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Emerging Reservoir Delta‐Backwaters: Biophysical Dynamics and Riparian Biodiversity, Malia A. Volke, W. Carter Johnson, Mark D. Dixon, and Michael L. Scott; Ecological Monographs


Twentieth Century Geomorphic Changes of the Lower Green River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah: An Investigation of Timing, Magnitude and Process, Alexander E. Walker, John C. Schmidt, and Paul E. Grams


Beavers Alter Stream Macroinvertebrate Communities in Northeastern Utah, Susan E. Washko, Brett B. Roper, and Trisha Brooke Atwood; Freshwater Biology


Indicators and Benchmarks for Wind Erosion Monitoring, Assessment and Management, Nicholas P. Webb, Emily Kachergis, Scott W. Miller, Sarah E. McCord, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Joel R. Brown, Adrian Chappell, Brandon L. Edwards, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Jason W. Karl, John F. Leys, Loretta J. Metz, Stephen Smarik, John Tatarko, Justin W. Van Zee, and Greg Zwicke; Ecological Indicators


Interactions with Humans Shape Coyote Responses to Hazing, Julie K. Young, Edd Hammill, and Stewart W. Breck; Scientific Reports


Improving Lake Mixing Process Simulations in the Community Land Model by Using K Profile Parameterization, Qunhui Zhang, Jiming Jin, Xiaochun Wang, Phaedra E. Budy, Nick Barrett, and Sarah E. Null; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Spatially Assessing the Moderated Effects of Physical and Biological Characteristics of Alpine Lake Catchment Basins in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, D. Anderson and Janice Brahney; Advanced GIS Final Project Poster


The Importance of Marine Predators in the Provisioning of Ecosystem Services by Coastal Plant Communities, Trisha B. Atwood and Edd Hammill; Frontiers in Plant Science


Predators Shape Sedimentary Organic Carbon Storage in a Coral Reef Ecosystem, Trisha Brooke Atwood, Elizabeth M. P. Madin, Alastair R. Harborne, Edd Hammill, Osmar J. Luiz, Quinn R. Ollivier, Chris M. Roelfsema, Peter I. Macreadie, and Catherine E. Lovelock; Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution


High Interspecific Variation in Nutrient Excretion Within a Guild of Closely Related Caddisfly Species, Jared A. Balik, Brad W. Taylor, Susan E. Washko, and Scott A. Wissinger; Ecosphere


Sediment Dynamics in the Bear River-Mud Lake-Bear Lake System, Patrick Belmont, Mitchell Donovan, Janice Brahney, Lindsay Capito, and Zach Burgert

Paleoseismicity, Active Faulting, Surface Deformation, and the Implication on Seismic Hazard Assessment EGU, Andree Blais-Stevens, John J. Clague, Brian Menounos, and Janice Brahney

Working Group on Conceptual Paper on Mountain Lake Gradients, Janice Brahney

Limnological Changes Along a Gradient in Glacierization in the Columbia Basin of Canada, Janice Brahney, Brian Menounos, and Paul Jefferson Curtis; Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography


Light May Have Triggered a Period of Net Heterotrophy in Lake Superior, Soren Brothers and Paul Sibley; Limnology and Oceanography


Riparian Research and Management: Past, Present, Future: Volume 1, Steven W. Carothers, Hisham El Waer, Helen C. Fairley, Deborah M. Finch, Suzanne C. Fouty, Jonathan M. Friedman, Jennifer K. Frey, Stanley V. Gregory, Robert H. Hamre, Annie Henry, Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Elaine E. Johnson, R. Roy Johnson, Kenneth J. Kingsley, Mary Anne McLeod, Eric Mellink, Katie Merewether, Duncan T. Patten, John S. Richardson, Anne Sands, Michael L. Scott, Bo Shelby, Anna A. Sher, D. Max Smith, John T. Stanley, Frederick J. Swanson, Raymond M. Turner, Robert H. Webb, and William E. Werner; General Technical Report

A Conceptual Model for Understanding the Role of Mountain Gradients on Lakes, J. Culpepper, J. Baron, S. Sadro, I. Oleksy, R. Vinebrooke, S. Hampton, A. Smits, K. Moser, Janice Brahney, A. Strecker, S. Chandra, J. Williams, S. Fradkin, L. Nanus, M. Rosen, and P. Noble; Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

Can Calcium Carbonate Be Used to Determine Ambient Lake Phosphorus Concentrations?, M. Devey and Janice Brahney; American Water Research Association


BioTIME: A Database of Biodiversity Time Series for the Anthropocene, Maria Dornelas, Laura H. Antão, Faye Moyes, Amanda E. Bates, Anne E. Magurran, Dušan Adam false, Asem A. Akmetzhanova, Ward Appeltans, José Manuel Arcos, Haley Arnold, Narayanan Ayyappan, Gal Badihi, Andrew H. Baird, Miguel Barbosa, Tiago Egydio Barreto, Phaedra E. Budy, Gary P. Thiede, and et al.; Global Ecology and Biogeography


The Cost of Addressing Saline Lake Level Decline and the Potential for Water Conservation Markets, Eric C. Edwards and Sarah E. Null; Science of the Total Environment


Sustaining Wetlands to Mitigate Disasters and Protect People, Joanna Endter-Wada, Karin M. Kettenring, and Ariana E. Sutton-Grier; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Relationships Between Borders, Management Agencies, and the Likelihood of Watershed Impairment, Josh Epperly, Andrew Witt, Jeffrey Haight, Susan E. Washko, Trisha Brooke Atwood, Janice Brahney, Soren Brothers, and Edd Hammill; Plos one


Natural and Managed Watersheds Show Similar Responses to Recent Climate Change, Darren L. Ficklin, John T. Abatzoglou, Scott M. Robeson, Sarah E. Null, and Jason H. Knouft; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


The Relationship Between Measures of Annual Livestock Disturbance in Western Riparian Areas and Stream Conditions Important to Trout, Salmon, and Char, Lindsey M. Goss and Brett B. Roper; Western North American Naturalist


Alluvial Substrate Mapping by Automated Texture Segmentation of Recreational-Grade Side Scan Sonar Imagery, Daniel Hamill, Daniel Buscombe, and Joseph Michael Wheaton; PLoS ONE


Landscape Heterogeneity Strengthens the Relationship Between β-Diversity and Ecosystem Function, Edd Hammill, Charles P. Hawkins, Hamish S. Greig, Pavel Kratina, Johathan B. Shurin, and Trisha Brooke Atwood; Ecology


The Positive Effect of Role Models in Evolution Instruction, Emily A. Holt, T. Heath Ogden, and Susan L. Durham; Evolution: Education and Outreach


High Resolution Monitoring of River Bluff Erosion Reveals Failure Mechanisms and Geomorphically Effective Flows, Sara A. Kelly and Patrick Belmont; Water


Calibration Parameter Selection and Watershed Hydrology Model Evaluation in Time and Frequency Domains, Karthik Kumarasamy and Patrick Belmont; Water


Modeling the Fish Community Population Dynamics and Forecasting the Eradication Success of an Exotic Fish From an Alpine Stream, Christophe Laplanche, Arnaud Elger, Frédéric Santoul, Gary P. Thiede, and Phaedra E. Budy; Biological Conservation


Evaluating the Conservation Potential of Tributaries for Native Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Brian G. Laub, Gary P. Thiede, William W. Macfarlane, and Phaedra E. Budy; Fisheries

Using Colored Dissolved Organic Matter as a Tracer in End Member Mixing Analysis, M. Ludwig, Janice Brahney, and Paul Jefferson Curtis; EFN Science Policy and Practice Conference


Empirical Correspondence Between Trophic Transfer Efficiency in Freshwater Food Webs and the Slope of Their Size Spectra, Thomas Mehner, Betty Lischke, Kristin Scharnweber, Katrin Attermeyer, Soren Brothers, Ursula Gaedke, Sabine Hilt, and Sandra Brucet; Ecology


Reducing High Flows and Sediment Loading Through Increased Water Storage in an Agricultural Watershed of the Upper Midwest, USA, Nate Mitchell, Karthik Kumarasamy, Se Jong Cho, Patrick Belmont, Brent Dalzell, and Karen Gran; Water


Beyond the 1984 Perspective: Narrow Focus on Modern Wildfire Trends Underestimates Future Risks to Water Security, Brendan P. Murphy, Larissa L. Yocom, and Patrick Belmont; Earth's Future

Beaver-Induced Biogeochemical Alterations in Mountain Streams, D. Murray, B. Neilson, and Janice Brahney; Society for Freshwater Science


Benthic Meiofaunal Community Response to The Cascading Effects of Herbivory Within an Algal Halo System of The Great Barrier Reef, Quinn R. Ollivier, Edward Hammill, David J. Booth, Elizabeth M.P. Madin, Charles Hinchliffe, Alastair R. Harborne, Catherine E. Lovelock, Peter I. Macreadie, and Trisha Brooke Atwood; PLoS ONE


Stormwater Management and Ecosystem Services: A Review, Liana Prudencio and Sarah E. Null; Environmental Research Letters


Invasive Phragmites australis Management in Great Salt Lake Wetlands: Context Dependency and Scale Effects on Vegetation and Seed Banks, Christine B. Rohal


Conservation of Aquatic Biodiversity in the Context of Multiple-Use Management on National Forest System Lands, Brett B. Roper, James M. Capurso, Yvette Paroz, and Michael K. Young; Fisheries Magazine


A Network Model for Primary Production Highlights Linkages Between Salmonid Populations and Autochthonous Resources, W. Carl Saunders, Nicolaas Bouwes, Peter McHugh, and Chris E. Jordan; Ecosphere


Low-Tech Riparian and Wet Meadow Restoration Increases Vegetation Productivity and Resilience Across Semiarid Rangelands, Nicholas L. Silverman, Brady W. Allred, John Patrick Donnelly, Teresa B. Chapman, Jeremy D. Maestas, Joseph Michael Wheaton, Jeff White, and David E. Naugle; Restoration Ecology


Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration with an Improved Elasticity Method in a Nonhumid Area, Lei Tian, Jiming Jin, Pute Wu, and Guo-yue Niu; Sustainability


Quantifying the Impact of Climate Change and Human Activities on Streamflow in a Semi-Arid Watershed with the Budyko Equation Incorporating Dynamic Vegetation Information, Lei Tian, Jiming Jin, Pute Wu, and Guo-yue Niu; Water


Long-Term Evolution of Sand Transport Through a River Network: Relative Influences of a Dam Versus Natural Changes in Grain Size From Sand Waves, David J. Topping, Erich R. Mueller, John C. Schmidt, Ronald E. Griffiths, David J. Dean, and Paul E. Grams; Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface


Using Systematic Conservation Planning to Establish Management Priorities for Freshwater Salmon Conservation, Matanuska-Susitna Basin, AK, USA, Andrew W. Witt and Edd Hammill; Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems


Effects of Eutrophication on Birds in Three Bays of Great Salt Lake: A Comparative Analysis with Utah DWR Waterbird Survey Data, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh


Can the Desiccation of Great Salt Lake be Stopped?, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Craig Miller, Sarah E. Null, R. Justin DeRose, and Peter Wilcock; 12th Annual Salt Lake County Watershed Symposium

Can Beaver Dams Effect Water Quality, M. Zastow and Janice Brahney; Quinney College of Natural Resources



Warming Alters Food Web-Driven Changes in the CO2 Flux of Experimental Pond Ecosystems, T. B. Atwood, Edd Hammill, P. Kratina, H. S. Greig, J. B. Shurin, and J. S. Richardson; Biology Letters

Paleoseismic Evidence for Repeated Holocene Displacements along the Denali Fault in Southwest Yukon Territory, Andree Blais-Stevens, John J. Clague, Brian Menounos, and Janice Brahney; Canadian Geophysical Union

A New Method of Measuring Dry Deposition in NADP Samplers, Janice Brahney; National Atomspheric Depostion Program Annual Meeting

Dust Mediated Transfer of Phosphorus to Lake Ecosystems and Ecological Impacts, Janice Brahney; Mountain Lakes Workshop

Dust Mediated Transfer of Phosphorus to Lake Ecosystems and Ecological Impacts, Janice Brahney; Spring Runoff Conference

Hydrological and Biogeochemical Impacts of Glacier Recession in the Canadian Columbia Basin, Janice Brahney; Cryosphere Impacts on Lakes and Streams Workshop

Cause and Consequence of Lake Level Change in Kluane Lake, YT, Janice Brahney, Brian Menounos, Thomas W. D. Edwards, and John J. Clague; Canadian Geophysical Union


Determining Annual Cryosphere Storage Contributions to Stream flow Using Historical Hydrometric Records, Janice Brahney, Brian Menounos, Xiaohua Wei, and Paul Jefferson Curtis; Hydrological Processes


Evidence for a Climate-Driven Hydrologic Regime Shift in the Canadian Columbia Basin, Janice Brahney, Frank Weber, Vanessa Foord, John Janmaat, and Paul Jefferson Curtis; Canadian Water Resources Journal


Convective mixing and high littoral primary production can establish systematic errors in lake diel oxygen curves in shallow, eutrophic lakes, Soren Brothers, Garabet Kazanjian, Jan Kohler, Ulrike Scharfenberger, and Sabine Hilt; Limnology and Oceanograpy Methods


A decline in benthic algal production may explain recent hypoxic events in Lake Erie's central basin, Soren Brothers, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Paul Sibley; Journal of Great Lakes Research


Interplay between spatially explicit sediment sourcing, hierarchical river-network structure, and in-channel bed material sediment transport and storage dynamics, J. A. Czuba, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, K. B. Gran, and Patrick Belmont; Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface


Cosmopolitan Species as Models for Ecophysiological Responses to Global Change: The Common Reed Phragmites australis, Franziska Eller, Hana Skálová, Joshua S. Caplan, Ganesh P. Bhattarai, Melissa K. Burger, James T. Cronin, Wen-Yong Guo, Xiao Guo, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Karin M. Kettenring, Carla Lambertini, Melissa K. McCormick, Laura A. Meyerson, Thomas J. Mozdzer, Petr Pyšek, and et al.; Frontiers in Plant Science


3D photogrammetry quantifies growth and external erosion of individual coral colonies and skeletons, Renata Ferrari, Will F. Figueira, Morgan S. Pratchett, Tatiana Boube, Arne Adam, Tania Kobelkowsky-Vidrio, Steve S. Doo, Trisha Brooke Atwood, and Maria Byrne; Scientific Reports


Ocean acidification alters zooplankton communities and increases predation pressure of a cubozoan predator, Edd Hammill, Ellery Johnson, Trisha Brooke Atwood, Januar Harianto, Charles Hinchliffe, Piero Calosi, and Maria Byrne; Global Change Biology


Body Condition of Endangered Humpback Chub in Relation to Temperature and Discharge in the Lower Colorado River, Forest P. Hayes, Michael J. Dodrill, Brandon S. Gerig, Colton Finch, and William E. Pine III; Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management


Spatial and Temporal Variation in Brackish Wetland Seedbanks: Implications for Wetland Restoration Following Phragmites Control, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Rebekah Downard, Karin M. Kettenring, Melissa K. McCormick, and Dennis F. Whigham; Estuaries and Coasts


25 years of EFF—a thank you to the co-founding editor Javier Lobón-Cerviá, David C. Heins, Phaedra E. Budy, Núria Sanz, and Asbjørn Vøllestad; Ecology of Freshwater Fish


Translating regime shifts in shallow lakes into changes in ecosystem function, Sabine Hilt, Soren Brothers, Erik Jeppesen, Annelies J. Veraart, and Sarian Kosten; BioScience


Presence of invasive Gambusia alters ecological communities and the functions they perform in lentic ecosystems, Charles Hinchliffe, Trisha Brooke Atwood, Quinn Ollivier, and Edd Hammill; Marine and Freshwater Research


Wildfire in Utah: The Physical and Economic Consequences of Wildfire, Paul Mark Jakus, Man-Keun Kim, Randy S. Martin, Ian Hammond, Edd Hammill, Nancy O. Mesner, and Jacob Stout


Rapid surface-water volume estimations in beaver ponds, Daniel J. Karran, Cherie J. Westbrook, Joseph Michael Wheaton, Carol A. Johnston, and Angela Bedard-Haughn; Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Measuring Program Impacts: 1. Setting Goals and Objectives, Mark Larese-Casanova

Measuring Program Impacts: 2. Assessment of Participant Knowledge Gain, Mark Larese-Casanova

Measuring Program Impacts: 3. Evaluating Program Success, Mark Larese-Casanova

Measuring Program Impacts: 4. Evaluating Long-Term Impacts, Mark Larese-Casanova

Utah Master Naturalist Deserts Textbook, Mark Larese-Casanova

Utah Master Naturalist Mountains Textbook, Mark Larese-Casanova

Utah Master Naturalist Watersheds Textbook, Mark Larese-Casanova


Benthic Carbon is Inefficiently Transferred in the Food Webs of Two Eutrophic Shallow Lakes, Betty Lischke, Thomas Mehner, Sabine Hilt, Katrin Attermeyer, Mario Brauns, Soren Brothers, Hans-Peter Grossart, Jan K€ohler, Kristin Scharnweber, and Ursula Gaedke; Freshwater Biology


Assessing the risk of carbon dioxide emissions from blue carbon ecosystems, Catherine E. Lovelock, Trisha Brooke Atwood, Jeff Baldock, Carlos M. Duarte, Sharyn Hickey, Paul S. Lavery, Pere Masque, Peter I. Macreadie, Aurora M. Ricart, Oscar Serrano, and Andy Steven; Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment


Aerosol Deposition Impacts on Land and Ocean Carbon Cycles, Natalie M. Mahowald, Rachel Scanza, Janice Brahney, Christine L. Goodale, Peter G. Hess, J. Keith Moore, and Jason C. Neff; Current Climate Change Reports


Brine Shrimp Grazing and Fecal Production Increase sedimentation to the deep brine layer (monimolimnion) of Great Salt Lake, Utah, Piotr Maszczyk and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Hydrobiologia


Dissolved Oxygen, Stream Temperature, and Fish Habitat Response to Environmental Water Purchases, Sarah E. Null, Nathaniel R. Mouzon, and Logan R. Elmore; Journal of Environmental Management


Growth of Endangered Humpback Chub in Relation to Temperature and Discharge in the Lower Colorado River, W. E. Pine III, K. Limburg, B. Gerig, Colton Finch, D. Chagaris, L. Coggins, D. Speas, and D. A. Hendrickson; Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management


Characterizing Growth and Condition of Endangered Humpback Chub in the Lower Colorado River, William E. Pine III, Brandon S. Gerig, and Colton Finch; Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management


Quantitative PCR Assays for Detection of Five Arctic Fish Species: Lota lota, Cottus cognatus, Salvelinus alpinus, Salvelinus malma, and Thymallus arcticus from Environmental DNA, Torrey W. Rodgers, John R. Olson, Stephen L. Klobucar, and Karen E. Mock; Conservation Genetics Resources

The Effects of Beaver Dams on Stream Biogeochemistry, A. Towns, N. Quinney, B. Neilson, and Janice Brahney; iUtah iFellow Research Symposium

The Effects of Beaver Dams on Stream Biogeochemistry, A. Towns, N. Quinney, B. Neilson, and Janice Brahney; iUtah Annual Symopium and All-Hands Meeting


Comparison of burbot populations across adjacent native and introduced ranges, Annika W. Walters, Elizabeth G. Madenville, W. Carl Saunders, Paul C. Gerrity, Joseph A. Skorupski, Zack E. Underwood, and Eric I. Gardunio; Aquatic Invasion


Effects of Changes in Alternative Prey Densities on Predation of Drifting Lake Sturgeon Larvae (Acipenser fulvescens), Justin Waraniak, Shaley Valentine, and Kim Scribner; Journal of Freshwater Ecology


Accounting for spatial and temporal variation in macroinvertebrate community abundances when measuring the food supply of stream salmonids, Nicholas Weber, Nicolaas Bouwes, and Chris Jordan; Freshwater Science


Accounting for Spatial and Temporal Variation in Macroinvertebrate Community Abundances When Measuring the Food Supply of Stream Salmonids, Nicholas Weber, Nicolaas Bouwes, and Chris Jordan; Freshwater Science


Earning Their Stripes: The Potential of Tiger Trout and Other Salmonids as Biological Controls of Forage Fishes in a Western Reservoir, Lisa K. Winters, Phaedra E. Budy, and Gary P. Thiede; North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Decline of the World’s Saline Lakes, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Craig Miller, Sarah E. Null, R. Justin DeRose, Peter Wilcock, Maura Hahnenberger, Frank Howe, and Johnnie Moore; Perspective


An Affordable Method of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Wadeable Rivers Using a Weather Balloon, Tim Beach, Sarah E. Null, and Curtis Gray; Journal of Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Excellence

Leveraging the NADP to Fill Critical Dust Knowledge and Data Gaps, Janice Brahney; National Atomspheric Depostion Program Annual Meeting and Science Symposium


Benthic algae compensate for phytoplankton losses in large aquatic ecosystems, Soren Brothers, Yvonne Vadeboncoeur, and Paul Sibley; Global Change Biology


Sediment Supply Versus Local Hydraulic Controls on Sediment Transport and Storage in a River with Large Sediment Loads, David J. Dean, David J. Topping, John C. Schmidt, Ronald E. Griffiths, and Thomas A. Sabol; Journal of Geophysical Research F: Earth Surface


Maximal stomatal conductance to water and plasticity in stomatal traits differ between native and invasive introduced lineages of Phragmites australis in North America, V. Douhovnikoff, S. H. Taylor, Eric L. G. Hazelton, C. Smith, and J. O'Brien; AoB Plants

Wetland Plants of Great Salt Lake: A guide to identification, communities, & bird habitat, M. Frank, J. Marty, Christine Rohal, Rebekah Downward, Joanna Endter-Wada, Karin M. Kettenring, and Mark Larese-Casanova