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Trophic Relationships of Nonnative Brown Trout, Salmo Trutta, and Native Bonneville Cuttroat Trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii utah, in a Northern Utah, U.S.A. River, Peter McHugh, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and E. VanDyke; Environmental Biology of Fishes

Exploring Relationships Between Channel Gradient, Gravel Availability, and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Spawning Densities in the Logan River, Utah, C. Meredith and Phaedra E. Budy; Exploring Relationships Between Channel Gradient, Gravel Availability, and Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Spawning Densities in the Logan River, Utah

Testing the Field of Dreams Hypothesis: Applications of Meta-Analysis to River Restoration, S. W. Miller, Phaedra E. Budy, and John C. Schmidt; Testing the Field of Dreams Hypothesis: Applications of Meta-Analysis to River Restoration


Examination of Forest Recovery Scenarios in a Southern Appalachian Picea-Abies Forest, P. T. Moore, H. Van Miegroet, and N. S. Nicholas; Forestry

Shasta River flow and water temperature simulation modeling, Sarah E. Null, M. L. Deas, and J. R. Lund; California Water and Environmental Modeling Forum. Asilomar, CA


Comparability of Biological Assessments Derived From Predictive Models and Multimetric Indices of Increasing Geographic Scope, P. R. Ode, Charles P. Hawkins, and R. D. Mazor; Journal of the North American Benthological Society

Effect on Rivers of Massive Changes in Hydrolic Regime Due to Human Intervention, G. Parker, Patrick Belmont, K. Gran, C. Jennings, J. W. Lauer, L. Perg, E. Viparelli, and P. Wilcock; Effect on Rivers of Massive Changes in Hydrolic Regime Due to Human Intervention


An Invitation to Apply National Survey Data to Ecological Research, S. G. Paulsen, Charles P. Hawkins, J. Van Sickle, and L. L. Yuan; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Condition of stream ecosystems in the United States: an overview of the first national assessment, S. G. Paulsen, A. Mayio, D. Peck, J. Stoddard, E. Tarquinio, S. Holdsworth, J. Van Sickle, L. L. Yuan, Charles P. Hawkins, A. T. Herlihy, P. R. Kaufmann, M. T. Barbour, D. P. Larsen, and A. R. Olson; Jounral of the North American Benthological Society


Metrics for Assessing the Downstream Effects of Dams, John C. Schmidt and Peter Wilcock; Water Resour. Res.

Uncertainrestorationofgravel-­‐bedriversandtheroleofgeomorphology, D. A. Sear, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and S. E. Darby; Gravel-­‐BedRiversVI:FromProcessUnderstandingtoRiverRestoration

Spawning Ecology and Early Life-History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah, S. Seidel, Phaedra E. Budy, and B. Roper; Spawning Ecology and Early Life-History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah

The Spawning Ecology and Early Life History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah , S. S. Seidel, Phaedra E. Budy, S. Bennett, and B. Roper; The Spawning Ecology and Early Life History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah


An Approach to Modeling Striped Bass and Threadfin Shad Predator-Prey Dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, S. Vatland, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Accuracy Assessment of Aerial Photographs Acquired Using Lighter‐Than­‐Air Blimps: Low­‐Cost Tools for Monitoring Fluvial Systems, D. Vericat, J. Brasington, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and M. Cowie; RiverResearchandApplications

Determinación de la rugosidad de lechos de grava mediante láser terrestre de alta resolución, D. Vericat, J. Brasington, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and I. Rychov; Trabajos de Geomorfología en España

Do Geomorphic Dynamics Matter to Fish?, Joseph Michael Wheaton; MYRES 2008: Dynamic Interactions of Life and its Landscape

Beyond the gross reach-­‐scale sediment budget – using repeat topographic surveys for mechanistic geomorphic interpretation, Joseph Michael Wheaton, J. Brasington, S. E. Darby, D. Sear, and D. Vericat; British Society for Geomorphology Annual Meeting

TheScopeofUncertaintiesinRiverRestoration, Joseph Michael Wheaton, S. E. Darby, and D. A. Sear; RiverRestoration:ManagingtheUncertaintyinRestoringPhysicalHabitat

Linking Morphological Sediment Budgeting to Salmonid Ecohydraulics, BHS Meeting, Joseph Michael Wheaton, D. Vericat, J. Brasington, S. Darby, D. Sear, and G. B. Pasternack; BHS Meeting: Ecohydraulics at Scales Relevant to Organisms


What to Do About Those Dammed Streams, Peter Wilcock; Science

Who Knows What Soil Lurks in the Heart of Fens?, Peter Wilcock; Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Fransisco


The Need for Full-Scale Experiments in River Science, Peter Wilcock, C. H. Orr, and J. D.G. Marr; Eos

Spawning Ecology and Early Life-Stage Survival Influence the Distribution of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream, J. R. Wood and Phaedra E. Budy; Spawning Ecology and Early Life-Stage Survival Influence the Distribution of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream

Spawning Ecology and Early Life-Stage Survival Influence the Distribution of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream, J. R. Wood and Phaedra E. Budy; Spawning Ecology and Early Life-Stage Survival Influence the Distribution of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream

Eutrophication and Connectivity Among Bays of the Great Salt Lake: What Happens in Farmington Bay Doesn’t Stay in Farmington Bay, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh


Nutrient Loading and Eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Great Salt Lake Advisory Council


Effects of Regionalization Decisions on an O/E Index for the National Assessment, L. L. Yuan, Charles P. Hawkins, and J. Van Sickle; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Monitoring Bull Trout Population Trends Using PIT-Tags, Passive Instream Antennae, and Pradel Mark-Recapture Models, R. Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy; Monitoring Bull Trout Population Trends Using PIT-Tags Passive Instream Antennae, and Pradel Mark-Recapture Models


Summer Microhabitat Use of Fluvial Bull Trout in Eastern Oregon Streams, R. Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy; North American Journal of Fisheries Management

The Importance of Pacific Salmon to Resident Salmonids in a Changing Environment, R. Al-Chokhachy, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; The Importance of Pacific Salmon to Resident Salmonids in a Changing Environment

Landscape Evolution and Aquatic Ecology: Long-term Sediment Dynamics and Landscape Influences in Stream Ecosystems, Patrick Belmont; Landscape Evolution and Aquatic Ecology: Long-term Sediment Dynamics and Landscape Influences in Stream Ecosystems

Landscape Evolution in a Grain of Sand: Using Cosmogenic Nuclids to Quantify Long-Term Landscape Change, Patrick Belmont; Landscape Evolution in a Grain of Sand: Using Cosmogenic Nuclids to Quantify Long-Term Landscape Change

Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Seuer River Watershed, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Seuer River Watershed, Southern Minnesota

Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Seuer River Watershed, Southern Minnesota: An Integrated Assessment of Sediment Sources, Transport, and Storage for the Purpose of Better Policy and Management, Patrick Belmont; Sediment Dynamics in the Agricultural Le Seuer River Watershed, Southern Minnesota: An Integrated Assessment of Sediment Sources, Transport, and Storage for the Purpose of Better Policy and Management


Estimating Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation in Streams: Field and Laboratory Methods, Patrick Belmont, B. R. Hargreaves, D. P. Morris, and C. E. Williamson; Photochemistry and Photobiology


Cosmogenic 10-Be As a Tracer for Hillslope and Channel Sediment Dynamics in the Clearwater River Basin, Western Washington State, Patrick Belmont, F. J. Pazzaglia, and J. C. Gosse; Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Strong Geomorphic Controls on Stream Optical Environments in Eastern Pennsylvania, Patrick Belmont, F. J. Pazzaglia, and D. P. Morris; Strong Geomorphic Controls on Stream Optical Environments in Eastern Pennsylvania


Geochemical Reconstruction of Late Holocene Drainage and Mixing in Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Janice Brahney, John J. Clague, Brian Menounos, and Thomas W. D. Edwards; Journal of Paleolimnology

An Evaluation of the Fish Community of Cutler Reservoir and the Bear River above the Reservoir with Consideration of the Potential for Future Fisheries Enhancement, Phaedra E. Budy, Kirk Dahle, and Gary P. Thiede; USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Watershed Sciences Utah State University

Spawn Creek Whirling Disease Study: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Passive Stream Restoration for Improving Native Fish Health and Minimizing the Impacts of Whirling Disease, Phaedra E. Budy, Eriek S. Hansen, and Gary P. Thiede; Annual Report to Utah Division of Water Quality


Evaluating Tributary Restoration Potential for Pacific Salmon Recovery, Phaedra E. Budy and H. Schaller; Ecological Applications


A Quantification of Survival, Site-Fidelity, Abundance, and Trend for an Important Population of Endemic Cutthroat Trout, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and Peter McHugh; North American Journal of Fisheries Management

Evaluating the Combined Effects of Environmental Variation and Biotic Interactions on the Abundance and Distribution of Exotic Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and Peter McHugh; Evaluating the Combined Effects of Environmental Variation and Biotic Interactions on the Abundance and Distribution of Exotic Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)


Modeling Natural Environmental Gradients Improves the Accuracy and Precision of Diatom-Based Indicators for Idaho Streams, Y. Cao, Charles P. Hawkins, J. R. Olson, and M. A. Kosterman; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Standardizing sampling effort on autosimilarity for comparing assemblages: effect of species-occurrence and species-abundance distributions, Y. Cao, Charles P. Hawkins, and J. Van Sickle; American Naturalist


Alluvial Sedimentation and Erosion in an Urbanizing Watershed,Gwynn Falls, Maryland, M. Colosimo and Peter Wilcock; J. American Water Resources Association

Predicting the Growth Potential of a Warm Water Sport Fishery: a Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach, K. D. Dahle, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Predicting the Growth Potential of a Warm Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach

Technical Memorandum: Year 2000 Unimpaired Shasta River Model Simulation for Flow and Water Temperature, M. L. Deas and Sarah E. Null; North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board

A Monitoring Strategy for the Afon Teifi Restoration Project, J. H.R. Gee, I. Keirle, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and R. J. Wootton; CCW Contract Science Report


Development of a RIVPACS-type predictive model for bioassessment of wadeable streams in Wyoming, Hargett E. G., J. R. Zumberge, Charles P. Hawkins, and J. R. Olson; Ecological Indicators


Equilibrium Entrainment of Fine Sediment Over a Coarse Immobile Bed, P. E. Grams and Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research

Examining the Potential of Riparian Restoration as a Means to Minimize the Impact of Whirling Disease, E. S. Hansen, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Examining the Potential of Riparian Restoration as a Means to Minimize the Impact of Whirling Disease

Using Passive Restoration to Reduce the Impact of Whirling Disease, E. S. Hansen, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Using Passive Restoration to Reduce the Impact of Whirling Disease


Baseline Assessment of Salmonid Habitat and Aquatic Ecology of the Nelson Ranch, Shasta River, California – Water Year 2007, C. Jeffres, E. Buckland, J. Kiernan, A. King, A. Nichols, Sarah E. Null, J. Mount, P. B. Moyle, and M. L. Deas; U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and the California Nature Conservancy

Seed germination and seedling growth of invasive Phragmites australis from forested and developed watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, Karin M. Kettenring; ESA/SER Joint Meeting, 8-5 to 8-10, 2007, San Jose McEnery Convention Center


Temperature Requirements for Dormancy Break and Seed Germination Vary Greatly among 14 Wetland Carex Species, Karin M. Kettenring and Susan M. Galatowitsch; Aquatic Botany


Tools for Carex Revegetation in Prairie Pothole Wetlands: Understanding Dormancy Loss and Germination Temperature Requirements, Karin M. Kettenring and Susan M. Galatowitsch; Plant Ecology


Effects of Large Lake Trout on the Dietary Habits of Small Laketrout: A Comparison of Stable Istotopes and Stomach Content Analyses, M. Keyes, K. Fortino, A. E. Hershey, and Chris Luecke; Hydrobiologia


Effects of Upstream Lakes and Nutrient Limitation on Periphytic Biomass and Nitrogen Fixation in Oligotrophic, Subalpine Streams, Amy M. Marcarelli and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Freshwater Biology


Relative Role of Understory and Overstory in Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in a Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forest, P. T. Moore, H. Van Miegroet, and N. S. Nicholas; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Disruptions of Stream Sediment Size and Stability by Lakes in Mountain Watersheds: Potential Effects on Periphyton Biomass, W. K. Myers, Amy M. Marcarelli, C. D. Arp, Michelle A. Baker, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Physical Basis for Quasi-Universal Relations Describing Bankfull Hydraulic Geometry of Single-Thread Gravel Bed Rivers, G. P. Parker, Peter Wilcock, C. paola, W. E. Dietrich, and J. C. pitlick; J. Geophysical Research - Earth Surface


Comparisons of Targeted Riffle and Reach-Wide Macroinvertebrate Samples: Implications for Data Sharing in Regional Stream Condition Assessments, A. C. Rehn, P. R. Ode, and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Exclusion of Rare Taxa Affects the Performance of the O/E Index in Bioassessments, J. Van Sickle, D. P. Larsen, and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Along a Climatic Gradient in a Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forest, C. E. Tewksbury and H. Van Miegroet; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


Are Nitrogen-Fertilized Forest Soils Sinks or Sources of Carbon?, H. Van Miegroet and R. Jandl; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


Carbon Sources and Sinks in High-Elevation Spruce-Fir Forests in the Southeastern US, H. Van Miegroet, P. Moore, C. Tewksbury, and N. S. Nicholas; Forest Ecology and Management


Predicting the Invasion of an Introduced Omnivore in a Large, Heterogeneous Reservoir, S. Vatland and Phaedra E. Budy; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Reach-­‐Scale Retrieval of Alluvial Bed Roughness, D. Vericat, J. Brasington, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and R. Hodge; Eos Trans

Improved Fluvial Geomorphic Interpretation from DEM Differencing, Joseph Michael Wheaton, J. Brasington, P. A. Brewer, S. E. Darby, G. B. Pasternack, D. Sear, D. Vericat, and R. D. Williams; Eos Trans.


Reach-Averaged Sediment Routing Model of a Canyon River, S. M. Wiele, Peter Wilcock, and P. E. Grams; Water Resources Research

Featured Address and Panel Discussion: Toward a Professional Stream Restoration Practice, Peter Wilcock; Mid-Atlantic Stream Restoration Conference, Cumberland, MD

Grain Scale Processes and Sorting, Peter Wilcock; River, Coastal, and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Enschede, NL

Stream Restoration and Science Basis for Professional Design, Peter Wilcock; Biological Systems Engineering Department, Virginia Tech University

Toward Predictive Stream Channel Design, Peter Wilcock; Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union


Competition Moderates the Benefits of Thermal Acclimation to Reproductive Performance in Male Eastern Mosquitofish, Robbie S. Wilson, Edd Hammill, and Ian A. Johnston; Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B-Biological Sciences

The Role of Environmental Factors in Determining the Spawning Density and Distribution of Brown Trout Along an Elevational Gradient, J. R. Wood and Phaedra E. Budy; The Role of Environmental Factors in Determining the Spawning Density and Distribution of Brown Trout Along an Elevational Gradient

The Spawning Ecology and Early Life Stage Survival of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream, J. R. Wood, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; The Spawning Ecology and Early Life Stage Survival of Brown Trout in a Native Cutthroat Trout Stream

Eutrophication in Farmington Bay and its Potential Impacts on Wildlife, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Utah Wetlands Foundation


Fish Nutrient Cycling, Aquatic Respiration, and Terrestrial Insect Nutrient Subsidies to Lakes, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Limnology and Oceanography


The Importance of Pacific Salmon to Resident Fish Populations in a Changing Environment, R. Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy; The Importance of Pacific Salmon to Resident Fish Populations in a Changing Environment

Using Mark-Recapture Techniques to Assess Bull Trout Demographics and Guide Recovery Efforts, R. Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy; Using Mark-Recapture Techniques to Assess Bull Trout Demographics and Guide Recovery Efforts


Surface-Water Hydrodynamics and Regimes of a Small Mountain Stream-Lake Ecosystem, C. D. Arp, M. N. Gooseff, Michelle A. Baker, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Journal of Hydrology


Nitrogen Cycling and Mass Balance for a Forested Catchment in the Italian Alps – Assessment of Nitrogen Status, R. Balestrini, N. Di Martino, and H. Van Miegroet; Biogeochemistry

Empirical Model for Estimating Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation in Streams, Patrick Belmont, B. R. Hargreaves, and D. P. Morris; Empirical Model for Estimating Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation in Streams

Using the 10-Be Grain Size Dependency in Alluvial Sediments to Investigate Hillslope and Channel Processes, Patrick Belmont, F. J. Pazzaglia, and J. Gosse; Using the 10-Be Grain Size Dependency in Alluvial Sediments to Investigate Hillslope and Channel Processes


The Influence of Nitrogen Limitation on d15N and Carbon : Nitrogen Ratios in Sediments from Sockeye Salmon Nursery Lakes in British Columbia, Canada, Janice Brahney, Darren G. Bos, Marlow G. Pellatt, Thomas W. D. Edwards, and Richard Routledge; Limnology and Oceanography

Evaluating the Combined Effects of Enviornmental Variation, Biotic Interactions, and Disease on the Abundance and Distribution of Exotic Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), Phaedra E. Budy; Evaluating the Combined Effects of Environmental Variation, Biotic Interactions, and Disease on the Abundance and Distribution of Exotic Brown Trout (Salmo trutta)

Understanding the Food Web Interactions and Role of a New Invader in a Large, Western Reservoir, Phaedra E. Budy; Understanding the Food Web Interactions and Role of a New Invader in a Large, Western Reservoir

Understanding the Synergistic Effects of Disease, Species Interactions, and Environmental Varation on the Survival and Persistence of an Imperiled Trout, Phaedra E. Budy; Understanding the Synergistic Effects of Disease, Species Interactions, and Environmental Variation on the Survival and Persistence of an Imperiled Trout

Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning Annual Progress Report for 2005, Phaedra E. Budy, Robert Al-Chokhachy, Kristen Homel, and Gary P. Thiede; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Watershed Sciences Utah State University

Evaluating the Potential of Tributary Restoration to Increase the Overall Survival of Salmon: Is It Enough?, Phaedra E. Budy and H. Schaller; Evaluating the Potential of Tributary Restoration to Increase the Overall Survival of Salmon: Is It Enough?

Quantification of Survival, Site-Fidelity, Abundance, and Trend for a Critical Population of Endemic Cutthroat Trout, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and Peter McHugh; Quantification of Survival, Site-Fidelity, Abundance, and Trend for a Critical Population of Endemic Cutthroat Trout

Predictig the Growth Potential of a Shallow, Warm-Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach, K. S. Dahle and Phaedra E. Budy; Predicting the Growth Potential of a Shallow, Warm-Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach

Predicting the Growth Potential of a Shallow, Warm-Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach, K. S. Dahle and Phaedra E. Budy; Predicting the Growth Potential of a Shallow, Warm-Water Sport Fishery: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach


Use of predictive models to attribute potential effects of mixture toxicity and habitat alteration on the biological condition of fish assemblages, D. de Zwart, S. D. Dyer, L. Posthuma, and Charles P. Hawkins; Ecological Applications


Toward a Unified Science of the Earth's Surface: Opportunities for Synthesis Among Hydrology, Geomorphology, Geochemistry, and Ecology, C. E. Foufoula-Georgiou, W. E. Dietrich, M. Hondzo, D. Mohrig, G. Parker, M. E. Power, I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, V. Voller, and P. Wilcock; Water Resources Research

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Passive Stream Restoration for Improving Native Fish Health and Reducing the Impacts of Whirling Disease, E. S. Hansen, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Evaluating the Effectiveness of Passive Stream Restoration for Improving Native Fish Health and Reducing the Impacts of Whirling Disease

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Passive Stream Restoration for Improving Native Fish Health and Reducing the Impacts of Whirling Disease, E. S. Hansen, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Evaluating the Effectiveness of Passive Stream Restoration for Improving Native Fish Health and Reducing the Impacts of Whirling Disease