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Genetic Structuring in the Freshwater Mussel Anodonta Corresponds with Major Hydrologic Basins in the Western United States, Karen E. Mock, Jayne C. Brim-Box, Jer Pin Chong, Jeannette K. Howard, Donna A. Nez, David Wolf, and Richard S. Gardner; Molecular Ecology


Drought Tolerance in Two Perennial Bunchgrasses Used for Restoration in the Intermountain West, USA, Jayanti Ray Mukherjee, Thomas A. Jones, Peter B. Adler, and Thomas A. Monaco; Plant Ecology

Cuban Greenhouse Frog in Hawaii, C. Olsen and Karen H. Beard; Cuban Greenhouse Frog in Hawaii

Diet of the Cuban Greenhouse Frog, Eleutherodactylus planirostris, in Hawaii, C. Olson and Karen H. Beard; Diet of the Cuban Greenhouse Frog, Eleutherodactylus planirostris, in Hawaii


Tree Species Diversity, Richness, and Similarity between Exotic and Indigenous Forests in the Cloud Forests of Eastern Arc Mountains, Taita Hills, Kenya, L.M. A. Omoro, P. Pellikka, and Paul C. Rogers; Journal of Forestry Research


Genetic Basis of a Color Pattern Polymorphism in the Frog Eleutherodactylus coqui, Eric M. O'Neill and Karen H. Beard; Journal of Heredity


Replication of a 1970s Study on Domestic Sheep Losses to Predators on Utah’s Summer Rangelands, B. C. Palmer, Michael R. Conover, and Shandra Nicole Frey; Rangeland Ecology and Management


New European Union Fisheries Regulations Could Benefit Conservation of Marine Animals, V. Penteriani, N. Pettorelli, I. J. Gordon, T. Katzner, Karen E. Mock, S. Redpath, R. Altwegg, and M. E. Gompper; Animal Conservation


Protected Areas: The Challenge of Maintaining a Stong Backbone for Conservation Strategies Worldwide, N. Pettorelli, I. J. Gordon, T. Katzner, M. E. Gomper, Karen E. Mock, S. Redpath, T.W. J. Garner, and R. Altwegg; Animal Conservation


Spatial Patterns of Acorn Dispersal by Rodents: Does the Environment Matter?, C. Puerta-Pinero, J. M. Gomez, and Eugene W. Schupp; Oikos


Metapopulation dynamics of midcontinentlesser snow geese: implications for management, R. F. Rockwell, David N. Koons, and Lise M. Aubry; Human-Wildlife Interactions


Landscape assessment of a stable aspen community in southern Utah, USA, Paul C. Rogers, A. Joshua Leffler, and R. Ryel; Forest Ecology and Management


Landscape Assessment of a Stable Aspen Community in Southern Utah, USA, Paul C. Rogers, A. Joshua Leffler, and Ronald J. Ryel; Forest Ecology and Management


Landscape Assessment of a Stable Aspen Community in Southern Utan, USA, Paul C. Rogers, A. Joshua Leffler, and Ronald J. Ryel; Forest Ecology and Management

Analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics in abundance of lesser scaup, B. E. Ross, Melvin Hooten, and David N. Koons; TWS 17th Annual Conference


Solar UV-B Radiation and Global Dimming: Effects on Plant Growth and UV-Shielding, Ronald J. Ryel, Stephan D. Flint, and P. W. Barnes; UV Radiation in Global Change: Measurements, Modeling and Effects on Ecosystems

Seed Dispersal and Microhabitat Patterns of Juniperus Osteosperma Recruitment, Eugene W. Schupp, J. M. Gomez, and M. Fuentes; Seed Dispersal and Microhabitat Patterns of Juniperus osteosperma Recruitment

How Evolutionarily Conserved Are the Dispersal Systems of Ficus and Quercus?, Eugene W. Schupp, J. M. Gomez, and M. Verdu; How Evolutionarily Conserved Are the Dispersal Systems of Ficus and Quercus?


Tansley Review: Seed Dispersal Effectiveness Revisited: A Conceptual Review, Eugene W. Schupp, P. Jordano, and J. M. Gomez; New Phytologist

Effects of Artemisia tridentata on Spatial Patterns, Seedling Survival, and Water Stress of Penstemon palmeri, Eugene W. Schupp and Jesse Poulos; Effects of Artemisia tridentata on Spatial Patterns, Seedling Survival, and Water Stress of Penstemon palmeri


Emerging Themes in the Ecology and Management of North American Forests, Terry L. Sharik, William A. Adair, M. Battaglia, F. A. Baker, E. J. Comfort, A. D'Amato, C. DeLong, J. DeRose, M. Ducey, M. Harmon, and Paul C. Rogers; International Journal of Forestry Research


Germination characteristics along altitudinal gradients in three intermountain Allium spp. (Amaryllidaceae), Leila M. Shultz, Nathan C. Phillips, Daniel T. Drost, William A. Varga, and Susan E. Meyer; Seed Technology


Digital Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Utah, Leila M. Shultz and R. Douglas Ramsey

Wolf pack stability promotes dispersal and recovery area connectivity , D. W. Smith, D. R. Stahler, Daniel R. MacNulty, R. Raymond, K. Cassidy, and E. Albers


Genetic Contributions to Phenotypic Variation in Physiology, Growth, and Vigor of Western Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Clones, Samuel B. St. Clair, Karen E. Mock, Eric M. LaMalfa, Robert B. Campbell, and Ronald J. Ryel; Forest Science

Biogeographic Variation in Mortality of Utah Cougars: Access, Abundance, and Conservation, David C. Stoner and Michael L. Wolfe; Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society


Methods for locating African lion kills using global positioning system movement data, Craig J. Tambling, Elissa Z. Cameron, Johan T. du Toit, and Wayne M. Getz; Journal of Wildlife Management


Contrasting effects of cattle and wildlife on the vegetation development of a savanna landscape mosaic, Kari E. Veblen and T. P. Young; Journal of Ecology

Spatial and Temporal Root Activity Patterns of Trees and Grasses: Two Approaches to Test the Two-Layer Hypothesis in a Sub-Tropical Savanna, R. ver Weij, Andrew Kulmatiski, Karen H. Beard, S. I. Higgins, W. J. Bond, and E. C. February; Spatial and Temporal Root Activity Patterns of Trees and Grasses: Two Approaches to Test the Two-Layer Hypothesis in a Sub-Tropical Savanna

Food Habits of Wintering Waterfowl on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Josh L. Vest and Michael R. Conover; Waterbirds

Linking Between Ruminants' Food Preference and Their Welfare, J. J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, and X. Manteca; Animal

Nutritional Factors Controlling Foraging Behaviour in Domestic Ruminants, Juan J. Villalba; Magalean Livestock Production Meetings

Primary Roles for Secondary Compounds: Enhancing the Health of Soils, Plants, Herbivores and People Through Plant Biochemical Diversity, Juan J. Villalba; University of Catania

Early Experience to Flavor Diversity Influences Food Selection and Intake by Sheep, Juan J. Villalba and Ignacio R. Ipharraguerre; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, Poultry Science Association, Asociacion Mexicana de Produccion Animal, Canadian Society of Animal Science, Western Section American Society of Animal Science 2010 Annual Meetings

Preference for Diverse Pastures by Sheep in Response to Intraruminal Administrations of Tannins, Saponins, and Alkaloids, Juan J. Villalba, Frederick D. Provenza, Andrea K. Clemensen, R. Larsen, and J. Juhnke; American Society of Animal Science, American Dairy Science Association, Poultry Science Association, Asociacion Mexicana de Produccion Animal, Canadian Society of Animal Science, Western Section American Society of Animal Science 2010 Annual Meetings

Riparian Bird-Habitat Association Models: A Framework For Developing Management and Restoration Guidelines in Utah, H. White, F. Howe, and John A. Bissonette; The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, UT

Deuterium Tracer Injection: A Precises Technique for Comparing Water Use Patterns in an Invaded Plant Community, C. P. William, Andrew Kulmatiski, and Karen H. Beard; Deuterium Tracer Injection: A Precise Technique for Comparing Water Use Patterns in an Invaded Plant Community


Select tissue mineralconcentrations and chronic wasting disease status in mule deer from north-central Colorado, Lisa L. Wolfe, Mary M. Conner, Cathy L. Bedwell, Paul M. Lukacs, and Michael W. Miller; Journal of Wildlife Diseases


A History of Moose Management in Utah, Michael L. Wolfe, Kent R. Hersey, and David C. Stoner; Alces

Clima e incendios, Larissa L. Yocom Kent; Bosque


El Niño-Southern Oscillation effect on a fire regime in northeastern Mexico has changed over time, Larissa L. Yocom Kent, Peter Z. Fule, Peter M. Brown, Julian Cerano, Jose Villanueva-Diaz, Donald A. Falk, and Eladio Cornejo-Oviedo; Ecology


Population estimates of Endangered Mongolian saiga Saiga tatarica mongolica: implications for effective monitoring and population recovery, Julie K. Young, Kim M. Murray, Samantha Stindberg, Bayarbaatar Buuveibaatar, and Joel Berger; Oryx

Population Estimates of Mongolian Saiga: Implications for Effective Monitoring & Population Recovery, Julie K. Young, K. M. Murray, S. Strindberg, B. Buuveibaatar, and J. Berger; The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah


Mapped Quadrats in Sagebrush Steppe: Long-Term Data for Analyzing Demographic Rates and Plant-Plant Interactions, Luke Zachmann, Corey Moffet, and Peter B. Adler; Ecology


Modeling Spatial Constraints Limiting Resource Acquisition: A Case Study With the Newfoundland Marten, William A. Adair and John A. Bissonette; The 5th International Martes Symposium, Seattle, WA


Weak Effects of Climate Variability on Coexistence in a Sagebrush Steppe Community, Peter B. Adler, Janneke HilleRisLambers, and Jonathan M. Levine; Ecology


Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on a Prairie Plant Community, Peter B. Adler, James Leiker, and Jonathan M. Levine; PLoS ONE


Detecting Declines in the Abundance of a Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Population: Understanding the Accuracy, Precision, and Costs of Our Efforts, Robert Al-Chokhachy, Phaedra Budy, and Mary M. Conner; Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


Molecular monitoring of African swine fever control areas: adult-tick targeted re-evaluation of Mkuze Game Reserve, South Africa, L. F. Arnot, Johan T. du Toit, and A. D.S. Bastos; Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research

Influence du recrutement sur les variations des paramètres démographiques avec l'âge et la vitesse de sénescence chez la mouette tridactyle, Rissa tridactyla, Lise M. Aubry


Consequences of recruitmentdecisions and heterogeneity on age-specific breeding success in a long-lived seabird, Lise M. Aubry, David N. Koons, Jean Yves Monnat, and Emmanuelle Cam; Ecology


Proceedings of the 56th Annual Western International Forest Disease Work Conference, October 27-31, 2008, Missoula, Montana, Fred A. Baker; Proceedings of the 56th WIFDWC


Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species: Eleutherodactylus coqui, the Coqui Frog (Anura: Leptodactylidae), Karen H. Beard, E. A. Price, and W. C. Pitt; Pacific Science

Causes and Consequences of Ingested Lead Pellets in Chukars, R. J. Bingham, R. T. Larsen, John A. Bissonette, and J. T. Flinders; Ingestion of Lead From Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans, The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho

Decision-Making in Road Ecology: Developing the Framework, John A. Bissonette; 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009

Future Directions and Needs in Road Ecology, John A. Bissonette; Breaking the Barriers: Engineering Solutions to Ecological Problems, 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009

Roaded Landscapes: Scaling Animal Movement to Achieve Landscape Permeability, John A. Bissonette; 4th Australian Road Engineering & Maintenance Conference 2009


Road Zone Effects in Small Mammal Communities, John A. Bissonette and S. Rosa; Ecology and Society


Empirical evidence of density-dependence in populations of large herbivores, C. Bonenfant, J.-M. Gaillard, T. Coulson, M. Festa-Bianchet, A. Loison, M. Garel, L. E. Loe, P. Blanchard, N. Pettorelli, N. Owen-Smith, Johan T. du Toit, and P. Duncan; Advances in Ecological Research

Growth in Mixtures of Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Cheatgrass, and Squarrose Knapweed Under Factorial Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions to a Low Nutrient Soil, J. S. Burnham and Eugene W. Schupp; Growth in Mixtures of Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Cheatgrass, and Squarrose Knapweed Under Factorial Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions to a Low Nutrient Soil


Behavioral Factors in Rotational Grazing Systems, Elizabeth A. Burritt and Mark W. Brunson; Rangelands


Mongolian Saiga in Sharga Nature Reserve: Are Domestic Dogs Threat to Saiga?, B. Buuveibaatar, Julie K. Young, and A. Fine; Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences

Research on the Potential Effects of Domestic Dogs on Mongolian Saiga in Shargyn Gobi NR, Mongolia, B. Buuveibaatar, Julie K. Young, and A. E. Fine; Saiga News


Tackling aquatic invasions: risks and opportunitiesfor the aquarium fish industry, A. L. Chang, J. D. Grossman, T. S. Spezio, H. W. Weiskel, J. C. Blum, J. W. Burt, A. A. Muir, J. Piova Scott, Kari E. Veblen, and E. D. Grosholz; Biological Invasions


Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Loci in the Western Pearlshell Mussel, Margaritifera falcata (Gould), Jer Pin Chong, Jayne C. Brim-Box, Donna A. Nez, and Karen E. Mock; Molecular Ecology Resources


Isolation and Characterization of Microsatellite Loci in Western North American Anodonta Species, Jer Pin Chong, Jayne C. Brim-Box, Donna A. Nez, and Karen E. Mock; Molecular Ecology Resources

Integrating habitat and harvest management for northern pintails: concepts, challenges and progress, R. G. Clark, G. S. Boomer, M. C. Runge, M. G. Anderson, J. H. Devries, J. M. Eadie, M. Koneff, J. Fleskes, D. Haukos, David N. Koons, T. Sanders, R. Trost, and W. Thogmartin; 5th North American Duck Symposium


Gang Brooding in Canada Geese: Role of Parental Condition and Experience, Michael R. Conover; Condor

Do Sharp-Tailed Grouse Select Loafing Sites to Avoid Visual or Olfactory Predators?, Michael R. Conover and Jennifer S. Borgo; The Journal of Wildlife Management

Energy Budgets of Eared Grebes on the Great Salt Lake and Implications for Harvest of Brine Shrimp, Michael R. Conover and Joe N. Caudell; The Journal of Wildlife Management

Concentrations of Selenium and Mercury in Eared Grebes (Podiceps Nigricollis) from Utah’s Great Salt Lake, USA, Michael R. Conover and Josh L. Vest; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Selenium and Mercury Concentrations in California Gulls Breeding on the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA, Michael R. Conover and Josh L. Vest; Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Transportation Ecology and Wildlife Passages: The State of the Practice and Science of Making Roads Better For Wildlife, Patricia C. Cramer and John A. Bissonette; Transportation Research News

Disease, predation, and demography: assessing the impacts of bovine tuberculosis on African buffalo by monitoring at the individual and population levels, P. C. Cross, D. M. Heisey, J. A. Bowers, C. T. Hay, J. Wolhunter, P. Buss, M. Hofmeyr, A. L. Michel, R. G. Bengis, T. L.F. Bird, Johan T. du Toit, and W. M. Getz; Journal of Applied Ecology

Sage-grouse in Utah: An Increased Research Effort for the Last Decade, David K. Dahlgren, Terry A. Messmer, David N. Koons, Eric T. Thacker, M. Guttery, R. Baxter, D. Mitchell, and D. Olsen; Utah Ornithological Society

Future shifts from snow to rain may decrease survival and population growth of two dominant grasses in sagebrush steppe, Harmony Dalgleish, C. A. Moffet, David N. Koons, Melvin Hooten, and P. B. Adler; ESA 94th Annual Meeting


Isolation and Characterization of Sixteen Microsatellite Loci in the Mountain Pine Beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), C. S. Davis, Karen E. Mock, B. J. Bentz, S. Bromilow, N. V. Bartell, B. W. Murray, A. D. Roe, and J.E. K. Cooke; Molecular Ecology Resources


Exploitation of Secondary Metabolites by Animals: A Response to Homeostatic Challenge, Jennifer S. Forbey, Alan L. Harvey, Michael A. Huffman, Frederick D. Provenza, Roger Sullivan, and Deniz Tasdemir; Integrative and Comparative Biology

Feasibility Assessment and Implementation Plan for Population Augmentation of Wolverines in California, D. K. Garcelon, R. Rall, B. R. Hudgens, Julie K. Young, R. Brown, and S. Kohlmann; The Institute for Wildlife Studies, Arcata, CA

Corridors Enhance Movement: A Meta-Analytical Review, L. Gilbert-Norton, R. Wilson, John R. Stevens, and Karen H. Beard; Corridors Enhance Movement: A Meta-Analytical Review


Spatial-Temporal Patterns in Mediterranean Carnivore Road Casualties: Consequences for Mitigation, C. Grilo, John A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis; Biological Conservation


A Comparison of Data Sets Varying in Spatial Accuracy Used to Predict the Occurrence of Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions, K. E. Gunson, A. P. Cleavenger, A. T. Ford, John A. Bissonette, and A. Hardy; Environmental Management

Early survival of greater sage-grouse chicks in a high-elevation southern range population, Michael R. Guttery, Terry A. Messmer, and David N. Koons; TWS 16th Annual Conference

Early survival of greater sage-grouse chicks on Parker Mountain, Utah, Michael R. Guttery, Terry A. Messmer, and David N. Koons; Utah TWS Annual Meeting

The Influence of Human Disturbance on California Sea Lions, K. Holcomb, Julie K. Young, and L. R. Gerber; Animal Conservation


Differential effects of defoliation by mopane caterpillars and pruning by African elephants on the regrowth of Colophospermum mopane foliage, H. Hrabar, D. Hattas, and Johan T. du Toit; Journal of Tropical Ecology


Intraspecific host preferences of mopane moths (Imbrasia belina) in mopane (Colophospermum mopane) woodland, H. Hrabar, D. Hattas, and Johan T. du Toit; African Zoology


Plant Genotypic Diversity and Environmental Stress Interact to Negatively Affect Arthropod Community Diversity, Megan K. Kanaga, Leigh C. Latta IV, Karen E. Mock, Ronald J. Ryel, Richard L. Lindroth, and Michael E. Pfrender; Arthropod Plant Interactions

Spread and Genetic Relatedness of Invasive, Non-Native Phragmites australis in Wetlands in Northern Utah, K. M. Kettenring and Karen E. Mock

Does harvest select for maladaptation in an increasingly variable world?, David N. Koons; Proceedings of the National Academy of Science

The effect of body size on cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) survival, recapture probability, and behavior in an Alabama swamp, David N. Koons, R. D. Birkhead, S. M. Boback, M. I. Williams, and M. P. Greene; Herpetological Conservation and Biology


Is life-history buffering orlability adaptive in stochastic environments?, David N. Koons, S. Pavard, A. Baudisch, and C. J.E. Metcalf; Oikos

Common Eider population ecology in Wapusk National Park, David N. Koons and R. F. Rockwell; Parks Canada Meeting

Changes in habitat occupancy and pairing probabilities of the declining continental population of scaup, David N. Koons and B. E. Ross; 5th North American Duck Symposium

How do Wildfires Behave? What you Need to Understand to Protect your Property from Fire, Michael R. Kuhns

New Online USU Tree Browser Available, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter

Six Tree Planting Steps, Michael R. Kuhns

What Can You Do to Help Evergreens Get Through the Winter?, Michael R. Kuhns; ArborEssence, UCFC/Utah-ISA Newsletter


Tree Care and Topping Beliefs, Knowledge, and Practices in Six Western U.S. Cities, Michael R. Kuhns and D. Reiter; Arboriculture and Urban Forestry

What Allows Weeds to Invade Abandoned Agricultural Fields? 10 Years of Data from the Methow Valley, Andrew Kulmatiski and Karen H. Beard; What Allows Weeds to Invade Abandoned Agricultural Fields?