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Importance of Zooplankton for the Persistence of a Deep Chlorophyll Layer: A Limnocorral Experiment, A. Pilati and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Limnology and Oceanography
Winter Ecology of Kokanee: Implications for Salmon Management, G. B. Steinhart and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Broad-Scale Geographic Patterns in Local Stream Insect Genera Richness, M. R. Vinson and Charles P. Hawkins; Ecography
Salmonid Spawning Habitat Rehabilitation in Regulated Rivers, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; Joint Regional Conference of Society for Ecological Restoration and Society of Wetland Scientists
Perspectives on Measuring and Modeling Bed-Material Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Sediment Monitoring, Research Workshop, USGS, Flagstaff, AZ
Perspectives on Measuring and Modeling Bed-Material Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Sediment Instrumentation, Analysis, Monitoring and Research Workshop, USGS, Flagstaff, AZ
Strategy for Sediment Studies in Trinity River Restoration, Peter Wilcock; Trinity River RestorationProgram, Sediment Symposium, Weaverville, CA
The Bed of Gravel Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Utah State University, Water Seminar
When Models Meet Managers: Examples From Geomorphology, Peter Wilcock; Prediction in Geomorphology
A Surface-Based Transport Model for Sand and Gravel, Peter Wilcock and J. C. Crowe; Hydraulic Engineering
Prediction in Geomorphology, Peter Wilcock and R. M. Iverson; Geomophology
Draft Sediment Budget and Monitoring Plan: Trinity River, California, Lewiston Dam to Douglas City, Peter Wilcock and S. L. Palmer; Report to US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS
Variation in Overstory Nitrogen Uptake in a Small, High-Elevation Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Watershed, M. Barker, H. Van Miegroet, N. S. Nicholas, and I. F. Creed; Canadian Journal of Forest Research
Using Empirical Erosion Models and GIS to Determine Erosion Risk at Camp Williams, Utah, K. P. Bartsch, H. Van Miegroet, J. Boettinger, and J. Dobrowolski; Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Evidence Linking Delayed Mortality of Snake River Salmon to Their Earlier Hydrosystem Experience, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, Nicolaas Bouwes, C. Petrosky, and H. Schaller; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Growth and Survival of Daphnia in Epilimnetic and Metalimnetic Water from Oligotrophic Lakes: The Effects of Food and Temperature, P. Cole, Chris Luecke, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and G. Burkart; Freshwater Biology
Flow Recommendations for Channel Stability and Fishery Restoration on the Duchesne River, Utah, D. A. Gaeuman, John C. Schmidt, and Peter Wilcock; Report to the Upper Colorado Basin Restoration Program
Association Between Cedar Decline and Hillslope Stability in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Alaska, A. C. Johnson and Peter Wilcock; Geomorphology
Fishes of the Copper River Watershed: Results of Sampling, June 28 to July 8, 2002, M. Koenig, C. Jeffres, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Roy Shlemon Course in Applied Watershed Science
Linking ecosystem processes to community structure: Lessons on compensatory mechanisms in arctic lakes, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of American annual meeting, Tuscon
Phytoplankton nutrient-limitation in arctic lakes with and without fish, Chris Luecke; Limnology and Oceanography annual meetings. Victoria, Canada
Physical Habitats of Salmonids in a Glacial Watershed, Copper River, Alaska, Joseph Michael Wheaton; Roy Shlemon Course in Applied Watershed Science
The Integrated Design Approach to Designing In-‐ Stream Spawning Habitat Enhancement Projects: A Case Study on the Mokelumne River, Joseph Michael Wheaton and G. B. Pasternack; Final Report for the East Bay Municipal Utility District
Integrated Approach to Designing Salmon Spawning Gravel Habitat Enhancement Alternatives, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; Salmon Restoration Federation Annual Conference
The Use of Spatial Complexity in a Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Project, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; Eos Trans
Estimating Sediment Transport Rates in Gravel-bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources and US Fish and Wildlife Service, Sediment and the Chesapeake Bay Waterched, Linthicum, Maryland
Living with Dams - Geomorphology's Role in Modern Dam Management, Peter Wilcock; Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Bloomsburg, PA
Sand Inputs Increase Gravel Transport Rate, Peter Wilcock; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Economic and Environment FY02 Conference, New Orleams, LA
A Two-fraction Model for the Transport of Sand/Gravel Mixtures, Peter Wilcock and S. T. Kenworthy; Water Resources Research
Review of Idaho Power Company Documents Concerning Sediment-Related Impacts of the Hells Canyon Complex Dams on the Snake River in Hells Canyon, Peter Wilcock, John C. Schmidt, and P. E. Grams
Topo-Morphometric Analysis of Lake-Stream Interactions in Alpine Watersheds, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Michelle A. Baker; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Victoria, British Columbia
Comparative Analysis of Pollution in Farmington Bay and the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Amy M. Marcarelli, Cameron Christison, Joel Moore, Donovan Gross, Sophia Bates, and Sara Kircher; A Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality
Grazing by a Dominant Rotifer Conochilus unicornis Rousselet in a Mountain lake: In Situ Measurements with Synthetic Microspheres, X. Armengol, L. Boronat, A. Camacho, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Hydrobiologia
Use of predictive models for assessing the biological integrity of wetlands and other aquatic habitats, Charles P. Hawkins and D. M. Carlisle; Bioassessment and management of North American freshwater wetlands
Effects of ultraviolet radiation andnutrients on periphyton growth in Castle Lake, California, B. Higley, H. J. Carrick, M. Brett, Chris Luecke, and C. R. Goldman; International Review in Hydrobiology
Biocomplexity in modeling aquatic community response to human impacts, Chris Luecke; Workshop on issues and challenges in modeling biocomplexity in Lake Erie, Columbus Ohio
Patterns of trophic transfer in arctic lake ecosystems, Chris Luecke; Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Using stable isotopes to assess food web linkages in arctic lakes, Chris Luecke and G. Burkart; Limnology and Oceanography annual meetings. Albuquerque, NM
Evaluation of Survival Trends in the Freshwater Spawning and Rearing Life Stage for Snake River Spring/Summer Chinook, C. E. Petrosky, H. A. Schaller, and Phaedra E. Budy; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Flow, Sediment Transport, and Aquatic Habitat in Large Rivers, J. C. Pitlick and Peter Wilcock; Water Sciences and Application
Salmonine Consumption and Competition for Endemic Prey Fishes in Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, J. R. Ruzycki, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Is There Synchronicity in N Input and Output Fluxes at the Noland Divide Watershed, a Small N-Saturated Forested Catchment in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, H. Van Miegroet, I. F. Creed, N. S. Nicholas, David G. Tarboton, K. L. Webster, J. Shubzda, B. Robinson, J. Smoot, D. W. Johnson, S. E. Lindberg, G. Lovett, S. Nodvin, and S. Moore; TheScientificWorld
Integrating Empirical Geomorphology, CAD and 2-‐D Hydraulic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Rehabilitation Projects, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; Eos Trans
Utilizing 2-‐D Hydrodynamic Models as Design Tools for Salmonid Spawning Gravel Enhancement Projects, Joseph Michael Wheaton, G. B. Pasternack, and J. E. Mertz; U.C. Davis Extension-‐ Instream Habitat Improvement for Regulated Rivers Course
A Surface-Based Transport Model for Mixed Sand & Gravel, Peter Wilcock; International Workshop on Sorted Sediments, Hydraulics Research, Wallingford UK
The Flow, the Bed, and the Transport: Interaction in Flume and Field, Peter Wilcock; Gravel-bed Rivers V
The Flow, the Bed, and the Transport: Stream Beds, Their Armor, and Why It's Hard to Predict Transport Rate, Peter Wilcock; University of Delaware, Dept. of Geology
Toward a Practical Method for Estimating Sediment Transport Rates in Gravel-bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Experimental Study of the Transport of Mixed Sand and Gravel, Peter Wilcock, S. T. Kenworthy, and J. C. Crowe; Water Resources Research
Limnological Control of Brine Shrimp Population Dynamics and Cyst Production in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Z. M. Gliwicz; Hydrobiologia
Effects of Epilimnetic versus Metalimnetic Fertilization on the Phytoplankton and Periphyton of a Mountain Lake with a Deep Chlorophyll Maxima, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, H. P. Gross, Phaedra E. Budy, and Chris Luecke; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Applying Ecological Principles to Management of U.S. National Forests, J. Aber, N. Christensen, I. Fernandez, J. Franklin, L. Hidinger, M. Hunter, J. McMahon, D. Mladenhoff, J. Pastor, D. Perry, R. Slangen, and H. Van Miegroet; Issues in Ecology
Nutrient export from two high mountain lakes to outflow streams: The importance of inflow hydrodynamics and in-lake processes, G. Burkart, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, B. Fleenor, and Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America. Snowbird, UT
Effects of Land Use Change on Channel Morphology in Northeastern Puerto Rico, J. J. Clark and Peter Wilcock; Bulletin
Effects of taxonomic resolution and exclusion of taxa on the sensitivity of RIVPACS models used to predict biotic conditions in streams, Charles P. Hawkins and R. H. Norris; Assessing the biological quality of freshwaters
Performance of different landscape classifications for aquatic bioassessments: introduction to the series, Charles P. Hawkins and R. H. Norris; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Evaluation of landscape classifications for biological assessment of freshwater ecosystems: synthesis and recommendations, Charles P. Hawkins, R. H. Norris, J. Gerritsen, R. M. Hughes, S. K. Jackson, R. H. Johnson, and R. J. Stevenson; Journal of North American Benthological Society
Development and evaluation of predictive models for measuring the biological integrity of streams, Charles P. Hawkins, R. H. Norris, J. N. Hogue, and J. W. Feminella; Ecological Applications
Weak Correspondence Between Landscape Classifications and Stream Invertebrate Assemblages: Implications for Bioassessments, Charles P. Hawkins and M. R. Vinson; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Biogeochemical Effects of Global Change on U.S. National Parks, R. Herrmann, R. Stottlemyer, J. C. Zak, R. L. Edmonds, and H. Van Miegroet; Journal of the American Water Resources Association
Stable isotopes as tools for understanding food web structure and function, Chris Luecke; Workshop on arctic food webs at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Using Nitrogen Stable Isotopes to Assess Linkages Between Land Use Activities and Water Quality Western U.S.Watersheds, Chris Luecke, B. Thompson, and Nancy O. Mesner; 2000 Utah Nonpoint Source Water Quality Conference. Utah State University, Logan, UT
Monitoring River Health, R. H. Norris and Charles P. Hawkins; Hydrobiologia
Effects of nutrient limitation, light limitation, and invertebrate grazers on phytoplankton living in deep chlorophyll layers, C. L. Sawatzky, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America. Snowbird, UT
A Review of Chemical and Physical Properties as Indicators of Forest Soil Quality: Challenges and Opportunities, S. H. Schoenholtz, H. Van Miegroet, and J. A. Burger; Forest Ecology and Management
Experiments of Downstream Fining of Gravel: II. Wide and Sandy Runs, C. Toro-Excobar, C. Paola, G. Parker, Peter Wilcock, and J. B. Southard; J. Hydraulic Engineering
Soil Microclimate and Chemistry of Spruce-Fir Tree Islands in Northern Utah, H. Van Miegroet, M. T. Hysell, and A. Denton Johnson; Soil Science Society of America Journal
Coarse Gravel Transport in Steep Mountain Stream, Peter Wilcock; Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station
The Flow, the Bed, and the Transport: Interaction in Flume and Field, Peter Wilcock; Fifth Gravel-bed Rivers Workshop
Viewing Transport: Experiments from the Gravel Era, Peter Wilcock; Sedimentary Geology, a Symposium in Honor of Prof. John Southard's Retirement, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Stable isotopes and management of aquatic ecosystems, Chris Luecke; University of Illinois at Chicago
Using fitness correlates to design a recovery plan for endangered sockeye salmon, Chris Luecke; Conservation Training Consortium, The Field Museum, University of Illinois at Chicago
Using mesocosms to assess patterns of trophic transfer in lake ecosystems, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
Comparing results of a spatially explicit growth model with changes in the length-weight relationship of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Chris Luecke, M. William Wengert, and R. W. Schneidervin; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Ontogenetic Habitat Shifts of Juvenile Bear Lake Sculpin, J. Ruzycki and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Under-Ice Diel Vertical Migrations of Oncorhynchus nerka and Their Zooplankton Prey, G. B. Steinhart and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Summary of Soil Properties at Camp Williams, Utah National Guard Base, Utah, H. Van Miegroet, K. P. Bartsch, and J. Boettinger
Southern Appalachian Mountain Region, J. R. Webb, M. B. Adams, J. N. Galloway, H. Van Miegroet, P. J. Mulholland, and W. T. Swank; Integrating the Nation's Environmental Monitoring and Research Networks and Programs: An Exercise to Demonstrate the Value of Index Areas in a National Network
Modeling Sediment Transport in Steep Mountain Streams, Peter Wilcock; International Conference on Drainage Basin Dynamics and Morphology, Jerusalem
Study of the Effect of Sand Content on Sediment Transport Rates in Gravel-bed Stream, Peter Wilcock, S. T. Kenworthy, and J. C. Crowe; Environment and Natural Resources Division, Denver CO
Adding Nutrients to Enhance the Growth of Endangered Sockeye Salmon: Trophic Transfer in an Oligotrophic Lake, Phaedra E. Budy, Chris Luecke, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Relationship between invertebrate assemblage structure, 2 trout species, and habitat structure in Utah mountain lakes, D. M. Carlisle and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Habitat relationships of subadult humpback chub in the Colorado River through Grand Canyon: spatial variability and implications of flow regulation, Y. K. Converse, Charles P. Hawkins, and R. A. Valdez; Regulated Rivers Research and Management
The Role of Anadromous Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Nutrient Loading and Productivity of the Sawtooth Valley Lakes, Idaho, H. P. Gross, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Effect of Root Strength and Soil Saturation on Hillslope Stability in Forests with Natural Cedar Decline in Headwater Regions of SE Alaska, A. D. Johnson and Peter Wilcock
Do Seasonality and Disturbance Influence Reproduction in Freshwater Atyid Shrimp in Headwater Streams, Puerto Rico?, S. L. Johnson, A. P. Covich, T. A. Crowl, A. Estrada-Pinto, J. Bithorn, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fürTheoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
Use of stable isotopes to assess production of walleye fisheries in Utah reservoirs, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. St. Louis, MO
Reproductive Ecology and Early Life History of a Lacustrine Sculpin, Cottus extensus (Teleostei, Cottidae), J. Ruzycki, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Clyde Lay; Environmental Biology of Fishes
Downstream Fining by Selective Deposition: Theory, Laboratory, and Field Observations, R. Seal, C. Toro-Escobar, L. Cui, C. Paola, G. Parker, J. Southard, and P. Wilcock; Gravel-Bed Rivers in the Environment
Biodiversity of Stream Insects: Variation at Local, Basin, and Regional Spatial Scales, M. L. Vinson and Charles P. Hawkins; Annual Review of Entomology
Frequency of Effective Wave Activity and the Recession of Coastal Bluffs: Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, Peter Wilcock; J. Coastal Research
Hydrological and Geomorphological Aspects of Habitat Restoration in Regulated Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Hydrological and Geomorphological Aspects of Habitat Restoration in Regulated Rivers
Living with Gravel: Physics and Applications of Fluvial Erosion and Sedimentation, Peter Wilcock; Canadian Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting
Sediment Maintenance Flows: Feasibility and Basis for Prescription, Peter Wilcock; Gravel-Bed Rivers in the Environment
Two-Fraction Model of Initial Sediment Motion in Gravel-bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Science
Influence of Food Resources and Temperature on the Distribution and Energy Balance of Bear Lake Sculpin, Cottus extensus, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Clyde Lay
Hydroacoustic Assessment of Abundance and Diel Distribution of Sockeye Salmon and Kokanee in the Sawtooth Valley Lakes, Idaho, D. Beauchamp, Chris Luecke, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, H. G. Gross, Phaedra E. Budy, S. Spaulding, R. Dilenger, and C. P. Gubala; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
The Fate of Bonneville Cisco Eggs in Bear Lake: Evaluating Mechanisms of Egg Loss, N. W. Bouwes and Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Ecosystem recovery following a catastrophic disturbance: lessons learned from Mount St. Helens, C. M. Crisafulli and Charles P. Hawkins; Status and trends of the nation's biological resources
Riparian Restoration in the Western United States: Overview and Perspective, C. Goodwin, Charles P. Hawkins, and J. L. Kershner; Restoration Ecology