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M. Gordon "Reds" Wolman (1924-2010), Peter Wilcock; Eos, Transactions, Am. Geophys. Union
Sediment Transport in a Watershed and Restoration, Peter Wilcock; Utah State University, Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources, Invited Talk
Stream Restoration: Why do we do this and is it worth it?, Peter Wilcock; Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium
Limnological Analyses of Cutler Reservoir and Dingle Marsh with Respect to Eutrophication, J. D. Abbott, Deb Collins, Colin Cook, Dan Lamarra, Ryan Leonard, Ben Marret, Justin Stout, Gilbert Rowley, Jeremy Rowley, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; 2009 Project Report: Watershed Sciences Department
Detecting Declines in the Abundance of a Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Population: Understanding the Accuracy, Precision, and Costs of Our Efforts, R. Al-Chokhachy, Phaedra E. Budy, and M. Conner; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Exploring Bull Trout Habitat Relationships: Where Do We Need to Go From Here?, R. Al-Chokhachy, B. Roper, T. Bowerman, and Phaedra E. Budy; Exploring Bull Trout Habitat Relationships: Where Do We Need to Go From Here?
An Integrated Sediment Budget and Routing Model for the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; An Integrated Sediment Budget and Routing Model for the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota
Morphodynamics of Streambank Erosion in the Le Sueur River, Southern, Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Morphodynamics of Streambank Erosion in the Le Sueur River, Southern, Minnesota
Water: Destruction, Reorganization and Construction of Landscapes, Patrick Belmont; Water: Destruction, Reorganization and Construction of Landscapes
Penetration of Ultraviolet Radiation in Streams of Eastern Pennsylvania: Environmental Controls and the Role of Suspended Particulates, Patrick Belmont, D. P. Morris, F. J. Pazzaglia, and S. C. Peters; Aquatic Sciences
Barr-NCED Mapper Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange Modeling, Patrick Belmont, C. Shostal, T. Anderson, and M. Wong; Barr-NCED Mapper Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange Modeling
Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange in a Meandering and Actively Incising River, Patrick Belmont, E. Viparelli, J. W. Lauer, and S. S. Day; Channel-Floodplain Sediment Exchange in a Meandering and Actively Incising River
A Morphodyncamic Routing Model for the Maple River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont, E. Viparelli, J. W. Lauer, and G. Parker; A Morphodyncamic Routing Model for the Maple River, Southern Minnesota
Limiting Factors and Management Recommendations for Three Sensitive Species in the San Rafael River, Utah, as Revealed by Random Forest Modeling, J. Bottcher, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Limiting Factors and Management Recommendations for Three Sensitive Species in the San Rafael River, Utah, as Revealed by Random Forest Modeling
Comparison of Mark-Recapture Methods to Estimate Juvenile Bull Trout Survival, T. Bowerman and Phaedra E. Budy; Comparison of Mark-Recapture Methods to Estimate Juvenile Bull Trout Survival
River Engineers: Do Spawning Fish Alter Small-Scale Stream Hydrology?, T. Bowerman and Phaedra E. Budy; River Engineers: Do Spawning Fish Alter Small-Scale Stream Hydrology?
Habitat needs, movement patterns, and vital rates of endemic Utah fishes in a tributary to the Green River, Utah, Phaedra E. Budy; Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Department of Watershed Sciences Utah State University
Understanding the Dirvers of Fish Population Dynamics in Unique, Arctic Lakes With Special Consideration of the Role of Climate and Climate Change, Phaedra E. Budy and C. Luecke; Understanding the Drivers of Fish Population Dynamics in Unique, Arctic Lakes with Special Consideration of the Role of Climate and Climate Change
An Energetic Assessment of Predator Consumption in Utah Lake with Consideration of Future Options for June Sucker Recovery, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, K. Landom, Todd A. Crowl, and C. Luecke; An Energetic Assessment of Predator Consumption in Utah Lake with Consideration for Future Options for June Sucker Recovery
Warmwater and Coldwater Fish in Two-Story Standing Waters, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, C. Luecke, and R. W. Schneidervin; Standard Methods for Sampling North American Freshwater Fishes
Role of Environmental Factors in Determining Early Survival and Invasion Success of Exotic Brown Trout, Phaedra E. Budy and Jeremiah Wood; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Triploid Versus Diploid Brook Trout: a Comparative Evaluation of Relative Performance with Considerations of Lake Food Web Structure, Andrew Dean and Phaedra E. Budy; Triploid Versus Diploid Brook Trout: A Comparative Evaluation of Relative Performance with Consideration of Lake Food Web Structure
Climatic and Limnologic Setting of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, W. E. Dean, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and V. Lamarra; Paleoenvironments of Bear Lake, Utah and Idaho, and Its Catchment
Nitrogen Flow Pathways Through an Alpine Lake, Dave M. Epstein and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Ecological Knowledge and a Global Sustainable Society, Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting
Investigation of Bar Formation on a Reconfigured Gravel Bed River, S. O. Erwin, J. A. Schmidt, Peter Wilcock, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Eos Trans
Geomorphic Evolution of the Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA, and Implications for Current Sediment Loading, K. B. Gran, Patrick Belmont, S. S. Day, C. Jennings, A. Johnson, L. Perg, and Peter Wilcock; Managementand Restoration of Fluvial Systems with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts:Geological Society of America Special Paper
Non-Lethal Presence of Predators Modifies Morphology and Movement Rates in Euplotes, Edd Hammill, Pavel Kratina, and Bradley R. Anholt; Hydrobiologia
Isolation of 11 Polymorphic Tri- and Tetranucleotide Microsatellite Loci in a North American Sedge (Carex scoparia: Cyperaceae) and Cross-Species Amplification in Three Additional Carex Species, Andrew L. Hipp, Karin M. Kettenring, Kevin A. Feldheim, and Jaime A. Weber; Molecular Ecology Resources
Mechanisms of Phragmites invasion in the Chesapeake Bay: Disentangling the importance of land-use, disturbances, nutrients, genetic diversity, and viable seed production, Karin M. Kettenring; 94th ESA Annual Meeting, 8-2 to 8-9, Albuquerque Convention Center
Spread and genetic relatedness of native vs. introduced Phragmites australis in Utah wetlands, Karin M. Kettenring and Karen E. Mock
Herbivory Delays Flowering and Reduces Fecundity of Liatris ohlingerae (Asteraceae), an Endangered, Endemic Plant of the Florida Scrub, Karin M. Kettenring, Carl W. Weekley, and Eric S. Menges; Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society
Seed Viability and Seed Dormancy of Non-Native Phragmites australis in Suburbanized and Forested Watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, USA, Karin M. Kettenring and Dennis F. Whigham; Aquatic Botany
Annual USEE Program Advisory Council Results, Mark Larese-Casanova
Assessment and Evaluation 101: Getting Started, Mark Larese-Casanova
Assessment and Evaluation 101: Getting Started, Mark Larese-Casanova
Promoting Stewardship with the Utah Master Naturalist Program, Mark Larese-Casanova
Promoting Stewardship with the Utah Master Naturalist Program, Mark Larese-Casanova
Myths of California Water: Virtual Tour, J. Lund, E. Hanak, R. Suddeth, Sarah E. Null, R. Ragatz, C. Connell, N. Burley, D. Hunziker, and S. Ruth; UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences
Nitrogen Fixation Varies Spatially and Seasonally in Linked Stream-Lake Ecosystems, Amy M. Marcarelli and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Biogeochemistry
Research in Thermal Biology: Burning Questions for Coldwater Stream Fishes, Dale A. McCullough, John M. Bartholow, Henriëtte I. Jager, Robert L. Beschta, Edward F. Cheslak, Michael L. Deas, Joseph L. Ebersole, J. Scott Foott, Sherri L. Johnson, Keith R. Marine, Matthew G. Mesa, James H. Petersen, Yves Souchon, Kenneth F. Tiffan, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Reviews in Fisheries Science
Investigating the Invasion Potential of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in High Mountain Streams: Are Early Life-Stages Limited By Limited by Interactions Between Geomorphic and Hydrologic Factors?, C. Meredith and Phaedra E. Budy; Investigating the Invasion Potential of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in High Mountain Streams: Are Early Life-Stages Limited by Interactions Between Geomorphic and Hydrologic Factors?
Baseline Assessment of Physical and Biological Conditions Within Waterways on Big Springs Ranch, Siskiyou County, California, J. Mount, P. Moyle, M. Deas, C. Jeffres, R. Dahlgren, J. Kiernan, A. King, R. Lusardi, A. Nichols, Sarah E. Null, S. Tanaka, and A. Willis; California State Water Resources Control Board
Improving Managed Environmental Water Use Efficiency: Shasta River Flow and Temperature Modeling, Sarah E. Null; California Department of Water Resources’ California Water Plan Update 2009
Climate warming in California’s Sierra Nevada: Potential water temperature impacts and resiliency, Sarah E. Null, J. Viers, J. Mount, M. Deas, and S. Tanaka; America Water Resources Association Climate Change Specialty Conference, Anchorage, AK
Comparison of Morphological and Biological Control of Exchange with Transient Storage Zones in a Field-Scale Flume, C. Orr, J. Clark, Peter Wilcock, J. Finlay, and M. Doyle; Journal of Geophysical Research
Manual for Computing Bed Load Transport in Gravel-Bed Streams, J. Pitlick, Y. Cui, and Peter Wilcock; Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-23.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grassbed Treatments as Habitat for Juvenile Black Bass in a Drawdown Reservoir, D. R. Ratcliff, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and J. Zustak; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Quantifying the Early Life History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah, S. Seidel, Phaedra E. Budy, and B. Roper; Quantifying the Early Life History of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah
Feedbacks and Synergism among Biogeochemistry, Basic Ecology, and Forest Soil Science, H. Van Miegroet and D. W. Johnson; Forest Ecology and Management
Coming to Grips With Uncertainty in Restoration Science and Practice, Joseph Michael Wheaton; USU Spring Runoff Conference
Implications of geomorphic change on salmonid habitat using a narrow beam terrestrial-‐aquatic LiDaR & DEM Uncertainty Accounting, EOS Transactions, Joseph Michael Wheaton, D. Tonina, J. McKean, and C. Garrard; American Geophysical Union
Legacy Sediment & Sources in the Minnesota River Basin, Peter Wilcock; Pennsylvania Land Conservation Conference
Science Bases for Reclamation and Natural Stream Design at Coal Mines, Peter Wilcock; Reclamation and Natural Stream Design at Coal Mines
Sediment Sources in the Minnesota River Basin, Peter Wilcock; Minnesota Water Resources Conference
StreamLab: Full-scale Experiments in River Science, Peter Wilcock; Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco
Identifying Sediment Sources in the Minnesota River Basin, Peter Wilcock and Patrick Belmont; Minnesota River Sediment Colloquium Report
Sediment Transport Primer: Estimating Bed-Material Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock, J. Pitlick, and Y. Cui
An Investigation of the Early Life-History and Potential Influences on Invasion Success of Exotic of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), J. Wood and Phaedra E. Budy; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Freshwater Responses to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollution and a Case Study of Cutler and Dingle Marsh Wetlands, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Water Initiative Seminar Series, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
Mercury in the Biostrome Community of the Great Salt Lake, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Caleb Izdepski; SETAC
Landscape Limnology: Nutrient Fluxes & Biotic Stability in Complex Mountain Watersheds, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Michelle Kang, and Dave M. Epstein; IALS Meeting, Snowbird
Nutrient Limitation of Phytoplankton By Nitrogen and Phosphorus: Erosion of the Phosphorus Paradigm, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and William M. Lewis III; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Nice, France
Extreme Eutrophication and Cyanotoxin Levels in Farmington Bay, A Polluted Embayment of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Amy M. Marcarelli, and Gregory Boyer; SETAC
Bias in Salmonid Survival Rate?: Capture-Recapture Models Where Multiple Life-History Forms Coexist Within a Single Population, R. Al-Chokhachy, Nicolaas Bouwes, M. Conner, and Phaedra E. Budy; Bias in Salmonid Survival Rate?: Capture-Recapture Models Where Multiple Life-History Forms Coexist Within a Single Population
Demographic Characteristics, Population Structure, and Vital Rates of a Fluvial Population of Bull Trout in Oregon, R. Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Landscape Evolution of the Le Sueur River Basin, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Landscape Evolution of the Le Sueur River Basin, Southern Minnesota
Long-Term Landscape Evolution of the Le Sueur River Basin: Putting Sediment Dynamics into Context, Patrick Belmont; Long-Term Landscape Evolution of the Le Sueur River Basin: Putting Sediment Dynamics into Context
Parameterization of a Complex Landscape for a Sediment Routing Model of the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Parameterization of a Complex Landscape for a Sediment Routing Model of the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota
Sediment Sources and Transport in the Upper Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers: The Science Behind the Management and Policy Decisions, Patrick Belmont; Sediment Sources and Transport in the Upper Mississippi and Minnesota Rivers: The Science Behind the Management and Policy Decisions
Tracking Sediment Through Drainage Networks: A Sampling to TCN Applications, Patrick Belmont; Tracking Sediment Through Drainage Networks: A Sampling to TCN Applications
Tracking Sediment Through Drainage Networks in Theory and Practice: Applications in Southern Minnesota and the Olympic Mountains, Western Washington State, Patrick Belmont; Tracking Sediment Through Drainage Networks in Theory and Practice: Applications in Southern Minnesota and the Olympic Mountains, Western Washington State
Watershed Context for a Sediment Routing Model in the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota, Patrick Belmont; Watershed Context for a Sediment Routing Model in the Le Sueur River, Southern Minnesota
Sediment Dynamics, Turbidity and TMCLs in Agricultural Watersheds, Patrick Belmont and C. Jennings; Sediment Dynamics, Turbidity and TMCLs in Agricultural Watersheds
Maintaining Population Persistence in the Face of an extremely Altered Hydrograph, J. Bottcher, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Maintaining Population Persistence in the Face of an Extremely Altered Hydrograph
Habitat Requirements, Vital Rates, and Movement Patterns of Three Endemic Fishes in the San Rafeal River, Utah, J. P. Bottcher, Phaedra E. Budy, and J. Botcher; Habitat Requirements, Vital Rates, and Movement Patterns of Three Endemic Fishes in the San Rafael River, Utah
Use of Predictive Models to Assess the Importance of Riverscape Connectivity on the Distribution of an Imperiled Fish Species, T. B. Bowerman, Phaedra E. Budy, and H. A. Schaller; Use of Predictive Models to Assess the Importance of Riverscape Connectivity on teh Distribution of an Imperiled Fish Species
Use of Predictive Models to Assess the Importance of Riverscape Connectivity on the Distribution of an Imperiled Fish Species, T. B. Bowerman, Phaedra E. Budy, and H. A. Schaller; Use of Predictive Models to Assess teh Importance of Riverscape Connectivity on the Distribution of an Imperiled Fish Species
Timing and Cause of Water Level Fluctuations in Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Over the Past 5000 Years, Janice Brahney, John J. Clague, Brian Menounos, and Thomas W. D. Edwards; Quaternary Research
Empirical Models for Describing Recent Sedimentation Rates in Lakes Distributed Across Broad Spatial Scales, Soren Brothers, Jesse C. Vermaire, and Irene Gregory-Eaves; Journal of Paleolimnology
Lakes and Forests as Determinants of Downstream Nutrient Concentrations in Small Mountain Watersheds, P. D. Brown, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and K. Nydick; Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research
Efecto de peces introducidos sobre las redes troficas en embalses de Norteamerica. (Food Web Interactions and the Role of a New Invader in a Large Reservoir in USA), Phaedra E. Budy; Efecto de peces introducidos sobre las redes tróficas en embalses de Norteamérica. (Food Web Interactions and the Role of a New Invader in a Large Reservoir in USA)
A Cross-Continental, Bioenergetic Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout Under Current and Future Environmental Conditions, Phaedra E. Budy, J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Ganzalez, L. A. Vollestad, Gary P. Thiede, and E. Becares; A Cross-Continental, Bioenergetic Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout Under Current and Future Environmental Conditions
A Cross-Continental, Bioenergetic Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout Under Current and Future Environmental Conditions, Phaedra E. Budy, J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Gonzalez, L. A. Vollestad, Gary P. Thiede, and E. Becares; A Cross-Continental, Bioenergetic Comparison of Factors Limiting the Endemic and Exotic Distribution of Brown Trout Under Current and Future Environmental Conditions
Exploring the Relative Influence of Biotic Interactions and Environmental Conditions on the Abundance and Distribution of Exotic Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in a High Mountain Stream, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, Peter McHugh, E. S. Hansen, and J. Wood; Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Bioenergetics Approach to Modeling Striped Bass and Threadfin Shad Predator-Prey Dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona, Phaedra E. Budy, Shane Vatland, and Gary P. Thiede; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Biological Assessments of Appalachian Streams Derived From Predictive Models for Fish, Macroinvertebrate, and Diatom Assemblages, D. M. Carlisle and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Land Use and the Structure of Western USA Stream Invertebrate Assemblages: O/E and Ecological Traits, D. M. Carlisle and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Stream Restoration Strategies for Reducing River Nitrogen Loads, L. Craig, M. Palmer, D. Richardson, S. Filoso, E. Bernhardt, B. Bledsoe, m. Doyle, P. Groffman, B. Hassett, S. Kaushal, P. Mayer, and S. Smith; Frontiers in Ecology and the Evironment
What do J-NABS Papers Tell us About the Current State of Knowledge in Freshwater Benthic Science?, B. R. Creutzburg and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Costs, Benefits and Inducible Defences: A Case Study With Daphnia pulex, Edd Hammill, A. Rogers, and A. P. Beckerman; Journal of Evolutionary Biology
Regional Assessments of Stream Ecological Condition: Scientific Challenges Associated With the USA's National Wadeable Stream Assessment, Charles P. Hawkins, S. G. Paulsen, J. Van Sickle, and L. L. Yuan; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Striving for Consistency in a National Assessment: The Challenges of Applying a Reference Condition Approach at a Continental Scale, A. T. Herlihy, S. Paulsen, J. Van Sickle, J. Stoddard, Charles P. Hawkins, and L. L. Yuan; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Notes on the Distribution of the Mayfly Caudatella edmundsi, J. N. Hogue and Charles P. Hawkins; Pan-Pacific Entomologist
Temporal and Spatial Variability in the Migration Patterns of Juvenile and Subadult Bull Trout (Salvelinus confuentus) in Northeast Oregon, K. Homel and Phaedra E. Budy; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Evaluating Genetic Structure Among Resident and Migratory Forms of Bull Trout (Salvelinus Confluentus) in Northeast Oregon, K. Homel, Phaedra E. Budy, M. E. Pfrender, T. A. Whitesel, and K. Mock; Ecology of Freshwater Fish, Online Early Articles
The effect of small disturbances on germination and emergence of Phragmites australis in brackish wetlands, Karin M. Kettenring; 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, 8-3 to 8-8, 2008, The Midwest Airlines Center
The potential for a seed-driven invasion of Phragmites australis in developed vs. forested watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay, Karin M. Kettenring; 93rd ESA Annual Meeting, 8-3 to 8-8, 2008, The Midwest Airlines Center
Control of Lacustrine Phytoplankton by Nutrients: Erosion of the Phosphorus Paradigm, W. M. Lewis, Jr. and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; International Review of Hydrobiology
Landscape effects on growth of age-0 arctic grayling in tundra streams, Chris Luecke and P. MacKinnon; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
Is In-Stream N2 Fixation an Important N Source for Benthic Communities and Stream Ecosystems?, Amy M. Marcarelli, Michelle A. Baker, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Journal of the North American Benthological Society