; Freshwater Biology
Pseudo-Understanding of Pseudoreplication, Charles P. Hawkins; Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America