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Physiological ecology and functional traits of North American native and Eurasian introduced Phragmites australis lineages, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Jacques Brisson, and Eric L. G. Hazelton; AoB Plants
Defining a Stream Restoration Body of Knowledge as a Basis for National Certification, S. L. Niezgoda, Peter Wilcock, D. W. Baker, and J. M. Price; J. Hydrulic Eng.
Can the Causeway in the Great Salt Lake be Used to Manage Salinity, Sarah E. Null, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Craig Miller; Friends of the Great Salt Lake Newsletter
Linking land use, in-stream stressors, and biological condition of streams to infer causes of regional ecological impairment in streams, J. R. Olsen and Charles P. Hawkins; Freshwater Science
Developing site-specific nutrient criteria from empirical models, J. R. Olson and Charles P. Hawkins; Freshwater Science
Predicting natural base-flow stream water chemistry in the western United States, J. R. Olson, Charles P. Hawkins, and D. M. Carlisle; Water Resources Research
Experimental Study of the Response of a Gravel Streambed to Increased Sediment Supply, C. J.P. Podolak and Peter Wilcock; Earth Surf. Processes Landforms
Phragmites australis Control at the Rural-Urban Interface Final Report, Larry Rupp, Ralph E. Whitesides, Karin M. Kettenring, Mark Larese-Casanova, and Jerry Goodspeed
StreamLab Collaboratory: Experiments, Data Sets, and Research Synthesis, A. Singh, J. A. Czuba, E. Foufoula-Georiou, J. D.G. Marr, C. Hill, S. Johnson, C. Ellis, J. Mullin, C. H. Orr, Peter Wilcock, M. Hondzo, and C. Paola; Water Resources Research
Morphodynamic signatures of braiding mechanisms as expressed through change in sediment storage in a gravel-bed river, Joseph Michael Wheaton, James Brasington, Stephen Darby, Alan Kasprak, David Sear, and Damiá Vericat; Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Using Predictive Models to Inform River Management and Restoration, Peter Wilcock; American Geophysical Union, San Fransisco
A River Continuum Analysis of an Anthropogenically-Impacted System: The Little Bear River, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Nicholas A. Heredia, Patsy Palacios, Jared Baker, Chance Broderius, Katie Fisher, Jason Fuller, G. Andrew Pappas, Christian Smith, and Marc Weston; Natural Resources and Environmental Issues
Pseudo-diel vertical migration in zooplankton: a whole-lake 15N tracer experiment, Xavier Armengol, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Antonio Camacho, and Maria R. Miracle; Journal of Plankton Research
CHaMP Crew Variability: Influence on Topographic Surfaces & Derived Metrics, S. G. Bangen and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Report to Eco Logical Research, Inc.
Asotin Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed: Restoration Plan for North Fork Asotin, South Fork Asotin and Charlie Creeks, S. Bennett, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and Nicolaas Bouwes; Report to Eco Logical Research, Inc.
Landscape Heterogeneity Influences Carbon Dioxide Production in a Young Boreal Reservoir, Soren Brothers, Paul A. del Giorgio, Cristian R. Teodoru, and Yves T. Prairie; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Benthic and Pelagic Sources of Carbon Dioxide in Boreal Lakes and a Young Reservoir (Eastmain-1) in Eastern Canada, Soren Brothers, Yves T. Prairie, and Paul A. del Giorgio; Global Biogeochemical Cycles
A Comparative and Experimental Evaluation of Performance of Stocked Diploid and Triploid Brook Trout, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, Andrew Dean, Dustin Olsen, and Gilbert Rowley; Fisheries
A Study of the Spawning Ecology and Early Life History Survival of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, Phaedra E. Budy, Sarah Wood, and Brett B. Roper; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Nitrogen Partitioning and Transport Through a Subalpine Lake Measured with an Isotope Tracer, Dave M. Epstein, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Michelle A. Baker; Limnology & Oceanography
Closing a Sediment Budget for a Reconfigured Reach of the Provo River, Utah, S. O. Erwin, John C. Schmidt, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research
Comparison of Techniques for Correlating Survival and Gene Expression Data From Wild Salmon, Edd Hammill, Janelle M.R. Curtis, David A. Patterson, Anthony P. Farrell, Thomas Sierocinski, Paul Pavlidis, Scott G. Hinch, and Kristi Miller; Ecology of Freshwater Fish
Copepod Dominance Contributes to Phytoplankton Nitrogen Deficiency in Lakes During Periods of Low Precipitation, C. R. Johnson and Chris Luecke; Journal of Plankton Research
Is Urban Stream Restoration Worth It?, Melissa Kenney, Peter Wilcock, B. Hobbs, N. Flores, and D. Martinez; J. Am. Water Res. Assoc.
Moving from a regional to a continental perspective of Phragmites australis invasion in North America, Karin M. Kettenring, Sylvie de Blois, and Donald P. Hauber; AoB Plants
Analyzing the spread of Phragmites australis over short time-scales using spatial and genetic tools, Karin M. Kettenring and Karen E. Mock
Building National Capacity with the Alliance of Natural Resources Outreach and Service Programs, Mark Larese-Casanova
Developing and Piloting a Junior Naturalist Program, Mark Larese-Casanova
Developing and Piloting a Junior Naturalist Program, Mark Larese-Casanova
Developing and Piloting a Junior Naturalist Program, Mark Larese-Casanova
From idea to building the team – How to Develop a Master Naturalist type program, Mark Larese-Casanova
Rationale for Control of Anthropogenic Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Inland Waters, William M. Lewis Jr., Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Hans W. Paerl; Environmental Science & Technology
Geomorphic Response of the Sandy River, Oregon, Following Removal of Marmot Dam, J. J. Major, J. E. O'Connor, C. J. Podolak, M. K. Keith, G. E. Grant, K. R. Spicer, S. Pittman, H. M. Bragg, J. R. Wallick, D. Q. Tanner, A. Rhode, and Peter Wilcock; Prof. Paper
Predicting and detecting changes to riparian vegetation communities along the large rivers of the Colorado Plateau as a result of climate change, R. B. Manners, John C. Schmidt, P. Grams, B. Ralston, P. Davis, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Final Report Prepared for Grand Canyon Research and Monitoring Center
Water-Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: A Method to Consider Whether Dams Mitigate Climate Change Effects on Stream Temperatures, Sarah E. Null, S. T. Ligare, and J. H. Viers; Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program White Paper. Prepared for the California Energy Commission
Water-Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates, Sarah E. Null and J. H. Viers; Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program White Paper. Prepared for the California Energy Commission
Water Year Classification in Non-Stationary Climates, Sarah E. Null and J. H. Viers; Utah State University Spring Runoff Conference
Automatic geomorphic feature extraction from lidar in flat and engineered landscapes, Paola Passalacqua, Patrick Belmont, and Efi Foufoula-Georgiou; Water Resources Research
Unintended Consequences of Restoration: Loss of Riffle Habitats and Gravel Substrates Following Weir Installation, N. L. Salant, John C. Schmidt, P. E. budy, and Peter Wilcock; J. Env. Mgt.
Accounting for Uncertainty in Cumulative Sediment Transport Using a Bayesian Approach, M. L. Schmelter, S. O. Erwin, and Peter Wilcock; Geomorphology
Final Report: Big River Protocol Development – A Prototype Warranty Project, Michael L. Scott, D. L. Perkins, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; U.S. Geological Survey
Coupled Dynamics of the Co-Evolution of Bed Topography, Flow Turbulence and Sediment Transport in an Experimental Flume, A. Singh, E. Foufoula-Georiou, F. Foute-Agel, and Peter Wilcock; J. Geophysical Research - Earth Surface
Interactive GIS Tool for Transforming Assumed Total Station Surveys to Real World Coordinates ‐ The CHaMP Transformation Tool, Joseph Michael Wheaton, C. Garrard, C. Volk, and K. Whitehead; Computers&Geosciences
Near Cencus Assessment of Fluvial Form, Process, Change and Associated Ecosystem Services., Joseph Michael Wheaton and G. B. Pasternack; US. Bureau of Reclamation, Sedimentation & River Hydraulics Group 2012 Annual Lecture Series
Size Matters. History Too., Peter Wilcock; American Geophysical Union, San Fransisco
Stream Restoration in Gravel-Bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Gravel Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments
A Paleolimnological History of Metals Contamination and Eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Spring Runoff Conference
The Great Salt Lake’s Deep Brine Layer and Its Importance for Mercury Bioaccumulation in Brine Shrimp (Artemia franciscana), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Erin F. Jones; Final Report to the Utah Division of Forestry Fire and State Lands
Eutrophication and Metal Concentrations in Three Bays of the Great Salt Lake (USA), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Amy M. Marcarelli, and Greg L. Boyer; 2009 Final Report to the Utah Division of Water Quality, Salt Lake City, Utah
Evaluating the Reintroduction Potential of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in Fallen Leaf Lake, California, Robert Al-Chokhachy, Mary Peacock, Lisa G. Heki, and Gary P. Thiede; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Biogeochemical Response of Alpine Lakes to a Recent Increase in Dust Deposition in the Southwestern, US, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Janice Brahney, C. L. Lawrence, J. Saros, and Jason C. Neff; Biogeosciences
A Methodological Intercomparison of Topographic and Aerial Photographic Habitat Survey Techniques, S. G. Bangen, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and Nicolaas Bouwes; AGU Fall Meeting 2011
A Methodological Intercomparison of Topographic and Aerial Photographic Habitat Survey Techniques, S. G. Bangen, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and Nicolaas Bouwes; American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting
MethodologicalIntercomparisonofTopographic&AerialPhotographicHabitatSurveyTechniques, S. Bangen, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and K. D. DeMeurichy; PreparedforEcoLogicalResearchandNOAA
An Integrated Sediment Budget for the Le Seuer River Watershed, Patrick Belmont; An Integrated Sediment Budget for the Le Seuer River Watershed
Floodplain Width Adjustments in Response to Rapid Base Level Fall and Knickpoint Migration, Patrick Belmont; Geomorphology
New Insights on Erosion and Transportation of Fine Sediment at the Watershed Scale, Patrick Belmont; New Insights on Erosion and Transportation of Fine Sediment at the Watershed Scale
New Tools for Nonpoint Sediment Pollution Research, Patrick Belmont; New Tools for Nonpoint Sediment Pollution Research
New Tools for Tracking Mud in Rivers, Patrick Belmont; New Tools for Tracking Mud in Rivers
Water and Sediment Dynamics in Agricultural Landscapes: Towards Prediction of Watershed Sediment Yield, Patrick Belmont; Water and Sediment Dynamics in Agricultural Landscapes: Towards Prediction of Watershed Sediment Yield
Large Shift in Source of Fine Sediment in the Upper Mississippi River, Patrick Belmont, Karen B. Gran, Shawn P. Schottler, Peter Wilcock, Stephanie S. Day, Carrie Jennings, J. Wesley Lauer, Enrica Viparelli, Jane K. Willenbring, Daniel R. Engstrom, and Gary Parker; Environmental Science & Technology
Large Shift in Sediment Source Challenges Upper Mississippi River Cleanup, Patrick Belmont, K. B. Gran, S. P. Schottler, Peter Wilcock, S. S. Day, C. jennings., J. W. Lauer, E. Viparelli, J. K. Willenbring, D. R. Engstrom, and G. Parker; Environ. Sci. Technol.
Kirk Bryan Field Trip: Holocene Landscape Evolution and Erosional Processes in the Le Sueur River, Central Minnesota, Patrick Belmont, K. Gran, C. E. Jennings, C. Wittkop, and S. S. Day; Guide Book for 2011 GSA National Meeting Kirk Bryan Field Trip, Minneapolis, MN
Measuring Event- and Century-Scale Changes in Sediment Sources to the Upper Mississippi River, Patrick Belmont, J. Willenbring, and J. Marquard; Measuring Event- and Century-Scale Changes in Sediment Sources to the Upper Mississippi River
How Do Habitat Connectivity and Dispersal Rates Affect Population Dynamics of an Imperiled Freshwater Fish?, T. Bowerman and Phaedra E. Budy; How Do Habitat Connectivity and Dispersal Rates Affect Population Dynamics of an Imperiled Freshwater Fish?
Effects of Substrate Size, Hyporheic Flow, and Spawning Site Selection on Bull Trout Egg and Alevin Survival, T. Bowerman, Phaedra E. Budy, and B. T. Neilson; Effects of Substrate Size, Hyporheic Flow, and Spawning Site Selection on Bull Trout Egg and Alevin Survival
Changes to the Productivity and Trophic Structure of a Sockeye Salmon Rearing Lake in British Columbia, Janice Brahney, Richard Routedge, Darren G. Bos, and Marlow G. Pellatt; North American Journal of Fisheries Management
Evidence Linking Delayed Mortality of Snake River Salmon to Their Earlier Hydrosystem Experience, Phaedra E. Budy; Evidence Linking Delayed Mortality of Snake River Salmon to Their Earlier Hydrosystem Experience
Towards a Better Understanding of the Factors that Limit and Facilitate One of the World's Most Invasive Fishes: What Can We Learn From an Intercontinental Comparison?, Phaedra E. Budy; Towards a Better Understanding of the Factors that Limit and Facilitate One of the World's Most Invasive Fishes: What Can We Learn From an Intercontinental Comparison?
Predicting Fish Growth Potential and Identifying Potential Water Quality Issues: A Apatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach, Phaedra E. Budy, M. E. Baker, and S. K. Dahle; Environmental Management
Native Fish Population Status and Trends and Opportinities for Improvement on the Lower Dolores River: Phase I., Phaedra E. Budy and N. Salant; Native Fish Population Status and Trends and Opportunities for Improvement on the Lower Dolores River: Phase I
The comparability of bioassessments: A review of conceptual and methodological issues, Y. Cao and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Natural Flow Regime, Temperature and the Composition and Richness of Invertebrate Assemblages in Streams of the Western United States, Kiran J. Chinnayakanahalli, Charles P. Hawkins, David G. Tarboton, and Ryan A. Hill; Freshwater Biology
Untangling Geomorphic Processes in the Grand Canyon with Topographic Time Series from Hybrid Surveys, N. Czarnomski, Joseph Michael Wheaton, P. E. Grams, J. E. Hazel, M. Kaplinski, and J. Schmidt; AGU Fall Meeting 2011
Bridge Creek IMW Topographic and Aerial Photography Surveys: 2010-‐2011 Deliverables, K. DeMeurichy, Joseph Michael Wheaton, S. Welsh, and F. Consolati; Report for Eco Logical Research and NOAA
Nutrient Transport Through Lakes in a Sub-Alpine Watershed in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho, Dave M. Epstein; UC Davis Limnology Lecture
Transcriptomics of Environmental Acclimation and Survival in Pacific Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) During Spawning Migration, Tyler G. Evans, Edd Hammill, Karia H. Kaukinen, Angela D. Schulze, David A. Patterson, Karl K. English, Janelle M.R. Curtis, and Kristina M. Miller; Molecular Ecology
A CDI Collaboration: Geosciences and Engineering for Intelligent Digital Watersheds, E. Foufoula, J. Schnoor, Patrick Belmont, and P. Passalacqua; A CDI Collaboration: Geosciences and Engineering for Intelligent Digital Watersheds
Revisiting Scaling Laws in River Basins: New Considerations Across Hillslope and Fluvial Regimes, C. Gangodagamage, Patrick Belmont, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou; Water Resources Research
Revisiting scaling laws in river basins: New considerations across hillslope and fluvial regimes, Chandana Gangodagamage, Patrick Belmont, and Efi Foufoula-Georgiou; Water Resources Research
Amoebae and Pathogenic Legionella pneumophila in Saline Environments, R. J. Gast, D. M. Moran, M. R. Dennett, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and L. Amaral-Zettler; Journal of Water and Health
Lakes as buffers of stream dissolved organic matter (DOM) variability: Temporal patterns of DOM characteristics in mountain stream-lake systems, K. J. Goodman, Michelle A. Baker, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences
Landscape Evolution in South-Central Minnesota and the Role of Geomorphic History on Modern Erosional Processes, K. B. Gran, Patrick Belmont, S. S. Day, N. Finnegan, C. Jennings, J. W. Lauer, and Peter Wilcock; GSA Today
An Integrated Sediment Budget for the Le Sueur River Basin, K. Gran, Patrick Belmont, S. Day, C. Jennings, J. W. Lauer, E. Viparelli, Peter Wilcock, and G. Parker
The Potential of Passive Stream Restoration to Improve Ecosystem Health and Minimize the Impact of Fish Disease: A Short-Term Assessment, E. S. Hansen and Phaedra E. Budy; Journal of the North American Benthological Society
Morphodynamic Modeling of Gravel Bed Rivers: a Step-‐Length Based Approach, Alan Kasprak and Joseph Michael Wheaton; AGU Fall Meeting 2011
Lessons learned from invasive plant control experiments: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Karin M. Kettenring and Carrie R. Adams; Journal of Applied Ecology
Carex Seedling Emergence in Restored and Natural Prairie Wetlands, Karin M. Kettenring and Susan M. Galatowitsch; 31
Seed Rain of Restored and Natural Prairie Wetlands, Karin M. Kettenring and Susan M. Galatowitsch; Wetlands
Mechanisms of Phragmites australis invasion: feedbacks among genetic diversity, nutrients, and sexual reproduction, Karin M. Kettenring, Melissa K. McCormick, Heather M. Baron, and Dennis F. Whigham; Journal of Applied Ecology
Analysis of Historical Longitudinal Profiles of the Colorado River Downstream From Glen Canyon Dam, 1965-‐2009, N. Kilham, John C. Schmidt, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Final Report for the Intermountain Center for River Restoration and Rehabilitation
Out of Place Predators: Using Bioenergetic Efficiency to Explain Predator Performance Across an Array of Small Impoundments in Northeast Utah, S. L. Klobucar, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; Out of Place Predators: Using Bioenergetic Efficiency to Explain Predator Performance Across an Array of SmallImpoundments in Northeast Utah
Assessment and Evaluation of the Utah Master Naturalist Program: Implications for Targeting Audiences, Mark Larese-Casanova; Journal of Extension
A Numerical Model for Sediment Tracer Movement Through an Actively Evolving Floodplain, J. W. Lauer, E. Viparelli, Patrick Belmont, and G. Parker; A Numerical Model for Sediment Tracer Movement Through an Actively Evolving Floodplain
Non-uniform changes to whitewater recreation in California’s Sierra Nevada from regional climate warming, S. T. Ligare, J. H. Viers, Sarah E. Null, D. Rheinheimer, and J. F. Mount; River Research and Applications
Factors Driving Spatial and Temporal Variation in Production and Production/Biomass Ratio of Stream-Resident Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) in Cantabrian Streams, J. Lobón-‐Cerviá, G. Gonzalez, and Phaedra E. Budy; Freshwater Biology
HighResolutionMappingofInstreamHabitat:PilotStudyusingGround-‐basedLiDaRinLoganRiverWatershed, R. L. Lokteff, K. D. DeMeurichy, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; Report prepared for the US Forest Service
Ground Based Lidar and PIT Tags: Does High Resolution Data Improve Our Understanding of a Fish's Utilization of Habitat?, R. Lokteff, Brett B. Roper, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting
Spatial Distribution and Species Segregation of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout, Brown Trout, and Brook Trout, R. Lokteff, Joseph Michael Wheaton, and Brett B. Roper; American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting
Hydraulic and Vegetative Models of Historic Environmental Conditions Isolate the Role of Riparian Vegetation in Inducing Channel Change, R. B. Manners, J. Schmidt, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; AGU Fall Meeting 2011