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Sensitivity of Aquatic Ecosystems to Climatic and Anthropogenic Changes: The Basin and Range, American Southwest and México, N. B. Grimm, A. Chacón, C. N. Dahm, S. W. Hostetler, O. T. Lind, P. L. Starkweather, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Hydrological Processes


Fertilization of an Oligotrophic Lake with a Deep Chlorophyll Maximum: Predicting the Effect on Primary Productivity, H. P. Gross, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Phaedra E. Budy, and Chris Luecke; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Vulnerability of riparian vegetation to catastrophic flooding: implications for riparian restoration, Charles P. Hawkins, K. Bartz, and C. M.U. Neale; Restoration Ecology


Channel morphology, water temperature, and assemblage structure of stream insects, Charles P. Hawkins, J. N. Hogue, L. A. Decker, and J. W. Feminella; Journal of the North American Benthological Society

Recovery and resilience of a food web after manipulation of the top carnivore, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI

Simulated growth rate of lacustrine salmonids in lake environments, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM


The effects of golden shiners onplankton community structure in Castle Lake, California, A. Müller-Solger, M. T. Brett, Chris Luecke, J. J. Elser, and C. R. Goldman; Journal of Plankton Research


Identifying Sites for Riparian Wetland Restoration: A Conceptual Framework and its Application to Reaches Within the Upper Arkansas River Basin, M. P. O'Neill, John C. Schmidt, J. P. Dobrowolski, Charles P. Hawkins, and C. M.U. Neale; Restoration Ecology


The role of GIS in selecting sites for riparian restoration based on hydrology and land use., G. Russell, Charles P. Hawkins, and M. P. O'Neill; Restoration Ecology


Experiments on Downstream Fining of Gravel: 1 Narrow-channel Runs, R. Seal, C. Paola, G. Parker, J. Southard, and Peter Wilcock; J. Hydraulic Engineering

A Method for Predicting Sediment Transport in Gravel-bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock; U.S. Forest Service,Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station


Entrainment, Displacement and Transport of Tracer Gravels, Peter Wilcock; Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Frequency of Effective Wave Activity and the Recession of Coastal Bluffs: Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, Peter Wilcock; Assateague Shelf and Shore 23rd Annual Conference, Towson MD


Friction Between Science and Practice: The Case of River Restoration, Peter Wilcock; Eos


The Components of Fractional Transport Rate, Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research


Partial Transport of a Sand-Gravel Sediment, Peter Wilcock and B. W. McArdell; Water Resources Research


Comparison of the Aquatic Ecology of Side-Canyons and the Main Channel of Lake Powell 1997, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Kirsten L. Gallo; Report to the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area


Nutrient Limitation of Oligotrophic Sockeye Salmon Lakes of Idaho (USA), Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, H. P. Gross, Chris Luecke, and Phaedra E. Budy; Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fürTheoretische und Angewandte Limnologie


Planform Change and Bankline Migration in Flood Control Channels, D. S. Cherry, Peter Wilcock, and M. G. Wolman; Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Evaluation of Effects of Acidic Deposition to Terrestrial Ecosystems in Class I Areas of the Southern Appalachians, C. Edgar, H. Van Miegroet, S. M. McLaughlin, and N. S. Nicholas

Book Review. Current directions in research on Ephemeropteraby L.D. Corkum and J.J. H. Cibrowski, Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


The Flushing Flow Problem: Defining and Evaluating Objectives, G. M. Kondolf and Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research

Compensatory changes in the food web of Castle Lake after a fish manipulation, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI


Simulated Growth and Production of Endangered Snake River Sockeye Salmon: Assessing Management Strategies for the Nursery Lakes, Chris Luecke, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Phaedra E. Budy, and H. P. Gross; Fisheries


Effects of Daphnia Availability on Growth and Food Consumption of Rainbow Trout in Two Utah Reservoirs, R. Tabor, Chris Luecke, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Competition Between Kokanees and Utah Chub in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, D. Teuscher and Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Effects of Sampling Area and Subsampling Procedure on Comparisons of Taxa Richness Among Streams, M. R. Vinson and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society

Dominant Discharge: Who Needs It?, Peter Wilcock; Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources, Third Information Exchange on River Restoration Practice, Annapolis, MD


Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress from Velocity Observations, Peter Wilcock; Water Resources Research


Observations of Flow and Sediment Entrainment on a Large Gravel-Bed River, Peter Wilcock, A. F. Barta, C. C. Shea, G. M. Kondolf, W. V. G. Matthews, and J. C. Pitlick; Water Resources Research


Specification of Sediment Maintenance Flows for a Large Gravel-Bed River, Peter Wilcock, G. M. Kondolg, W. V. G. Matthews, and A. F. Barta; Water Resources Research


Exceptional Fish Yield in a Mid-Elevation Utah Trout Reservoir: Effects of Angling Regulations, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, D. Barnard, and T. Pettengill; Great Basin Naturalist


Comparison of the Aquatic Ecology of Side-Canyons and the Main Channel of Lake Powell, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and Kirsten L. Gallo; Report to the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area


Limnology of the Sawtooth Valley Lakes with Respect to Potential Growth of Juvenile Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Phaedra E. Budy, Chris Luecke, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, H. P. Gross, and C. Gubala; Northwest Science


Comparative Effect of Douglas-Fir and Red Alder on Ecosystem Carbon Accumulation, D. W. Cole, J. Compton, P. S. Homann, R. L. Edmonds, and H. Van Miegroet; Carbon Forms and Functions in Forest Soils


Limnological Effects of Food-Web Compensation After Manipulation of Planktivorous Fishes in Castle Lake, California, J. J. Elser, M. T. Brett, Chris Luecke, and C. R. Goldman; Ecology


Interactions between stream herbivores and periphyton: a quantitative analysis of past experiments, J. W. Feminella and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Variation in condition of rainbow trout in relation to food, temperature, and individual length in the Green River Utah, R. B. Filbert and Charles P. Hawkins; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Sludge Application and Monitoring Program on the Oak Ridge Reservation, 1986-1993, C. A. Gunderson, H. L. Boston, H. Van Miegroet, J. L. Morris, I. L. Larsen, A. E. Walzer, T. C. Adler, D. M. Bradburn, and M. Huq

Consequences of forage fish reduction for lake trout growth potential, Chris Luecke; American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Reno, Nevada

Estimating growth potential for sockeye salmon in lake environments, Chris Luecke; Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, Canada

Recovery and resilience of a food web after a major manipulation, Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Snowbird Utah

Simulated growth and production of Snake River sockeye salmon in Redfish Lake, Idaho, Chris Luecke; University of Toronto


Acidic Deposition, Ecosystem Processes, and Nitrogen Saturation in a High Elevation Southern Appalachian Watershed, C. S. Nodvin, H. Van Miegroet, S. E. Lindberg, N. S. Nicholas, and D. W. Johnson; Water, Air, Soil and Polution


Sediment Feed Recirculating Flumes: A Fundamental Difference, G. Parker and Peter Wilcock; The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering


Soil Solution Response to Experimental Addition of Nitrogen to a Forested Watershed at Gårdsjön, Sweden, A. O. Stuanes, O. J. Kjönaas, and H. Van Miegroet; Forest Ecology and Management


Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Research, David Teuscher, Doug Taki, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Annual Report 1995


Inorganic Nitrogen Determined by Laboratory and Field Extractions of Two Forest Soils, H. Van Miegroet; Soil Science Society of America Journal

How to Flush a River, Part I: Defining and Evaluating Objectives, Peter Wilcock; Univ. Of Colorado, Dept. of Geography, Boulder, CO

How to Flush a River, Part II: A Model for Specifying Sediment Maintenance Flows, Peter Wilcock; US Geological Survey, Denver, CO

Sediment Maintenance Flows: Feasability and Basis for Prescription, Peter Wilcock; Fourth Int. Workshop on Gravel-bed Rivers, Gold Bar, WA

Trial Reservoir Releases on the Trinity River: Field Observations and Recommendations for Sediment Maintenance Flushing Flows, Peter Wilcock; American Fisheries Society, Weavervile, CA

Spawning Gravel Flushing During Trial Reservoir Releases on the Trinity River: Field Observations and Recommendations for Sediment Maintenance Flush Flows, Peter Wilcock, G. M. Kondolf, A. F. Barta, A. V. G. Matthews, and C. C. Shea


Brine Shrimp Ecology In The Great Salt Lake, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Performance Report To The Utah Division Of Wildlife Resources


The Trophic Gradient in Lake Powell, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh and G. Steinhart; Report for the Lake Powell National Recreation Area


International Evaluation of Soil Chemistry, G. Abrahamsen, D. Bain, E. A. Fitzpatrick, H. Van Miegroet, and F. C. Ugolini

The Transport of Gravels in Boulder-bed Streams, A. F. Barta and Peter Wilcock; Proceedings

Timing, Distribution, and Abundance of Kokanees Spawning in a Lake Tahoe Tributary, D. A. Beauchamp, Phaedra E. Budy, B. C. Allen, and J. M. Godfrey; Great Basin Naturalist


Summer Habitat Use of Littoral-Zone Fishes in Lake Tahoe and the Effects of Shoreline Structures, D. Beauchamp, E. Byron, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Effects of Nutrient Enhancement on Juvenile Sockeye Salmon Growth, Phaedra E. Budy, Chris Luecke, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and Howard Gross; Lake and Reservoir Management

Evaluation of Methods for Predicting Planform Change and Bankline Migration in Flood Control Channels, D. S. Cherry, Peter Wilcock, and M. G. Wolman; Waterways Esperiment Station, US Army Corps of Engineers


Tailed Frog Tadpoles Differentially Alter Their Feeding Behavior in Response to Non-Visual Cues From Four Predators, J. W. Feminella and Charles P. Hawkins; Journal of the North American Benthological Society


Relationships Between Soil Nitrogen Dynamics and Natural 15N Abundance in Plant Foliage from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, C. T. Garten and H. Van Miegroet; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

What are riparian ecosystems and why are we worried about them?, Charles P. Hawkins; Natural Resources and Environmental Issues


Relationships Between Cation and Nitrate Concentrations in Soil Solutions from Mature and Harvested Red Alder Stands, P. S. Homann, D. W. Cole, H. Van Miegroet, and J. E. Compton; Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Conservation of Snake River sockeye salmon in Idaho, Chris Luecke; University of British Columbia

Food web compensation in Castle Lake, California, Chris Luecke; University of British Columbia


Use of Simulation Modeling Techniques to Assess Impacts of Regulation Changes on the Value of a Fishery, Chris Luecke, T. C. Edwards, M. W. Wengert, S. Brayton, and R. Schneiderman; North American Journal of Fisheries Management


Habitat Selection by Lacustrine Rainbow Trout within Gradients of Temperature, Oxygen, and Food Availability, Chris Luecke and D. Teuscher; Theory and Application in Fish Feeding Ecology

Mechanics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, G. V. Middleton and Peter Wilcock


The Thermoregulatory Function of Diel Vertical Migration for a Juvenile Fish, Cottus extensus, D. Neverman and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Oecologia

Watershed and Lake Processes Affecting Surface Water Acid-Base Chemistry, R. S. Turner, R. B. Cook, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Johnson, J. W. Elwood, O. P. Bricker, S. E. Lindberg, and G. M. Hornberger


The Relative Importance of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds in the Acidification of Freshwater, H. Van Miegroet; Acidification of Freshwater Ecosystems: Implications for the Future


Nitrogen Fertilization Strategies in a Short-Rotation Sycamore Plantation, H. Van Miegroet, R. J. Norby, and T. J. Tschaplinski; Forest Ecology and Management


Review of Measurement Techniques in Site Productivity Studies, H. Van Miegroet, D. Zabowski, C. T. Smith, and H. Lundkvist; Impacts of Forest Harvesting on Long-Term Site Productivity

Magnitude and Frequency of Wave Undercutting on Rapidly Eroding Coastal Slopes, Peter Wilcock; University of Delaware, Civil Engineering, Newark, Delaware

Sediment Transport and Channel Maintenance in Regulated Rivers, Peter Wilcock; Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Ramon, CA

Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress in Large Gravel-bed Rivers, Peter Wilcock, A. F. barta, and C. C. Shea; Proceedings


A Trophic Gradient Analysis of Lake Powell: the 1994 Utah State University Aquatic Ecology laboratory Analyses, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Megan Barker, Ron Brunson, David Fogle, Scott Hawxhurst, Chad Mellison, Lis Phillips, Felipe Queiroz, and Daniel Zamecnik


Mechanisms responsible for egg loss of the Bonneville cisco (Prosopium gemifer), an endemic fish species in Bear Lake: observational and experimental evidence, Nicolaas Bouwes and Chris Luecke; Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin

Observational and experimental evidence of mechanisms responsible for egg loss of the Bonneville Cisco, Prosopium gemifer, N. W. Bouwes and Chris Luecke; American Fisheries Society, Portland Oregon

Modeling growth potential of juvenile sockeye salmon, Phaedra E. Budy and Chris Luecke; American Fisheries Society, Portland Oregon

Limnological effects of food-web manipulations in the presence of intra-guild predation: five years of observations from Castle Lake, California, J. J. Elser, M. T. Brett, Chris Luecke, and C. R. Goldman; Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin

Restoration of sockeye salmon nursery lakes by fertilization, H. P. Gross, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Phaedra E. Budy, and Chris Luecke; ASLO & SWS Annual Meetings, 1993, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


A Hierarchical Approach to Classifying Stream Habitat Features, Charles P. Hawkins, J. L. Kershner, P. Bisson, M. Bryant, L. Decker, S. V. Gregory, D. A. McCullough, K. Overton, G. Reeves, R. Steedman, and M. Young; Fisheries


An Empirical Model of Gastric Evacuation Rates for Fish and an Analysis of Digestion in Piscivorous Brown Trout, E. He and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Atmospheric Deposition, Forest Nutrient Status, and Forest Decline: Implications of the Integrated Forest Study, D. W. Johnson, S. E. Lindberg, H. Van Miegroet, G. M. Lovett, D. W. Cole, M. J. Mitchell, and D. Binkley; Forest Decline in the Atlantic and Pacific Region

The Flushing Flow Problem on the Trinity River CA., G. M. Kondolf and Peter Wilcock; Proceedings


Estimating Energy Density of Zooplankton Prey for Use With Fish Bioenergetics Models, Chris Luecke and D. Brandt; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Assessing growth potential of endangered sockeye salmon in Sawtooth Valley lakes: empirical and simulation models, Chris Luecke, Phaedra E. Budy, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, and H. Gross; Ecological Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin

The effect of native cyprinids on growth of kokanee: an experimental test in a western reservoir, Chris Luecke and D. Teuscher; American Fisheries Society, Portland Oregon


Effects of Moonlight and Daylight on Hydroacoustic Estimates of Pelagic Fish Abundance, Chris Luecke and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Snake River Sockeye Salmon Habitat and Limnological Research, David Teuscher, Doug Taki, and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh; Annual Report 1993


Nitrate Dynamics in Forest Soils, H. Van Miegroet and D. W. Johnson; Nitrate: Process, Patterns, and Management


Foliar Response of Red Spruce Saplings to Fertilization with Ca and Mg in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, H. Van Miegroet, D. W. Johnson, and D. E. Todd; Canadian Journal of Forest Research


The Critical Shear Stress of Natural Sediments, Peter Wilcock; The Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Determination of Flushing Flows for Salmonid Spawning Gravels, Peter Wilcock and A. F. Barta; Reports to the Southern California Edison Company


Surface-based Fractional Transport Rates: Mobilization Thresholds and Partial Transport of a Sand-gravel Sediment, Peter Wilcock and B. W. McArdell; Water Resources Research


Lake Trout Consumption and Recent Changes in the Fish Assemblage in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, D. L. Yule and Chris Luecke; Transactions of the American Fisheries Society


Geomorphic Response to a Meander Cutoff, South Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho, A. F. Barta, Peter Wilcock, and C. C. Shea; U.S. Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station